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Yingluck Bets On Army Calm As Thai Strains Rise


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I can see the so-called Yingluck/Thaksin bashers are getting paranoid.....it seems that these farangs can run the country better...sick.gif

Mickey Mouse probably runs the country better then who ever runs it now biggrin.png

Minnie Mouse?

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If you have a parliament that can no longer function, I would believe the army will step in, support or not.

What is not highlighted in the reporting and videos about the antics of the oppostion is in each case, it came after the voting had taken place. The Parliment is functioning. They have had held two votes on when the bill will be delibrated, As expected, PTP won both.

You have to realize that this a much different Parliament than in 2008 when this tried. Back then, PPP was in power due to a coalition in which many of the partners were hesitate to support the amnesty attempt. Today, PTP has a fairly solid stand alone majority and as long as party discipline is held, they can put this through.

I truly think the only thing that will stop it is a signal that it should not happen. I just don’t think that signal is going to be given.


Depends how long the MP's are willing to keep moving around the country looking for a meeting room big enough to hold a quorum I guess.

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I can see the so-called Yingluck/Thaksin bashers are getting paranoid.....it seems that these farangs can run the country better...sick.gif

I can see the so-called Yingluck/Thaksin bashers are getting paranoid.....it seems that these farangs can run the country better...sick.gif

Yes numb nuts is doing an outstanding job! Have you freaking noticed! How many lies can the shits tell to the people without helping them! Ridiculous! Help the people not themselves! Any one agree? Edited by FOODLOVER
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BANGKOK: -- As Thailand nears a showdown over the fate of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the exiled tycoon's sister is banking on the army's neutrality to avoid a repeat of 2008 protests that led to the ouster of a government.

The other "banking" she'll be doing is the 900 Million Baht windfall she'll receive after the reconciliation bill is approved. ermm.gif

Sent from my iPad

He'll get his what was it? 48 billions back and give little sister just 900 Million.

Someone should tell her that he is cheating her, she deserves half of it.

Yingluck received 0.68% of Shin Corp shares out of 46.87% that Thaksin and wife Potjaman held.

One can see the tremendous value of the stock, given her less than 1% share holding.

No one got cheated, though. It is all his anyway. All the nominees he uses whether they are a gardener or his son, Oak, are just that. Nominees. It's all his.

He shares it with others by his whims. They are however sizable whims, his daughter's mountain top mansion in Hong Kong was bought for gazillions.

Edited by Buchholz
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.... I said 52% of the population voted against Thaksin....

I honestly dislike Taksin, but your assertion that 52% of the population voted against him at the last election is ludicrous. You don't have an election to vote against someone. Elections are not that black or white, i.e you're either with us or against us. I'm sure a large chunk of the public voted for PTP just for the 300 baht minimum wage, or tablet for their child, whilst some Dem voters voted for the gradual 25% wage hike across the country, or to show their displeasure at the UDD.

Taksin is divisive that's for sure. But i don;t think 52% (i.e. the entire non-PTP vote ) voted against Taksin as the sole reason for not voting PTP

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.... I said 52% of the population voted against Thaksin....

I honestly dislike Taksin, but your assertion that 52% of the population voted against him at the last election is ludicrous. You don't have an election to vote against someone. Elections are not that black or white, i.e you're either with us or against us. I'm sure a large chunk of the public voted for PTP just for the 300 baht minimum wage, or tablet for their child, whilst some Dem voters voted for the gradual 25% wage hike across the country, or to show their displeasure at the UDD.

Taksin is divisive that's for sure. But i don;t think 52% (i.e. the entire non-PTP vote ) voted against Taksin as the sole reason for not voting PTP

Not voting for someone is voting against them and it is actually over 52% if you include the Thais that did not vote but were legal to.

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.... I said 52% of the population voted against Thaksin....

