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The Big Circus


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considering that the election of a president of the USA affects all of us non citizens of good old America. I would like to suggest that we all should be able to participate in this election. I sure as ###### don't trust the voting public of that country with my future.

:D Regards joe strawberry

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considering that the election of a president of the USA affects all... I sure as ###### don't trust the voting public of that country with my future.

It's not the voting US public you have to worry about. You should be more worried that governors of large states (FL) and Bush Sr.-appointed Justices on the US Supreme Court don't steal the election from the US voters again. :D

Gore won the popular vote in 2000.

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For my two less than astute colleagues. I am thankful that you do not have a vote in my country.

Please note:

1) There is a place for political debate. It is called the bear pit. Go there, or just go away.

2) At what point exactly are you going to let the world vote on your sorry a** leaders?

3) The US is a republic. Why don't you go to the library, and figure out what that means, and maybe then you will understand why Gore did not win?

Good Day.

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For my two less than astute colleagues. I am thankful that you do not have a vote in my country.

Please note:

1) There is a place for political debate. It is called the bear pit. Go there, or just go away.

2) At what point exactly are you going to let the world vote on your sorry a** leaders?

True, of course. Only citizens of any given country have any right to vote.

However, it is crystal clear that who wins the US election is of vital interest to the entire world.


The US has the most influential economy in the world, even though that is on the decline. When the US has a cold, the world gets the pneumonia.

The US is the world's only military superpower.

American presidents consider themselves the leader of the free world. While you could argue (and I would agree) that the US is less free than it has ever been, you would also have to admit the "free world" reaches beyond American borders.

The democrats now have four strong candidates to take on Bush. It is going to be one ###### of an election!

Yep, this post belongs in the pit.

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<<The democrats now have four strong candidates to take on Bush. It is going to be one ###### of an election!

Taiquila - your posts are getting more fanciful all the time. The Democrats have got four LOSERS running. The only one with the least bit of common sense is Joe Liberman and he'll never pull it off.

Kerry will never take the south; Edwards is a Trial Lawyer for Christ sake; the best hope for GWB so he don't have to spend too much $$$ is Dean. Come on Dean! :o

Boon Mee

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<<The democrats now have four strong candidates to take on Bush. It is going to be one ###### of an election!

Taiquila - your posts are getting more fanciful all the time. The Democrats have got four LOSERS running. The only one with the least bit of common sense is Joe Liberman and he'll never pull it off.

Kerry will never take the south; Edwards is a Trial Lawyer for Christ sake; the best hope for GWB so he don't have to spend too much $$$ is Dean. Come on Dean! :o

Boon Mee

Who is deluded here?

Lieberman is a virtual republican, and will be hounded of the race very soon because of his poor numbers. He should look himself in the mirror and switch parties.

If you want to believe that these four strong democratic candidates, Kerry, Dean, Edwards, and General Wesley Clark are not formidable contenders, enjoy yourself.

The Bush opposition is worked up and powerful. The dirty murdering lies that Bush told to go to war in Iraq are being exposed everyday. People are growing more aware that the Bush regime is in the pockets of rich corporate interests, like the pharmaceutical companies, NOT their interests. Dean has mobilized the apathetic to realizing there CAN be a difference between the two parties. Bush is running scared. A recent Newsweek poll has Kerry beating Bush in a head to head. The Bush insiders are most concerned about running againt Edwards, who they describe as a mixture of JFK and Clinton from the south with no scandal and no baggage.

My prediction for the ticket:

President John Kerry (senior senator, war hero with a conscience)

Vice President John Edwards

As Thailand well knows, you can never have too many johns. Its a winning combination.

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As an afterthought, as most of the world's population cannot vote for or against Bush, as Strawberry says so correctly, this is what I would like to hear:

It is a fictitious speech not yet delivered (and not likely to)...and is the text of a presidential address to be given by President Bush on July 4, 2004.

The source of this material remains unidentified.

My fellow Americans:

As you all know, the defeat of Iraq's regime has been completed. The

discovery and destruction of all weapons of mass destruction have been

covered thoroughly in the press. A new Iraqi government has been

established and appears to be stable.

Our mission in Iraq is complete.

This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American

forces from Iraq. This action will be complete within 30 days.

It is now time to begin the reckoning.

Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries


have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict.

This list is short. The United Kingdom, Spain, Bulgaria, Australia and

Poland are some of the countries listed there.

