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Do I Need My Passport To Fly Domestic In Thailand?


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thai DL is all you need in Thailand for travel.

on front DL has:

Thai Dl #

your passport # 2 places on front.

on back:

has your address.

you can't get a thai dl with out a visa an/or a land book

It amazed me but apparently you can get a Thai DL these days with just a 30 day tourist visa, signs posted all over Pattaya Immigration alledgedly.

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thai DL is all you need in Thailand for travel.

on front DL has:

Thai Dl #

your passport # 2 places on front.

on back:

has your address.

you can't get a thai dl with out a visa an/or a land book

you mean the passport number is in 2 places if that is what you supplied as a Form of Identity.

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thai DL is all you need in Thailand for travel.

on front DL has:

Thai Dl #

your passport # 2 places on front.

on back:

has your address.

you can't get a thai dl with out a visa an/or a land book

you mean the passport number is in 2 places if that is what you supplied as a Form of Identity.

I'm sorry Beano but now you are truly being pedantic, post number 29 sets it all out nicely and completely, don't tell me you're going to interupt every poster until the wording of their posts conforms to your standard to include your type of ID, that's very silly, your point has been made.

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thai DL is all you need in Thailand for travel.

on front DL has:

Thai Dl #

your passport # 2 places on front.

on back:

has your address.

you can't get a thai dl with out a visa an/or a land book

Please, no more posts like this. Do NOT post misinformation. A passport is required. Period. You can "probably" get away with a copy if asked, but maybe not. Tourists have been fined for not having a passport on them.

As stated many times above, you probably won't get caught. But if you do, the fines and hassle factor can be significant. NOT WORTH IT!

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The airline might or might not accpet your drivers license, the police can only accept your passport.

If you want to stay in a hotel, you will need your passport.

Incorrect in most cases.

I've used my Thai Drivers License to travel all over the country and only once been asked about not producing my passport when checking into a hotel.

I informed them that my passport is at home in my safe as I don't want to loose it and they were fine with this.

By the letter of the law we as foreigners / aliens should carry our passports all the time and should be able to produce them to be inspected by police / immigration etc regardless of time or location.

In reality we all no that this very rarely is enforced.

By the way, if you have a Thai License then your passport number is on it anyway.

I know many hotels can't be bothered. But immigration in some areas have begon insisting that hotels reigister their foreign guestst, for that the passport and arrival card are needed. It is a rule, as is the fact that you need to be able to produce an ID.

For a foreigner only a passport will do, as you can be arrested to determine if you are legally in the country.

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The airline might or might not accpet your drivers license, the police can only accept your passport.

If you want to stay in a hotel, you will need your passport.

Incorrect in most cases.

I've used my Thai Drivers License to travel all over the country and only once been asked about not producing my passport when checking into a hotel.

I informed them that my passport is at home in my safe as I don't want to loose it and they were fine with this.

By the letter of the law we as foreigners / aliens should carry our passports all the time and should be able to produce them to be inspected by police / immigration etc regardless of time or location.

In reality we all no that this very rarely is enforced.

By the way, if you have a Thai License then your passport number is on it anyway.

I know many hotels can't be bothered. But immigration in some areas have begon insisting that hotels reigister their foreign guestst, for that the passport and arrival card are needed. It is a rule, as is the fact that you need to be able to produce an ID.

For a foreigner only a passport will do, as you can be arrested to determine if you are legally in the country.

I know they are cracking down here in Pattaya after finding out those Iranians were here just before their "bombings" in Bangkok.

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I'm not trying to get in the middle of this battle, but I think he is correct. The ID# on your DL is based off the ID you provided when first making your DL. In most of our cases its a passport, in other cases its a PR# or tabien #. Mine specifically is my old passport number - yes, its a passport number, but no longer valid.

thai DL is all you need in Thailand for travel.

on front DL has:

Thai Dl #

your passport # 2 places on front.

on back:

has your address.

you can't get a thai dl with out a visa an/or a land book

you mean the passport number is in 2 places if that is what you supplied as a Form of Identity.

I'm sorry Beano but now you are truly being pedantic, post number 29 sets it all out nicely and completely, don't tell me you're going to interupt every poster until the wording of their posts conforms to your standard to include your type of ID, that's very silly, your point has been made.

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I'm not trying to get in the middle of this battle, but I think he is correct. The ID# on your DL is based off the ID you provided when first making your DL. In most of our cases its a passport, in other cases its a PR# or tabien #. Mine specifically is my old passport number - yes, its a passport number, but no longer valid.

thai DL is all you need in Thailand for travel.

on front DL has:

Thai Dl #

your passport # 2 places on front.

on back:

has your address.

you can't get a thai dl with out a visa an/or a land book

you mean the passport number is in 2 places if that is what you supplied as a Form of Identity.

