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"Thai Only" Sign Seen At Mbk


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Perhaps everybody that passes this store should stop and take a photo next to it........it could become a cult status.

...those thrill-seeking gap-year guys/girls could even take a photo inside the shop (maybe even by the "Happy Birthday" sign on the back wall for the most adventurous)...

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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You're not in London now Dorothy; this kind of politically incorrect stuff is what makes me love Thailand, not the other way round.

Politically correct... blah blah blah. Politically correct... blah blah blah. You know that there is a genuine political correctness permeating Western culture that is rather repulsive at times. But when you fellas have to chuck it out every other sentence regardless of legitimacy to make a pointless point. It kinda... ya know... kills the potency of the idea.

Man posts a Farang not welcome sign on his store in one of the most popular malls in BKK. A couple guys criticize this. Next thing you know, the onslaught of "Lets stop this political correctness" begins. F'n really? This is your political correctness?

And the irony is, the owner is still an ass. Is any criticism of the place you love ok? Or is it all a trojan horse for the ubiquitous political correctness lurking in the shadows?

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Cant see the problem with this, private shop owners are allowed to set their own right of admission rules, seen signs which say "No Thai's" and one that says "no Russians"

and both these signs are posted on TV...get over it

Isn't the Klu Klux Klan also a PRIVATE organisation?

Are you seriously drawing parallels between a Thai shop keeper - a private business owner - deciding he wants to limit his business by not selling to gullible foreigners with the KKK, an organisation that has mass murder and 200 year record of lynchings on its hands?

Do you know what they do out the back of their shop ??

Why did the scene from Pulp fiction involving the gimp and Zed come into my head when I read this....biggrin.png

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You're not in London now Dorothy; this kind of politically incorrect stuff is what makes me love Thailand, not the other way round.

Politically correct... blah blah blah. Politically correct... blah blah blah. You know that there is a genuine political correctness permeating Western culture that is rather repulsive at times. But when you fellas have to chuck it out every other sentence regardless of legitimacy to make a pointless point. It kinda... ya know... kills the potency of the idea.

Man posts a Farang not welcome sign on his store in one of the most popular malls in BKK. A couple guys criticize this. Next thing you know, the onslaught of "Lets stop this political correctness" begins. F'n really? This is your political correctness?

And the irony is, the owner is still an ass. Is any criticism of the place you love ok? Or is it all a trojan horse for the ubiquitous political correctness lurking in the shadows?

Feeling better now after that little hissy fit...?

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If the sign said NO XXXs would you consider the person complaining paranoid

If the sign said NO XXXs would you consider the person complaining paranoid

Next up will be a sign telling all non Thai's to go to the back of the bus, I'm sure I'm heard they before somewhere.....

We will soon be landing at BKK, the weather is dry, temperature is in the low 30's and please don't forget to wind your watch back 50 years to match local time.

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Feeling better now after that little hissy fit...?

Just enjoying a little rough and tumble male camaraderie. Please don't stereotype criticize me, I came here to escape that kind of political correctness.


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If the Thai does not want your custom then fine by me.

I suggest that maybe the same sign should be posted on the doors of the Toyota dealer in Nangron, Buriram.

Yesterday I went to have my car serviced there. While waiting I sat in the air conditioned comfy lounge areaand drank the free coffee.

Saw my car driven outof the service area and waited for my name to be called over the speaker system. Ten minutes later I said to my Thai wife

that we should go to the service desk to see if they had done my bill. No No she said you have to wait for them to call you.

After 25 minutes I could not wait any longer and with my wife went to the service desk to ask if my invoice is ready. No one spoke English so my wife then had to ask.

They told her my car ready for long time. I asked her to ask them 'Why they not call my name'.The answer was they not know how to say my name and noone in Toyota speaks English!!! Why could not somebody think to call out the four numbers of my registration number or get of their backsides, walk less than 25 metres into the lounge area and look for Farang.

