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Canadian Teacher Suspended For Showing Murder Video


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Canadian teacher suspended for showing murder video < br />

2012-06-15 03:22:45 GMT+7 (ICT)

MONTREAL, CANADA (BNO NEWS) -- A teacher has been suspended by a Montreal high school after he showed his students a video that police believe shows the murder, dismemberment and sexual assault of a Chinese student, the school board said on Wednesday.

The unidentified 29-year-old teacher showed the video to his students at Cavelier-de-LaSalle high school in the city's southwest LaSalle borough on the morning of June 4. It reportedly happened after the students asked the teacher to show the video, and all students in the class had agreed to view it.

"The Marguerite-Bourgeoys school board (CSMB) and the administration of the Cavelier-de-LaSalle school condemns with one voice the actions of a teacher who made his students watch a video with content that is inappropriate and offensive," the school board said in a statement released on Wednesday. "The incident was taken very seriously by the school and the CSMB."

The school board said it suspended the teacher with pay the same day and is considering further action, including the dismissal of the teacher. "Given the seriousness of the case, the CSMB deploys all necessary measures to make a decision as quickly as possible," the statement added.

Psychologists were made available to students following the incident, although it was not clear if any students had sought counseling.

"He said: 'I'm not supposed to show this. I'll hold a vote. If one person doesn't agree to watch, I won't show it.' Everyone raised their hand, without exception. It was really a unanimous vote," one of the students told CBC News. Another student said it was mainly parents who were upset about the video having been shown to their children.

Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, who has been dubbed the 'Canadian Psycho' by media organizations, was arrested in the German capital of Berlin earlier this month after a nearly week-long manhunt. He has been charged in Canada with the murder of 33-year-old Lin Jun, a Chinese student who studied at Concordia University in Montreal.

Magnotta is believed to have filmed the murder of Lin Jun and then posted the nearly 11-minute edited video online. The video shows a man, believed to be Magnotta, using an ice pick to repeatedly stab an Asian man who is tied to a bed. An analysis of the room in the video matches photos of Magnotta's apartment, where police found a gruesome crime scene.

The video continues to show the murderer dismember his victim with a kitchen knife before sexually abusing the dismembered and decapitated corpse. One scene appears to show Magnotta eating the victim's flesh and allowing a dog to feast on the torso. Other acts shown in the video are too disturbing to describe in this report.

In addition to the graphic video, Magnotta is accused of mailing body parts of Lin Jun to schools and political parties across Canada. A severed human foot was delivered to the Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa while another package containing a human hand was discovered at a Canada Post office. It was addressed to the Liberal Party headquarters, also in Ottawa.

A suitcase containing Lin Jun's torso was discovered in a pile of garbage in the Côte-des-Neiges borough of Montreal, some 165 kilometers (100 miles) east of Ottawa. Days later, two packages containing a right hand and a right foot were delivered to two elementary schools in Vancouver. All the remains were confirmed to be from Lin Jun.

In a note along with one of the packages delivered in Ottawa, Magnotta warned he had sent a total of six packages containing human remains, but only four are known to have been delivered. It is unknown if Magnotta was able to post the other two packages, although authorities have said Lin Jun's head is still missing.

Before the murder, Magnotta, who previously worked as a low-budget pornographic actor and model, was already notorious on the internet for other videos. The first known video to surface, published in December 2010, showed a young man placing two small kittens in a vacuum seal bag before sucking the air out of it, leaving the kittens to suffocate. Subsequent videos and photos showed the dead cats in a freezer, their corpses dismembered and the man simulating sex acts on them.

This and other videos, showing cats being eaten by a python and another being drowned in a bath tub, made Magnotta notorious among animal lovers who discovered his real name and launched an online campaign to seek his arrest and prosecution. Several rewards were issued but police seemed to have little, if any, interest in finding the person responsible.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-06-15

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10th Graders--15-16 years old are, imho, old enough to make an adult decision on whether not they want to watch the video. Even without the teacher's involvement it's not like they couldn't find the video on the internet on their own.

EDIT: I just watched parts of the video to see what it was about...really really really disturbing. Turned it off cuz I couldn't stomach it.

Edited by submaniac
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A school teacher should be using better judgment. Peer pressure can get everyone to agree to something. I wonder what class it was? I know teachers who have gotten into trouble for questionable content, but it has been directly related to the class their teaching.

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Whether the students agreed or not, this is a shocking lapse of judgement by the teacher, I can't quite believe he even contemplated it.

When we show videos at school we always seek parental permission unless the classification is well within the age range of the intended audience.

