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The Secrets To Happiness................Not Only In Thailand But Everywhere.


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If I give up that much how can I be happy ???

It is not a matter of giving in all the time and accepting everything around you it is a matter of being around the people and places that make you feel good. why go to places or be around people who bother you...life is too short. Why accept things that are against what you believe in.....

don't agree !!!

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I'm happy when I have my girl on one side, a beer beside me on the other, a cool Summer breeze, a pleasant outlook and the Farm kids playing nosily (but not to close, just enough to know where they are) in the distance ... that makes me a very happy man.

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The problem with life is that we are all born with a great disadvantage. That is of not knowing the future or our fate.

If only we could have been given the gift of glimpsing at the right and wrong paths to take so we had the choice ourselves, then we could have ensured our own happiness. Although we do have choices and options up to a point, we are still blind time travellers, not really knowing what’s around the next corner. In fact everything we do in life is a gamble and that’s the way it is.

So actually our happiness is determined by using common sense and mostly by luck and good fortune.

I doubt if anyone can say they are a 100% happy and would have maybe done something’s differently if they had their time again.

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I have only one,

Find the good in people and like them.

People instinctively know when you like them, and, if you do they like you back

For me some where back, before I was me, when I was a baby, I must had smiled a lot, perhaps it was gas, but people must have thought i like them,

and because of that, they liked me

because they liked me , I also learn to like them. Heck if they liked me , they must be intelligent nice people.

the whole process became a self sustaining cycle.

I am now 55 years old, have lived a happy go lucky life,

when ever something bad happens to me there always people that like me, there to help me.

I loose a job, no problem, call a few friends find an other one,

and like wise , always there to help a friend in need

and all probably because I had gas as a baby.

If it is too late for you to get gas as a baby

perhaps you can fake it now,

Find the good in people, and they will find the good in you.

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I agree with edwinclapham "Happiness comes from within, pure and simple"

I feel that thequietman is still reflecting on a previous post and trying to find happiness from outside sources, when all he has to do is look inside.

Sometimes we have to step outside ourselves in able to look inside and find out what really makes us happy. For some it is the most simplest things in life...waking up to a brand new day.

I don't like the list as it is all about negativity.....turn it around and make a list of all the things that make you happy....thumbsup.gif and Have Fun!

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I agree with edwinclapham "Happiness comes from within, pure and simple"

I feel that thequietman is still reflecting on a previous post and trying to find happiness from outside sources, when all he has to do is look inside.

Sometimes we have to step outside ourselves in able to look inside and find out what really makes us happy. For some it is the most simplest things in life...waking up to a brand new day.

I don't like the list as it is all about negativity.....turn it around and make a list of all the things that make you happy....thumbsup.gif and Have Fun!

Thais have it one: "Farang think too much"....have to think about that onesmile.png

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I think happiness is over rated anyway,nobody can be happy 100% all of the time.I think a better thing to aim for is being satisfied with the things you are given.It all starts with yourself,if you do not like yourself it will be hard to like others.We all have our ups and downs and i think we all need to try to see things in a positive frame of mind.Don't just see the flower but appreciate the whole plant!

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I never, ever, give up. But I guess some of you know that by now. tongue.png

Edit: Yes Eddie, We keep on looking forward with a smile....biggrin.png

Too true Mr. Smokie, positive thinking is the curse of negativity tongue.png

OP.."13. Give up the past"....we are products of the past, good or bad.. the "past" is our learning tool.

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I agree with edwinclapham "Happiness comes from within, pure and simple"

I feel that thequietman is still reflecting on a previous post and trying to find happiness from outside sources, when all he has to do is look inside.

Sometimes we have to step outside ourselves in able to look inside and find out what really makes us happy. For some it is the most simplest things in life...waking up to a brand new day.

I don't like the list as it is all about negativity.....turn it around and make a list of all the things that make you happy....thumbsup.gif and Have Fun!

Thais have it one: "Farang think too much"....have to think about that onesmile.png

How many times have we heard this one David? Something my wife would say to me on a frequent basis.

Sometimes I think she is right, other times I feel it is a dismissal of thinking through something of what is important to me, and also does it lead one to becoming a numb skull? who knows.. hence I keep on thinkingsmile.png

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We probably do think too much.

I know in my past life (prior to retirement) it was part of the job to always be thinking (maritime) always thinking of worse case scenario (only the worst things happen at sea) and thinking of alternative contingencies......it was think, think, think!

Now it is such a relief to sit back and relax and not think too much.

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I don't care what you do, or how big a powerball lottery you win , you are either able to be happy or you are a constant whining , complaining , sad sack , who will never be happy , all your rules and advice will not make the perpetually unhappy happy anymore than all happy people need to follow that nonsense advice.

If you want to be happy just be nice to others and create a world of happiness around you , you don't need to give up 15 things to accomplish it.

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This old mans view... I decide what I want in life and from life. After the decision is made (some people can't decide) all it takes is balls.

I decide what I want from life is to consistently hit a long drive with a slight draw from right to left, but sometimes it turns into a snap hook and end up in the drink.......luckily I've got a bag full of balls.thumbsup.gif

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OP, your list looks like a surrender document.....don't sign it without consulting a good lawyer.

Just sayin'

Thanks theblether. the list is very tongue in cheek. its designed to illicit comments such as yours and also to see if people actually do accept any of the points listed. the post is also to see what else (if any)other tv posters feel is necessary to be happy. clearly you think none of them and so we know how you're thinking and thats commendable. the list isnt my idea of happiness but some points maybe relevant for others.

if we were to go through all posts on tv, we would see some tv members referring to all of these points at some time or other in their attempts to tell people to accept the way things are here. its their custom, its the way they do things here, its their country etc

however, people will see the list as what I think is essential to life here in los and so the 'to and fro' of debate ensues. the fact that its very tongue in cheek won't register with most.

have a great day and love your posts. smile.png

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This old mans view... I decide what I want in life and from life. After the decision is made (some people can't decide) all it takes is balls.

I decide what I want from life is to consistently hit a long drive with a slight draw from right to left, but sometimes it turns into a snap hook and end up in the drink.......luckily I've got a bag full of balls.thumbsup.gif

Sounds like a good plan.. Better if your balls don't end up in YOUR drink

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