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hi my name is simon, my girlfriend and i tryed to make the visa are selves a few months ago. it was refused for many things sad.png . we were going to go to an agency, but then i looked on hear for some advice and many people said its best to make it your self so i've got a good idea of what evidence to add to make the next visa alot stronger. oh should i go through an agency or should we make it are selfs is probs a good question?and how much does a agency charge to make the 6month visa? the place we took it to, to hand it in said they charge 50.000tb. i was like wha!!! 4000tb for visa 50.000tb to make it sad.png .anyways before i carry on talking about this you probs best read the refusal form.

you state in your application form that you wish to visit your boyfriend, mr xxxxxxxxx for a period of 6 months. there is an onus upon you, under the united kingdom immigration rules, to satisfy me as to your intentions in the united kingdom, however you have failed to do so. from the evidence you have submitted i cannot be satisfied that you have actually met your sponsor. although you have submitted one photograph of the two of you together, this appears to be superimposed and therefore cannot be accepted as a genuine photographic evidence. i note that you have provided evidence of money transfers however this does not demonstrate that you have actually met. you have failed to provide any other substantive evidence of your relationship with your sponsor, which casts doubt on your intentions in the united kingdom.

you have described yourself as being unemployed and have stated that you are wholly financially dependent upon your partner. i must also note that you have no evidence of assets or property, which might encourage your presence in your country. i am not satisfied, under these circumstance, that you are economically well settled in your country.

in light of the above i am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you are genuinely seeking entry to the uk as a visitor or that you intend to leave the uk on completion of your visit as stated by you and as required by paragraph 41(i) and (ii) of hc395. you state that the cost of your proposed visit is to be bourne by your claimed partner in the uk however you have provided no confirmation from your partner that he is willing to do this you have also failed to provide satisfactory evidence to establish accommodation is available for you in the uk.

given the foregoing i am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you will be able to maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to public funds or taking employment; or will, with any dependants, be maintained and accomodated adequately by relatives or friends; nor that you can meet the cost of the return journey as required by paragraph 41(vii) of hc 395.

i have therefore refused your application because i am not satisfied , on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all of the requirements of the above paragraph(s) of the immigration rules.

right thats pretty much all of it except the crap at the start and the end.

so what i thought to add to it was:

a letter hand written from myself currentying my girlfriend can stay with me and i will financially pay everything for her.

a hand written letter and evidence confirming my address and where she will stay for the next 6months including utility bills

hand written letter from my girlfirends sister gurrentying she'll take of her daughter.

20 photo's not photoshoped one's lol, skype showing calls made since august last year, western union papers showing money sent, bank statements from my self, payslips from my self.

right thats all i can think of sorry for any spelling mistakes and any help would help alot!

THANKS for reading!

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Might help if you wrote how you met and proof of entry stamps to Thailand, flight, hotel receipts etc

I'd also suggest typing the letters! whistling.gif



you need to read earlier posts to give you some idea what you have to provide,but her earlier application on why she was refused was doomed from the start.like its been said photo copies of your entry stamps and dates in your passport,date you met,dates and copies of money sent,bank statements,your job,proof of accomadation,you say she has a daughter how was she providing for her before you met,how long have you known her and whats her sister doing to be able to look after her child i exspect there will be many more questions you and she will have to answer,unless she's done it before they can easy catch her out.good luck.

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Also don't forget "you have no evidence of assets or property, which might encourage your presence in your country" A criteria that must be addressed. What decision would you have made if you were the officer reviewing the original application??? Put yourself on their side of the desk.


...............unless she's done it before they can easy catch her out.good luck.

'They' are not trying to 'catch her out,' 'they' are looking to see if the applicant meets the criteria for the visa applied for. To do this they need to see evidence to support the application.

It seems from the refusal notice that the application was rushed and no thought given to providing that evidence.

For any subsequent application to succeed this needs to be addressed.