I'm sorry Beano but now you are truly being pedantic, post number 29 sets it all out nicely and completely, don't tell me you're going to interupt every poster until the wording of their posts conforms to your standard to include your type of ID, that's very silly, your point has been made.

Indeed he is correct that's not in dispute, where we are at odds however is for the need to retrain all posters from saying "your passport number is on your DL", to "your ID reference is on your DL", it's time to move on now that it's been clarified.

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It can be a really big deal to be caught in public without your passport. At the minimum, have a copy of the front page and your visa page.

Personally, I wouldn't travel anywhere away from home without my passport. Just not worth the risk.

Having lived here 32 years I have NEVER (other than for opening a bank account) been asked to produce my passport or work permit by anyone. For airline and hotel a Thai driving license/teaching license or even a visa card (with photo) has been sufficient.

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It can be a really big deal to be caught in public without your passport. At the minimum, have a copy of the front page and your visa page.

Personally, I wouldn't travel anywhere away from home without my passport. Just not worth the risk.

Having lived here 32 years I have NEVER (other than for opening a bank account) been asked to produce my passport or work permit by anyone. For airline and hotel a Thai driving license/teaching license or even a visa card (with photo) has been sufficient.

That's not the point. The point is carrying a passport is a requirement, and if unlucky, the consequences are not fun. Odds are it will never happen, but that doesn't mean it won't. It's a requirement for being here in Thailand. Ignore the requirement at your own risk.

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I disagree, a Thai drivers license has the bearers passport number printed on it hence I believe it is a suitable substitute for the passport, for the purpose of internal travel.

Incorrect. People who are travelling around the country should play it safe and take their passport with them as required, regardless of what people "believe" or assume. The consequenses can be pretty serious and there is no real advantage to not having your passport with you.

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Will somebody please post a link confirming it is a requirement that we carry our passports, I believe the requirement is for us to provide our passport within a reasonable period of time although I am happy to be proven wrong?

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Will somebody please post a link confirming it is a requirement that we carry our passports, I believe the requirement is for us to provide our passport within a reasonable period of time although I am happy to be proven wrong?

You are correct. But how could someone provide their passport within a reasonable time period if they have just taken a flight somewhere without it?

This thread is 'Do I need my passport to fly domestic in Thailand?' - Other than a few ill informed chancers the response is a universal. No you don't need your passport to fly domestic, but Thai law requires that you DO need access to your passport with in a reasonable time frame.

One thing that makes me curious: What if.... I was having my passport renewed or applying for a visa? My passport would be at an Embassy. I would have a receipt to show the police if they required my passport. However, I would not be able to comply with the law if the police became difficult and required my Passport. I can't imagine this ever being an issue, But.. what if it were to become an issue - What would my legal standing be ?

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Will somebody please post a link confirming it is a requirement that we carry our passports, I believe the requirement is for us to provide our passport within a reasonable period of time although I am happy to be proven wrong?

I wholeheartedly agree, the rule was within a reasonable period of time.

However, if you are in a different city touring, then I think taking your passport is a good idea.

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Yes,you can travel domestic on a Thai driving license id.

Should you carry your passport as well as you are in a foreign country that may interpret it's laws differently from you,I always do.

You don't have to but be aware of the consequences.

Bit of a no brainer really?

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Here's the law, in all it's glory. Read away. Seems the net is...passport is required. Whether that's enforced or not is up to the cop who has you. In trying to find this, I've read numerous reports from members who have paid fines for not having their passport on them. Again, the odds are you'll have NO problems. But the risk is there. Up to you! And seems a copy works fine. MOST of the time, but not always.


This link might help:


Section 58 : Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom under Section 12 (1); or

has no Residence Certificate under this Act; and also has no identification in accordance with the Law on

Alien registration, is considered to have entered into the Kingdom in violation to this Act.

Section 59 :The Director General, or the competent official deputized by Director General, shall have the

authority to arrest and suppress any person violating this Act. They shall also have the authority to issue

a subpoena, warrant of arrest or search, make arrest , search , or detain. They shall also have the

authority to conduct inquiry into the offense against the provisions of this Act in the same manner as the

inquiry official under the Criminal Procedure Code.

