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Police May Have A Lead In Bangkok Chinatown Fetus Case, More Reports Of Crying Baby Noises


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I understand the the tendencies to laugh and joke about things one doesn't understand but how about a little respect when it comes to dead and beliefs that help people mourn. People'd beliefs and they way they show respect to the dead shouldn't be ridiculed unless you consider these people somehow not deserving of the same respect you likely give westerners that may also believe in things and have rituals that defy logic and science and have throughout history resulted in the deaths of millions because of these illogical beliefs.

<deleted>? clap2.gif

Another believer in scientific non-proof. There is no way you are Buddhist, my son... wink.png

Nothing wrong with respect for the dead, don't get me wrong; but for you to suggest that we don't believe in things that defy logic or rituals or deaths because of illogical beliefs?

Nope, we generally don't believe in things that defy logic - it's called Bull Shit.

Rituals are for the insane.

Deaths because of illogical beliefs? How about Sun Yat-Sen, who believed he was the brother of Christ himself, or how about the illogical beliefs of Thaksin Shinwatra who believed that drug takers were out to get him, so he slaughtered 2,000.... for a bit of attention.

Get real,..... your post is poop, for once! sad.png


It seems that you are the one holding "Insane" beliefs. (Oxford Dictionary: Insane: in a state of mind which prevents normal perception)

Considering that all, or at least the majority, of past and present religions have beliefs which are outside the bounds of scientific explanation it seems it is your state of mind which is outside of normal perception. It is a shame that you and many of the posters to this forum have the insensitivity and arrogance to ridicule peoples beliefs because they do not correspond to your own minority held views.

What the neighbors and police are doing by their actions are showing compassion. An emotion that is sadly lacking in a lot of the previous posts.

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Buddha said that we should question everything and that should include the superstitious nonsense that we see,read and hear about in present day Thai society.

I can't help but question the logic and the belief of thai people who think that keeping a foetus in a bottle and worshiping "the spirit" will bestow upon them lucky lottery numbers or other special favours. I have even seen thai friends slow down at the scene of an accident in the hope of catching the registration number of the vehicles concerned so that they can buy tickets containing the lucky numbers !!! Rituals and superstitious nonsense like this should be frowned upon as abhorrent and abominable and should have no place in present day society.

Sorry if this differs from the zealotry of those who are so easily offended by common sense postings on this forum but surely even you must consider these ghoulish superstitions to be "insane" ?

I know the "majority" of the world would surely see them that way


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Buddha said that we should question everything and that should include the superstitious nonsense that we see,read and hear about in present day Thai society.

I can't help but question the logic and the belief of thai people who think that keeping a foetus in a bottle and worshiping "the spirit" will bestow upon them lucky lottery numbers or other special favours. I have even seen thai friends slow down at the scene of an accident in the hope of catching the registration number of the vehicles concerned so that they can buy tickets containing the lucky numbers !!! Rituals and superstitious nonsense like this should be frowned upon as abhorrent and abominable and should have no place in present day society.

Sorry if this differs from the zealotry of those who are so easily offended by common sense postings on this forum but surely even you must consider these ghoulish superstitions to be "insane" ?

I know the "majority" of the world would surely see them that way


I wouldn't put too much stock into what the "majority" of the world thinks when it comes to illogical beliefs, practices and religion.

The majority of the world believe after they die they are going to go to some eternal paradise while others will suffer in eternal torture and that there is some single unseen super being (that looks like us) that controls the entire universe and their fate and whom they speak, listen and worship to in order to gain this eternal bliss. These same religions (Muslims and Christians) are responsible for countless murders and wars against those who didn't share their beliefs.

And since you seem to put stock in Buddha's beliefs then you might want to consider his thoughts on their being some omnipotent deity as most of the world believes.

Why would anyone take the trouble to ridicule or make fun of others for their beliefs when those beliefs don't hurt them and comfort these people (especially when it comes to coping with death) who have them? Very sad thing to do and very telling of ones unhappiness in life in my opinion.


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Nisa said

"I wouldn't put too much stock into what the "majority" of the world thinks when it comes to illogical beliefs, practices and religion."

