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Red Shirts To Rally Outside Parliament: Bangkok


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Maybe because the reds are the ones trying to bully/force thru a bill that will white wash the fugitive Ex-PM of all his crimes, allow him to walk back into the coutnry and never serve a day of his sentence and give him all of his ill-gotten gains back to him... all the while throwing the country deeper and deeper into civil war.

Given the above, i'd take the yellows over the reds any day of the week.


they are doing what is legal and will get the bill through the house because they have the most seats in the house, pure and simple, that is democracy, whether you like it or not that is how democracy works.

Let me ask you a question, do you believe in democracy for all or do you think it is ok as long as the people you support have the control?

YES, at last someone who see's that there is a formula that democacy, if a party has the majority then they can pass the bill, if the numbers are there.

Unfortunatly there are many people in this forum who prefure overthowing the fairly elected govenment the PTP, when will they accept the umpiers (the people of thailand) desision and when it's election time all partys can try agian,

Also Gentelmanjim, I, or any others I know were "hereded in front of the village headman and told to sign a paper"

I sugest that there is right and wrong on both sides, I just wish people could have thier political views and voice them without fear of ridicule from others with a diferent view, this goes for both sides. There is a diference between being proactive and reactive

Maybe if you would try telling the truth people would listen to you. 52% of the people did not want Thaksin that makes them the majority Not Thaksin. And that dosen't even account for the ones who wanted neither Thaksin or Abhist. The reality is Thaksin lovers are just a minority who are willing to serve a convicted criminal and many of them to do it with violent means.

Thaksin tried to buy all the people but failed as there were to many of them so he did the next best and cheapest thing and bought the people who were elected to serve the people.

We do have one thing in common neither one of us can spell but I have a spell checkgiggle.gif

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RT @tulsathit: Chalerm: 7 or 8 (constitution court) judges can't overrule the majority of the people.

Complete and utter anarchy


Nah, they spend their time talking about democracy....they must know what it is.!

But ear infection sometimes provokes malfunction, There should be a maximum level of ear infection authorized, and if you get over the limit, you may have to do some community work.

Even all the ear-medicine in the world can´t cure this, only a lobotomy will.bah.gif
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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Do any of the pro-red (or Anti-Yellow) want to comment on this?

Legal or moral approach to tackling this problem?

To me, this is just another example of intimidation tactics by the Reds...

Disgusting behaviour

however it should have never needed to come to this if everyone did their jobs properley

But no doubt carra, you will quickly resume your claims that the red leaders and their followers are professional and have a structured cause.

Yes and that the PM and PTP work for the good of all people, sickening.
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"...Red Shirt Leader and Deputy Secretary-General to the Interior Minister Yoswaris "Jeng Dokjik" Chuklom..."

Well he would have access to the entire list of private home numbers, considering his position.

Slime even a cobra wouldn't slither across.

I never even thought of his actual position. Surely that is abuse of position and all information is privileged and restricted. I know two people in the UK, a policeman and a mortgage consultant and neither can run a check on anyone or check their private information without a dam_n good reason. If they are caught breaking the rule they would both lose their respective jobs.

Surely even Yingluck must be shocked at this move.

I am sure she would be more shocked if she broke a finger-nail.

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This phone numbers disclosure is a breach of privacy, which goes against the Thai tradition of respecting peoples' privacy which goes back to time immemorial. It is a great insult in Thailand to disrespect somebody's privacy like this, especially somebody who has not committed any crime.

More worryingly, it begs the question if this is what redmob are prepared to do in public infront of the cameras, what are they prepared to do behind the scenes and in the shadows.

The same cretins who threw bags of human excrement and litres of blood into Aphisit's private home.



Sub-dog fleas.

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This phone numbers disclosure is a breach of privacy, which goes against the Thai tradition of respecting peoples' privacy which goes back to time immemorial. It is a great insult in Thailand to disrespect somebody's privacy like this, especially somebody who has not committed any crime.

More worryingly, it begs the question if this is what redmob are prepared to do in public infront of the cameras, what are they prepared to do behind the scenes and in the shadows.

The same cretins who threw bags of human excrement and litres of blood into Aphisit's private home.



Sub-dog fleas.

The average single celled life form would hold their single cell in shame.

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This phone numbers disclosure is a breach of privacy, which goes against the Thai tradition of respecting peoples' privacy which goes back to time immemorial. It is a great insult in Thailand to disrespect somebody's privacy like this, especially somebody who has not committed any crime.

More worryingly, it begs the question if this is what redmob are prepared to do in public infront of the cameras, what are they prepared to do behind the scenes and in the shadows.

The same cretins who threw bags of human excrement and litres of blood into Aphisit's private home.



Sub-dog fleas.

The average single celled life form would hold their single cell in shame.

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I class intimidation in parliament, ignoring the opposition (to the bill) and a house speaker who refuses to consider anyone's point of view except the red government

and how do you know this is the case? because it's what the democrats say happened??? because it's what you read in the nation?????

i prefer to be a bit more skeptical to the type of thing i lap up so easily.