This area has many Farang and it surprises me that a large car dealership has no one who can speak English or are able to show initiative.

But as my wife keeps saying 'Thailand'

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Cant see the problem with this, private shop owners are allowed to set their own right of admission rules, seen signs which say "No Thai's" and one that says "no Russians"

and both these signs are posted on TV...get over it

Isn't the Klu Klux Klan also a PRIVATE organisation?

Are you seriously drawing parallels between a Thai shop keeper - a private business owner - deciding he wants to limit his business by not selling to gullible foreigners with the KKK, an organisation that has mass murder and 200 year record of lynchings on its hands?

Good grief.

Get some perspective. Private business owners are free to choose their customers. Who exactly is this shopkeeper harming, except themselves?

Agree with you, Bendix. Some of these guys are bringing up some genuinely asinine examples. Next thing you know, they'll be bringing up the Nazi's. And I don't recall seeing the word "farang" anywhere. The shop is excluding Indians, Africans, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Arabs, Russians...pretty much every shade under the sun. Not the best business move, mind you, but certainly not an anti-farang anything. These guys shouldn't take it so personal.

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You're not in London now Dorothy; this kind of politically incorrect stuff is what makes me love Thailand, not the other way round.

Politically correct... blah blah blah. Politically correct... blah blah blah. You know that there is a genuine political correctness permeating Western culture that is rather repulsive at times. But when you fellas have to chuck it out every other sentence regardless of legitimacy to make a pointless point. It kinda... ya know... kills the potency of the idea.

Man posts a Farang not welcome sign on his store in one of the most popular malls in BKK. A couple guys criticize this. Next thing you know, the onslaught of "Lets stop this political correctness" begins. F'n really? This is your political correctness?

And the irony is, the owner is still an ass. Is any criticism of the place you love ok? Or is it all a trojan horse for the ubiquitous political correctness lurking in the shadows?

Sure, the owner is an ass. Sure, it's a stupid move on his part, in a mall that is popular with foreigners.

So what? Who is he or she hurting except for himself and his business, particularly when the very next booth sells the very same crap and he will lose out?

What do you want to do? Complain to the Human Rights Commission?

Better still, why not picket the shop and persuade all the foreigners not to shop there?

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This area has many Farang and it surprises me that a large car dealership has no one who can speak English or are able to show initiative.

But as my wife keeps saying 'Thailand'

You're right. It's an absolute outrage that people in Thailand don't speak . . . ummmm . . English.

How's your Thai, by the way?

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Better still, why not picket the shop and persuade all the foreigners not to shop there?

This was suggested to another keyboard warrior, but we still waiting for the video evidence he promised....he hasnt been back on here as yet....maybe he was banged up by the BiB...w00t.gif

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As a Thai, I draw the line at racist labor laws, property laws, and immigration laws directed at foreigners.

If foreigners want to buy bags or watches in MBK, I strongly believe they should be allowed to.


p.s. supervised, with CCTV monitoring just in case they steal stuff.

Which side is that line drawn on though ??

The right side.


Whose right side ??

On the record, I discourage it. Off the record, it's an invaluable part of putting people in their 'rightful' place.


If it goes on without my knowledge,

so be it. That's how I run my unit.

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there is a builder near by that has a great reputation for doing good work and he wont do any jobs for any westerner after getting too much hassle from the last two western customers,ive tried a few times to get him round here to build a garage and he wont have it.So maybe the same for the shopkeeper

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there is a builder near by that has a great reputation for doing good work and he wont do any jobs for any westerner after getting too much hassle from the last two western customers,ive tried a few times to get him round here to build a garage and he wont have it.So maybe the same for the shopkeeper

And did you get all in a huff about your human rights?

I'm sure it's not just that foreigners more demanding in a consumer-satisfaction way, but the manner in which we "assert" those "rights".

Not to mention the fact that so many of us start out by assuming the Thais are scam artists, the honest ones probably have just come to the conclusion we're all <deleted> and can't be bothered dealing with us.