Simon, I suggest that you first read UK Visit Visa Basics and then come back with any questions you may have.

If you are considering using an agent, I suggest that you read Visa Agents first.


Also reading the the ECO's refusal your girlfriend indicated a visit of 6 months which is the maximum, this is a long time and possibly the ECO judged that the the purpose of the visit was to live with you as apposed to visiting, and the likelihood of her overstaying, even if at the time of applying the intention was not to do so.


Go back to basics - a hastily put together application and refusal is not going to go against the applicant unless fraud was suspected. If the photo sent in was photo-shopped the applicant might have received a ten year ban. If it was she has dodged a bullet already! If it was just a poor photo then make sure there are good ones in the next application! Ideally dated with some explanation to provide a timeline for the ECO to show evidence of the relationship. Make sure you provide copies of evidence of your travel (passport stamps etc) and show these fit with the photo dates.

Remember the ECO is looking out for cases of people trafficking so can be forgiven for being suspicious.

A six month visit is asking for trouble but people have managed this as long as the application is otherwise strong. Such a long visit can send signals that this may be an attempt to by-pass the settlement rules.

Where are her 'reasons to return'? Even if there are no assets/job/property in Thailand many have been successful getting visas but the rest of the application has to be particularly strong.

Strong evidence of an on-going genuine relationship will help because you can argue that failure to comply may jeopardise future visa applications.

Build on the strengths of the application. Give good evidence of the relationship, a more realistic length of visit etc. A further application should help support evidence of an on-going relationship based on time you have known each other.

Read the visa basics thread - most of what you need is in there. A good agent will advise you on the quality of the application but not guarantee a visa!

I was a bit casual with my wife's (then gf) visit visa and it was rejected, not enough photographs, insufficient reason to return etc. I spoke to a very helpful ECO at the embassy who explained what they were looking for which helped as I did not know about this forum at the time!

We bought some land in the family village together (she bought, I paid!) which provided some assistance with reasons to return. It was not a lot of money but has proved to be a very sound financial investment (I am not suggesting this is the right option for you!).

If you are really unsure it may be worth paying an agent but make sure it is a reputable one. I have never used an agent but the forum sponsors seem a pretty safe bet!


Simon, what European countries especially looks for are:

For the first, that you can prove you have met each other - preferable more than once - fx. with local (flight or other) tickets for travelling together, photos etc. Also an explanation in the invitation letter about when and how you met each other.

Secondly, that your GF have stronger ties to her homeland than the European country she wish to visit, fx. like a job (employment) or business (selfemployed, which may be a stall on a market and do not require salary slips), bank account with some funds or savings, eventually property, family ties etc. Mentioning that she depends on fund from you and is unemployed, may not help at all - a lot better to state, that she can take care of herself (in her homeland) from her own income/business. It is when she's (a guest) in your country, that she needs the sponsor guarantie, as your country is more expencieve to stay in.

I wish you good luck.


Also suggest running spell & grammar checks. A "good" letter is important for the interviewing Embassy officer to look at.


Good point. Everything helps. Good Luck.

Forget it pal. Go visit another Asian country for a holiday. European & Western Countries are very tough on even Tourist Visas. There are just so many Economic Refugees in all these countries, that all these Govts are being very tough. I don't think you will have much luck. I went thru the samre process in 2011, for a Tourist Visa to Canada for my Thai GF. It was a no go. I finally gave up on the Visa & the Thai GF. The Cdn Embassy didn't like our 30 year age gap. We were together 3 years, but that counted for nothing. Thai lady must be a Govt Teacher, Nurse or long time business owner. Farmers need not apply.


I would suggest telling them that is not a one off application and that you will want to bring her in again in future.

And in the letter accompanying the application, promise to ensure that she leaves the country withinin the validity of the visa.


