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Tesco'S Rip Off


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Darn shame we don't have any proper Waitrose shops in Thailand, other than the megre offerings from them in Tops. They NEVER skimp on fillings IMHO

It's no surprise that Tesco are doing badly in the UK right now if they can't even fill a donut properly, I'm sure they don't fill'em right in the UK either

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I went off Tescos in Thailand when I discovered that some of their prices were the same as those in one of my local mom and pop store ohmy.png !

Incidentally, UK supermarkets are not much better... I used to love Sainsbury's 'Indulgence' (?) ice-cream. Then one week the price shot up by about 20-30%! When I queried this with Customer Services I was (eventually) told that it was v popular and still cheaper than Haagen-Daz - so there shouldn't be a problem...

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Just go to another shop and buy better quality Jammy Doughnuts...

Your investment may pay off as Jammier Doughnuts make stickier fingers.

You can recoup your additional cost by picking up (with your stickier fingers) all those 1 baht coins the other TV members aren't picking up in the 'if you drop a 1 Baht coin' thread !!!

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OP, I went into my local Tesco here in Glasgow, and complained on your behalf. I showed them this topic and boy, did I give them hell!! Jam doughnuts without jam!! No wonder we lost the Empire!!

The nice man said I've to sit here quietly and special men with white coats will be along to see me soon.

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I went off Tescos in Thailand when I discovered that some of their prices were the same as those in one of my local mom and pop store ohmy.png !

Incidentally, UK supermarkets are not much better... I used to love Sainsbury's 'Indulgence' (?) ice-cream. Then one week the price shot up by about 20-30%! When I queried this with Customer Services I was (eventually) told that it was v popular and still cheaper than Haagen-Daz - so there shouldn't be a problem...

That's the mentality there currently, pretty soon it'll be, "well, it's still cheaper than Fortnum and Masons so there shouldn't be a problem"!

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Take this as an opportunity to not partake in an unhealthy item. Seriously, deep fried dough with a watery sugar filling and artificial flavouring dyed red, and you are distraught over that?

I like healthy food, but let people eat what they want. I am all for freedom all the way. But that is where you and i but heads.

On the contrary, if someone wants to eat a couple doughnuts, good for them. However, the absence of a bit of gooey filling, is hardly cause to broadcast to the world as if this was some sort of calamity. Instead of posting here, the OP should contact Tesco or speak to the store manager.

so a hamburger with out the meat patty would be ok then?

it seems a jelly donut without jelly is false advertising.

McChicken without chicken anyone?

and he did contact the shop. it says so in one of his posts

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this has been interesting to say the least with that little bit of humor,i think we should have a consumer forum that would also include the praises as well,but on a serious note if one of us or anybody was to walk out of tesco's with an item never mind how big or small without paying for it we all know what would happen .

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well ...best doughnuts I ever had are in our local open market ....the girl that makes 'em is cute too....always add blob of decent jam to the jelly fill....

...Tesco and doughnut stores cannot hold a candle ..

.....beats canuck Tim Horton's..not that they are that great.... mostly stale..lol.

Maybe OP should buy doughnuts with the hole and pot of jam and whipped cream..?.

......oh dear that is gonna get someone banned methinks........

actually I wish some joint would sell some decent Bagels!!! .........MMM ....lox , cream cheese,capers...sigh

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well ...best doughnuts I ever had are in our local open market ....the girl that makes 'em is cute too....always add blob of decent jam to the jelly fill....

...Tesco and doughnut stores cannot hold a candle ..

.....beats canuck Tim Horton's..not that they are that great.... mostly stale..lol.

Maybe OP should buy doughnuts with the hole and pot of jam and whipped cream..?.

......oh dear that is gonna get someone banned methinks........

actually I wish some joint would sell some decent Bagels!!! .........MMM ....lox , cream cheese,capers...sigh

bangkok bagel factory does bagels and all that. pretty dam_n good, with real lox rather than regular smoked salmon.

Au bon pain does a passable bagel, and they do have capers, but they are jealously protected.

Somehow though, anything from au bon pain is really unsatisfying

Edited by nocturn
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I surmise from watching TV that doughnuts (donuts) are the sole dietary input of US cops. Tesco wouldn't dare try this scam out there.

What you're missing is that US cops have no clout whatsoever, not a respected profession there - same with soldiers.

The garbagemen earn a lot more money too.

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tesco seems to be making plenty of dough[bht] in thailand so where's the jam? please pm.sort them out surely you like a doughnut with your cup of tea.

Secretly exported to North Korea, to help in making Jam Weapons.

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just had a reply from tesco they have had toooooooooooo many complaints from customers that the jam was squirting out when bitten ending up down their clothes.the trick is to bite at the hole first.

Have you thought about offering doughnut eating lessons to the local Thai population?

The lesson I would sincerely like to teach the Thais: how to go somewhere else when a business operation f__ks you over. The problem isn't necessarily in the going somewhere else, but in the recognition of when in fact they are being f__ked over.

I actually feel for the op, this sentiment pops up everywhere. Businesses here seem to think it is just ok to not give you things that you are obviously entitled to as a customer.

