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PM Yingluck Goes To Parliament Under High Security


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Off topic but you should get out of the news/politics section more, you get to meet the real human beings who are more relaxed,

I meet real human beings in the real world wink.png

The real world can be tedious, so that's why the PM visits Parliament for a bit of escapism. wink.png

Job done! Just for you BBKR........ Before I take away the prevailing....... can I have a blue bikini please... tongue.png

-mel. wink.png

LOL On your profile you say that you are an 8 year old male. Nice pic by the way and you must look older to pull a piece like that.laugh.png

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The Thai Parliament sound a real blast. You can get a drunk as you wish and some MP's even flash pics of scantily clad women on the screens. No wonder she wanted to pop in for a while.

Oh! :o ... My wife's a 'piece' now? Piece of 'what' exactly BKRick?

Nice of you to be so complimentary.... bah.gif

Back to the old rubbish now..... for you? ;)

-mel. coffee1.gif ..... Laters....

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all the best martyrs are dead.

That's how they become martyrs. Banishing someone from home country and not being able to keep him down regardless of coup, PAD forcing puppet Samak to resign, and etc., just elevates him in the minds if his supporters.

You gotta laugh at what the PAD does. It has such a profound and positive effect at bringing this closer to a resolution. In reality, everything just elevates Thaskin in the minds if his supporters. Both sides need to learn to accept the results of their elections and focus on reforming elections process rather than childishly fight the system when they don't win.

Maybe if Yingluck or Samak was forcing mass executions in the street and suppressing an entire nation economically and morally, their actions would be warranted. Otherwise, they are just whining because not get their way. Ssame can be said for Reds when Abhist was in office. Mob rules mentality went out years ago in countries that have progressed out of the dark ages. Best thing opposing party can do is back the party in control, hope for the best for the country as a whole, and let the one's in power sink themselves so they can be voted out next election.

  • Are you politically aware enough to realise that Samak is dead and has been for some time? Perhaps not.
  • " Mob rules mentality went out years ago in countries that have progressed out of the dark ages." Yes, and Thailand still has the red shirts passing out details of judges addresses and family members for intimidation.
  • Your hopes of democracy depend on the ruling party seeking the same. And if they aren't?
  • PTP is quite likely to be disbanded soon due to their blatant disregard of election law. Do you think the current ill-feeling towards the CC is coincidental?
  • Do you think that the blatant disregard of electoral law in the last election was done without prior planning? Either way, what was the intent?
  • Who gains out of a period of civil unrest, possibly even civil war, when succession is likely to occur at any time in the near future?

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The Thai Parliament sound a real blast. You can get a drunk as you wish and some MP's even flash pics of scantily clad women on the screens. No wonder she wanted to pop in for a while.

Oh! ohmy.png ... My wife's a 'piece' now? Piece of 'what' exactly BKRick?

Nice of you to be so complimentary.... bah.gif

Back to the old rubbish now..... for you? wink.png

-mel. coffee1.gif ..... Laters....

Calm down man it was a compliment well certainly where I come from anyway.'Piece of totty' very nice woman. Anyway blue bikini on the way!

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You make it sound like you are not in Thailand are you in Dubai? You seem to have a lot of posts for some one who seldom posts when he is in Thailand. I take it you are not here now. You seem to be posting a lot about some thing you never give a thought to. I will take that as a apology for taking up air space.

Perhaps we have over looked the qualities you see in her. But the one quality we have not over looked is the quality to take on a job she is not capable of doing.It was a OK quality at her brothers business as there was others to do the work. Notice they never even bothered to fill her position when she left. But it is another thing when she takes on a job that can benefit or hurt all of Thailand.

Would you care to expound on the quality that makes her right for the position?

"I seldom post when I am in Thailand, my life is too full and busy, and certainly I never give any thought to politics"

Dolly....have you ever heard of 'qualifying' a statement..if you can't even grasp the meaning in the words above...further explanation of anything is a complete waste of time

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You make it sound like you are not in Thailand are you in Dubai? You seem to have a lot of posts for some one who seldom posts when he is in Thailand. I take it you are not here now. You seem to be posting a lot about some thing you never give a thought to. I will take that as a apology for taking up air space.

Perhaps we have over looked the qualities you see in her. But the one quality we have not over looked is the quality to take on a job she is not capable of doing.It was a OK quality at her brothers business as there was others to do the work. Notice they never even bothered to fill her position when she left. But it is another thing when she takes on a job that can benefit or hurt all of Thailand.