The other list contains everyone not on the first list. Most of the

world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies

of both lists later this evening.

Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those

nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved

during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the

Iraqi war.

The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world

######-holes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.

Need help with a famine? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.

In the next years, together with Congress, I will work to re-direct this

money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home.

I am ordering the immediate withdrawal of all US forces from Kuwait, Saudi

Arabia, and all other Middle Eastern nations. Leave us alone. Solve your

own ###### problems.

Need help? Call Germany.

On that note, a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we

will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your relatives from the face of

the earth.

Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China.

Regarding the nation of Israel, I have this to say. It seems like

everybody has forgotten what happened to European Jewry during the 1930s and World

War II. Our nation will never permit the destruction of Israel. No way, Jose(ph).

I'm ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France,

Germany, and Russia. Thanks for all your help, comrades.

We are retiring from NATO as well. Bon chance, mes amis.

I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN

diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid tickets

to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I

don't give a ###### about whatever treaty pertains to this. Pay your tickets

tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers, and limos be turned

over to some of the finest chop shops in the world.

I love New York.

A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2.

Since we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might

want to try not pissing us off for a change.

Mexico is also on List 2. President Fox and his entire corrupt

government really need an attitude adjustment.

I have a couple extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess

where I'm gonna put 'em?

Yep, border security. So start doing something with your oil.

Oh, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty---starting now. It is

time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens.

Some will accuse us of xenophobia. My response is simple and direct: if

you can play that word in Scrabble, do it as soon as your turn comes


Some will accuse us of isolationism.

I answer them be saying darn tootin'. Nearly a century of trying to help

folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying

enmity of just about everyone on the planet.

It is time to eliminate hunger in America.

It is time to eliminate homelessness in America.

It is time to eliminate World Cup soccer from America.

We will develop energy independence.

We will restructure our nation for its isolationist destiny.

I will be sending legislation to Congress tomorrow proposing the first

actions that that August body should take as we move in a new direction.

Finally, I have decided NOT to run for a second term of office. The First

Lady and I will retire to our Texas ranch and have some fun. Laura and I

have been talking about taking' one of those cruises up to Alaska.

Personally, I couldn't care less who gets elected in 2004. Throw a little

fascism into the mix and elect Senator Clinton. She can appoint the

editorial board of the New York Times to her Cabinet.

To the nations on List 2, a final thought. Drop dead.

To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thanks guys. We owe you.

God bless America. Thank you and good night

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For my two less than astute colleagues. I am thankful that you do not have a vote in my country.

Please note:

2) At what point exactly are you going to let the world vote on your sorry a** leaders?


Ummm... Right now my sorry a** leader is a guy named Bush. I will be happy to vote for anyone except him. I guess our votes will be cancelling each other out...

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1) I never said I was voting for Bush. Showing a modicum of respect for one's leader does not mean that you are in support of his actions. I am proud to be an American that's all.

2) So you are all for Osama getting to vote for a U.S. president? You are supporting what was said about the world getting to vote for US leaders? Did you even read, or just spew?

No time for you insolent one.


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What has this got to do with living in Thailand??

The threat is "The Big Circus, Electing a president" not "living in Thailand", which btw forces me to listen the far too long on New Hampshire, courtesy of UBC-Thailand.

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I hope that he lets the bars stay open later! :D

Longer open?

Last time GWB was in BKK I wanted to go the Spasso and call him over the house-phone, to come down for a tomato-juice.

They did not even let me into the Hyatt and I believe the bar was closed :o

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Hi All,

I answer So Call Thinking that everyone will see this letter but seems it went directly to him. so Call writes to me asking why I don't have the guts to share with you all. So here I go to do just that. The post I sent him was deliberatly silly because I consider that the post he sent me (via this column) was also silly. Every one Knows that a citizen of one country can't vote in another country, That is , unless that person has dual citizenship.

What I was saying about the CIRCUS was a tongue in cheek way of protesting against what I percive as being injustices committed by the USA on the rest of the world over the years.

I'd say that more than half the worlds population feel this way.

Concerning the elections, Which I find fascinating====

Even commentators on Cnn are calling it the great circus.

I've studied the American way of life for many years. The USA is a big glass house who insist on washing its dirty linen in public, do you expect the rest of the world not to have an opinion ?