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I still like Tesco Thailand's response to the OP that 'the trick is to bite at the hole first.' Being an admitted Thailand whoremonger of the first order from way, way back when men were men, women were double breasted and NOBODY ever came here for the temples or a job, I can attest from a time when Soi Cowboy was a lot longer than it is now that one of the FIRST things one learned here was to 'bite at the hole first.'

All these locals trying to eat farang food? Next thing they will be suing McDonald's when they spill their "OMG! It's hot!!!" coffee in the drive-thru. Now we have the politically correct noobs, retirees and TEFL'ers queering the pitch as well?

Where's the "walking away and shaking my head in disbelief" emoticon?

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I still like Tesco Thailand's response to the OP that 'the trick is to bite at the hole first.' Being an admitted Thailand whoremonger of the first order from way, way back when men were men, women were double breasted and NOBODY ever came here for the temples or a job, I can attest from a time when Soi Cowboy was a lot longer than it is now that one of the FIRST things one learned here was to 'bite at the hole first.'

All these locals trying to eat farang food? Next thing they will be suing McDonald's when they spill their "OMG! It's hot!!!" coffee in the drive-thru. Now we have the politically correct noobs, retirees and TEFL'ers queering the pitch as well?

Where's the "walking away and shaking my head in disbelief" emoticon?

Tescos response was that they put less/no jam in because Thais complained. What they should have done is point out the first rule of jam donuts

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Darn shame we don't have any proper Waitrose shops in Thailand, other than the megre offerings from them in Tops. They NEVER skimp on fillings IMHO

It's no surprise that Tesco are doing badly in the UK right now if they can't even fill a donut properly, I'm sure they don't fill'em right in the UK either

Waitrose has a lovely raspberry jelly doughnut available for 52p

One can order online, although I fear the doughnut would be stale or moldy by the time it arrived.


Waitrose does have some of the finest (real) chocolate covered biscuits. Several years back, I purchased several packages to cache in my bags. How I miss those biscuits. A nation without proper English biscuits is a nation bereft of fortitude and decency. It becomes a nation of doughnut eaters.

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Any similarity between Tesco Lotus and Tesco UK is purely coincidental. The same could also be said of Big C and Casino in France.

Don't know about that. You take your chances with both of them.

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Darn shame we don't have any proper Waitrose shops in Thailand, other than the megre offerings from them in Tops. They NEVER skimp on fillings IMHO

It's no surprise that Tesco are doing badly in the UK right now if they can't even fill a donut properly, I'm sure they don't fill'em right in the UK either

Waitrose has a lovely raspberry jelly doughnut available for 52p

One can order online, although I fear the doughnut would be stale or moldy by the time it arrived.


Waitrose does have some of the finest (real) chocolate covered biscuits. Several years back, I purchased several packages to cache in my bags. How I miss those biscuits. A nation without proper English biscuits is a nation bereft of fortitude and decency. It becomes a nation of doughnut eaters.

Waitrose does have shops in the middle east which are apparently are doing very well. The Partnership Chairman was recently in China looking at possibilties. The Chinese venture I can tell you is well over the horizon but as products are already being supplied to Indian and Thai suppliers who knows where it might lead.

It would be nice to have Waitrose here if anyone is interested you could try emailing the Waitrose managing director, Mark Price his email I beleive is www. [email protected] if you support Crewe Alexandra it might help!

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well...you know... a canny shopper at tescos would inspect the item on offer on the shelf and a jelly donut has a 'tell-tale' jelly insertion point that one can see...

however, my procedure is to walk outside into the forecourt to Dunkin' Donuts (every tescos has one) and to inspect their offering which is usually superior in every way...

and here is tutsi with the little 9 y.o. niece with the last jelly donut: 'I'll have that jelly donut' and then there is silence and a brutal stare...and then: 'OK, lets share it...' and then there is a shriek and then: 'don't touch it ye bastid!!...' and then tutsi walks away from a potentially explosive situation...

the little niece then picks up the jelly donut and then waltzes away and sez: 'what a pussy...' but she's my little girl and she knows whats happenin'...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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well...you know... a canny shopper at tescos would inspect the item on offer on the shelf and a jelly donut has a 'tell-tale' jelly insertion point that one can see...

however, my procedure is to walk outside into the forecourt to Dunkin' Donuts (every tescos has one) and to inspect their offering which is usually superior in every way...

and here is tutsi with the little 9 y.o. niece with the last jelly donut: 'I'll have that jelly donut' and then there is silence and a brutal stare...and then: 'OK, lets share it...' and then there is a shriek and then: 'don't touch it ye bastid!!...' and then tutsi walks away from a potentially explosive situation...

the little niece then picks up the jelly donut and then waltzes away and sez: 'what a pussy...' but she's my little girl and she knows whats happenin'...


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some ppl want jam today...AND jam tomorrow....hmm

on a tangent have you noticed that those packs of 30 Nescafe 3-in1s now contain a mere 27 tubes,,,AND the price has gone up.

You counted them? Wow, that's impressive. Do you think I should count the number of teabags in each 250 pack just to be sure?

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