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Steroid Vacation In Thailand


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I agree about legalization. I don't care to ever smoke dope again, but I have no problem with anyone else doing it.

Regarding synthetics, wouldn't it be better to allow the non synthetics. For instance, the synthetic opiates such as bupe, methadone, and fentanyl are much more damgerous than say morphine, heroine, codeine, and etc. I think oxycodone and hydrocodone are synthetics which are the most abused in the US. Also test seems less damaging than these synthetic prohormones and analogs that areafe to get around the bans in place. Just a thought or maybe I don't fully get synthetics.

I meant synthetics as to include prepared artificially from natural products as well as made artificially from start. Morphine, heroin, cocaine, whiskey, are all (in my view) technically synthetic under the former category of being prepared artificially, as they do not occur naturally in this refined form. That is *my* take on this, but of course 99.9% of synthetics are entirely lab-based from stage one. My feelings is that no drugs or steroids of any type should be illegal and left in the domain of criminals. The beauty of the prescription method is that it brings addicts and potential addicts into the care of professional health workers, who will not only talk about the drug but about underlying reasons for wanting to take a drug.

In a sense to take any drug or steroid recreationally is to be unhappy with your natural self and that is something that might benefit from counselling instead of prescription, at least in the long term.

Edited by Yunla
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is HGH legal in Thailand? I have never heard such a nonsense

Nonsense as in hGH or what everyone is arguing about. HGH is legal in the US with a prescription. Doctors just cannot write hGH for off label uses and it is monitored very closely, way more closely than narcotics. Very, very few will write and the one's that do write do not accept insurance and charge 1,000s of dollars. Then the scrips are like 1,500 a month, of were back when I was on it briefly.

I can tell you without hesitation that real hGH is the bomb. Unfortunately, the vast majority of what you get on the the net or off the streets is very poor quality as the real stuff, unlike steroids, is very closely monitored.

My endo writes hGH and you will drop 30k or more just to see her for a year and receive constant lab work she requires to monitor you while on. I also got screened at cenegenics and they are about the same with a lot up front for the body scans, dexa and lab work you receive on day 1. The add in cost fit hGH which means you may drop close to 50k a year to be on the real stuff.

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