I honestly dislike Taksin, but your assertion that 52% of the population voted against him at the last election is ludicrous. You don't have an election to vote against someone. Elections are not that black or white, i.e you're either with us or against us. I'm sure a large chunk of the public voted for PTP just for the 300 baht minimum wage, or tablet for their child, whilst some Dem voters voted for the gradual 25% wage hike across the country, or to show their displeasure at the UDD.

Taksin is divisive that's for sure. But i don;t think 52% (i.e. the entire non-PTP vote ) voted against Taksin as the sole reason for not voting PTP

Not voting for someone is voting against them and it is actually over 52% if you include the Thais that did not vote but were legal to.

More to the point, the 17.5 million votes PTP received represents 27% of the 65million population.

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Most of the post so far in this thread are just expression of Farang paranoia and ignorant Thai bashing.

I don’t think the Army will stage a coup over this. There is little civil society activism against the bill and there has been no overt, or even subtle support from above for such action (though the recent wearing of an Army uniform was indeed a somewhat significant signal). The Army will not move without some perceived support of civil society.

Since at this point it appears this time there will be little mass mobilization of protestors against the bill, as opposed to 2008 when the Shinawatra’s last tried this method, it may in all likelihood end up passing.

I suspect this may end up being a good thing. Most people are very tired of this basically meaningless conflict between different groups of elites and it seems to me the middle class just wants to get on with life.

They are willing to let this go and see what happens. Since Thaksin is basically not a populist at heart, they have little to worry about Thailand turning into a Venezuela, and a Singapore may not be a bad thing at this point.


I think we will have a coup before end of month; avoid Bangkok on the next weekends.

Wouldn't it be nice they could have a coup without these annoying traffic jams?

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Interesting. Former coup-leader and currently MP Gen Sonthi submits a reconciliation bill and the PM bets on the Army staying calm.

There must be some irony in there, somewhere, somehow blink.png

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Most of the post so far in this thread are just expression of Farang paranoia and ignorant Thai bashing.

I don't think the Army will stage a coup over this. There is little civil society activism against the bill and there has been no overt, or even subtle support from above for such action (though the recent wearing of an Army uniform was indeed a somewhat significant signal). The Army will not move without some perceived support of civil society.

Since at this point it appears this time there will be little mass mobilization of protestors against the bill, as opposed to 2008 when the Shinawatra's last tried this method, it may in all likelihood end up passing.

I suspect this may end up being a good thing. Most people are very tired of this basically meaningless conflict between different groups of elites and it seems to me the middle class just wants to get on with life.

They are willing to let this go and see what happens. Since Thaksin is basically not a populist at heart, they have little to worry about Thailand turning into a Venezuela, and a Singapore may not be a bad thing at this point.


I think we will have a coup before end of month; avoid Bangkok on the next weekends.

Wouldn't it be nice they could have a coup without these annoying traffic jams?

Thai problem Thai can solve.

Busybody Farang should stay out.

Busy body farang should stop employing and investing millions?
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Most of the post so far in this thread are just expression of Farang paranoia and ignorant Thai bashing.

I don't think the Army will stage a coup over this. There is little civil society activism against the bill and there has been no overt, or even subtle support from above for such action (though the recent wearing of an Army uniform was indeed a somewhat significant signal). The Army will not move without some perceived support of civil society.

Since at this point it appears this time there will be little mass mobilization of protestors against the bill, as opposed to 2008 when the Shinawatra's last tried this method, it may in all likelihood end up passing.

I suspect this may end up being a good thing. Most people are very tired of this basically meaningless conflict between different groups of elites and it seems to me the middle class just wants to get on with life.

They are willing to let this go and see what happens. Since Thaksin is basically not a populist at heart, they have little to worry about Thailand turning into a Venezuela, and a Singapore may not be a bad thing at this point.


I think we will have a coup before end of month; avoid Bangkok on the next weekends.

Wouldn't it be nice they could have a coup without these annoying traffic jams?

Thai problem Thai can solve.

Busybody Farang should stay out.

Busy body farang should stop employing and investing millions?