Would you care to expound on the quality that makes her right for the position?

"I seldom post when I am in Thailand, my life is too full and busy, and certainly I never give any thought to politics"

Dolly....have you ever heard of 'qualifying' a statement..if you can't even grasp the meaning in the words above...further explanation of anything is a complete waste of time

I grasp their meaning perfectly. Remember i am the one who wrote them.

I really hope you gamble better than you alibi.thumbsup.gif

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You make it sound like you are not in Thailand are you in Dubai? You seem to have a lot of posts for some one who seldom posts when he is in Thailand. I take it you are not here now. You seem to be posting a lot about some thing you never give a thought to. I will take that as a apology for taking up air space.

Perhaps we have over looked the qualities you see in her. But the one quality we have not over looked is the quality to take on a job she is not capable of doing.It was a OK quality at her brothers business as there was others to do the work. Notice they never even bothered to fill her position when she left. But it is another thing when she takes on a job that can benefit or hurt all of Thailand.

Would you care to expound on the quality that makes her right for the position?

"I seldom post when I am in Thailand, my life is too full and busy, and certainly I never give any thought to politics"

Dolly....have you ever heard of 'qualifying' a statement..if you can't even grasp the meaning in the words above...further explanation of anything is a complete waste of time

You not gone out yet? So much ironing ;)

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Well perhaps another retrospective mocking is in order seen as it now transpires that she voted for a bill she admitted she has never laid eyes upon.

I must say that you seem to have stooped to a new low, it is one thing offering your unconditional love and support for this non-politician, but to imply that her PR skills will make her a winner and overcome Abhisit is so immature. Does it mean she is actually engaging in an activity that will benefit the country and its people?...No, she has a good PR manager, which does not detract from the real issue with intelligent people that she is contributing nothing to the effective running or recovery of this nation and it's peoples.

I am neither offering my unconditional love support nor support for a person you describe as a non-politician. BTW, in TVF, there are constant criticisms, of Thai politicians, now that there isn't a professional politician such as Mr. Abhisit, who had no experience in the private sector before taking his seat, you express unhappiness. No pleasing you is there?

The handling of this crisis by the PM and the PTP shows tremendous improvement in the government. Overall, the government has not panicked and has remained focused. it has come a long way since those early days of the flooding crisis when there wasn't a focus and too many people talking. This tells me that the government now has a functioning rythm. <deleted>, you may say, but in times of crisis, the electorate appreciates a government that is calm, focused and measured in its actions. They may not agree with the government policiy, but they can see when someone isn't having a meltdown as was the case with the government during the Bangkok civil disobedience.

The fact of the matter is that the government is operating is it not? People are still getting their driver licenses, hospitals are operating, food is on the shelves, the trains are running and planes are flying. It's all systems go. The dispute over whether or not the duly elected representatives are allowed to undertake their legal obligations has not disrupted the daily lives of the population. As long as the government can keep it that way, there will be minimal damage to the government's position. If groups decide to agitate, whether they are PAD or UDD and those groups disrupt the operations of the government, then it does have an impact on perceptions. This was why it was important for the PM to get past the mob and into the House.

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You make it sound like you are not in Thailand are you in Dubai? You seem to have a lot of posts for some one who seldom posts when he is in Thailand. I take it you are not here now. You seem to be posting a lot about some thing you never give a thought to. I will take that as a apology for taking up air space.

Perhaps we have over looked the qualities you see in her. But the one quality we have not over looked is the quality to take on a job she is not capable of doing.It was a OK quality at her brothers business as there was others to do the work. Notice they never even bothered to fill her position when she left. But it is another thing when she takes on a job that can benefit or hurt all of Thailand.

Would you care to expound on the quality that makes her right for the position?

"I seldom post when I am in Thailand, my life is too full and busy, and certainly I never give any thought to politics"

Dolly....have you ever heard of 'qualifying' a statement..if you can't even grasp the meaning in the words above...further explanation of anything is a complete waste of time

You not gone out yet? So much ironing wink.png

Been out bought cod, reduced, two fillets 125 baht, 3 packs two into the freeezer, already cooked two fillets, ironed two shirts, now enough for all next week, betting is going good today, Denmark taking the lead suits my bets...now watching the game....have n't done a lot of work though

Edited by 473geo
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You make it sound like you are not in Thailand are you in Dubai? You seem to have a lot of posts for some one who seldom posts when he is in Thailand. I take it you are not here now. You seem to be posting a lot about some thing you never give a thought to. I will take that as a apology for taking up air space.

