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Were You Burglarized At Home? What Is The Solution?


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I need some solution for the house. It does not have steel bars yet, so is that a definite fix, another person told me that even if you have steel bars over the windows and doors the burglars will still come in.

What is the proper fix. DO not care, just let them break in? Or is there a solution?

How often were you birglarized, at what time, night, day, or when your house was empty for few days?


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During the middle of the day when the house had only been empty for 2 hours. They levered the security bars out of the wall as thay had not been fitted correctly. I now have a european bought alarm that I installed myself and have had no more problems. There is no way on this earth I would trust a Thai Security Company to install an alarm.

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Motion detectors with spot lights and audible alarm and a CCTV Infrared camera readily visible. Best is Wireless IP Camera to record off site any activity. Of course there is the chance they will steal the camera. biggrin.png

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Twice in a house on the Darkside - beware the Darkside Radiola, its dangerous over here. Bars on the windows peeled off. Both times in daylight when i went out for a couple of hours. 1st time there were builders working in the house next door, the 2nd time gardeners. Lost 4 laptops, cameras, etc. I moved.

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Hey Radiola, welcome back. Is this the house you were going to buy a week ago or are you still renting? A condo on the 20th floor would have been cheaper to secure, but welcome to the real world. Some ideas

1. Big Dog. Can be OK, but anything with a stomach can be subject to corruption. ie, A lump of sausage will nullify your dogs anger. Also needs a lot of exercise and cleaning up after

2. Burglar Bars on all Windows and Doors. Costly if fitted correctly by a reputable company, but de rigeour in Pattaya. Not burglarproof but at leaast some deterrent. Needs a bit of maintenance when they get rusty.

3. Alarms. (Noisy Ones)You already asked if someone's alarm only made a noise. Well, that is how they work usually. Some will also bring on your lights, not much good in daytime though.However, you can buy expensive ones which are linked to Private Security companies, who will usually turn up within an hour or so after your TV has been sold.

4. Security Guard. You should be able to get a private security guard for around 10-12k a month. However, you better supply him with blankets as he likes his creature comforts when he has a nap at 2am each morning.

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Having said that Radiola, I neve experienced a break in on the dark side over a 5 year period at 3 different addresses.

Anyway you should be OK as prospective robbers will probably suss out you are skint anyway

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Having said that Radiola, I neve experienced a break in on the dark side over a 5 year period at 3 different addresses.

Anyway you should be OK as prospective robbers will probably suss out you are skint anyway

do you live 5 meter from guard security station?

Well for me; i do not think i will get a dog, too messy and when I am away, what to do with a creature

Some loud alarm should be ok I think.

I am afraid only for my laptop, if I could put it somehwere, that would be fine, I cant bring it with me all the time though....

So they steam small things like laptops, cameras, phones.....

Where does the guy live he has been broken in 2 times?

Also my house is like 100 meters from the guard, but the bloke is like 80 yo for god sake.

Can it be done to put the bars that are impossible to break in? How costly would that be.

I have 2 doors and 2 windows..........

dam_n you made my scared again peepz

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If you make the bars too hard to get through they will come through the roof! Seriously, a good, loud alarm will do the trick, these break-ins are not part of some planned theft, just opportunist, and they'll move off somewhere quieter I'm sure. You should look at your house and decide where the weak points are - in my case the rear of the house backed onto a quiet public road, I put big spikes on the wall be they are as easy to remove as the bars on the windows if somebody wants to make the effort.

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If you make the bars too hard to get through they will come through the roof! Seriously, a good, loud alarm will do the trick, these break-ins are not part of some planned theft, just opportunist, and they'll move off somewhere quieter I'm sure. You should look at your house and decide where the weak points are - in my case the rear of the house backed onto a quiet public road, I put big spikes on the wall be they are as easy to remove as the bars on the windows if somebody wants to make the effort.

so are you using the alarm?

is your house next to another house? Because I have a townhouse so they stick together on each side.

how do you know they will run away if they hear the alarm?

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I have a European standard alarm .24/7 security and a 40kg pit bull..But saying that the PIR sensors on the alarm system does not work so well when the ambient temperature reaches about human body temperature it can not pick up the temperature difference on any motion so does not set off the alarm ......,but the dogs takes up the slack ..

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a house with only 2 doors and 2 windows cannot possibly be a target. Too small to contain any valuables. Once you put up a few Budhha statues, buy a few armulets, get the monks in to bless the place, you are safe. Safe as houses.

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Most burglars are inexperienced, although not all. If a light comes on suddenly, or if a bell rings, then they will run as fast as they can. However, if their senses are heightened or dulled by a combination of drugs and alcohol, they may put up a struggle. In this case you have to be creful they are not armed with a knife or something. For sure if I was a 5 foot 2 inch Thai burglar, I would have some kind of weapon if the big bad farang houseowner came back and started beating on me. Plus I would have a couple of buddies for back up, just in case the 80 years old security guard wasn't busy.