Forget it pal. Go visit another Asian country for a holiday. European & Western Countries are very tough on even Tourist Visas. There are just so many Economic Refugees in all these countries, that all these Govts are being very tough. I don't think you will have much luck. I went thru the samre process in 2011, for a Tourist Visa to Canada for my Thai GF. It was a no go. I finally gave up on the Visa & the Thai GF. The Cdn Embassy didn't like our 30 year age gap. We were together 3 years, but that counted for nothing. Thai lady must be a Govt Teacher, Nurse or long time business owner. Farmers need not apply.

Visit visas to the UK are not that difficult to get. You need to tick the right boxes especially reasons to return. The visa application process helps to weed out economic migrants, people trafficking and those trying to get round the settlement rules.

Read the visas basics bit. Most visas are approved so it seems the Canadian Embassy must be very different to the UK

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thankyou for all the reply's and im sorry for my very late reply i had an email off a very nice guy who helped me out with alot of stuff. i've decided to give it another go and do it my self again. im nearly all done with the evidence i think my g/f needs. so this is what i got so far:

Letter explaining intention of trip from g/f

letter of invitation from me

letter confirming my address

letter of invitation from my mum as its her home im staying at

letter for the g/f daughter from the g/f sister who will look after her.

Letter from my employment

passport photo and visa/stamp copys from my self.

Proposed return flight tickets

skype calls dateing back 6months

western union, transfers dateing back nearly 2years

photo's, 20+

payslips last 6 months and p60

bank statements last 6months

copy thai id card/ 2 passport photo's

Health care cover??? does she need this if so can someone give me a link so my g/f can sign up for this.

land which is in my g/f name. does this need to be translated? does the original document have to be given or can it be a copy? g/f doesn't want to give the original.

want to go for the 6month visa whats are chances? is it better to apply for the 3month visa? we have'nt seen each other in 10months so that's the reason why we want to stay together for 6months

thanks for the help! and there's just a couple years age gap between me and the g/f and shes older too lol, to answer the canadian guy

thanks again simon


A question- did you submit a photo-shopped photo ? If you did, then why ? Either way, yes or no, you are going to have to address that in your supporting letter as it was one of the reasons for refusal. Ignoring it is not going to impress the ECO.


passport photo and visa/stamp copys from my self.

Health care cover??? does she need this if so can someone give me a link so my g/f can sign up for this.

land which is in my g/f name. does this need to be translated? does the original document have to be given or can it be a copy? g/f doesn't want to give the original.

want to go for the 6month visa whats are chances? is it better to apply for the 3month visa? we have'nt seen each other in 10months so that's the reason why we want to stay together for 6months

Health care - For a UK visit health care cover is not necessary, but we do take it out LMG Pacific Healthcare. Three months costs about 3,500 baht. Should be available from all good brokers.

Chanote (land document) - It is not necessary to have the document translated, however, the original document must be submitted together with a photocopy. The normal procedure at VFS is that they check the original document and the copy, then return the original to the applicant. The same applies to all other official documents, bank books etc, submit original + copy and the originals should be returned by VFS.

6 month visa - as stated in a previous reply, 6 months is the maximum period and for a first successful visa application, perhaps too long. Until you have established your credentials with the UK Border Agency, a shorter period may be a prudent choice

There is no need for a passport photo of you, but they do want copies of your passport data page and all pages relevant to your application.


A question- did you submit a photo-shopped photo ? If you did, then why ? Either way, yes or no, you are going to have to address that in your supporting letter as it was one of the reasons for refusal. Ignoring it is not going to impress the ECO.

ye we did i didn't have the photo to hand my g/f did and i just forgot it was a photoshopped one. ok so address it in the sponsors letter or the applicants letter?


passport photo and visa/stamp copys from my self.