Perhaps we have over looked the qualities you see in her. But the one quality we have not over looked is the quality to take on a job she is not capable of doing.It was a OK quality at her brothers business as there was others to do the work. Notice they never even bothered to fill her position when she left. But it is another thing when she takes on a job that can benefit or hurt all of Thailand.

Would you care to expound on the quality that makes her right for the position?

"I seldom post when I am in Thailand, my life is too full and busy, and certainly I never give any thought to politics"

Dolly....have you ever heard of 'qualifying' a statement..if you can't even grasp the meaning in the words above...further explanation of anything is a complete waste of time

I grasp their meaning perfectly. Remember i am the one who wrote them.

I really hope you gamble better than you alibi.thumbsup.gif


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You are giving her too much credit, the figurehead at the bow doesn't stir the ship.

Ahh, but she is there while the storm clouds gather, ... That sir is the the outcome of the political error of attempting to block the elected representatives from carrying out their legal duties.

Wait a minute. Wasn't it the Red shirts that were camped out in front of Parliament when the PM arrived? I thought the Yellows and Multi-Coloreds had gone home a day or two before. Did I get that right? Was anyone trying to block her entrance at all? Had anyone even hinted at any personal danger to the PM or anyone else in the building that day? Some papers had been thrown a couple of days before, of course, but was that the only reason to suspect that rocket launchers (or whatever the weapon du jour might might be) were lurking nearby? Maybe this time there would be paper clips and rubber bands, perhaps?

I do agree that it was a great publicity move to enter the building. It was also a master-stroke to bring a large armed contingent in order to project the image that she was in mortal danger from bad people as she strove to do good for the country - even if she never quite made it to any place that she coudl actually vote. And let's not lose sight of the fact that she chose to use the military for this job, which implies their agreement with her situation and their personal support. It is all reminiscent of the time her brother was slightly delayed by a normal aircraft glitch on a commercial airliner and he used the opportunity to claim that it was an assasination attempt to garner some patriotic fervor behind him. Whatever your attitudes toward the PM, you gotta hand it to her publicist for this move. Well done!

Correct, all the yellows were at home and the reds were at Parliament, so why the drama....well it was another coup, a PR coup! All pretty pathetic really. It keeps the Reds happy but other Governments see this place as a laughing stock. I wish wikileaks could get hold of outgoing embassy communications now ;)

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What has been blocking her entry every other day? She doesn't need protests or protesters as an excuse, anything will do.

A quick comparison - number of debates participated in over the last year

Davis Cameron 43

Julia Gillard 203

Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM has most certainly attended debates in the House. Please cite the official attendance record for the PM rather than lie.

Attended does NOT EQUAL participated in. Thailand does not publish records of it's parliament, but if you can find me a credible source that gives ONE word spoken in debate, I will humbly admit I was wrong. And I don't include reading from a script before making a bolt for the door as participation.

In the meantime, it would please us all if you stopped inserting your perceived irrelevancies into the debate. I've worked with 27"Hg vaccuums that don't suck as hard as your sycophancy.


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You are giving her too much credit, the figurehead at the bow doesn't stir the ship.

Ahh, but she is there while the storm clouds gather, ... That sir is the the outcome of the political error of attempting to block the elected representatives from carrying out their legal duties.

Wait a minute. Wasn't it the Red shirts that were camped out in front of Parliament when the PM arrived? I thought the Yellows and Multi-Coloreds had gone home a day or two before. Did I get that right? Was anyone trying to block her entrance at all? Had anyone even hinted at any personal danger to the PM or anyone else in the building that day? Some papers had been thrown a couple of days before, of course, but was that the only reason to suspect that rocket launchers (or whatever the weapon du jour might might be) were lurking nearby? Maybe this time there would be paper clips and rubber bands, perhaps?

I do agree that it was a great publicity move to enter the building. It was also a master-stroke to bring a large armed contingent in order to project the image that she was in mortal danger from bad people as she strove to do good for the country - even if she never quite made it to any place that she coudl actually vote. And let's not lose sight of the fact that she chose to use the military for this job, which implies their agreement with her situation and their personal support. It is all reminiscent of the time her brother was slightly delayed by a normal aircraft glitch on a commercial airliner and he used the opportunity to claim that it was an assasination attempt to garner some patriotic fervor behind him. Whatever your attitudes toward the PM, you gotta hand it to her publicist for this move. Well done!

