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Stun Gun Stops Foreign Fighter Outside Pattaya Police Station


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Stun Gun stops Foreign fighter outside Pattaya Police Station


PATTAYA:It was “Fight Night” on Pattaya Beach, only meters away from Pattaya Police Station in the early hours of Monday.

A well-built foreign man, suspected of being intoxicated, engaged in a scuffle with a Thai man which soon involved other Thai men who appeared hesitant to involve themselves due to the proximity of the Police Station and the chance they could end up behind bars.

The foreign man, who refused to offer his name or nationality appeared ready for a fight and exchanged blows with his opponent until another Thai Man approached with a stun gun and rendered the foreigner unconscious for a moment which allowed time for all those involved to disperse.

Full story: http://www.pattayaon...police-station/


-- Pattaya One 2012-06-11


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. I never understand why farangs insist on fighting in Thailand. No matter how drunk you get, you need to remember where you are and walk away.

I saw a farang 3 nights ago get ejected from a beer bar by the Thai owners in Pattaya New Plaza area. After being ejected he tried to go back to keep up his ignorant drunken rants when a burley Thai man came out punched and he fell on the road, then the Thai man kicked him whilst he was on the ground. He was unconsious for a few minutes when a couple of farangs pulled him off the road into a nearby "safe bar" where some assistance was given to him.

Still he would not leave the scene and further wanted to create problems in that bar. Then the Police arrived and he argued in his drunken state with cop. The cop told him several times to leave but he kept on at him. Eventually he moved on but not without arguing for at least 15 minutes with the cop. Now how is that for a brainless idiot farang, taking on Thais and Thai Police.

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. I never understand why farangs insist on fighting in Thailand. No matter how drunk you get, you need to remember where you are and walk away.

I saw a farang 3 nights ago get ejected from a beer bar by the Thai owners in Pattaya New Plaza area. After being ejected he tried to go back to keep up his ignorant drunken rants when a burley Thai man came out punched and he fell on the road, then the Thai man kicked him whilst he was on the ground. He was unconsious for a few minutes when a couple of farangs pulled him off the road into a nearby "safe bar" where some assistance was given to him.

Still he would not leave the scene and further wanted to create problems in that bar. Then the Police arrived and he argued in his drunken state with cop. The cop told him several times to leave but he kept on at him. Eventually he moved on but not without arguing for at least 15 minutes with the cop. Now how is that for a brainless idiot farang, taking on Thais and Thai Police.

I'm not defending the above guy's actions, but many tourists come here not realising the futility of arguing/fighting with a Thai guy/BiB. From the tourist brochures and guide books a first time visitor might well believe that he is in a civilised country where there is such a thing as an impartial police force and the rule of law.

Brainless idiot farang is possibly not correct, brainless ignorant farang is maybe more apt.

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. I never understand why farangs insist on fighting in Thailand. No matter how drunk you get, you need to remember where you are and walk away.

I saw a farang 3 nights ago get ejected from a beer bar by the Thai owners in Pattaya New Plaza area. After being ejected he tried to go back to keep up his ignorant drunken rants when a burley Thai man came out punched and he fell on the road, then the Thai man kicked him whilst he was on the ground. He was unconsious for a few minutes when a couple of farangs pulled him off the road into a nearby "safe bar" where some assistance was given to him.

Still he would not leave the scene and further wanted to create problems in that bar. Then the Police arrived and he argued in his drunken state with cop. The cop told him several times to leave but he kept on at him. Eventually he moved on but not without arguing for at least 15 minutes with the cop. Now how is that for a brainless idiot farang, taking on Thais and Thai Police.

Suppose those who helped him now wonder why they bothered to in the first place???

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I never understand why farangs insist on fighting in Thailand. No matter how drunk you get, you need to remember where you are and walk away.

Maybe he was being robbed or someone tried to pick pocket him? That is a notorious area.

Sometimes you just have to defend yourself. I doubt think anyone comes to Thailand looking for a fight. Some fight a fight once they drink too much, but often the Thais will be the culprit when it comes to violence, especially on the beach. He is just lucky he was not stabbed by 20 of them.

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A Foreigner Beaten Up & Zapped With Stun Gun in Pattaya


A foreign man quarrelled with some Thai men, before they got into a full fight. Some passers by tried to stop them. Suddenly the Thai man pulled his stun gun and zapped the foreigner.

PATTAYA – June 11, 2012 [PDN]; At 02.30 hours a journalist reported that, a man had video taped a fight where some Thai men were beating up a foreigner.

The video clip was 3.06 minutes long. The footage showed the entrance of a popular department store in Pattaya, near the Pattaya police station.

In the clip a heavy set Thai man quarreled with a drunk foreigner.

