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Re-Entry Permit At The Airport? Where Is The Immigration Desk?

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I missed to go to suan pluh, so i have to get my re-entry permit at the airport somehow. As far as i understand it i can get it after i check in, but where exactly do i find the immigration at the airport? Do i have to be stamped out first? I remember paying overstay fines at the airport, but that was after they stamped my passport and in front of the customs check.

Also my flight is around midnight (23.55) - is that a problem?

Do i need to bring anything else beside my passport and a picture?

Edited by WebBKK123
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No problem, but do check-in early as the re-entry permit desk closes at midnight. At the airport the cost is a little bit higher, 1200 or 1300 baht.

First you check-in at the airline desk, once you have your boarding card you go to immigration and get a re-entry permit before you go through passpot control! Ask the person at the entrance to the area for immigration where to go.

No need to bring anything else.

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How long have they been doing re-entry at the airport? I was under the impression that you had to get your re-entry stamp at your area immigration office! Every time I've been through the airport, up until January the re-entry part was empty!!sad.png

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How long have they been doing re-entry at the airport? I was under the impression that you had to get your re-entry stamp at your area immigration office! Every time I've been through the airport, up until January the re-entry part was empty!!sad.png

The service is back since more then 1 year. But the desk is not always staffed, you have to ask an immigration official at times.

Recommendation is to get a re-entry permit before you go to the airport, and use the airport only in emergencies.

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