Correct, all the yellows were at home and the reds were at Parliament, so why the drama....well it was another coup, a PR coup! All pretty pathetic really. It keeps the Reds happy but other Governments see this place as a laughing stock. I wish wikileaks could get hold of outgoing embassy communications now wink.png

GK likes it.

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What has been blocking her entry every other day? She doesn't need protests or protesters as an excuse, anything will do.

A quick comparison - number of debates participated in over the last year

Davis Cameron 43

Julia Gillard 203

Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM has most certainly attended debates in the House. Please cite the official attendance record for the PM rather than lie.

Attended does NOT EQUAL participated in. Thailand does not publish records of it's parliament, but if you can find me a credible source that gives ONE word spoken in debate, I will humbly admit I was wrong. And I don't include reading from a script before making a bolt for the door as participation.

In the meantime, it would please us all if you stopped inserting your perceived irrelevancies into the debate. I've worked with 27"Hg vaccuums that don't suck as hard as your sycophancy.


I think you missed the "And I don't include reading from a script before making a bolt for the door as participation." part of his post.

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Off topic but you should get out of the news/politics section more, you get to meet the real human beings who are more relaxed, if you did you would have learnt I have two children and a wife who create my enjoyment. I would never interfere in the political persuasion of my wife it is not my place, hence I do not discuss politics, and I insist my wife does not carry the burden of ironing my shirts, she does enough already, but she would certainly not allow outside assistance!!

As you have introduced the subject of your family, and as you are a self-proclaimed betting man, perhaps you can advise me what sort of odds i might get on the mother of your children having harked from red heartland?

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Off topic but you should get out of the news/politics section more, you get to meet the real human beings who are more relaxed, if you did you would have learnt I have two children and a wife who create my enjoyment. I would never interfere in the political persuasion of my wife it is not my place, hence I do not discuss politics, and I insist my wife does not carry the burden of ironing my shirts, she does enough already, but she would certainly not allow outside assistance!!

As you have introduced the subject of your family, and as you are a self-proclaimed betting man, perhaps you can advise me what sort of odds i might get on the mother of your children having harked from red heartland?

The one view my wife gave on the election of PTP was........wait for it..........

"There will be no change, more of the same"

So what do you think? I think a very aware and intelligent comment......so what you imply would appear to the usual poor and crude assumption we regularly see on Tvisa......

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Well I am not one of the great Tvisa mind readers so unfortunately I cannot tell you with precision why the electorate adore her,

And just how is it that without those mind reading abilities you speak of, you know that the electorate "adore" her?

For those who have experienced the emotional pleasure shown in the face, adoration is instantly recognisable...........you can't see it?

I've seen emotional pleasure on faces before yes, but facial expressions only offer a snapshot at one moment in time as to how a person is feeling. Don't think you can use it as the basis to sum up a person's entire feelings on a given thing or a given person, as you done.

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Off topic but you should get out of the news/politics section more, you get to meet the real human beings who are more relaxed, if you did you would have learnt I have two children and a wife who create my enjoyment. I would never interfere in the political persuasion of my wife it is not my place, hence I do not discuss politics, and I insist my wife does not carry the burden of ironing my shirts, she does enough already, but she would certainly not allow outside assistance!!

As you have introduced the subject of your family, and as you are a self-proclaimed betting man, perhaps you can advise me what sort of odds i might get on the mother of your children having harked from red heartland?

The one view my wife gave on the election of PTP was........wait for it..........

"There will be no change, more of the same"

So what do you think? I think a very aware and intelligent comment......so what you imply would appear to the usual poor and crude assumption we regularly see on Tvisa......

A very aware and very intelligent comment? I think you underestimate Thai people if you found your wife's comment particularly insightful or profound. I think it echoes what most Thais think, even those colour affiliated ones.

As for my implication, nothing crude or poor about it. About the only reason i can think of why someone clearly reasonably well educated as yourself would spend so much time defending such a joke of a party and a joke of a Prime Minister.

So what do i think? I think i would give it a flutter.

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Well I am not one of the great Tvisa mind readers so unfortunately I cannot tell you with precision why the electorate adore her,

And just how is it that without those mind reading abilities you speak of, you know that the electorate "adore" her?

