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I feel a quote from the late great Bill Shankly coming on. How about this one:

"If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, I'd pull the curtains.''

Shankly would NEVER have given Moyes the Man U job.

Christ knows what Ferguson is thinking.

Makes you wonder though SP, would a more accomplished manager have taken the job?

Good question. I'll have a think.

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I've never understood Anderson being there so long rix. He was an expensive mistake, Ferguson usually moved those on.

Yes that's true Stevie, although there was always the odd exception to the rule under Ferguson... the player who seemed to be given an infinite amount of time and numerous below par performances.. Fergie clearly seeing something in them nobody else could (Nani being a prime example of this, yes we get the occasional performance like tonight, but then have to grit our teeth through the next 3 or 4 games when he's back to his usual self)... and then on the flip side, the player who seemed to show a decent amount of promise and potential, but who quickly became a bench warmer and then almost as quickly shown the door.

Anyway, Fergie's occasional aberrations to one side, looks like we are going to have to put up with seeing quite a bit more of Nani yet, but, with any luck, not so Anderson.

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Tell you what though.

Southampton manager Pochettino is doing well.

4 Southern Shandies in the top 4 and Manchester Untied in 13th!

Liverpool could go top tomorrow.

pochettino's a smart lad. was a clever player and seems to have the right head for management.

we will either batter sunderland four nil or lose one nil. we don't look like a team that belongs at the top.

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I thought Suarez had a great first game back. Couple more under his belt and he could cause damage.

he was perhaps better than he might have been after so long out. think he's going to fire tomorrow though.

With any other player I would have had taken that how you meant it but with Suarez I now have visions of him taking a box of matches on the pitch and starting a fire in someone's shorts tongue.png

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I thought Suarez had a great first game back. Couple more under his belt and he could cause damage.

he was perhaps better than he might have been after so long out. think he's going to fire tomorrow though.

With any other player I would have had taken that how you meant it but with Suarez I now have visions of him taking a box of matches on the pitch and starting a fire in someone's shorts tongue.png

he'll either score a hat-trick or he'll do a di canio nazi salute and then try and bum kevin ball. you just never know what you are going to get with the biting brilliant racist mad goal-scoring uruguayan bellend.

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Some level heads and fair comments from other teams fans and no goading which is nice to see, just waiting for backtonormal to come on with a rantbiggrin.png i was there the last time wba won at old trafford a 5-3 win for them and they played us off the park that day toowai.gif Cunningham and Regis destroyed us.

Mrbo we scored in open play at Swansea Welbeck but not since and that is joke,

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Yes mate was at that game also,the biggest concern is the lack of creating chances we have at the moment and the link up play is woeful.

Play Rafael at full back.

Rio has had two stinkers on the trot now maybe time to give him a wee rest.

Zaha needs to be given a game and we need to play the way we have always done...TWO wingers.

Fortunately it was a bad weekend all round and not too hurtful,but well done to the Baggies!

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Yes mate was at that game also,the biggest concern is the lack of creating chances we have at the moment and the link up play is woeful.

Play Rafael at full back.

Rio has had two stinkers on the trot now maybe time to give him a wee rest.

Zaha needs to be given a game and we need to play the way we have always done...TWO wingers.

Fortunately it was a bad weekend all round and not too hurtful,but well done to the Baggies!

Looks like your terrific start to the season, best since 1946, has come to a halt!!biggrin.png

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The start has been bog standard for me and after yesterday is our worse start since 1989 apparently.

I actually don't believe a team that won the league last season can play so badly but obviously the affect of Ferguson leaving amongst others is having a greater impact than i would of thought still nobody barring Arsenal you could say are really playing well at the moment,fortunately for us that is as we can only get better from the dire shit we are playing at the moment.

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our midfield has been our weaklink and it is a travesty it has been not rectified,we won the league because van persie cameto us there is no denying that and thats what got us home last season.this season i doubt it,but it is early days.

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Tell you what though.

Southampton manager Pochettino is doing well.

4 Southern Shandies in the top 4 and Manchester Untied in 13th!

Liverpool could go top tomorrow.

pochettino's a smart lad. was a clever player and seems to have the right head for management.

we will either batter sunderland four nil or lose one nil. we don't look like a team that belongs at the top.

Agree with you on your predictions and analysis of Pochettino. Imagine if he could speak English well!

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Moyes is increasingly looking out of his depth. The summer transfer market was a joke,

Out of interest Toady, of all the transfer windows overseen under SAF, how many of them percentage wise did you think at the time were really good? For me, percentage wise, it is quite a small number.

Just take the last five years or so as an example. We watched our midfield gradually lose world class player after world class player, with the likes of Beckham, Keane, Ronaldo, Scholes and Giggs, all either moving on or bowing out. And who did Fergie bring in to replace this sort of quality? Has hardly been like for like has it?

OK, don't get me wrong, i wasn't ecstatic about this summer's dealings, and was most disappointed not by who didn't come in, but who didn't go out, but i do think that getting a robust in your face midfielder was much needed and we got that, and i also think that (in spite of what a colossal <deleted> he has been) holding on to Rooney was very important too, as it doesn't bare thinking about how we would have started the season without him. Do you think Fergie would have been able to hold on to him? I don't think he would. Fergie probably would have told him to sling his hook, as we all would have liked to, but had that happened and had he gone to Chelsea, where would we be now?

Moyes needs time in many ways, not least in terms of honing and developing the squad. Coming in and throwing out half a dozen players and bringing in half a dozen new ones might look all very commanding and impressive, but doing that can be as much to do with a manager's ego, wanting to cock his leg and mark his new territory, than it can be to do with improving the team. I think we should wait for the next couple of transfer windows before we judge Moyes' player dealings. But as usual in football these days, everyone is in a mad scramble to declare someone either a complete success or an utter failure. No middle ground view is possible as that's all far too boring.

Forget the transfer window, it's closed. Moyes can't get the players he inherited organized and playing well.

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Tell you what though.

Southampton manager Pochettino is doing well.

4 Southern Shandies in the top 4 and Manchester Untied in 13th!

Liverpool could go top tomorrow.

pochettino's a smart lad. was a clever player and seems to have the right head for management.

we will either batter sunderland four nil or lose one nil. we don't look like a team that belongs at the top.

Agree with you on your predictions and analysis of Pochettino. Imagine if he could speak English well!

he speaks english just fine apparently. seems to be a front so he doesn't have to answer stupid questions from journalists.

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Tell you what though.

Southampton manager Pochettino is doing well.

4 Southern Shandies in the top 4 and Manchester Untied in 13th!

Liverpool could go top tomorrow.

pochettino's a smart lad. was a clever player and seems to have the right head for management.

we will either batter sunderland four nil or lose one nil. we don't look like a team that belongs at the top.

Agree with you on your predictions and analysis of Pochettino. Imagine if he could speak English well!

he speaks english just fine apparently. seems to be a front so he doesn't have to answer stupid questions from journalists.

and he's a more savvy manager than David Moyes

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Forget the transfer window, it's closed. Moyes can't get the players he inherited organized and playing well.

If he can't get the players he inherited organized and playing well, how did he take them away to Swansea and get them to win 1-4? How did he get them to beat Leverkusen 4-2, in a competition we were told he would be useless at as he had no experience? How did he get the weakened team he put out beat Liverpool in the Cup? He patently can get the players he inherited organized and playing well. What he can't do is get them doing that consistently. Hey, newsflash for you, no Premiership manager has managed that so far this season. Yes, some have come closer to achieving it, but they aren't the ones half a dozen games in to trying to reorganize a club from a managing era that spanned over two decades
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