I have every confidence that America will will eventually make us all proud but not until the people wake up to such people as the Neo Conservatives are prevented from causing young Christian men to be sent to their deaths. :o

Regards Joe Strawberry

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<<such people as the Neo Conservatives are prevented from causing young Christian men to be sent to their deaths. >>

Ah, Grasshopper... these young men "getting sent to their deaths" just happen to be VOLUNTEERS. I know it's hard to believe but there are people out there who believe in standing up to EVIL. Away from home months at a time getting shot at to perhaps help establish a little Democracy when there was once a despotic dictatorship.

Read a little more history buddy...

Boon Mee

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Canon fodder is canon fodder even when it volunteers.

Mr Boon Mee, Will the "freedom and democracy" you bring to Iraq be as good as the ones you brought to Afghanistan where the Taleban are reforming in strength, where the warlords are once again dominant, where the opium industry is flourishing, where the civilians are still killed by freedom bombs, where the women are again being oppressed and where Amid Karzai is nicknamed "the mayor of Kabul" ?

Or will it be worse ?

America (as any country) can't be jugded on its intentions but only on its achievements. In afghanistan, it's a complete failure: Osama is still on the run and the whole country has sank into chaos.

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1) If we air our dirty laundry in public, then it is our public, and that is how we choose to do things in America. If your countries decide to follow it, then that is their decision not ours. If you decide to watch it rather than getting off your ass and turning the channel, then this is once again on you, not us.

2) When they talk about the elections being a circus, they are talking about the democratic party. Is it any coincidence that their symbol is a jack ass, and Dean sounds like one?

3) Would have to make a serious analysis (encourage you to do), but I dare say that more wars (U.S.) have been launched by the Dems, rather than the GOP. Vietnam was started by Kennedy, and your right, a stupid move.


1) The international forces are being headed by Germany, who has the largest international force. Why don't you take up your complaints with them?

2) Seeing as you think it's so easy to find a coward hiding in a cave in a country the size of Afghanistan. Why don't you go find Osama, and we'll gladly cut you a check for $50 mil?

Just once I would like to see you knuckleheads using facts, and your heads with the intent of finding truth, rather than spewing the contentious garbage, but I guess that is all you have left in the left. :o

Love and Rockets,


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Obviously the Europeans do. They're having a hard time not running the world, as if they did a good job last time.  :o

Yeah, and America is getting tired of being crapped on by corrupt (read Chirac's France) governments. Anybody read what came out today re. the blood-money for oil France was bribing Saddam right up to the end?

Pull all US troops outa Europe and let God sort it out... :D

Boon Mee

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Quote)The dirty murdering lies that Bush told to go to war in Iraq ( to prevent the french from finishing the nuke plants in the southwest asia).

I agree Saddam should of been gone in 91. Osama would not of had the nerve without Iraq's support to be a pain in the butt outside of Sudan.

Vietnam a real victory they had and their status as a leader in asia, right up there with Burma, Cambodia and Loas (do they have any young girls that have not ran off to Cambodia to make a few $$$'s).

Afghanistan do they have a brewery or nuke weapon? How did they get nation status.

Well since we are being world minds at least we could do is declare Hawaii as world HQ. It would be about the only thing worth mentioning of being a success

or place of mention.

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To SoCal,

We don't share the same point of view but until this morning I believed you were an honest man (woman?).

Dismissing the truth about Afghanistan as "garbage" is plain dishonesty.

But then, and it's a paradox, blaming the Germans for the current chaos in Afghanistan only means that you acknowlegde that I'm correct : bringing democracy and freedom to this country is a complete failure. If you don't agree, please provide some facts.

(By the way, by blaming the Germans you stab one of your allies in the back. They will appreciate).

To Boon Mee,

So, at last, you've heard the call of reason: pull the US troops out of Europe !

To Georgie-Porgie,

Abusing people is not necessary. It doesn't make you more clever or more astute. Please refrain from answering my posts or do it in a civilized manner. Thanks in advance.

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I highly doubt you can bestow freedom and democracy on a people. These may be "rights", but they are still earned.

Afghanistan is one of the most backward countries in the world. I suspect that life is better than before the war, but not by much.

Let's be honest, one cynic to another. Afghanistan doesn't have anything that people want (barring heroin maybe), so no one really gives a sh*t about the place. I am not only talking U.S. here, and in no way saying that this is my mentality.

As for Germany, Shroeder equates Bush to Hitler, and they're my allies? Friends like him I can do without.


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