For those who have experienced the emotional pleasure shown in the face, adoration is instantly recognisable...........you can't see it?

I've seen emotional pleasure on faces before yes, but facial expressions only offer a snapshot at one moment in time as to how a person is feeling. Don't think you can use it as the basis to sum up a person's entire feelings on a given thing or a given person, as you done.

Thank you now you have accepted you do not have to be a mind reader to know adoration when you see it, but can get a snapshot at any time, I will answer your further question,. The give away is standing waiting for hours and when they capture a fleeting glimpse their faces light up it makes their day

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Off topic but you should get out of the news/politics section more, you get to meet the real human beings who are more relaxed, if you did you would have learnt I have two children and a wife who create my enjoyment. I would never interfere in the political persuasion of my wife it is not my place, hence I do not discuss politics, and I insist my wife does not carry the burden of ironing my shirts, she does enough already, but she would certainly not allow outside assistance!!

As you have introduced the subject of your family, and as you are a self-proclaimed betting man, perhaps you can advise me what sort of odds i might get on the mother of your children having harked from red heartland?

The one view my wife gave on the election of PTP was........wait for it..........

"There will be no change, more of the same"

So what do you think? I think a very aware and intelligent comment......so what you imply would appear to the usual poor and crude assumption we regularly see on Tvisa......

A very aware and very intelligent comment? I think you underestimate Thai people if you found your wife's comment particularly insightful or profound. I think it echoes what most Thais think, even those colour affiliated ones.

As for my implication, nothing crude or poor about it. About the only reason i can think of why someone clearly reasonably well educated as yourself would spend so much time defending such a joke of a party and a joke of a Prime Minister.

So what do i think? I think i would give it a flutter.

Then it is not me underestimating the Thai people, it is the likes of you and your trolling pals that consistently infer the Thai electorate were somehow fooled into voting for PTP..........they had a choice and these intelligent aware people you refer to above chose to vote against the democrats.......why do I support this government....because the people who are aware and intelligent as you state above voted for change....and I personally think change should therefore be given a chance...if Thailand is ever to move forward

Out of interest what area do you term the red heartland?

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For those who have experienced the emotional pleasure shown in the face, adoration is instantly recognisable...........you can't see it?

I've seen emotional pleasure on faces before yes, but facial expressions only offer a snapshot at one moment in time as to how a person is feeling. Don't think you can use it as the basis to sum up a person's entire feelings on a given thing or a given person, as you done.

Thank you now you have accepted you do not have to be a mind reader to know adoration when you see it, but can get a snapshot at any time, I will answer your further question,. The give away is standing waiting for hours and when they capture a fleeting glimpse their faces light up it makes their day

I didn't say a face can express adoration, i said a face can express emotional pleasure. To know exactly in what form that emotional pleasure is, takes a bit more getting to know that person and getting to know what lies in their heart.

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For those who have experienced the emotional pleasure shown in the face, adoration is instantly recognisable...........you can't see it?

I've seen emotional pleasure on faces before yes, but facial expressions only offer a snapshot at one moment in time as to how a person is feeling. Don't think you can use it as the basis to sum up a person's entire feelings on a given thing or a given person, as you done.

Thank you now you have accepted you do not have to be a mind reader to know adoration when you see it, but can get a snapshot at any time, I will answer your further question,. The give away is standing waiting for hours and when they capture a fleeting glimpse their faces light up it makes their day

I didn't say a face can express adoration, i said a face can express emotional pleasure. To know exactly in what form that emotional pleasure is, takes a bit more getting to know that person and getting to know what lies in their heart.

Well maybe we should get the Thaivisa mindreaders in after all....then when they know they can point out an adoring fan to you......so really you have no idea between a face showing emotional pleasure and an adoring look.....do you have children?

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As you have introduced the subject of your family, and as you are a self-proclaimed betting man, perhaps you can advise me what sort of odds i might get on the mother of your children having harked from red heartland?

The one view my wife gave on the election of PTP was........wait for it..........

"There will be no change, more of the same"

So what do you think? I think a very aware and intelligent comment......so what you imply would appear to the usual poor and crude assumption we regularly see on Tvisa......

A very aware and very intelligent comment? I think you underestimate Thai people if you found your wife's comment particularly insightful or profound. I think it echoes what most Thais think, even those colour affiliated ones.

