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Gig Aces The Audition Thailand'S Got Talent

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I don't bother with these shows anymore as the setups are contrived and it is a modern day version of throwing people to the lions.

It's all about ratings and selling advertising isn't it. Nothing is as entertaining as watching a meltdown, and sometimes the performers get a little push in that direction, don't they?

One show, they laud a performer, and the next show, the knives are out.

Appreciably, it is a chance for a quality performer to get some visibility and have a shot at something they might not otherwise have. However, the likelihood of public humiliation and ridicule is more likely, even if the performer is a decent person and has some talent.

These judges for X- Idol, X has Talent, The Voice, X- Dancing are marginal at best and some of their comments are cringeworthy.

That being said, to the lady, chok dee.

My my, what made you so cynical?

So you think Gig may have been 'encouraged' to get upset like that? If that's true and she was acting I've never seen a better performance - Oscar nomination for sure.

You understood all the Thai judges comments? Tell us what they said, especially the cringeworthy stuff please.

Mate don't forget this is the Doom and Gloom forum.

As we both know Gig I wish her all the best and hope she goes all the way.

Actually had a lump in my throat watching her.

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If I understood her Thai, she told the judges she finished P6. I may be wrong.

That's why the judge waied her before asking her education level hoping not to embarrass her. Yes, P6 but continuing her studies now at age 32 - good for her.

Is that in agreement with what i said [#21] , or have i got it wrong? wai.gif


Really top-notch, if she doesn't get the success she deserves here competing with the talentless barbie dolls she can make a go of it anywhere else in the world where they care about talent more than looks.


I don't bother with these shows anymore as the setups are contrived and it is a modern day version of throwing people to the lions.

It's all about ratings and selling advertising isn't it. Nothing is as entertaining as watching a meltdown, and sometimes the performers get a little push in that direction, don't they?

One show, they laud a performer, and the next show, the knives are out.

Appreciably, it is a chance for a quality performer to get some visibility and have a shot at something they might not otherwise have. However, the likelihood of public humiliation and ridicule is more likely, even if the performer is a decent person and has some talent.

These judges for X- Idol, X has Talent, The Voice, X- Dancing are marginal at best and some of their comments are cringeworthy.

That being said, to the lady, chok dee.

My my, what made you so cynical?

So you think Gig may have been 'encouraged' to get upset like that? If that's true and she was acting I've never seen a better performance - Oscar nomination for sure.

You understood all the Thai judges comments? Tell us what they said, especially the cringeworthy stuff please.

Mate don't forget this is the Doom and Gloom forum.

As we both know Gig I wish her all the best and hope she goes all the way.

Actually had a lump in my throat watching her.

These shows are scripted and the producers often have selected the contestants that they want to progress long before the shows air. Yes, the shows can be exciting as viewers are drawn in, but make no mistake, these are not fair competitions. There have been some shows where the judges use prescripted comments. The classic example was in 2009 when Paula Abdul of American Idol infamy made comments about a contestant's performance, before he had performed the song she was commenting about.

The prize at the end is a recording contract is it not? Do you not think that the producers have already established the parameters of what they want? The end result through skillful editing, and staging, the performers the producers want are promoted, while those they dislike are thrown under the bus.

The producers of these shows do not make any claim to the shows being actual open contests. They call them reality entertainment. This saves them from the legal implications of claiming they are actual bonafide competitions. It is not gloom and doom to state the obvious that these shows are not fair competitions. If you are entertained by the show, great. However, do not for one minute assume that the contestants are fairly judged on their talent, because they are not.


I don't bother with these shows anymore as the setups are contrived and it is a modern day version of throwing people to the lions.

It's all about ratings and selling advertising isn't it. Nothing is as entertaining as watching a meltdown, and sometimes the performers get a little push in that direction, don't they?

One show, they laud a performer, and the next show, the knives are out.

Appreciably, it is a chance for a quality performer to get some visibility and have a shot at something they might not otherwise have. However, the likelihood of public humiliation and ridicule is more likely, even if the performer is a decent person and has some talent.

