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Weak Jobs Report Pushes U.S. Unemployment Rate To 8.2 Percent


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Scott Walker won the recall election in Wisconsin by lowering their unemployment rate - it is 6.7 compared to 8.2 for the rest of the country - as well as taxes and curbing the power of the unions. None of this bodes well for Obama in 2012.

http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-18336641 Yeah UG maybe a taste of things to come Eh clap2.gif

Exit polling showed the majority voting were actually PRO Obama. Nice try.

Of course the "proof of the pudding " will be upon us in a few short months ,personally I think ( and hope) Romney will score a "touch down" , I was hoping for some feed back from the link I produced in my post #54 , obviously no further comment was needed by us on the right ,and the "source police" chose to completely ignore it cos it was on "FOX NEWS" laugh.png

Trawling again I see? Caught much?

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Trawling Folium ?, nah just asking for any ones opinion on the Video in my post #54 who are on the left such as yourself, is that too much of a request?smile.png

Trawling Folium ?, nah just asking for any ones opinion on the Video in my post #54 who are on the left such as yourself, is that too much of a request?smile.png

Most people respond better when not being badgered.

BTW I have been called many things in my life but being described as "on the left" is hilarious and a first, though I suppose everything is relative, eg Gordon Brown could be described as charismatic if stood beside a stunned slug!

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Trawling Folium ?, nah just asking for any ones opinion on the Video in my post #54 who are on the left such as yourself, is that too much of a request?smile.png

Trawling Folium ?, nah just asking for any ones opinion on the Video in my post #54 who are on the left such as yourself, is that too much of a request?smile.png

Most people respond better when not being badgered.

BTW I have been called many things in my life but being described as "on the left" is hilarious and a first, though I suppose everything is relative, eg Gordon Brown could be described as charismatic if stood beside a stunned slug!

Show me were I "badgered" any one in my post #54 ? ,and are you saying that you do not discount anything you read in the "Daily mail" ? Edited by Colin Yai
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Trawling Folium ?, nah just asking for any ones opinion on the Video in my post #54 who are on the left such as yourself, is that too much of a request?smile.png

Trawling Folium ?, nah just asking for any ones opinion on the Video in my post #54 who are on the left such as yourself, is that too much of a request?smile.png

Most people respond better when not being badgered.

BTW I have been called many things in my life but being described as "on the left" is hilarious and a first, though I suppose everything is relative, eg Gordon Brown could be described as charismatic if stood beside a stunned slug!

Show me were I "badgered" any one in my post #54 ? ,and are you saying that you do not discount anything you read in the "Daily mail" ?

Not sure anyone actually "reads" much in the Daily Mail, it doesn't seem to be designed for that purpose!

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Scott Walker won the recall election in Wisconsin by lowering their unemployment rate - it is 6.7 compared to 8.2 for the rest of the country - as well as taxes and curbing the power of the unions. None of this bodes well for Obama in 2012.

http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-18336641 Yeah UG maybe a taste of things to come Eh clap2.gif

Exit polling showed the majority voting were actually PRO Obama. Nice try.

I think one thing Wisconsin showed us, particularly in a union state, is that public opinions can often differ from opinions expressed in the privacy of a voting booth.

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Scott Walker won the recall election in Wisconsin by lowering their unemployment rate - it is 6.7 compared to 8.2 for the rest of the country - as well as taxes and curbing the power of the unions. None of this bodes well for Obama in 2012.

http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-18336641 Yeah UG maybe a taste of things to come Eh clap2.gif

Exit polling showed the majority voting were actually PRO Obama. Nice try.

I think one thing Wisconsin showed us, particularly in a union state, is that public opinions can often differ from opinions expressed in the privacy of a voting booth.

As they say In Manchester ,always watch what they actually do ,and don't listen to what they say,or as the old adage says ,"action speaks louder than words"wink.png
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Hey Folium ,as stated before "the source police" if you refuse to read this Excellent Daily ,how do you know everything it prints is pure BS?cheesy.gif

Perhaps by reading your posts.giggle.gif

Actually Folium the link in my post in #54 was from FOX NEWS another Source the left hate so much laugh.png
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Looks like you've outed yourself now Comrade Colin! Max Keiser is an outspoken, self-publicist with an anti US, pro environmental, anti corporate approach which not surprisingly accounts for his current jobs with Russia Today and Iran's Press TV. Perhaps your Fox News, Daily Mail fixation was just a front!

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Looks like you've outed yourself now Comrade Colin! Max Keiser is an outspoken, self-publicist with an anti US, pro environmental, anti corporate approach which not surprisingly accounts for his current jobs with Russia Today and Iran's Press TV. Perhaps your Fox News, Daily Mail fixation was just a front!

Yeah he spoke very glowingly of Obama got to admitlaugh.png , and I did say its only his opinion and he could be off target ,I left it to the experts like yourself to put me on the right road,as I did not comment personally or state whether I agreed or disagreed with the article now did I?,but nice try anyway at shooting the messenger,you are really going to have to concentrate more as it would appear you are in danger of getting carried away with the exuberance of you own verbosity smile.png Edited by Colin Yai
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How to stimulate more jobs?

It's not easy but that doesn't mean Romney has the answer ... either:


By contrast, Mitt Romney’s first major ad is substantive — and wrong. He tells us that on his first day in office — after approving the Keystone XL pipeline — he will “introduce tax cuts . . . that reward job creators not punish them.” The one idea that is almost certain not to jump-start this economy is a tax cut.

Why can we be sure of this? Because that is what we have done for the past three years.


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