Full story and video: http://www.pattayada...gun-in-pattaya/

-- Pattaya Daily News 2012-06-12


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To me, it looks like the westerner was the aggressor, although for what reason we will probably never know. I have to say, the Thai guys were fairly restrained, maybe because they were being reasonable....or more likely there wasn't enough of them.

They did have ample opportunity to lay the boot in while he was down, but left the scene instead, was this because they genuinely didn't want to fight, or because stun guns are illegal?

Either way, it was a bad situation that could have had much more serious consequences for all involved, some more than others.

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To me, it looks like the westerner was the aggressor, although for what reason we will probably never know. I have to say, the Thai guys were fairly restrained, maybe because they were being reasonable....or more likely there wasn't enough of them.

They did have ample opportunity to lay the boot in while he was down, but left the scene instead, was this because they genuinely didn't want to fight, or because stun guns are illegal?

Either way, it was a bad situation that could have had much more serious consequences for all involved, some more than others.

Looks more like they were beating on a drunk

notice how they all jumped in typical coward male Thai style

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To me, it looks like the westerner was the aggressor, although for what reason we will probably never know. I have to say, the Thai guys were fairly restrained, maybe because they were being reasonable....or more likely there wasn't enough of them.

They did have ample opportunity to lay the boot in while he was down, but left the scene instead, was this because they genuinely didn't want to fight, or because stun guns are illegal?

Either way, it was a bad situation that could have had much more serious consequences for all involved, some more than others.

Looks more like they were beating on a drunk

notice how they all jumped in typical coward male Thai style

Sorry, I don't see it like that. If they were simply beating up a drunk the other guys would have jumped in much sooner. Did you not notice how the farang was being a cocky so and so and holding his hand behind his back, I can bet he was saying I can have you one handed.

Beating up a drunk would imply the said drunk didn't want to fight. You must be watching a different video to me if you think that is the case. And as for the other guys getting involved, they didn't exactly lay into him all at once, just sticking up for the Thai guy, who would likely have gotten a beating had it been left one-on-one. The same would happen anywhere, not just in Thailand.

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Did you guys actually watch the video? The Thai was pushing the farang repeatedly and slapped the farang and then the farang didn't back down. It was 1 on 1 with the thai guy that was pushing the farang until another thai guy jumps the farang from behind. To which the farang was fighting 2 thais (and winning). Then it looks like the fight is over but the Thai guys wouldn't let it go and wanted more so then it started up again. Also notice that the first time the farang ends up on the ground a thai guy ran up and kicked him. Then of course it ends with a Thai guy tazering the farang and like cowards they all ran away.

It's funny how one news story claims "A well-built foreign man, suspected of being intoxicated, engaged in a scuffle with a Thai man" which is completely false.. The Thai man engaged the farang.

Then in another news story

"In the clip a heavy set Thai man quarreled with a drunk foreigner." which to me seems much more accurate.


[/media] Edited by Jayman
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I just watched the video. The westerner appeared to be the aggressor. I heard on at least 2 occassions "por lau" means enough already. But no the tough guy puts his hand behind his back and wants to fight. He is lucky he didn't end up in a worse condition.

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I just watched the video. The westerner appeared to be the aggressor. I heard on at least 2 occassions "por lau" means enough already. But no the tough guy puts his hand behind his back and wants to fight. He is lucky he didn't end up in a worse condition.

The Thai guy slapped him in the face first. If someone slaps you then how are you called the aggressor. And just cause many thais watching all said "por lau" means nothing. Do you think the farang understands the thai being spoken in the crowd? Why not assume they were shouting that to the Thai guy that slapped him? Once a party has been hit, I fully expect them to get aggressive. The person that makes the first hit is by definition the aggressor.

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The problem is that we don't know what the drunk said or did before hand. We have only seen the end result, either way he was on his feet 15 seconds after being stunned which is a reasonable result considering what could have happened.

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The problem is that we don't know what the drunk said or did before hand. We have only seen the end result, either way he was on his feet 15 seconds after being stunned which is a reasonable result considering what could have happened.

Yes, and we don't know what the aggressive Thais did or said (or smoked) before hand.

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To me, it looks like the westerner was the aggressor, although for what reason we will probably never know. I have to say, the Thai guys were fairly restrained, maybe because they were being reasonable....or more likely there wasn't enough of them.

They did have ample opportunity to lay the boot in while he was down, but left the scene instead, was this because they genuinely didn't want to fight, or because stun guns are illegal?

Either way, it was a bad situation that could have had much more serious consequences for all involved, some more than others.

Looks more like they were beating on a drunk

notice how they all jumped in typical coward male Thai style

Yep. They fight in packs. Can't stand seeing one of their own getting beaten down can they?

