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When you listen to your government as to what you should eat...you get fat

When you get fat...you get lazy

When you get lazy ….your blood pressure rises

When your blood pressure rises …. you develop heart disease

When you develop heart disease..... you die young!

So don't listen to the Government............. EAT FAT!

Edited by metisdead
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Fat is not a problem trans fats are and so are most saturated fats. But we need fats too just select the right ones. Fish oil, flax seed oil, rice bran for cooking.

But i never heard my government saying anything else then what i am saying here.

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The Governments of the world are constantly telling us to avoid eating fat and that 40% of you diet should be carbs!


This is a fact. In 1982 the American Heart Association, the US Medical Association and the US Department of Agriculture admonished Americans to reduce fat consumption from 40% of the diet to 30%.

Check out exactly how successful this advice has been on this graph:


People started getting fatter at exactly the time when this advice was given in 1982.

This was obtained from the following video (at about 9:23 minutes):


[/media] Edited by tropo
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"Correlation does not imply causation" (related to "ignoring a common cause" and questionable cause) is a phrase used in science and statistics to emphasize that correlation between two variables does not automatically imply that one causes the other (though correlation is necessary for linear causation in the absence of any third and countervailing causative variable, and can indicate possible causes or areas for further investigation; in other words, correlation is a hint).[1][2]

Sorry Tropo, i believe that fat is bad for you. The saturated kind and the trans fats. But I also believe its not the fat but the sugar and the increased consumption of everything.

I do believe you need to have at least 30% of your diet from fat as fat is good for you too. Just take the right kinds. I think we can agree on that.

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"Correlation does not imply causation" (related to "ignoring a common cause" and questionable cause) is a phrase used in science and statistics to emphasize that correlation between two variables does not automatically imply that one causes the other (though correlation is necessary for linear causation in the absence of any third and countervailing causative variable, and can indicate possible causes or areas for further investigation; in other words, correlation is a hint).[1][2]

Sorry Tropo, i believe that fat is bad for you. The saturated kind and the trans fats. But I also believe its not the fat but the sugar and the increased consumption of everything.

I do believe you need to have at least 30% of your diet from fat as fat is good for you too. Just take the right kinds. I think we can agree on that.

All I demonstrated above was that the American population started getting fatter from the moment in 1982 when they started to reduce their fat consumption. The graph says it all.

Fat was replaced with sugar, obviously the great evil. You get fatter faster when you replace fat with sugar.

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"Correlation does not imply causation" (related to "ignoring a common cause" and questionable cause) is a phrase used in science and statistics to emphasize that correlation between two variables does not automatically imply that one causes the other (though correlation is necessary for linear causation in the absence of any third and countervailing causative variable, and can indicate possible causes or areas for further investigation; in other words, correlation is a hint).[1][2]

Sorry Tropo, i believe that fat is bad for you. The saturated kind and the trans fats. But I also believe its not the fat but the sugar and the increased consumption of everything.

I do believe you need to have at least 30% of your diet from fat as fat is good for you too. Just take the right kinds. I think we can agree on that.

All I demonstrated above was that the American population started getting fatter from the moment in 1982 when they started to reduce their fat consumption. The graph says it all.

Fat was replaced with sugar, obviously the great evil. You get fatter faster when you replace fat with sugar.

Sure, but that does not make fat healthy. Just means they switched from on thing to an other that was even worse.

If i stop kicking my dog and start beating my wife, doesnt mean that kicking my dog is good. Just have to stop both.

I am all for fat as you need it, but there are good and bad kinds of fat. Granted its hard to only get the good kind but you can at least try to get as much of the good kind as possible.

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Sure, but that does not make fat healthy. Just means they switched from on thing to an other that was even worse.

If i stop kicking my dog and start beating my wife, doesnt mean that kicking my dog is good. Just have to stop both.

I am all for fat as you need it, but there are good and bad kinds of fat. Granted its hard to only get the good kind but you can at least try to get as much of the good kind as possible.

It's not quite a balanced equation. People have actually been getting fatter since lowering their fat intake in favour of carbohydrates. Irrespective of general health, getting fatter is a definite negative. Also, when people lower their fat intake they have less chance of getting their healthy fats.

For example, when people throw away the chicken skin they are throwing away omega 6. When people stop or cut back on eating butter they reduce their intake of healthy fats too. That's what people started doing from the mid-70's on.

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Sure, but that does not make fat healthy. Just means they switched from on thing to an other that was even worse.

If i stop kicking my dog and start beating my wife, doesnt mean that kicking my dog is good. Just have to stop both.

I am all for fat as you need it, but there are good and bad kinds of fat. Granted its hard to only get the good kind but you can at least try to get as much of the good kind as possible.

It's not quite a balanced equation. People have actually been getting fatter since lowering their fat intake in favour of carbohydrates. Irrespective of general health, getting fatter is a definite negative. Also, when people lower their fat intake they have less chance of getting their healthy fats.

For example, when people throw away the chicken skin they are throwing away omega 6. When people stop or cut back on eating butter they reduce their intake of healthy fats too. That's what people started doing from the mid-70's on.

I agree tropo its not all black and white and many of the fat replacements were not that great either. I am just saying that that does not make fat healthy. I also know we need to get at least 30% of our calories from fat (i often dont even get there). But its better for all of us when we use the more healthy fats.

I actually dont throw away the chicken skin as i like it and otherwise my diet does not contain much fat. Not really by choice. I do try to ad extra fat by eating coconuts (drink em and eat the white stuff)

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I agree tropo its not all black and white and many of the fat replacements were not that great either. I am just saying that that does not make fat healthy. I also know we need to get at least 30% of our calories from fat (i often dont even get there). But its better for all of us when we use the more healthy fats.

I actually dont throw away the chicken skin as i like it and otherwise my diet does not contain much fat. Not really by choice. I do try to ad extra fat by eating coconuts (drink em and eat the white stuff)

I don't throw away chicken skin either, nor do I dump egg yolks - I like them too much.

You should try ground golden flaxseeds. I buy them at Villa and grind them up. You can put 30 grams in with your oats or protein drinks and you don't even notice them. In fact, when I add a tablespoon to my protein drink which consists of WPC (no flavour) in water plus a banana or applesauce it adds mouth feel so it feels like you're drinking full cream milk.

I grind up a jar at a time and leave it in the fridge - it's convenient that way.

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I also eat my egg yolks, i was looking for a new supply of flaxseeds (ground ones) but so far no luck. What are you paying for the flaxseeds and how much do you get.

I've never seen ground ones, but it's better to buy whole seeds and grind them when you need them. It takes 5 minutes to grind up a full jar using the blender grinding attachment. I keep the whole seeds in the freezer.

I have a choice of 3 types. One brand has organic golden and brown flaxseeds for 165 baht for about 400 grams (you get less of the golden ones for the same price). Another brand costs me 245 baht per 680 grams.

Just had 4 whole fried eggs with my meal - yum! I've got a new pan and induction cooker and it does amazing fried eggs (and omelets) - perfection.

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