These judges for X- Idol, X has Talent, The Voice, X- Dancing are marginal at best and some of their comments are cringeworthy.

That being said, to the lady, chok dee.

My my, what made you so cynical?

So you think Gig may have been 'encouraged' to get upset like that? If that's true and she was acting I've never seen a better performance - Oscar nomination for sure.

You understood all the Thai judges comments? Tell us what they said, especially the cringeworthy stuff please.

well said chainsaw, cynical seems to be putting it mildly, i'd love to know what geriatrickid did or does for a living and whether he is so doom and gloom at work and in a personal relationship, his avatar says "
The consensus is that I am most excellent." Not on our watch, go on Gig girl show that cynical doom and gloom person you are the real deal,i'd love to see the girl win the show


Chainsaw, starkey- since you guys know the girl, can you post for us when she will be singing again as the competition progresses? Would love to watch her again, but don't want to have to put up with all of the other crap!


hard to judge anything with the quality of that video but having someone who isnt singing justin bieber or crappy thai love balads might open some thai eyes to something better so good for her.

Not asking you to judge her, that's already been done by qualified people. Video quality seems fine to me, maybe it's your computer or your jaded outlook on life and Thais in general?

You haven't seen her live have you? Give yourself a treat next time she's performing locally. tongue.png

It's not a treat when people sing other people's song.

Millions of people around the world with amazing voices, just like theres millions of amazing painters everywhere. But i still don't go to a showing of somchai's copy of a classic(neither does anyone else). Those Talent shows are just mindnumbbing waste of tmies judged by underqualified famewhores. Yet i still enjoy watching them. Probably have some sort of satanic backtrack in the opening credits

Didn't your Momma tell you to keep your trap shut if you don't have anything nice to say? If not, I'm doing for her.

Gig has an amazing voice and hopefully she will conquer her nerves and go on to great things. That girl has a set of pipes on her.

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I've worked with Gig many times, she's a very talented girl and very professional. When she sings, it's straight from the heart, (the cynical saddos won't know what that means) no matter what the venue is or how big or small her audience is, she gives them 100%.

Passing that audition was so important to her, hence the nerves.

All the folks that have seen gig perform locally know what she is capable of. I for one am looking forward to Gig showing what she can really do. I think it will be in July, as soon as I know I'll post it.

Referring to the saddo comments, I don't care whether these shows are 'predecided' or 'fixed' or not. What has that got to do with anything?

Gig has got to where she is by hard work, determination and raw talent. End of story.

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If I understood her Thai, she told the judges she finished P6. I may be wrong.

That's why the judge waied her before asking her education level hoping not to embarrass her. Yes, P6 but continuing her studies now at age 32 - good for her.

Bet some white faced hi so wins it............... I still think its drivel mind, what happened to people who wrote their own songs played their own instruments and didnt look like super models?

it wasnt her song, but she most certainly does not look like a supermodel.

And chainsaw, great, you "know" her. wonderful, are the rest of us allowed our opinions?

she certainly can sing, but one would hope they provide her with a diction coach so the next performance is more intelligible.

these shows are idiotic the world over, but she did manage to put a little lump in my throat.

hope she takes it.


Good luck to her indeed. As I understand it Thailand Got Talent 1 received a LOT of complaints from the public as it features hi-so supermodely b-type celebrities and people with very little talent apart from their looks (in most cases) I didnt see it so cant comment.

Gig is amazing and I feel there is something political about her too... song about not being able to make much sense of the world trying hard and not getting anywhere, and calling for a revolution. If thats the case and the show is fixed well maybe that will go against her.

Anyway... i see this thread was originally started in Phuket forum, i put a link to the video in the general forum because I thought it was so good that it should get a wider audience apart from the Phuket crowd. Perhaps the admin would consider moving it back into General topics so it keeps showing there for a bit - it would be good for more of us to see it I dont think many people read Phuket forum. Its not a Phuket competiton and its shown on national TV, the fact she usually sings in Phuket doesnt make it a Phuket topic really?