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The problem is that we don't know what the drunk said or did before hand. We have only seen the end result, either way he was on his feet 15 seconds after being stunned which is a reasonable result considering what could have happened.

Yes, and we don't know what the aggressive Thais did or said (or smoked) before hand.

You're very quick to jump to the defence of the westerner, yet you critisise the Thai guys for jumping to the defense of another Thai. Same same.

None of us know what caused the fight, and yes the Thai guy gave him a slap first, but all through the first minute and a half the westerner is coming forward, pushing, swinging punches and acting aggressively. The Thai stands his ground, and others only come into the fray after he rips his shirt off, probably a signal to the Thai observers that this is going to become a full blown brawl. So yes, a couple come to help. They know the Thai get would likely get a pasting if they didn't. That kind of thing would happen anywhere.

The westerner had plenty of opportunity to walk away, yet he didn't. The motorcy guy to his credit seemed to be trying to calm him, but he didn't let it go. They could have layed into him once he was down, but apart from one kick, left him. That tells me they weren't being the aggressors, if they were baying for blood, they had their chance to get it.

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The problem is that we don't know what the drunk said or did before hand. We have only seen the end result, either way he was on his feet 15 seconds after being stunned which is a reasonable result considering what could have happened.

Yes, and we don't know what the aggressive Thais did or said (or smoked) before hand.

You're very quick to jump to the defence of the westerner, yet you critisise the Thai guys for jumping to the defense of another Thai. Same same.

None of us know what caused the fight, and yes the Thai guy gave him a slap first, but all through the first minute and a half the westerner is coming forward, pushing, swinging punches and acting aggressively. The Thai stands his ground, and others only come into the fray after he rips his shirt off, probably a signal to the Thai observers that this is going to become a full blown brawl. So yes, a couple come to help. They know the Thai get would likely get a pasting if they didn't. That kind of thing would happen anywhere.

The westerner had plenty of opportunity to walk away, yet he didn't. The motorcy guy to his credit seemed to be trying to calm him, but he didn't let it go. They could have layed into him once he was down, but apart from one kick, left him. That tells me they weren't being the aggressors, if they were baying for blood, they had their chance to get it.

Actually I am just trying to take the other side. Since everyone is on the falang bashing train and saying how nice the thais are for not bludging him into a coma. To me, neither party backed down. Both could have been talking sh!t for all we know. I have seen plenty of Thais on drugs get very aggressive on very small things. Just saying.. there are 3 sides to every story.

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The scary part of the story (for me anyway) is the fact that a random thai man at the scene happens to have a stun gun. Is it really that accessible? If so, then I fear more people might get stunned in future burglaries, bag snatchings, car rage fights etc etc...heck even the odd ladyboy may stun (pardon the pun) his customer in his room!

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The scary part of the story (for me anyway) is the fact that a random thai man at the scene happens to have a stun gun. Is it really that accessible? If so, then I fear more people might get stunned in future burglaries, bag snatchings, car rage fights etc etc...heck even the odd ladyboy may stun (pardon the pun) his customer in his room!

They are sold on every corner here in pattaya.

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Jayman, that is really scary. I really did not know. Sadly, I shall expect stun guns to be used in many petty crimes in future.

actually this is nothing new... they have been selling them on every corner since before they started selling the laser pointers. Btw, it's usually the same vendors selling the laser pointers that sells the tazers. I bought one like 10 years ago that doubles as a flashlight and when you pull the sleeve off of the front you then expose the 2 electrodes. Was rechargeable as well. I used to keep it in my saddle bag on my bike.

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The scary part of the story (for me anyway) is the fact that a random thai man at the scene happens to have a stun gun. Is it really that accessible? If so, then I fear more people might get stunned in future burglaries, bag snatchings, car rage fights etc etc...heck even the odd ladyboy may stun (pardon the pun) his customer in his room!

They are sold on every corner here in pattaya.

And every market for around 500 Baht !!

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Clearly, I must take my eyes off the food at the markets!ermm.gif

Seriously guys, don't you worry that some small time thug might decide to stun you to get your wallet?

Look for the stalls that are selling, Knuckle dusters, Police batons, Swords, Foot long knives etc etc....... that's where you will find them!!w00t.gif

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actually this is nothing new... they have been selling them on every corner since before they started selling the laser pointers. Btw, it's usually the same vendors selling the laser pointers that sells the tazers. I bought one like 10 years ago that doubles as a flashlight and when you pull the sleeve off of the front you then expose the 2 electrodes. Was rechargeable as well. I used to keep it in my saddle bag on my bike.

where in Pattaya do they sell tasers ??....the thing you are talking about is not a taser....A taser fires the electrodes..and in 10 years I have never seen a taser for sale in Thailand.......rolleyes.gif

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