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Bbc Iplayer Desktop Stopped Working


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I've been using BBC iPlayer/Expat Shield, downloading content for later viewing satisfactorily for more than 4 months now.

Out of the blue last Saturday on opening iPlayer all the current content had disappeared (some 25 programs- none of which were due to expire for at least 2 weeks), as had the list of content ready to be downloaded from BBC iPlayer website. Checking the Repository all the current program content was still in the file, but there was no way to access it from the iPlayer window.

After trying to re-download content with no success I even deleted the BBC iPlayer Desktop program, together with Adobe Air and re-installed both. After that the iPlayer webpage didn’t even respond to mouse clicks.

I am gutted! I thought I had finally found a way to watch TV programs that I like instead of the Thai TV and TooWichen satellite crap they serve up here.

Has the Beeb finally discovered how to stop overseas use of the service? Anyone else having similar problems?

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Yup... a mod will be along shortly to punt this into the right forum. Apart from that, can't help as I haven't used expat shield (whatever that is) but I think maybe that's where the problem is since iPlayer hasn't changed.

I was messing with the UK website tvcatchup for a few days and very quickly it blocked the UK IP addresses that a couple of reliable VPN services assigned. I would not be surprised that the iPlayer geeks have a similar growing list of blocked UK IP addresses as they know they are channeling content overseas.

Edited by NanLaew
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I have been using BBC i player to download BBC programmes for about 6 months via a VPN.

My internet speed is not brilliant - once it was routed via the UK IP address and was never fast enough to download the iPlayer desk top but i was able to d/l progs using Windows media player. I worked OK -ish but downloads took a very long time, and if it crashed I had to start all over.

There was also the problem of only being able to play the d/l for 2 weeks or so, although I solved this by finding a software converter that changed it to a permanent MPK file although the coversions process took place in real time whicg was a bit if a drag.

So all in all I have pretty much given up using the iplayer for d/loading TV progs as find that around 90% of the BBC content I want to watch is available on torrents, plus all the other stuff from ITV,I Ch 4, 5 Sky etc.

<p>My main choices are dramas, series, documentaries, entertainment progs etc and nearly all of this kind of

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This has been reported to BBC iplayer its on there help line they are trying to fix it but for now you have to download using the windows media player. If you right click on your bbc iplayer icon you should see some of your programs that is still on your hard drive and you can still play them back I do hope they fix this problem soon.



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This has been reported to BBC iplayer its on there help line they are trying to fix it but for now you have to download using the windows media player. If you right click on your bbc iplayer icon you should see some of your programs that is still on your hard drive and you can still play them back I do hope they fix this problem soon.



Oh, really? Well that’s good news in a way, because I was very worried it was the end of the road for iPlayer use in Thailand. I seriously thought that the Beeb had finally managed to block overseas use.

Unfortunately, as a few others had said everything was working normally for them I thought that somehow it was just affecting my downloads, being paranoid! I have spent half the day deleting every trace of iPlayer and Adobe Air from my laptop, deleting cookies etc., including my huge program Repository for BBC. Followed by a clean re-installation of everything after restoring my laptop to a pre-iPlayer restore date. Somewhat dismayed to find that I still couldn’t access downloads.

However, it’s good to know that it is at the BBC’s end. Just have to wait and see now.

Thanks for the input everyone.

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