I think that was the whole point of my original posting but you then seem to make an incorrect assumption that I am Buddhist and also unhappy in my life. Illustrating your point with some meaningless graph that has no basis in fact is even more far fetched and wholly beside the point.

For the record I would consider myself to be a dyslexic atheist............I don't believe in your dog or anyone elses dog either.


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Nisa said

"I wouldn't put too much stock into what the "majority" of the world thinks when it comes to illogical beliefs, practices and religion."

I think that was the whole point of my original posting but you then seem to make an incorrect assumption that I am Buddhist and also unhappy in my life. Illustrating your point with some meaningless graph that has no basis in fact is even more far fetched and wholly beside the point.

For the record I would consider myself to be a dyslexic atheist............I don't believe in your dog or anyone elses dog either.


Dyslicxic theaist untie!
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I understand the the tendencies to laugh and joke about things one doesn't understand but how about a little respect when it comes to dead and beliefs that help people mourn. People'd beliefs and they way they show respect to the dead shouldn't be ridiculed unless you consider these people somehow not deserving of the same respect you likely give westerners that may also believe in things and have rituals that defy logic and science and have throughout history resulted in the deaths of millions because of these illogical beliefs.

<deleted>? clap2.gif

Another believer in scientific non-proof. There is no way you are Buddhist, my son... wink.png

Nothing wrong with respect for the dead, don't get me wrong; but for you to suggest that we don't believe in things that defy logic or rituals or deaths because of illogical beliefs?

Nope, we generally don't believe in things that defy logic - it's called Bull Shit.

Rituals are for the insane.

Deaths because of illogical beliefs? How about Sun Yat-Sen, who believed he was the brother of Christ himself, or how about the illogical beliefs of Thaksin Shinwatra who believed that drug takers were out to get him, so he slaughtered 2,000.... for a bit of attention.

Get real,..... your post is poop, for once! sad.png


It seems that you are the one holding "Insane" beliefs. (Oxford Dictionary: Insane: in a state of mind which prevents normal perception)

Considering that all, or at least the majority, of past and present religions have beliefs which are outside the bounds of scientific explanation it seems it is your state of mind which is outside of normal perception. It is a shame that you and many of the posters to this forum have the insensitivity and arrogance to ridicule peoples beliefs because they do not correspond to your own minority held views.

What the neighbors and police are doing by their actions are showing compassion. An emotion that is sadly lacking in a lot of the previous posts.

What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.” Albert Einstein smile.png

Edited by Reasonableman
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Nisa said

"I wouldn't put too much stock into what the "majority" of the world thinks when it comes to illogical beliefs, practices and religion."

I think that was the whole point of my original posting but you then seem to make an incorrect assumption that I am Buddhist and also unhappy in my life. Illustrating your point with some meaningless graph that has no basis in fact is even more far fetched and wholly beside the point.

For the record I would consider myself to be a dyslexic atheist............I don't believe in your dog or anyone elses dog either.


To be clear, I never thought or suggested you were a Buddhist and simply responded to your quoting Buddha. I really don't care what your personal believes and never once considered what they are. As for being unhappy, that comment would only apply to you if you have a need to ridicule others for their beliefs when they pose no harm to you or others and comfort those with those beliefs. Seems pretty obvious somebody who would do this is likely not a happy camper.

As for your not liking the graph, that was used to show most in the world have biblical (Christian / Muslims) beliefs. Are you saying this is not the case? And again, this was simply in your response to stating most of the world would see certain others religious beliefs and practices as "insane" .. in point, very meaningless.

Apologize if you were trying to make the same point I was but it would be difficult to understand that considering your comments below seemed to indicate the opposite of my point.

Sorry if this differs from the zealotry of those who are so easily offended by common sense postings on this forum but surely even you must consider these ghoulish superstitions to be "insane" ?

I know the "majority" of the world would surely see them that way


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Nisa said

"I wouldn't put too much stock into what the "majority" of the world thinks when it comes to illogical beliefs, practices and religion."

I think that was the whole point of my original posting but you then seem to make an incorrect assumption that I am Buddhist and also unhappy in my life. Illustrating your point with some meaningless graph that has no basis in fact is even more far fetched and wholly beside the point.

For the record I would consider myself to be a dyslexic atheist............I don't believe in your dog or anyone elses dog either.