Ok , will do!
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.... I said 52% of the population voted against Thaksin....

I honestly dislike Taksin, but your assertion that 52% of the population voted against him at the last election is ludicrous. You don't have an election to vote against someone. Elections are not that black or white, i.e you're either with us or against us. I'm sure a large chunk of the public voted for PTP just for the 300 baht minimum wage, or tablet for their child, whilst some Dem voters voted for the gradual 25% wage hike across the country, or to show their displeasure at the UDD.

Taksin is divisive that's for sure. But i don;t think 52% (i.e. the entire non-PTP vote ) voted against Taksin as the sole reason for not voting PTP

Not voting for someone is voting against them and it is actually over 52% if you include the Thais that did not vote but were legal to.

More to the point, the 17.5 million votes PTP received represents 27% of the 65million population.

Can babies and small children vote or have a political leaning?

The eligible voting poulation of Thailand apparently is 47.3 million, please somebody clarify this for me, (still looking for an "acceptable" source),

I have this at the moment, http://news.xinhuane.../c_13962683.htm ) (Edit to add Siam voice suggests 43 million) http://asiancorrespondent.com/59059/live-blog-thailand-elections-2011/ )

The EC said the voter turnout was 75 %. So with those figures in mind the PTP support is roughly 49.3 % of the eligible voters that turned up to vote but someone please double check for me, I could be wrong.

Edited by phiphidon
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Any chance of getting Suu Kyi to be Thailand's PM?

Please not!!!

I recall that she told the west to make an embargo against Myanmar no matter how many people will die, while it did not damage to the rulers.

No Medicine, no medical equipment......

Nothing better than Thaksin....

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More to the point, the 17.5 million votes PTP received represents 27% of the 65million population.

Can babies and small children vote or have a political leaning?

The eligible voting poulation of Thailand apparently is 47.3 million, please somebody clarify this for me, (still looking for an "acceptable" source),

I have this at the moment, http://news.xinhuane.../c_13962683.htm )

The EC said the voter turnout was 75 %. So with those figures in mind the PTP support is roughly 49.3 % of the eligible voters that turned up to vote but someone please double check for me, I could be wrong.

What to see some pictures of the little kiddies in their red shirts and toy guns?

You are not only mathematically challenged but logically as well. If you include the eligible voters who didn't vote, how could the percentage go UP? D'oh

FYI The vote received was 37% of the eligible voters on your figure of 47.3million. Or 48.4% of those who did vote. Those who didn't vote due to age, roll problems, or simple disinterest are still Thai citizens who did not express any support of this pack of criminals.

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In my opinion all foreigners living in Thailand and owning property here should be very concerned with the current actions of PTP & Yingluck, for the simple reason that if this regime are willing to violate the laws of Thailand & to disrespect the Judicial system itself, and to violate the rights of Thai people, this regime should have no hesitation in violating the rights of foreigners living in Thailand. Once they start overturning Supreme Court decisions which are the strongest pillars of Thai society, there is nothing to stop them targeting the peripheral sections of society who are already less represented under the existing laws.

Hysterical nonsense. If ... if... if.

The hyperbolic rhetoric leading from some supposed violation of Thai law somehow proceeding to abuse of foreigners isn't even logical let alone realistic. If you're that worried, then sleep with a night light and ask mom to check under the bed for monsters.

There should be some way to require posters to take a breathalyzer test before accepting their messages.

Edited by Suradit69
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I wouldn't panic because it isn't productive BUT it is not exactly unheard of for things to fall apart fast in politically unstable countries, putting expats there in a pickle. Such as Egypt during their revolution. Thailand does qualify as a politically unstable country.

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Someone should tell Abhisit and his yellow shirt cronies that the Thai people voted against their policies at the last election, an election acknowledged as being fair and democratic. This time the army will not heed the yellowshirt calls for another bloodletting coup.