Health care cover??? does she need this if so can someone give me a link so my g/f can sign up for this.

land which is in my g/f name. does this need to be translated? does the original document have to be given or can it be a copy? g/f doesn't want to give the original.

want to go for the 6month visa whats are chances? is it better to apply for the 3month visa? we have'nt seen each other in 10months so that's the reason why we want to stay together for 6months

Health care - For a UK visit health care cover is not necessary, but we do take it out LMG Pacific Healthcare. Three months costs about 3,500 baht. Should be available from all good brokers.

Chanote (land document) - It is not necessary to have the document translated, however, the original document must be submitted together with a photocopy. The normal procedure at VFS is that they check the original document and the copy, then return the original to the applicant. The same applies to all other official documents, bank books etc, submit original + copy and the originals should be returned by VFS.

6 month visa - as stated in a previous reply, 6 months is the maximum period and for a first successful visa application, perhaps too long. Until you have established your credentials with the UK Border Agency, a shorter period may be a prudent choice

There is no need for a passport photo of you, but they do want copies of your passport data page and all pages relevant to your application.

thanks for the health care link. right ok so copy the land document, what else of my evidence needs to be copyed? all is original. and of the letters thats been typed out, do they need to be signed by hand or is just the typed full name ok? if we apply for a 6month and they think its better to give a 3month not a 6month will they give my g/f a 3 month instead or will they reject the application?


A question- did you submit a photo-shopped photo ? If you did, then why ? Either way, yes or no, you are going to have to address that in your supporting letter as it was one of the reasons for refusal. Ignoring it is not going to impress the ECO.

ye we did i didn't have the photo to hand my g/f did and i just forgot it was a photoshopped one. ok so address it in the sponsors letter or the applicants letter?

If you are doing two letters, then explain it in both.


That's pure craziness submitting an obviously photoshopped picture.

You really are going to have a hard job to explain that.

Good luck

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

it was one from changmai zoo not one i photoshopped. thought it would of helped show we went to changmai lol. but now it seems very stupid i know


it was one from changmai zoo not one i photoshopped. thought it would of helped show we went to changmai lol. but now it seems very stupid i know

Was it the one with the Panda?

I had one of those wink.png



it was one from changmai zoo not one i photoshopped. thought it would of helped show we went to changmai lol. but now it seems very stupid i know

Was it the one with the Panda?

I had one of those wink.png


lol yes! you could'nt help me with my above problems dude?


It was actually taken with an ex-gf a few years ago whistling.gif

The Mrs wasn't best pleased when she found the key ring in a draw laugh.png

Back on topic - I would just explain you visited the zoo when you were on holiday and it was a "tourist photograph" and that is why it was photoshopped. Include some of other pics of Chiang Mai too...Maybe find a link to the zoo and the pandas and print it off?

Turn it into a "positive"...You were together in Chiang Mai doing what people do on holiday...visiting tourist attractions.

When the ECO has the information in front of them it's pretty easy to explain the "photoshopping" away.


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It was actually taken with an ex-gf a few years ago whistling.gif

The Mrs wasn't best pleased when she found the key ring in a draw laugh.png

Back on topic - I would just explain you visited the zoo when you were on holiday and it was a "tourist photograph" and that is why it was photoshopped. Include some of other pics of Chiang Mai too...Maybe find a link to the zoo and the pandas and print it off?

Turn it into a "positive"...You were together in Chiang Mai doing what people do on holiday...visiting tourist attractions.

When the ECO has the information in front of them it's pretty easy to explain the "photoshopping" away.


cool as cheers, 1 or 2 of the other posts made me feel like i was fxxxxd


passport photo and visa/stamp copys from my self.

Health care cover??? does she need this if so can someone give me a link so my g/f can sign up for this.

land which is in my g/f name. does this need to be translated? does the original document have to be given or can it be a copy? g/f doesn't want to give the original.

want to go for the 6month visa whats are chances? is it better to apply for the 3month visa? we have'nt seen each other in 10months so that's the reason why we want to stay together for 6months

Health care - For a UK visit health care cover is not necessary, but we do take it out LMG Pacific Healthcare. Three months costs about 3,500 baht. Should be available from all good brokers.