Section 20 : In the instance where the competent official has detained any alien under the provision of

Section 19 , the competent official shall have grounds to detain said alien in so far as it is necessary ,

under the circumstance but not more than forty – eight hours beginning at the time of this ( detainee’s )

arrival at the office of the competent official. In case of necessary , the period of forty – eight house may

be extended , but not to exceed seven days , and the competent official shall record the reason foe such


If it necessary to detain any alien longer than the period of time provided in the first paragraph ,

the competent official shall apply to the Court for an order to further detain said alien and Court may order

further detention , if found necessary , not exceeding twelve days at each application. However , if the

Court deems it appropriate , the Court may order that said alien be temporary.

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It's my understanding that Thai law requires foreigners to have their passport with them.

That's incorrect, farangs are merely required to produce their passports within a reasonable period of time. If a persons home was say Chiang Mai and they were in Phuket on holiday and asked to produce their passport, the definition of "reasonable time" might be expected to be different than if they were asked to produce it in their home town.

Why would one even want to possibly consider trying to find out what a "reasonable time" is? If the local cop stops you and says come with me, you don't have a lot of wiggle room!

But, the original poster may have a valid reason why his passport is not handy at the moment and he wants to jet off with out it. Might be locked up in the bank deposit box, might be out in the mail for renewal, or getting some visa work done on it, wifey travled with it by mistake and won't be back before he wants to travel, etc.

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Here's the law, in all it's glory. Read away. Seems the net is...passport is required. Whether that's enforced or not is up to the cop who has you. In trying to find this, I've read numerous reports from members who have paid fines for not having their passport on them. Again, the odds are you'll have NO problems. But the risk is there. Up to you! And seems a copy works fine. MOST of the time, but not always.


This link might help:


Section 58 : Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom under Section 12 (1); or

has no Residence Certificate under this Act; and also has no identification in accordance with the Law on

Alien registration, is considered to have entered into the Kingdom in violation to this Act.

Section 59 :The Director General, or the competent official deputized by Director General, shall have the

authority to arrest and suppress any person violating this Act. They shall also have the authority to issue

a subpoena, warrant of arrest or search, make arrest , search , or detain. They shall also have the

authority to conduct inquiry into the offense against the provisions of this Act in the same manner as the

inquiry official under the Criminal Procedure Code.

Section 20 : In the instance where the competent official has detained any alien under the provision of

Section 19 , the competent official shall have grounds to detain said alien in so far as it is necessary ,

under the circumstance but not more than forty – eight hours beginning at the time of this ( detainee’s )

arrival at the office of the competent official. In case of necessary , the period of forty – eight house may

be extended , but not to exceed seven days , and the competent official shall record the reason foe such


If it necessary to detain any alien longer than the period of time provided in the first paragraph ,

the competent official shall apply to the Court for an order to further detain said alien and Court may order

further detention , if found necessary , not exceeding twelve days at each application. However , if the

Court deems it appropriate , the Court may order that said alien be temporary.

I've read through your post and also the PDF attachment, nowhere do I see that aliens must carry their passports at all time. What I do see is that Immigration officers at the point of entry must allow for the fact that an alien may not have a passport hence other unspecified documents(s) must be substituted: "1. Having no genuine and valid passport or document used in lieu of passport". (quote from page 3 of PDF document).

I also see that the House Master, including hotel owners, are required to notify Immigration of the aliens presence, nowhere in that requirement does it mention anything about passports. Based on the preceeding para one can presume that many aliens do not have passports hence alterntaive documents may be used.

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Will somebody please post a link confirming it is a requirement that we carry our passports, I believe the requirement is for us to provide our passport within a reasonable period of time although I am happy to be proven wrong?

You are correct. But how could someone provide their passport within a reasonable time period if they have just taken a flight somewhere without it?

This thread is 'Do I need my passport to fly domestic in Thailand?' - Other than a few ill informed chancers the response is a universal. No you don't need your passport to fly domestic, but Thai law requires that you DO need access to your passport with in a reasonable time frame.

One thing that makes me curious: What if.... I was having my passport renewed or applying for a visa? My passport would be at an Embassy. I would have a receipt to show the police if they required my passport. However, I would not be able to comply with the law if the police became difficult and required my Passport. I can't imagine this ever being an issue, But.. what if it were to become an issue - What would my legal standing be ?

As I described earlier in my now deleted post, I never take my passport with me when travelling within Thailand, checking in with airlines and/or hotels has never been an issue for me. But if my passport were in CM and I was in say Bangkok and asked to produce it for inspection, I would simply ask to return to CM to get it and if that took one or two days, that would not seem to be unreasonable.

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It can't be plainer than this:

Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom

I.E. If asked for your visa, and you can't provide it, they ASSUME you don't have a valid visa and are breaking the law. OK?

I think we've beaten this topic to death and scared off the OP.

Topic Closed.

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