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Suu Kyi To Embark On First Trip Abroad In 24 Years


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No more fame: She lobbied stronger and stronger sanctions for Myanmar. Of course that never hit the ruling junta, but the poor people, specially the shortage on medical supplies.

But as the guidebook tells, for a regime change the people must suffer........

She also lobbied strongly for the tourism boycott and it turned out that tourism was a major factor in opening up the eyes and minds of Burmese people, getting some hard currency into their hands and allowing a few journalists in under the cover of the increasing stream of backpackers.

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She is - I would say - by far the most powerful person in Myanmar right now.

.....She is powerful now only because the Junta let her be. They realize that Burma is sitting at the bottom of the Asian toilet with no hope of progress by their own means....they finally realize she is the key in turning the tide and opening Burma up for investment and development.

We all hope that she can be the real guiding force for political and human rights reform in Burma,but one can hardly be that naive.

The rich will get richer and the poor may see more crumbs dropping as tourism and other economic activities take-off.

A gracious and determined women indeed...lets hope for the best...like a new beach holiday destinations with no jet-skies and tuk-tuk mafias!thumbsup.gif

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So what if she was a communist then. She backed the Japanese as a lot of Burmese did, because Britian was occupying her countrry. To them the Japs were the lesser of the 2 evils.

The Japanese occupation ended in May 1945, before she was even born and Burma became independent from Britain in Jan. 1948 when she was 2 years old.

Edited by exalll
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She is one of the most generous, gracious and greatest of person that has ever walked this earth !!!

O.M.G....thank you so much for posting about her. Secretary of Sate Hillary Rodham Clinton met Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar not too long ago. It is a good sign and the World loves it.

David Cameron was there too, which is less encouraging. His track record is of travelling to far-flung corners of the earth to wedge his nose firmly into the <deleted> of leaders of countries with cowed, malleable, cheap labour.

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Hello, can you provide the links from which the articles reprinted in this thread and the thread here: http://www.thaivisa....t-wef-thailand/ are located at? I saw links to the AFP and "The Nation" website, but not to the articles.

Can anybody provide me the aforementioned information for me? I would like to share the articles, but do not want to share all the debates and comments, as youth may also see the links that I post.

I believe that Suu Kyi being re-elected into a governmental position can be beneficial for her country and people. I agree that children do not always repeat the choices of their parents, and do not necessarily have the same viewpoints. I do believe that Suu Kyi does have a heart to help the Karen people whom the Burmese government has long rejected, persecuted, and taken violent actions against. The government in Burma is in need of a long-awaited change. One that will unify the people, and not separate them causing war in their own country among different ethnic groups. Perhaps this a step in stopping creating child soldiers and stopping child trafficking and slave labor. Also, perhaps this a step towards religious freedom. I have seen how the choices of the government and military forces in Burma have affected the different groups of people.. Their country is in great need of change, and it will not be done overnight, but perhaps Suu Kyi's voice and actions can help move the country in that direction.

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