Chanote (land document) - It is not necessary to have the document translated, however, the original document must be submitted together with a photocopy. The normal procedure at VFS is that they check the original document and the copy, then return the original to the applicant. The same applies to all other official documents, bank books etc, submit original + copy and the originals should be returned by VFS.

6 month visa - as stated in a previous reply, 6 months is the maximum period and for a first successful visa application, perhaps too long. Until you have established your credentials with the UK Border Agency, a shorter period may be a prudent choice

There is no need for a passport photo of you, but they do want copies of your passport data page and all pages relevant to your application.

thanks for the health care link. right ok so copy the land document, what else of my evidence needs to be copyed? all is original. and of the letters thats been typed out, do they need to be signed by hand or is just the typed full name ok? if we apply for a 6month and they think its better to give a 3month not a 6month will they give my g/f a 3 month instead or will they reject the application?

It would be better to sign the letters by hand if possible.

All original documents you don't want them to keep should be copied and signed. For example your bank statements if they are the only originals you posses. They may not hand them back on submission, but may keep the copies and return the originals with the applicants passport.

The visa's issued by the UKBA are all valid for 6 months (unless you were to apply for 2, 5 or 10 year visa). The applicant states the period of time they wish to stay in the UK. It is possible to ask for a short period, but then stay for the full 6 month period, BUT, this would require a very good explanation of why the stay was extended beyond the original requested period in any subsequent application, and may prejudice any future application. As I and others have suggested, apply for a shorter period in the first instance, establish your credentials then apply for longer.


It was actually taken with an ex-gf a few years ago whistling.gif

The Mrs wasn't best pleased when she found the key ring in a draw laugh.png

Back on topic - I would just explain you visited the zoo when you were on holiday and it was a "tourist photograph" and that is why it was photoshopped. Include some of other pics of Chiang Mai too...Maybe find a link to the zoo and the pandas and print it off?

Turn it into a "positive"...You were together in Chiang Mai doing what people do on holiday...visiting tourist attractions.

When the ECO has the information in front of them it's pretty easy to explain the "photoshopping" away.


Really important that you send the correct signals to the ECO. If they decide the photo was an attempt at fraud the application is doomed. The above post seems to get round that one but you really do have to be very careful what documents you submit.

Land is a good reason to return and is a plus. If you are supporting your gf you need to show this as her income is going to be under scrutiny more than yours. Showing a relationship is not a bad thing at all but there should be nothing that suggests an attempt at circumventing the settlement rules.

The new list seems a lot better than your original application. Even if this is refused time, persistence suggests a genuine relationship and good reason for a visit which may help with future applications!


Sorry to here about your refusal,but everything is online including the forms to fill in,which are sent and then u make an appointment online

I did 2 one for gf and one for her son aged 11,then 3,800 baht each,a visit by her to Bangkok,one call from border agency and job done,very very easy to do mate.

(1) do they use your bank statements as a way of confirming address? mine is in my grans address as this is where i was staying before i left home 2 years ago. since being home nearly a year i had'nt got round to putting it in my mum's address where im staying now as my mum's a pain in the bum for chucking my letters in draws and never to be seen again. will this be a problem? my names on the rent sheet showing i live at my mum's house though.

(2) on a letter from my g/f sister saying that she's going to look after my g/f's child, does she need to show proof of earnings or any extra documents other than a letter signed by her?

(3) so it's 100% that they need the land document and will keep a copy of the land document not the original as the g/f does not want to hand it over? lol

(4) do i need a letter from my landlord saying that it's fine for my g/f to stay? i spoke to them on the phone and they said its fine for her to stay but they would'nt send me a confirmation letter! sad.png should i ring again and demand one!

(5)are my mum's utility bills needed as proof of address?

i think thats all my questions would be great if i could have a little more help with this im very nearly done smile.png

thanks simon

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