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Here'S A Thing...


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I was speaking to my gf this morning on the phone and asked her what she was doing (she is visiting the UK at the moment).

She replied that she was watching a TV show in which a farang woman was conning old men out of their money.

Her comment was that she was far more vicious about it than Thai women.

Food for thought!

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Perhaps you should find out what show she was watching. Might be a good idea to find out the tactics used, so you can recognize it if she ever decided to try it out. Just saying...

That's a good point. I hate the thought of her mind being corrupted in this way. tongue.png

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That Jeremy Kyle Show has a lot to answer for!! ( for those that don't know it's the UK version of the Jerry Springer Show ).

Aye it's some advert for the UK that, but for some people it's a true representation of their life.

Ho hum, don't worry Smokie, you can show her the glorious Highlands and beautiful Edinburgh, just don't let her watch Trainspotting though.

She would flee the country and never come back :-)

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Nothing to do with Thai/farang issue

Conning men in dramas is very common and has been done times and times

Obviously script writers have to come up with more elaborate stuffs.

Has someone ever told your GF soaps are not real ?

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