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Car Insurance Not Responsive


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My truck was totaled 4 months ago. AXA insurance is wanting to repair. Now the body work is almost repaired after 4 months, but they discovered the motor is shot. They are now wanting to put in a used motor. I told them I want my money, I wont take a second hand motor, and I am sure there is other damage that is not caught. What to do, should I call a lawyer? Anyone know a reliable lawyer in Pattaya? I need help. Thanks

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I got in a car accident. The insurance thing was all a little iffy. I finally went into the office and raised my voice a little, not too much, and they gave me exactly what I wanted (even though i'm sure they had no idea what I was saying). It is probably worth noting this was the only time that ever worked for me in Thailand.

Anyway, forget all that.... if I was you i'd tell try the above. They will probably not do it. Try and have em make it look as best as possible. Wash it, wax it, and sell it. Those cars never, ever drive the same. There will be things that will be off for sure.

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I got in a car accident. The insurance thing was all a little iffy. I finally went into the office and raised my voice a little, not too much, and they gave me exactly what I wanted (even though i'm sure they had no idea what I was saying). It is probably worth noting this was the only time that ever worked for me in Thailand.

Anyway, forget all that.... if I was you i'd tell try the above. They will probably not do it. Try and have em make it look as best as possible. Wash it, wax it, and sell it. Those cars never, ever drive the same. There will be things that will be off for sure.

I have had similar results with the same approach several times already.Insurance companies in Thailand can get away with a lot because the majority of their customers ( Thai) are known to be sheep,and they know that.

If rising your voice doesn't work a simple letter from a lawyer will work wonders already.

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A word of caution regarding insurance companies.For years I was a customer of a big insurance company,which had an office in Chumpae.One day I got a letter from headoffice,telling me,that I was 6 months behind payment.I responded,that I paid in time and had a receit from the Chumpae office,as always.To cut the story short,it turned out,that the manager of the local office had never sent the money to headoffice and now he had bolted,taken all the money with him!And,the big company was not responsible,because the manager was "just an agent,not employed by the company"...! It took them 6 months to contact me about the missing payment,because they "used to give the agent some time to send it in". 6 months,driving without insurance!End of the story and many negotiations with authorities taking part,I got the insurance;When it had only a few days left on it!Well,that were more than "one word",but I want to warn people against "agents" who you think are representing a company.

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A word of caution regarding insurance companies.For years I was a customer of a big insurance company,which had an office in Chumpae.One day I got a letter from headoffice,telling me,that I was 6 months behind payment.I responded,that I paid in time and had a receit from the Chumpae office,as always.To cut the story short,it turned out,that the manager of the local office had never sent the money to headoffice and now he had bolted,taken all the money with him!And,the big company was not responsible,because the manager was "just an agent,not employed by the company"...! It took them 6 months to contact me about the missing payment,because they "used to give the agent some time to send it in". 6 months,driving without insurance!End of the story and many negotiations with authorities taking part,I got the insurance;When it had only a few days left on it!Well,that were more than "one word",but I want to warn people against "agents" who you think are representing a company.

Ok. Reality time! He was he was an authorized Agent for the insurer; but, he wasn't their employee. He was an independent, self employed businessman earning his income by assisting people with the purchase of insurance. The insurance companies pay him for the customers he sends them. But dealing through him doesn't add any cost to your insurance, unless, of course, he decides to use the premium that you pay him for his own financial needs. Unfortunately, that happens sometimes.

In order to take advantage of the free advice and assistance of a knowledgeable independant agent/broker, I recommend that you purchase through him or her, then pay directly to the insurance company's bank account. You can do that. But, fax or e-mail a copy of the proof of payment to your agent/broker so that he or she can make certain that the insurance properly credits you for payment.

Edited by tonydabbs
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tonydabbs:You are probably absolutely correct in what you write.My point was,and is,that I guess that most people,who are not professionals,think,that an authorized Agent actually represents the company,and thus the company has some responsibility for his actions!Its not easy to know who is selfemployd and who is not,especially when the Agent uses document with the companys logo.My "warning" was meant to include not only insurancecompanys,but any outlet,that could in fact be nothing more than a front for a known company,but totally without any responsibility!I know this,now,when in this case it is to late,butI want others to know it also,before it is to late!

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So insurance was not paid yet the head company sent you the policy ??

OP, to my understanding the only obligation the insurance com[an has is to return the vehicle to the same condition as insured at the the time of the accident and in this instance would be an equidistant engine in this case being used (unless of course your pickup was brand new with zero km on the speedo).

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Spoonman: I guess your question is for me.As I mentioned in my OP,I paid to the agency (which I thought was an ordinary representativ of the company).Not untill after 6 months did the headoffice tell me,that they had not received the money and thus I had no valid insurance!On my question,why they had not notified me before,the answer was,that they used to give the agent plenty of time to send in the money. In other words,if something had happened,and due to their selfmade policy to give time to the agent,I would not get any compensation,since I had not paid the insurance,that is,they had not,by their own choosing, received my payment!! TIT !

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Tony Dabbs,

As a respected and reputable professional insurance agent/broker in Thailand...

May I ask:

What advice do you give the OP inzman regarding his misfortune with car repairs?

What should he do??

Thank you,


(a retired insurance professional from USA)

At this stage, he is on his own. He can go or call to the insurance company and scream at them. I don't like this approach; but I have seen it work on numerous occasions. This is because many Thais believe that Expats are crazy (farangs bah!) and would prefer to just appease them. If this doesn't work, though, the final and best resort for any complaint against an insurance company (and even the agent) is the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC).

Edited by tonydabbs
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Spoonman: I guess your question is for me.As I mentioned in my OP,I paid to the agency (which I thought was an ordinary representativ of the company).Not untill after 6 months did the headoffice tell me,that they had not received the money and thus I had no valid insurance!On my question,why they had not notified me before,the answer was,that they used to give the agent plenty of time to send in the money. In other words,if something had happened,and due to their selfmade policy to give time to the agent,I would not get any compensation,since I had not paid the insurance,that is,they had not,by their own choosing, received my payment!! TIT !

Did you have a policy document?

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So insurance was not paid yet the head company sent you the policy ??

OP, to my understanding the only obligation the insurance com[an has is to return the vehicle to the same condition as insured at the the time of the accident and in this instance would be an equidistant engine in this case being used (unless of course your pickup was brand new with zero km on the speedo).


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  • 2 weeks later...

So insurance was not paid yet the head company sent you the policy ??

OP, to my understanding the only obligation the insurance com[an has is to return the vehicle to the same condition as insured at the the time of the accident and in this instance would be an equidistant engine in this case being used (unless of course your pickup was brand new with zero km on the speedo).


and if you know the exact km's that were on the clock when you crashed they will even clock the replacement engine on the speedo for you. now thats good service.. thumbsup.gif

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