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Most burglars are inexperienced, although not all. If a light comes on suddenly, or if a bell rings, then they will run as fast as they can. However, if their senses are heightened or dulled by a combination of drugs and alcohol, they may put up a struggle. In this case you have to be creful they are not armed with a knife or something. For sure if I was a 5 foot 2 inch Thai burglar, I would have some kind of weapon if the big bad farang houseowner came back and started beating on me. Plus I would have a couple of buddies for back up, just in case the 80 years old security guard wasn't busy.

I was thinking of sound alarm and a vault of small vault build in the wall so I can drop in my laptop and phone if i go out

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Unusual to see someone go out and leave their mobile phone at home. Unless you have no one who would call you, or you would want to call. Look, there are burglaries, and some places are worse than others, but if you get too uptight about it you will have no quality of life here.

I have never been broken in to, never stayed near a security guard box in the 2 gated villages I lived in. At the last place in Chatkeow 9 it was completely open streets. Mostly Thai people and good neighbours. I never heard of anyone who got burgled and I was there 2 years. All these places in the dark side

So, just like most of your other threads in your short but busy TV career, try and cool it a bit. The bogeyman is not just looking for Radiola

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In 10 years of living on the dark side (in 3 different locations) I've so far never been burgled.

We've had a cat burglar at least once walk in through open doors while we were at home, but only a couple of small things were stolen. It's a very common ploy, I've heard it happen many places. Usually a Thai girl, 25-35 years old walking in, if she is encountered she comes up with a story about how she is looking for her aunt who should live there etc. I encountered it myself once, before realizing the ploy. Next time it happens to me I'll hand her over to security and they can have their fun with her. :realangry:

Never had a house with monkey bars, hate those things. Our present house has a burglar alarm (Chinese brand, installed by a Thai company, has worked fine for 5 years now). Sensors on windows and movement sensor in the living room, coupled to a couple of very noisy sirens, flashing lights and telephone system (that calls me on the mobile). The alarm has been triggered 2-3 times over the years we had it, but we're still not sure if it was false alarm or a burglar ran away before stealing anything.

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In 10 years of living on the dark side (in 3 different locations) I've so far never been burgled.

We've had a cat burglar at least once walk in through open doors while we were at home, but only a couple of small things were stolen. It's a very common ploy, I've heard it happen many places. Usually a Thai girl, 25-35 years old walking in, if she is encountered she comes up with a story about how she is looking for her aunt who should live there etc. I encountered it myself once, before realizing the ploy. Next time it happens to me I'll hand her over to security and they can have their fun with her. angry.png

Never had a house with monkey bars, hate those things. Our present house has a burglar alarm (Chinese brand, installed by a Thai company, has worked fine for 5 years now). Sensors on windows and movement sensor in the living room, coupled to a couple of very noisy sirens, flashing lights and telephone system (that calls me on the mobile). The alarm has been triggered 2-3 times over the years we had it, but we're still not sure if it was false alarm or a burglar ran away before stealing anything.

How much did you pay for the alarm and intallment?

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I talk with some woman in my village, she told me there are break ins happening like 2-3 times per year usually when people leave the house for longer time. She said it never happens if they stay in the house every day.

The house next to mine was broken in 2 years ago, but nobody stayed there.

I will definately make the alarm, But i would like some bars on front door at least so when I am at home I can leave the door open and not afraid somebody will walk in.....

Are the burglars nice and only take small things or they smash tvs, and stuff, make more damage?

I am just afraid for my laptop, because I have my work on it, so I need to find the solution to keep it safe somehow, Build a secret place or something to keep it there so burglars will not find it.

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I think I paid around 25-30k for alarm+installation.

No, Thai burglars generally don't vandalize things "for fun" like in the west. They just take what valuables they can find and leave.

I don't know about the empty house theory. Several empty houses in our village but they're not being broken into. I think it's more about how well functioning the village is. If residents and security know each other and care enough to keep an eye open you're almost there.

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If you don't want to be burgled then do an audit of your property and think like a thief. If you can't do that then hire a good thief as an consultant and act on his recomendations , plus add a few extra precautions so he can't come back and make double income by burgling yr house after leaving a few openings in his recomedations.

Something like the best computer security consulants are the hackers themselves.

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If you don't want to be burgled then do an audit of your property and think like a thief. If you can't do that then hire a good thief as an consultant and act on his recomendations , plus add a few extra precautions so he can't come back and make double income by burgling yr house after leaving a few openings in his recomedations.

Something like the best computer security consulants are the hackers themselves.

wow the post of the month, let me put an add here thiefs wanted, jeezzzz

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I have never been burgled, but have thought about getting an alarm.