(and i'll get this in preemptively - if anybody wants to make an accusation of me lapping up red shirt/thaksin stuff and stating it as fact then present it with evidence, cos i'm sick of people making crap up on here without backing it up.)

Temp me not.w00t.gif

if what you meant was tempt, then yes give into your temptation and go for it, i beg you... don't just hint and pretend that you can do it... do it!

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No, quite clearly there are many different ways to object vehemently...

The PAD formally renounced non-violence and vowed bloody revenge. In November, the PAD blockaded Parliament prior to a crucial legislative session, used hijacked public buses to take control of the government's provisional offices at Don Muang Airport, and seized control of Suvarnabhumi International Airport. The PAD also threatened to lay siege to the seaports of the Eastern Seaboard.The PAD's sieges and protests ended after the Constitutional Court dissolved the PPP, banned its leaders from politics, and Army Commander Anuphong Phaochinda pressured many PPP MPs to defect to the Democrat Party and elect Abhisit Vejjajiva as Premier. PAD co-leader Kasit Piromya was appointed Foreign Minister in the new government.

I wonder how much more bloodshed we would have seen if the CC hadn't stepped in to offer power to the violent PAD mob?

Similarly how much less bloodshed we would have seen in 2010, had the demands of the reds been met so readily rather than being met with armed suppression?

The PPP was dissolved because of electoral fraud amongst other things, a process that was in the pipeline before the yellow demonstrations.

There would have been much less blood shed in 2010 if Abhisit would have acted quicker, instead of giving the reds the keys to the city. As it happens the reds demands were met in FULL by Abhisit, so get your facts right. Two days later the red leadership, astonished they had got what they wanted without the fight they so desperately needed, decided to change the goal posts and rejected the Governments surrendering to its demands.

You are another that seems to think that if we dislike the reds and Thaksin, we must be yellow. It is untrue, I think yellow leaders should be in jail also, so please save your tit-for-tat arguments of the 'yeah but the yellows did this...' variety, they are futile as they bear no weight with most of us who just want to see the criminal element in politics in jail, regardless of the loyalty to one colour or another.

We could go back and forth for days on this but I'm afraid your point is rather mute:

"The PAD's sieges and protests ended after the Constitutional Court dissolved the PPP"

Their demands were met and Abhisit was placed in power.

Not exactly the same response was it? They weren't told "chill out, wait a few months and we promise to step down and hold elections", neither were they shot at by the army.

His point is not mute, it is very very valid. Also Abihsit was voted into the PM seat by all members of the house of Parliament. As said above, they were not told to chill out, their demands were met in FULL, they then changed the goal posts, incidentally they did not then offer any other demands, just in case they were agreed to also, they just went for the fight that they needed. If you did a little research you would find yourself embarrassed fighting the corner for a bunch of criminals. Then again they are rather manipulative aren't they.

You are another that seems to think that if we dislike the reds and Thaksin, we must be yellow. It is untrue

that's an extremely rich statement considering the labels constantly applied to anyone on here who has anything positive to say about the udd, ptp or thaksin.

the amount of people i've seen being called a red apologist when they have any bit of a different take on an event than the yellow/nation version... people getting accused of being paid to post, i mean sometimes it the stuff of looney toons.

plus the way people dive on a single poster like a pack of hyenas, even when said poster is saying both sides are bad.. it's comical.

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Last week with the PAD protesting outside Government House there was an awful lot of police, speeches, but quiet after 8PM. With the UDD out camping I still hear them at 10:25PM and not having gone to look I wonder if we have the same massive police presence.

No need to tell me the current lot is more 'peaceful'. Their leaders have told them to be prepared to fight.

The PTP have yet again dropped their pinstripe trousers of Democracy and exposed their red underpants of Totalitarianism.

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Stage one - Red government - acheived.

Stage two - Red justice system - in progress.

Stage three - Thaksin returns - scheduled for a nano second after stage two.

Stage four - Anarchy.

Stage five - Death of a nation.


I don't see any possibility of Taksin returning and being able to walk the streets a free man. He will need 24/7 protection and will be constantly be looking over his shoulder. He's much safer where he is. No amount of red shirts will be able to protect him. So the 'people' may want him back, but it will only take one who doesn't want him. Is he really this insane that he doesn't know the risk he is taking, to both himself and the country...??

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Yes abhisit "graciously" stepped down as party leader and then was unanimously re-elected as party leader.

I said 'gracefully', theres a difference.

So that's alright then.

Yes it certainly is alright. His party seem to believe he was the best man for the job out of the possible candidates. What is your point?

No matter his party suffered a humiliating defeat (whilst in control of the media.)

Yes they lost the election. And the DP's progressive policies and investments in infrastructure to help the rural poor, and their investment in a new anti-corruption drive, all enacted during their short time in office, were then shelved or overturned by the incoming PTP, in favour of policies to help billionaire crooks & fascistic redmob bootboys.

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I am not defending either side, they were both violent, and one begot the other.

By your attempts to dismiss the whole issue of level of violence as being of no importance, and by your attempts to justify any differences there might have been as being due not to the perpetrators, but the circumstances they found themselves in - as if they had no choice in their level of violence or in what they did - defending is precisely what you are doing.