And fair enough I say. . .

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Sure, the owner is an ass. Sure, it's a stupid move on his part, in a mall that is popular with foreigners.

So what? Who is he or she hurting except for himself and his business, particularly when the very next booth sells the very same crap and he will lose out?

What do you want to do? Complain to the Human Rights Commission?

Better still, why not picket the shop and persuade all the foreigners not to shop there?

Forgive any typos or logical inconsistencies, I interrupted a furious letter writing session to Project Hope Thailand, The Buddha Dhamma Foundation, and Amnesty International ---> in order to retort.

I agree with what you say. I just got a chuckle out of the attack dogs letting loose on those calling this guy out for his sign. Talk about drama queens. I mean we have guys writing PhD dissertation length posts extolling the critics not to get their panties in a twist. So who is generating the more fuss? And why?

Thailand expats are always an interesting group. There's a lot of loathing and always a struggle for fellas to outdo each other in condemning the other 'farang.' The backpackers, the old guys, the pattaya guys, the russians, the soccer hooligans, the sexpats, the tourists, the non-thai language learners, the too-much-thai language learners. And so forth.

And that's what this thread is about for some folks under the guise of critiquing political correctness. Just a way to get in a dig at the others. In this case politically correct strawmen that don't exist.

I'm just sad I'm out of the country right now and might not make it back in time for the photo op.

btw - I like reading your posts Bendix. You're kinda an anti-social, social person. smile.png


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Sad. Can you imagine the fuss if a shop in London put up a "no blacks" sign? I'm a pretty well committed libertarian, and I support people's right to admit or reject anyone they want from their own property. But I still think it's sad that in a major, city centre shopping mall a shop owner would actually put up a sign specifically barring foreigners from his shop. Does that apply to all foreigners? Would he serve a Laotian? Does he check their passports or IDs? Stuff it anyway, there's enough handbag and trinket shops in MBK and elsewhere who are quite happy to take my money.
Do you similarly have a problem with establishments barring Thais . . . .in Thailand? Or is it just that it affects you (although, how, I have no idea given there are hundreds of stores selling the same crap at MBK) Don't give me this, there would be an outcry if this happened in London. You're not in London now Dorothy; this kind of politically incorrect stuff is what makes me love Thailand, not the other way round.

I don't know of anywhere that specifically bars Thais, but yes I would think that is sad too.

I know I'm not in London, and we're not over the rainbow either. I just think it's a funny/interesting comparison.

And yes, as you said and as I said in the first place there are plenty of shops wiling to sell me a bag should I wish to buy one so it's not really a big deal anyway.

I think you're rushing to defend something I never really attacked. Just said it was sad.

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I wouldn't want to deal with tourists (especially Russians) either.

If you speak Thai, just walk up and ask them what's up and joke with them about bad farang customers.

Or we could petition Samran, NewlyMintedThai or The Chief Justice - or any other Dual National on here - to wander into the shop and see what the reaction is.

Just joking to lighten the atmosphere - I really think people are taking this far too seriously!


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Could it be the place does not do retail trade there and tired of trying to explain things the farangs?

Maybe some sort of service or wholesale type shop for Thais.

Probably not

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Or maybe it's a Sweeney Todd sort of operation, let's face it, a population of sixty odd million, a couple a week going missing is hardly going to put a dent in it, and they do taste like chicken, sometimes.

If anyone is losing any sleep over this sign, just go and ask them what they mean, it isn't rocket surgery.

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I have no doubt that the sign means what it says. Having said that, I have mixed feelings.

It is illegal, and should be taken down. At the same time, they are already paying the economic price for their own stupidity with forgone business.

What would be interesting to see though is to see the TV punters offended my this sign to organise a picket out the front of the shop singing 'we shall overcome'. I mean white people, a clearly persecuted part of the community.

Occupy MBK!

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