Here are methods used by theives for braking and entering into some of my Thai friends houses:

Sister-in-law: This one takes the cake for consequential dmage. She had bars and heavy duty security doors. The back door was a metal security door, padlocked on the inside and one of those heavy duty barred screen doors, also padlocked on the inside. She had a wall at the back of her house with an empty field behind the wall. The thieves apparently came over the wall and had some kind of power saw that they used to cut right through all the metal and bars of the two doors. They just cut out a big chunk around where the locks were, reached in and pulled the top and bottom bolts and came on in.

Thai friend: He had a brick house with security doors and bars on the windows. The thieves ignored the bars and apparently used a sledge hammer to simpy knock a hole through the brick wall, then came on in.

Wife's friend: Had security bars, etc. The thieves broke out roof tiles and came in through the hole.

Probably only an alarm with a lot of loud noise will deter these burglars. My theory is that the more bars and strong doors you put up, the more it looks like you have something and the more damage you will sustain when they break through. If you are married to a Thai woman, every Thai KNOWS she has some gold somewhere, because you have to give her some when you get married. A thief will hunt until they find it. So another strategy is to put a cheap dummy necklace (real gold -- they may be stupid, but not that stupid) in a plausible place for the thief to find. When you stash your stuff, think like a thief. If you use a safe, it had better be anchored into concrete with steel reinforcement or they will simply break it out and take it.

You could wire your door knobs to 220V. The thief would get a real charge out of it (-: and you would go to jail instead of him.

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I talk with some woman in my village, she told me there are break ins happening like 2-3 times per year usually when people leave the house for longer time. She said it never happens if they stay in the house every day.

The house next to mine was broken in 2 years ago, but nobody stayed there.

I will definately make the alarm, But i would like some bars on front door at least so when I am at home I can leave the door open and not afraid somebody will walk in.....

Are the burglars nice and only take small things or they smash tvs, and stuff, make more damage?

I am just afraid for my laptop, because I have my work on it, so I need to find the solution to keep it safe somehow, Build a secret place or something to keep it there so burglars will not find it.

do you have a permit for that work..

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Condo-living seems to have a lot of advantages here as far as security is concerned.

My building has guards and CCTV but I have no alarm, no bars, in fact no security at all apart from one door lock, but I would have no qualms about leaving the place empty for weeks on end. And I can just shut the power off when I do so rather than have to think about leaving it on to power an alarm or camera. If I was in a house I would feel obliged to move quite a lot of my stuff out completely if I went away.

Any cat-burglar coming in via my balcony would deserve whatever he can walk clamber away with (without falling umpteen storeys to his death). So my TV and PC are probably safe.

The place I lived in for 20+ years in Europe had no alarm or special security bars/doors etc and we never had any trouble. Several other people I knew nearby were burgled and/or held up violently, some at gunpoint, but I suppose that's all down to luck or karma.

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I have never been burgled, but have thought about getting an alarm.

Here are methods used by theives for braking and entering into some of my Thai friends houses:

Sister-in-law: This one takes the cake for consequential dmage. She had bars and heavy duty security doors. The back door was a metal security door, padlocked on the inside and one of those heavy duty barred screen doors, also padlocked on the inside. She had a wall at the back of her house with an empty field behind the wall. The thieves apparently came over the wall and had some kind of power saw that they used to cut right through all the metal and bars of the two doors. They just cut out a big chunk around where the locks were, reached in and pulled the top and bottom bolts and came on in.

Thai friend: He had a brick house with security doors and bars on the windows. The thieves ignored the bars and apparently used a sledge hammer to simpy knock a hole through the brick wall, then came on in.

Wife's friend: Had security bars, etc. The thieves broke out roof tiles and came in through the hole.

Probably only an alarm with a lot of loud noise will deter these burglars. My theory is that the more bars and strong doors you put up, the more it looks like you have something and the more damage you will sustain when they break through. If you are married to a Thai woman, every Thai KNOWS she has some gold somewhere, because you have to give her some when you get married. A thief will hunt until they find it. So another strategy is to put a cheap dummy necklace (real gold -- they may be stupid, but not that stupid) in a plausible place for the thief to find. When you stash your stuff, think like a thief. If you use a safe, it had better be anchored into concrete with steel reinforcement or they will simply break it out and take it.

You could wire your door knobs to 220V. The thief would get a real charge out of it (-: and you would go to jail instead of him.

Radiola, he is joking about wiring up the door knobs. About a month ago, a 73 years old lady got done for electrocuting a thief.

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I'm not a fan of steel bars with a kid and Thai electrical systems so we have a wireless alarm system with sirens front and back, door alarms and motion sensors. the alarm is set to call me and if no answer call my wife then the family home.

with only 80 houses on the moo baan the security guards are round like a shot if the alarm goes off - usually it's geckos running across the motion sensor. we alarm downstairs at night or if alone upstairs for an extended period of time.

the alarm system can add the ability to turn on lights and add cameras, outdoor detection and shock detection plus you can listen in or talk into the premises if the alarm calls you - or if you dial up. you can set codes for different levels of entry (maid etc) and we and the grandparents have remote controls similar to car entry.


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