Yes, majority rules.
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I wouldn't panic because it isn't productive BUT it is not exactly unheard of for things to fall apart fast in politically unstable countries, putting expats there in a pickle. Such as Egypt during their revolution. Thailand does qualify as a politically unstable country.

Well in Egypt it was against other religions. So I don't worry about that.

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I wouldn't panic because it isn't productive BUT it is not exactly unheard of for things to fall apart fast in politically unstable countries, putting expats there in a pickle. Such as Egypt during their revolution. Thailand does qualify as a politically unstable country.

Well in Egypt it was against other religions. So I don't worry about that.

It was one example, mate, and actually you're wrong, the Egypt "Arab Spring" revolution was about politics. You're talking about something else, the violence against the Christian minority there.
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Why are you people so scared? We are in a democratic despensation,people have the right to voice out their opinion on what they do not like. Why do you guys thing about coup? Do you think democracy means no demostration? Many seems to be in Ignorance of the realities of democracy.

Who says is only the farangs that are worried? In my opinion everyone is,all want peaceful life,security and prosperity.

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Why are you people so scared? We are in a democratic despensation,people have the right to voice out their opinion on what they do not like. Why do you guys thing about coup? Do you think democracy means no demostration? Many seems to be in Ignorance of the realities of democracy.

Who says is only the farangs that are worried? In my opinion everyone is,all want peaceful life,security and prosperity.

I think that some want more prosperity than some others

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I can see the so-called Yingluck/Thaksin bashers are getting paranoid.....it seems that these farangs can run the country better...sick.gif

Probably not, based on the current state of many foreign countries. However, history has shown us many times, the dangers of allowing politicians to act outside the law and above the judicial system. This leads to dictatorships of one form or another. Many countries have strong independent judicial systems, backed by solid law enforcement agencies, and uncorrupt civil servnats to try to safeguard their constitutions and democracies. This is underpinned by rights of free speech. The people of Thailand, not farangs, need to decide the direction they want their country to go in. A modern thriving democratic economy in ASEAN, or a third world dictatorship where the controlling elite get richer and act as they please at the expense of the majority. Those currently "raping" the country do so more openly as their confidence and arrogance grows. Keeping the masses "uneducated" smacks of Czarist Russia whilst the absurd statements of "successes and promises" often issued resemble Mr. Mugabe or North Korea. Hopefully Stalin's mass starvation tactic won't be copied!

Allowing a convicted fugitive amnesty by political rather than judical decision sets a precedence for ignoring other judgments the same politicians don't like. These issues are not unique to Thailand but it is sad to see a wonderful country, people and culture blighted by them.

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Just got the message that even Police officers who are not on the field(working in office) are urgent called from other provinces to Bangkok heavy weapons and bulletproof jackets with them. Last time this happend we all still remember how it turned out......

this is reality no rumour of some sort.

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More to the point, the 17.5 million votes PTP received represents 27% of the 65million population.

Can babies and small children vote or have a political leaning?

The eligible voting poulation of Thailand apparently is 47.3 million, please somebody clarify this for me, (still looking for an "acceptable" source),

I have this at the moment, http://news.xinhuane.../c_13962683.htm )

The EC said the voter turnout was 75 %. So with those figures in mind the PTP support is roughly 49.3 % of the eligible voters that turned up to vote but someone please double check for me, I could be wrong.

What to see some pictures of the little kiddies in their red shirts and toy guns?

You are not only mathematically challenged but logically as well. If you include the eligible voters who didn't vote, how could the percentage go UP? D'oh

FYI The vote received was 37% of the eligible voters on your figure of 47.3million. Or 48.4% of those who did vote. Those who didn't vote due to age, roll problems, or simple disinterest are still Thai citizens who did not express any support of this pack of criminals.

I'm using your figures - you tell me PTP received 17.5 million votes, right? The EC says that 75% of eligible voters turned up to vote, right? We agree on an eligible voting population of 47.3 million, right?

75% of 47.3 million eligible voters turned up to vote

That means of those eligible voters 35,475,000 eligible voters actually turned up to vote.