Its not a Phuket competiton and its shown on national TV, the fact she usually sings in Phuket doesnt make it a Phuket topic really?

As this topic was more about the girl than about the competition I think it should be in the Phuket forum. Want to discuss the competition, fine, do that in general, but move Gig back to Phuket please.

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Exactly right BuffaloRescue and stevenl..She sings mostly around the south of Phuket, where it seems a lot of posters live,and in bars and venues that they frequent, so should indeed be back on Phuket forum,IMO.

Makes a nice change from the same old, ad nauseum best restaurant, best tyre/battery shop, bad driving threads that seem to overwhelm the forum..a bit of good news thread [apart from the no-hopers that are so bored that they will find something/anything to disrupt a thread] bah.gif

Yes!!! so bring it back to where it belongs and support the lady...she deserves it....wai.gif

Look at the waffle that was on here re; penguin and co....that <deleted> stayed here!!

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I agree. Mods please put this back in the forum.

Over 1,000,000 hits on youtube now - way to go Gig!

Please moderator but it back in the forum, the consensus of the majority has spoken, over 1000,000 youtube hits, lets support our local girl, i believe Gig is now back in Bangkok for the next round of the TV show, Gig has created a buzz around the place, lets get behind her and support gig 100%, the forum is the only way really for local supporters to get information on the progress of gig, ditto"way to go Gig"
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I can say wife had on TV live and I turned around from computer thinking it must be a lip sync of some actress playing. The best Thai singing in English I have heard. Really outstanding.


Ok, topic moved back. Couple of unacceptable Mod comments also removed ...

// to explain - this was double posted in General & Phuket Forums (double posts not welcome). To be honest i did not know this was a Phuket lass. Terrific voice.


Chainsaw, starkey- since you guys know the girl, can you post for us when she will be singing again as the competition progresses? Would love to watch her again, but don't want to have to put up with all of the other crap!

I don't know when she is on the show again.

We were going to ask her sing at The Corner Bar Rawai again for a party on the 28th but I don't think she will be available now.Will find out

Tony (Chainsaw) it will be another free curry night.Probably see you there.

LIK I was not knocking mods .I just wondered why you had moved it


HII cant see its moved back if you go to the old thread in general topics its still closed

Can't have the same topic running in 2 forums. Members seemed to think Phuket forum was best, so that where it's open and running. the one in General remains closed.


Wife mentioned she was just in the news on channel3, has a Danish husband ? Nice singing, although the audio in youtube is horribly compressed.


Hi, Gig was just interviewed on Thai TV channel 3 by seemly one of the best newscasters in Thailand and she sang at the end of her interview, she's really creating that buzz but it seems country wide now,if she plays a venue locally, i'd pay to see her, thats how much i rate the girl, i look forward to seeing her sing live again, if anyone knows pls post, way to go giggy


Wahahahaha, my wife showed me the act and I told her that there is a girl in Rawai who sings the same song but much better..... I did not recognize Gig on TV rolleyes.gif

But she is selling a good, sad story to the Thai people: very poor, can't speak English, learn the song from Youtube and it took me a month.

I have seen her perform many, many times and it was obvious she would "make it" eventually.

Good luck Gig ! clap2.gif


hard to judge anything with the quality of that video but having someone who isnt singing justin bieber or crappy thai love balads might open some thai eyes to something better so good for her.

Not asking you to judge her, that's already been done by qualified people. Video quality seems fine to me, maybe it's your computer or your jaded outlook on life and Thais in general?

You haven't seen her live have you? Give yourself a treat next time she's performing locally. tongue.png

It's not a treat when people sing other people's song.

Millions of people around the world with amazing voices, just like theres millions of amazing painters everywhere. But i still don't go to a showing of somchai's copy of a classic(neither does anyone else).

You have actually made cynicism into an art form.

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