To be clear, I never thought or suggested you were a Buddhist and simply responded to your quoting Buddha. I really don't care what your personal believes and never once considered what they are. As for being unhappy, that comment would only apply to you if you have a need to ridicule others for their beliefs when they pose no harm to you or others and comfort those with those beliefs. Seems pretty obvious somebody who would do this is likely not a happy camper.

As for your not liking the graph, that was used to show most in the world have biblical (Christian / Muslims) beliefs. Are you saying this is not the case? And again, this was simply in your response to stating most of the world would see certain others religious beliefs and practices as "insane" .. in point, very meaningless.

Apologize if you were trying to make the same point I was but it would be difficult to understand that considering your comments below seemed to indicate the opposite of my point.

Sorry if this differs from the zealotry of those who are so easily offended by common sense postings on this forum but surely even you must consider these ghoulish superstitions to be "insane" ?

I know the "majority" of the world would surely see them that way


To say that I would put stock in the teachings of Buddha would suggest that you did think that I was Buddhist but that is entirely beside the point. I was merely highlighting the fact that thai people believe in the teachings of Buddha and he himself said that you must question everything.....including his own teachings. It was your suggestion that I must be unhappy in my life that annoyed me. Your opinion is a baseless assumption and if you can so quickly judge a man on a few words then I pity your friends and aquaintances for fear that they ever say something that differs from your own narrow minded opinion.

My postings had nothing to do with what you said but where pointed towards SiamYank who suggested that Mel1 was insane because he held a "minority" view whilst the "majority" held other beliefs in religious rituals and fairy tales that defy all scientific logic. I merely suggested the fact that the same "majority" would also consider the keeping of foetuses in bottles and other superstitious nonsense as the actions of "insane" people. I stand by my statement that rituals like this should be frowned up as they are both abhorrent and abominable in present day society, no matter what religious beliefs you may hold.


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What a crazy politically correct world we are living in nowadays. To say that we are not allowed to question or even ridicule other peoples beliefs really does defy all logic. I am not talking about how people mourn the loss of those that they love but how some people choose to twist their superstitious beliefs into something that should be held sacred and sacrosanct and above all reproach. If this was the case then we would still think that the world was flat and we would all still be worshipping the sun and the moon. Those that chose to doubt it would be stoned to death. So if Jesus, Buddha and Allah were alive today, would you also castigate them for daring to challenge and ridicule the belief of solar deities that people once held ??

On a personal note, I remember that when I was younger I was both a petty racist and a homophobe to boot. The people around me at that time expressed the same thoughts and feelings as me and so I thought that this was the way that everybody thought too. But one fine day, I met up with a new group of friends who dared to challenge my world view and put me straight on a few facts. At first I took umbrage to what they said but in the fullness of time I realised that is was I who held the wrong beliefs and moral values and in the fullness of times I changed those beliefs accordingly.

It is only through the honest and frank discourse of others that some of us come to realise that the archaic beliefs of yesteryear have no place in the present day.


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I just wonder if I red carefuly this story ..... ghosts of foetus ? crying foetus ? is it a joke or what ? I have heard a lot of non sense here but that one is the best ....

Strange stuff.
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What a crazy politically correct world we are living in nowadays. To say that we are not allowed to question or even ridicule other peoples beliefs really does defy all logic. I am not talking about how people mourn the loss of those that they love but how some people choose to twist their superstitious beliefs into something that should be held sacred and sacrosanct and above all reproach. If this was the case then we would still think that the world was flat and we would all still be worshipping the sun and the moon. Those that chose to doubt it would be stoned to death. So if Jesus, Buddha and Allah were alive today, would you also castigate them for daring to challenge and ridicule the belief of solar deities that people once held ??

On a personal note, I remember that when I was younger I was both a petty racist and a homophobe to boot. The people around me at that time expressed the same thoughts and feelings as me and so I thought that this was the way that everybody thought too. But one fine day, I met up with a new group of friends who dared to challenge my world view and put me straight on a few facts. At first I took umbrage to what they said but in the fullness of time I realised that is was I who held the wrong beliefs and moral values and in the fullness of times I changed those beliefs accordingly.