Now if 17.5 million of those eligible voters who turned up to vote, voted for the PTP (your figures), it follows that

The number of eligible voters who turned up to vote, who voted for the PTP is 17,500,000 / 35,475,000 X 100 per cent =


Your example of the percentage of PTP votes compared to the entire nation (which is nearer 69 million anyway) is ridiculous, only 47.3 million of them are eligible to vote, the rest are under 18 or not eligible or some other reason.

Now tell me I'm wrong again.....................

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Just got the message that even Police officers who are not on the field(working in office) are urgent called from other provinces to Bangkok heavy weapons and bulletproof jackets with them. Last time this happend we all still remember how it turned out......

this is reality no rumour of some sort.

Could you possibly post the source of your information please.

That sounds pretty serious.

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Just got the message that even Police officers who are not on the field(working in office) are urgent called from other provinces to Bangkok heavy weapons and bulletproof jackets with them. Last time this happend we all still remember how it turned out......

this is reality no rumour of some sort.

Could you possibly post the source of your information please.

That sounds pretty serious.

My brother in law who is now on his way to there and is policeman.....so this is 1st hand info...

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The hyperbolic rhetoric leading from some supposed violation of Thai law somehow proceeding to abuse of foreigners isn't even logical let alone realistic.

Of course it effects foreigners, we are guests here by the grace of the rulers of the land, and if they turn away from legal accountability that puts us in a precarious position. If a political leader violates the rights of voters and over-rules the verdicts of the supreme court, what makes you think he's going to care what some farang wants.

And it is not a "supposed" violation of anything, it is an undemocratic overturning of a guilty verdict administered by the Supreme Court, by the very sister of the guilty convicted criminal himself. It couldn't be less "supposed" by any measure. It is entirely undemocratic & openly hostile towards to the very ideals of a modern 21st century legally-stratified society. It is the start of a cycle of abandonment of the values of the civilised modern world and embracing longterm tin-pot sleazy mafia dictatorship.

If you're that worried, then sleep with a night light and ask mom to check under the bed for monsters.

I'm in my 40s.

There should be some way to require posters to take a breathalyzer test before accepting their messages.

I haven't drank alcohol since 1987.

Its like you want to start a fight with me but I confirm that I am truly no fighter so I will leave you to it unless you want to talk sensibly about it.

Edited by Yunla
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Just got the message that even Police officers who are not on the field(working in office) are urgent called from other provinces to Bangkok heavy weapons and bulletproof jackets with them. Last time this happend we all still remember how it turned out......

this is reality no rumour of some sort.

Could you possibly post the source of your information please.

That sounds pretty serious.

My brother in law who is now on his way to there and is policeman.....so this is 1st hand info...

Thanks, I am more inclined to take first hand (well second hand over the internet) information seriously than a lot of the fiction in the press.

Mr T must think he is so close to achieving his goals that I fear that if anything or anyone prevents him from doing so then we will indeed see violence on the streets.

I hope I am wrong and your family stays safe.

Edited by Soupdragon
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Why are you people so scared? We are in a democratic despensation,people have the right to voice out their opinion on what they do not like. Why do you guys thing about coup? Do you think democracy means no demostration? Many seems to be in Ignorance of the realities of democracy.

Who says is only the farangs that are worried? In my opinion everyone is,all want peaceful life,security and prosperity.

As though the Thai army doesn't have a history of the odd coup, all peaceful, with instant stability and peace returned within minutes of the coup occurring. In my opinion, is it likely (75% sure) that the country will descend into chaos, no, is it possible (5 to 10% chance) yes. But then, laughably for a country with so many coups, people actually look at Thailand and consider it stable, the difference is now, that the Thai's have been watching all the uprisings around the world for the last 10 years. People change.

I would wonder if the country in democratic times hasn't actually been either under the PM'ship of a retired army general or a coup holder the majority of the time. The Thai Army (The Green Camoflage Party)

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