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I'm about to turn 69 and haven't had a comprehensive physical in many years. Though my health seems pretty good, my legs do get "heavy" when walking any significant distance. That and a few other symptoms make it clear that the time has come.

I have read numerous posts on this forum over the years about the merits and deficiencies of many of the "package plan" physicals offered by Bangkok hospitals. Last November, Sheryl wrote the following...

Unfortuately no hospital , including not Samitivej, provides adequate guidance in terms of waht tests to have done. rather it is handled like a restaurant where the customer orders what they like. Either that or they try to push you for a higher end package than you may need. In addition, the "packages" aren't that well constructed and often both omit important things and include unnecessary ones.

So it is necessary to do some research on your own first to decide what tests to have. you are not required to stick to the packages on offer, you can add additional tests "a la carte" so to speak and that is often less expensive than going for a higher end package just to get, for example, a stress test.

So, money being an issue, when ordering "a la carte" which test for an individual such as myself should be given high priority and which can usually be postponed until the results come in and are evaluated.


At 69 and not having had a physical in m many years, you should have:

Blood tests

CBC (complete blood count)


Fasting glucose (blood sugar)

uric acid

AST and ALT (liver enzymes)

Lipid panel: Total, HDL and LDL cholesterol; triglycerides


All of these with the exeception of the PSA and possible exception of the HDL and LDL cholesterol are included in the basic (lowest end) check up package of pretty much any hospital.

Urinalysis (likewise, part of any basic package)

Stool test for ova and parasites and for occult blood (usually part of any package but sometiomes b=not the occult blood which is actually the more important)

EKG and Chest Xray (likewise, part of any basic package)

Exercise stress test - this you will need to add on. If you are on any regular medications give them a call before you go in as some types of medications (eg beta blockers) cannot be taken before the test

Colonoscopy - if you have not had one in past 10 years. if you strongly object to this, then 3 stool tests for occult blood can be done instead, it is not quite as good but better than nothing. Must be at least 3 samples, not the one time test. If any are positive (or if you have a family history if cancer of the colon) then the colonoscopy is a must.

Eye exam that checks the pressure in the eye (earky trest for glaucoma) - often included in the most basic packages.

The colonoscopy is the biggest ticket item, doesn't have to be done at the same time, but you do need to do it if you've never had one or if it has been more than 10 years since you did.

Otherwise basically what you are looking at would be the lowest end package (usually under 3,000 baht) to which you would add a PSA, HDL and LDL cholesterol (if not already included) and the stress test. This will probably still cost far less than going for one of the top end packages that already includes a stress test.

Last thing -- during the physical exam part, you may need to request the doctor to do a manual digital exam to c heck your prostate gland. In the West this would automatically be done unless the patient refused it, but in Thailand they tend to shy away from the unpleasant and may not even suggest it. It is in fact part of the ophysical and no extra charge, what is happening is that the doctor is automatically checking off "declined" without in fact even discussing it with you,. Bad medicine but common here.without in


Samitivej at Sukhumvit is where I prefer to go. definitely rate it above all others I have tried.

but in fairness I should note that I have not tried St Louis or BNH.

At Samitivej, ask for Dr. Phuchai or Dr. Anchana, they are both very thorough.

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