As for my implication, nothing crude or poor about it. About the only reason i can think of why someone clearly reasonably well educated as yourself would spend so much time defending such a joke of a party and a joke of a Prime Minister.

So what do i think? I think i would give it a flutter.

Then it is not me underestimating the Thai people, it is the likes of you and your trolling pals that consistently infer the Thai electorate were somehow fooled into voting for PTP..........they had a choice and these intelligent aware people you refer to above chose to vote against the democrats.......why do I support this government....because the people who are aware and intelligent as you state above voted for change....and I personally think change should therefore be given a chance...if Thailand is ever to move forward

Out of interest what area do you term the red heartland?

Sorry, I am also totally 180 degrees out from your opinions and I am not trolling. Nobody was fooled into electing PTP they were paid for and brain washed in to it. The Reds could have their own successful political movement, and they are realising now that life with Thaksin is not enough, and that they can go it alone. The problem is that the real leadership is more orientated towards the governmental style of Cambodia, and that the majority of reds who love the King just do not realise what is really going on. The normal red voter is only concerned with putting rice on the table tomorrow and if you promise them more than that you are a winner. I do not know what the solution is, but I know that PAD is not and also that the Reds and PTP is not. I wish I was eligible to jump in to Thai politics, but I am not, but my son and daughter will be! But that is the next Generation and we have to make it that far.

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why do I support this government....because the people who are aware and intelligent as you state above voted for change....and I personally think change should therefore be given a chance...if Thailand is ever to move forward

I don't believe anyone supports a government simply because the people voted for it. I believe your support existed before the government was voted in. And i also believe that had another government been voted in, you wouldn't be spending all your time on here defending them, especially not in they were performing as badly as this lot.

In the UK, when people voted Thatcher back in, i didn't suddenly change my opinion and start spending hours of my time defending her or her government on the basis that she was the people's choice so she must be the right choice. In the same way, when people rushed out to buy the Teletubbies single and it hit the top of the charts, i didn't suddenly throw out all my old music and stock up on that sort of new crap. OK, music and politics are different things granted, but the point is, you don't have to follow the sheep, you don't have to think what other people think. Think for yourself why not? You can still respect democracy at the same time. And i respect the Thai electorate's choice of government. I just don't agree with it. Not that i would particularly agree with the Dems either i have to say. Certainly wouldn't defend them as tirelessly as you do the PTP.

Out of interest what area do you term the red heartland?

In general that would be, north and north east.

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so really you have no idea between a face showing emotional pleasure and an adoring look.....do you have children?

People you know very well, like your own kids, i think it is easier to read their feelings than that of complete strangers.

As for your question, one hardly needs kids when one spends so much time amongst them on Thaivisa.

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smile.png Guys if I don't like the government in Thailand I don't have to be anywhere near the place. Rixalex, fair criticism I can accept, relentless persuit accompanied by a continuous stream of abuse and demeaning comments from foreigners who really have no place in Thai politics, well to me that is over the top......and Jim if we can get a run of governments no matter how poor, whereby a couple get voted out for poor performance, without any interference, then your children may just enter a political situation where the electorate are comfortable that they have a real say in the running of the country. Of course the more cynical may defer to the opinion that politicians never actually control a country.
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smile.png Guys if I don't like the government in Thailand I don't have to be anywhere near the place. Rixalex, fair criticism I can accept, relentless persuit accompanied by a continuous stream of abuse and demeaning comments from foreigners who really have no place in Thai politics, well to me that is over the top......and Jim if we can get a run of governments no matter how poor, whereby a couple get voted out for poor performance, without any interference, then your children may just enter a political situation where the electorate are comfortable that they have a real say in the running of the country. Of course the more cynical may defer to the opinion that politicians never actually control a country.

My apologies to you all for being late, but I was outside Tilac bar in soi Cowboy watching the E12 football game Netherlands - Denmark. Good football, disappointing result.

Having read this post I'm replying to, I can only say that I do not have to like the Thai government to be near the place, I may just be here. Imagine the massive "Völkerwanderung" when all of a sudden people start moving because they don't like the government in the country they currently reside in. Half of the USA population would start moving amongst others.

Ayway with the help of the Army PM Yingluck made it into parliament. It may be my 'perverted' sense of humor to be somewhat amused having PM Yingluck being guarded by the army in order to safely get into parliament. Must be a combination of yellow and red shirts outside wink.png

Edited by rubl
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