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Another shocker. Its not as if you really needed the ref to hand you the game on a plate. But after 14 minutes!

Video technology, if its ever introduced, is going to cost Utd a lot of points me thinks.

Congrats on the title btw....

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Another shocker. Its not as if you really needed the ref to hand you the game on a plate. But after 14 minutes!

Video technology, if its ever introduced, is going to cost Utd a lot of points me thinks.

Congrats on the title btw....

Yes it was a shocker indeed, ruined a good game, we are good enough to win without that, cannot blame the ref, the linesman was to blame flag for offside the penalty claim does not matter.

As for costing us a lot of points, it has cost ud both ways too you know.

look at www.debatabledecisions.com we are still well down on the list.

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The sending off was irrelevant! They barely touched the ball in the first 15 mins. Could of lost yesterday and still won the league. The gap will be even bigger by the end of the season!

City are a team full of money grabbers! The manager is attacking his players in public, the players are attacking each other. Mancini will be sacked and City will enjoy a merri go round of managers like Chelsea.

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Yes it was a shocker indeed, ruined a good game, we are good enough to win without that, cannot blame the ref, the linesman was to blame flag for offside the penalty claim does not matter.

As for costing us a lot of points, it has cost ud both ways too you know.

look at www.debatabledecisions.com we are still well down on the list.

Yeah i agree. It was a shame. No blame on the ref though. Although disappointingly, Young went down easily, if you put your hand on someone's back as they slip past you through on goal, what do you expect? Doesn't excuse Young but why not just not put your hand on someone's back and not give them the oppurtunity? What was the hand on the back ever going to achieve?

Anyway, whilst of course there will be those rushing to point at yet another example of United getting favourtism, City had the benefit of some refereeing decisions too. Imagine Scholes going in with his studs as Balotelli did early on (not a great stretch of imagination of course), and staying on the pitch.

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Has Scholes signed his new five year cointract yet? biggrin.png

Jokes aside, Mancini said that bringing Scholes back was a sign of desperation, didn't he, and i think many would have agreed, even some Man United supporters, but SAF proved once again that he knows better than almost everyone else. Question his decision making at your peril.

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Wayne Rooney has gone 28 games without a booking ,used to be he couldn't go 28 minutes without one.Trust that doesnt put the mockers on him tonight ! Scholesy is having a break tonight,he doesnt need to sign contracts, like he is not going anywhere else is he ? Wonderful player who has made even his most ardent critics eat their words.

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Has Scholes signed his new five year cointract yet? biggrin.png

Jokes aside, Mancini said that bringing Scholes back was a sign of desperation, didn't he, and i think many would have agreed, even some Man United supporters, but SAF proved once again that he knows better than almost everyone else. Question his decision making at your peril.

have to agree there Rix. i think Scholes' presence and experience is a major reason why Utd have held it together in the most dificult time of the season.

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Say what you like about the performance....that's a great result for the neutral.

All right I admit it...I love it....haha! biggrin.png

Agree mate, well deserved win no complaints,starting with giggs central midfield jones left back,we was always going to struggle fat lady not ready to sing yet and neither am i !

glimmer of hope for city, we have 2 home games now before the derby, if we can win those two we are in a good position, any more points dropped could spell a problem.

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Say what you like about the performance....that's a great result for the neutral.

All right I admit it...I love it....haha! biggrin.png

We were out of sorts from the get-go, but not to take anything away from Wigan, they played out of their skins and were better all over the park.

They should have been one goal up at half time. What the linesman was thinking i don't know. Seems like the officials are out to make us look like we are portrayed. Still they did even things up a bit in the second half, with the corner kick that wasn't and the hand ball that was.

Anyway, 5 point gap now and if that gap remains, or god forbid gets smaller, then the game at City will still have a lot riding on it.

Haven't a clue what mind games Mancini thinks he is playing by first of all saying that he didn't know we were playing last night, and then saying, having reduced the gap considerably, that the title race is all over as his team don't have the spirit that Man United does. True or not, and long odds or not, City are still mathematically in it. Don't see how the manager throwing in the towel does anything except perhaps make him look a bit silly if they do make a miracle.

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Say what you like about the performance....that's a great result for the neutral.

All right I admit it...I love it....haha! biggrin.png

Agree mate, well deserved win no complaints,starting with giggs central midfield jones left back,we was always going to struggle fat lady not ready to sing yet and neither am i !

glimmer of hope for city, we have 2 home games now before the derby, if we can win those two we are in a good position, any more points dropped could spell a problem.

Reality is, if City win their remaining games, and United only draw away to Sunderland on the last day of the season, City will become Champions!!!

I dont believe, only hope, it will happen................. but its not that unlikely!! Is it???

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Reality is, if City win their remaining games, and United only draw away to Sunderland on the last day of the season, City will become Champions!!!

I dont believe, only hope, it will happen................. but its not that unlikely!! Is it???

From the Man United part of that equation, no, not that unlikely... from the City side of the equation, to win all your remaining games? I'm not so sure. You blow hot and cold so much. We on the other hand have consistently played just above average most of the time.... and most of the time, it has been enough.

Anyway, time will tell...

Edited by rixalex
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Say what you like about the performance....that's a great result for the neutral.

All right I admit it...I love it....haha! biggrin.png

Agree mate, well deserved win no complaints,starting with giggs central midfield jones left back,we was always going to struggle fat lady not ready to sing yet and neither am i !

glimmer of hope for city, we have 2 home games now before the derby, if we can win those two we are in a good position, any more points dropped could spell a problem.

No it isn't mate and some united fans getting giddy like number 20 is in the bag, i am not getting giddy until mathematically impossible for city to catch us, you have 2 hard away games norwich and newcastle don't think you will win both, but who knows.

Reality is, if City win their remaining games, and United only draw away to Sunderland on the last day of the season, City will become Champions!!!

I dont believe, only hope, it will happen................. but its not that unlikely!! Is it???

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As much as the ref tried to help you, Wigan were just too strong.

I was watching the City match will the volume but United were on the other TV. Why on earth was that goal dis-allowed?

I think Nev & Rix has said all that needs to be said only to agree that we were beaten by a better team on the night ( Wigan were really up for a game last night and belong in the Barclay/s Premier League)

but my post on Facebook this morning said. :-

"Not normally happy after a Man Utd loss, but will happily take loss to Wigan on the chin in part exchange for a Tsunami free Nai Yang Beach."

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Well Giggs is not a central midfielder and yes we are light in the middle.What with Anderson and Fletcher and Cleverly out most of the season you could also add Scholes to that.....Only Carrick so we have done pretty well haven't we!!!

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Well Giggs is not a central midfielder and yes we are light in the middle.What with Anderson and Fletcher and Cleverly out most of the season you could also add Scholes to that.....Only Carrick so we have done pretty well haven't we!!!

Very well although you have benefitted from the usual "12th man" on a few occasions.

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Well Giggs is not a central midfielder and yes we are light in the middle.What with Anderson and Fletcher and Cleverly out most of the season you could also add Scholes to that.....Only Carrick so we have done pretty well haven't we!!!

Very well although you have benefitted from the usual "12th man" on a few occasions.

A "few" !! It's getting to be the norm now.

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Well Giggs is not a central midfielder and yes we are light in the middle.What with Anderson and Fletcher and Cleverly out most of the season you could also add Scholes to that.....Only Carrick so we have done pretty well haven't we!!!

Very well although you have benefitted from the usual "12th man" on a few occasions.

A "few" !! It's getting to be the norm now.

You're right there!

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