It is only through the honest and frank discourse of others that some of us come to realise that the archaic beliefs of yesteryear have no place in the present day.


"To say that we are not allowed to question or even ridicule other peoples beliefs really does defy all logic."

Hopefully, you will learn the same lessons in the near future, as you did about racism/homophobia, as you do about feeling the need to ridicule others for their personal beliefs. By the way, I haven't seen anyone saying you can't have your views and state your ridicule of others who pose no threat to anyone but simply don't share your views ... just comments regarding how it is disrespectful, serves no purpose and paints you in a bad light.

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It was your suggestion that I must be unhappy in my life that annoyed me.

It is kind of common knowledge that ridiculing others is a sign of a low self-esteem. This isn't about your self-esteem or happiness and although it is telling in terms of your protests, it should be noted the below were my exact words which clearly state an opinion and were not specifically indicating you...

Why would anyone take the trouble to ridicule or make fun of others for their beliefs when those beliefs don't hurt them and comfort these people (especially when it comes to coping with death) who have them? Very sad thing to do and very telling of ones unhappiness in life in my opinion.

So, rather than take this so personal, debate with me how people like this do have a healthy self-esteem and are ridiculing these people for some other reason not related to their own issues.

Edited by Nisa
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Strange stuff.

Indeed, looking at it from the eyes of us who didn't grow up with the same beliefs of death and spirits / souls.

On the flip side, I would guess people unfamiliar with the Catholic faith would think it strange to wear and display images of Jesus dying and being tortured on the cross. They might see it akin to honoring and remembering our father who died while saving a child from being hit by a bus by displaying paintings in our home showing the father's head being squished under a bus.

It is definitely a strange world when it comes to "other people's" beliefs.

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If people had never challenged and ridiculed my uneducated views then I would not be the person I am today. Therefore, older and now wiser, I am perfectly entitled to challenge other uneducated views, unless of course you think a belief in magic and the use of baby foetuses is perfectly acceptable in your world.

Of course with your "fuzzy" logic I should have thought that those who did not agree with my illogical and unacceptable beliefs about race and homosexuality where obviously unhappy in their lives because, and I quote " It is kind of common knowledge that ridiculing others is a sign of a low self-esteem "

With common knowledge like yours, no wonder there are so many fools in the world. Or is it more the case that you cannot accept truth and wisdom when you see and hear it ??

Sorry if you should take this personally, but judge not lest you to be judged


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If people had never challenged and ridiculed my uneducated views then I would not be the person I am today. Therefore, older and now wiser, I am perfectly entitled to challenge other uneducated views, unless of course you think a belief in magic and the use of baby foetuses is perfectly acceptable in your world.

Of course with your "fuzzy" logic I should have thought that those who did not agree with my illogical and unacceptable beliefs about race and homosexuality where obviously unhappy in their lives because, and I quote " It is kind of common knowledge that ridiculing others is a sign of a low self-esteem "

With common knowledge like yours, no wonder there are so many fools in the world. Or is it more the case that you cannot accept truth and wisdom when you see and hear it ??

Sorry if you should take this personally, but judge not lest you to be judged


I suggest you look up the word "ridicule" and if you still believe it is a positive thing to do to those who hold different views than your own and are causing nobody any harm, then lets just agree to disagree.

While you are at it, you might want to look up ridiculing and self-esteem together in terms of both cause and effects of the two.

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So, back at the story -

"...and hospital workers told her that they left the body in a bag in front of an undertaker’s room with THB400, according to ThaiRath and Khaosod.

The undertaker, however, said that he never saw the fetus and didn’t know anything about it. Monks at the temple where he works said they hadn’t seen the fetus either. The location of the fetus is still unknown and police are investigating."

coffee1.gif A fetus is left in, let's say, a brown paper bag with 400B in used red notes paper clipped to it. Possibly a note was attached saying "To be burnt with reverence". But the deliverer never actually spoke to the undertaker. Either there are Fetus snatchers hanging around the Wat's with crematoriums closest to hospitals or there is a Zombie fetus, clad in used bank notes, roaming around groaning "FAAAAANNNNNTAAAAA!" and possibly attacking street vendors.

This sounds like yet another bad horror movie.

Where can I get the DVD? w00t.gif

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