Why is it we can't just be honest and accept that the level of violence hasn't been the same, and stop with the excuses for why that was? That doesn't mean having to state that the yellows are innocent of any violence. It doesn't mean having to condone violence on either side. It simply means stating the facts as they are and as those who were here, experienced them.

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I don't see any possibility of Taksin returning and being able to walk the streets a free man. He will need 24/7 protection and will be constantly be looking over his shoulder. He's much safer where he is. No amount of red shirts will be able to protect him. So the 'people' may want him back, but it will only take one who doesn't want him. Is he really this insane that he doesn't know the risk he is taking, to both himself and the country...??

I have the feeling that Thaksin's emotional pap over wanting to come back home is just (another) manipulative ploy to gain sympathy, he wants "his" money, period.

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I am not defending either side, they were both violent, and one begot the other.

By your attempts to dismiss the whole issue of level of violence as being of no importance, and by your attempts to justify any differences there might have been as being due not to the perpetrators, but the circumstances they found themselves in - as if they had no choice in their level of violence or in what they did - defending is precisely what you are doing.

Why is it we can't just be honest and accept that the level of violence hasn't been the same, and stop with the excuses for why that was? That doesn't mean having to state that the yellows are innocent of any violence. It doesn't mean having to condone violence on either side. It simply means stating the facts as they are and as those who were here, experienced them.

Well it doesn't change anything. What the reds did was all in, worse than the yellows, but it doesn't mean that the yellows might not have escalated their actions if faced with the similar situation, which would be supposition. They were both violent, the rest changes absolutely nothing, and the situation is that the police and the system apparently has no mechanism or ability to defuse these situations before they come to crisis point.

Court injunctions, legal judgements seem to have no effect on stopping people sitting in the road for weeks, arming themselves, putting up barricades and daring the police to come deal with them.

To say it doesn't make one side better or worse than the other.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.


Red Shirt Leader and Deputy Secretary-General to the Interior Minister Yoswaris "Jeng Dokjik" Chuklom

Naewna Newspaper (article in Thai)


the desired effect of Dokjik's threats are realized....

Police tightens security after charter court judges receive threats

BANGKOK, 7 June 2012 (NNT) – The Metropolitan Police Bureau is deploying additional police personnel for the security of Constitution Court President Wasan Soipisut and 8 other judges, following threats made against them.

After the Constitution Tribunal accepted five petitions lodged by a group of senators and MPs questioning the legality of the charter amendment draft, the judges have been placed under special protection.

Police Major General Anan Srihirun, Deputy Metropolitan Police Commander, said authorities are providing 24-hour security around the residences of the presiding judge and 8 other judges.

The security measures include setting up check-points and conducting vehicle searches around the premises.

The deputy commander added that the Metropolitan Police Bureau is also coordinating with Bang Sue, Suthisarn, Khlong Tan and Taling Chan Police Stations as well as relevant agencies in Nonthaburi and Nakhon Pathom provinces to closely monitor the situation and ensure safety for the Constitution Court judges.


-- NNT 2012-06-07 footer_n.gif

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Is it not possible that the reason Abhisit delayed was he was told to do so, being completely outnumbered and the army needed time to get an excuse to move in.

It would also be interesting to have the relative numbers of people killed since 1940s by the Thai army, divided into 2 categories - foreigners and Thai people.

Yunla answered the first line.

The second line, why would that be interesting and what relevance does it have to the current shambles?

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Off topic posts have been removed as well as posts criticizing other poster's posting habits. Topic is "Red shirts to rally outside Parliament: Bangkok", let's keep the discussion on that line.

Some more off topic posts have been removed, this topic is about the current Red Shirt rally outside Parliament: Bangkok.

Some more posts and replies not related to the current Red Shirt Rally outside Parliamant: Bangkok have been removed.

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Is it not possible that the reason Abhisit delayed was he was told to do so, being completely outnumbered and the army needed time to get an excuse to move in.

It would also be interesting to have the relative numbers of people killed since 1940s by the Thai army, divided into 2 categories - foreigners and Thai people.

Yunla answered the first line.

The second line, why would that be interesting and what relevance does it have to the current shambles?

Easy, the poster is just looking for anything that makes the military the villain.

It's true that there have been Thai coups instigated by ruthless nasty generals who were not nice people, but it's not true of all coups.

There are other villains in the overall mess who are not military.

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If something happens to the Judges or their families can the idiot who gave out the numbers be charged with a crime in Thailand? Is he currently instigating violence at the current rally? Has the wise PM denounced this attempt at terrorizing Judges and their families? What gives? It has to break some law to give out personal information like that and shouldn't he be charged? So many questions so little time.

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If something happens to the Judges or their families can the idiot who gave out the numbers be charged with a crime in Thailand? Is he currently instigating violence at the current rally? Has the wise PM denounced this attempt at terrorizing Judges and their families? What gives? It has to break some law to give out personal information like that and shouldn't he be charged? So many questions so little time.

Yingluck has a busy schedule precluding her presence in Parliament, but perhaps she might find time to even consider removing one of her political appointments (the threatening, inciting Dokjik) or at the least condemn his criminal activity.


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