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What Addiction Is Doing To You?

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Alcohol does many things to the human body. First and the most important thing is that it is designed to get you feeling good and drunk as heck. That is the main purpose in my opinion, and it does a great job at it.

Many people that drink alcohol can handle them self in a sense that they know when it is time to stop drinking alcohol and then there are those, such as myself, that don't know when enough is enough. When we start out experimenting with drinking alcohol many of us don't realize if we are not careful this fun time drinking can turn into an addiction. Do you know what your addiction is doing to you? I bet not, for the simple reason, this addiction to alcohol has been slowly creeping up on you and now you can't figure out why in the world must you have alcohol every single day of your life. Many of us cannot live without this harmful poison in their bodies. We would start to go crazy and feeling on edge, nervous, shaky and the whole nine yards due to the absence of this poison we call alcohol not in your bodies.

Many people live, breathe, sleep with alcohol continuously on their minds. I have the right to say this because the minute I would wake, of course after drinking all night, my first thoughts were not, " I wonder how my day will be today." "I wonder if I will be productive today." No, the first thing I thought of was, "when is it time to have my first beer." How pitiful is that I might ask you? I am sure many people that have an addiction to alcohol the same and some might even crack open a can of beer or take a shot of booze minutes after they wake up to start their day and get their head out of the clouds from the night before drinking alcohol.

When you start to think to yourself, what is this addiction I have doing to my life and what is it doing to my family and friends? None of us that are addicted to alcohol ever for a moment think about the damage we are doing to our self and the hurt and pain we are causing to others, such as you family, spouse, and your children.

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" . . . . . None of us that are addicted to alcohol ever for a moment think about the damage we are doing to our self . . . . "

I gave that plenty of thought prior to quitting alcohol. Perhaps some individuals realize the damage, but continue to drink because they find it to difficult to abstain.

One size does not fit all.

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One helluva way to get to god

...for me.

Sorta like I was a slave and am now free.

First and the most important thing is that it is designed to get you feeling good and drunk as heck. That is the main purpose in my opinion, and it does a great job at it.

So true. It gave me wings then took away the sky, for sure.
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" . . . . . None of us that are addicted to alcohol ever for a moment think about the damage we are doing to our self . . . . "

I gave that plenty of thought prior to quitting alcohol. Perhaps some individuals realize the damage, but continue to drink because they find it to difficult to abstain.

One size does not fit all.

Yes, true.
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I have known several alcoholics in my time.

The first was a mate in the RAF back in 1962 whose first action on waking up was to stick his hand into his locker and take a good big swallow of neat vodka followed up by an unfiltered Camel cigarette.

Only after that would he open his eyes then go for a SSS.

Another mate in the RAF in Germany between 1973 to 76 was similar though he didn't smoke. he used to eat regularly once every 2 or 3 days and first thing in the mornings he had to hold a glass in both hands to make sure he didn't spill too much.

I am not sure if either of them are still alive.

I also know a Thai woman here who was just as bad and you could actually see her ribs and play a tune on them as she was so skinny.

She would fall asleep when drunk anywhere and pee and crap anywhere too, asleep or awake made no difference.

Fortunately for her she managed to quit but is only one drink away from becoming an alcoholic again and dying painfully.

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No, the first thing I thought of was, "when is it time to have my first beer." How pitiful is that I might ask you?

I used to put a bottle of vodka under my pillow so as I could drink it before getting out of bed. I really couldn't do the simplest of things(like brushing my teeth) without a drink first.

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I suppose there's a long road from where many of us are to where some of us end up, and for some, that's a long, steep, but quick road downwards, and for others, we roll along it more slowly. But we never know when the pace will suddenly pick up...

I never felt like I "needed" a drink; but on the other hand, I never resisted wanting a drink long enough to find out... I rarely had a hangover that stopped me going for a pub supper on the way home from work...


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