Someone i'm sure will now chime-up and say how PC that is, but all you need is one complaint from a parent and the hit-the-fan.gif . If the children are 11 and the film is classified 12, the teacher is wrong, and you don't have a leg to stand on.

It just isn't worth it.

I for one am not sorry for the guy. His intentions may have been genuine, but his actions were monumentally stupid.

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10th Graders--15-16 years old are, imho, old enough to make an adult decision on whether not they want to watch the video. Even without the teacher's involvement it's not like they couldn't find the video on the internet on their own.

EDIT: I just watched parts of the video to see what it was about...really really really disturbing. Turned it off cuz I couldn't stomach it.

My morbid fascination with things ends at what I read, personally I would have no desire whatsoever to watch such a thing, I also think it unwise to desensitize anyone let alone children to such things for fear of gradually replacing empathy with nihilism.

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10th Graders--15-16 years old are, imho, old enough to make an adult decision on whether not they want to watch the video. Even without the teacher's involvement it's not like they couldn't find the video on the internet on their own.

EDIT: I just watched parts of the video to see what it was about...really really really disturbing. Turned it off cuz I couldn't stomach it.

Are you saying this sick video is still available for public viewing on the internet?

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So I got little curious reading this and thought I would take a look and then decide if kids should see it. My thoughts have skimmed through it is that there is no way at all anyone should watch this - it is I think the most horrendous thing I have ever seen in my life (second maybe). I would not advise anyone to go to

goregrish.com where it is hosted. I guarantee you do not see worse things that this on Thai TV. 100% Guarantee, and you will never look at a piece of pork belly in Makro the same way again. I need to shower. A lot now.

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Er, am I missing something here? What about showing some respect for the victim and his family? How would you feel if your son/brother was being shown murdered and dismembered for the entertainment of the netizens of the www?

Demonstrates how the perception we like to have of having moved on in the main, as a civilisation, from the days of the weekend's entertainment being a pop down to the village square to witness a decent stoning, or a good drawn and quartering, as being quite wrong. We clearly haven't developed one bit. Well at least not some of us....

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My morbid fascination with things ends at what I read, personally I would have no desire whatsoever to watch such a thing, I also think it unwise to desensitize anyone let alone children to such things for fear of gradually replacing empathy with nihilism.

This is the worst video I have seen in my life. Period. And I didn't even watch the entire thing. I fast forwarded and just from the stills off the fast forwarding, I could not watch it anymore. While I can see your concerns about desentsitizing children, the perspective I see is that (and this is the honest truth) I would want my (older) children (not real young children, but those turning into adults who are near the age of leaving the nest to enter the world on their own) to be aware of this video (not necessarily watch it because I could not watch it myself) as a precaution because I would want them to be aware that sick people are in the world and they should not let their guard down. In other words, children: don't go home with strangers, don't allow yourself to be placed in a position where you could be drugged and killed.

According to the neighbors, the victim appeared to have voluntarily come home with Magnotta that evening. From the video, it looks like he had been drugged and tied up.

I understand someone's desire to protect their children from the horrors of this world. However, I point out the story of the Lord Buddha. From birth until age 29, Buddha was raised as a prince and kept in a palace. His father shielded him from the world. Buddha was kept from knowing about old age, illness or death. Then at age 29 he left the palace, and went among his subjects and learned about death, old age and sickness.

I guess the point to be made is do you want to keep your children locked away in a palace of false serenity, or do you want them to know the truth that horror and evil actually exist in the world?

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10th Graders--15-16 years old are, imho, old enough to make an adult decision on whether not they want to watch the video. Even without the teacher's involvement it's not like they couldn't find the video on the internet on their own.

EDIT: I just watched parts of the video to see what it was about...really really really disturbing. Turned it off cuz I couldn't stomach it.

I disagree. The peer pressure in the classroom would have been overwhelming and all hands had to go up or the movie was not being shown. Non of the kids would have wanted to be the one that wimped out. Calling this a lapse of judgement is an understatement. If I found out a teacher had shown my 15 year old a video of a man dismembering and murdering someone and then also having anal sex with the decapitated, dismembered torso I would be more than slightly pi**ed off.

I am delighted he has lost his job.

You can teach them that there is evil in the world without showing them a video of an innocent man being chopped into pieces.


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10th Graders--15-16 years old are, imho, old enough to make an adult decision on whether not they want to watch the video. Even without the teacher's involvement it's not like they couldn't find the video on the internet on their own.

EDIT: I just watched parts of the video to see what it was about...really really really disturbing. Turned it off cuz I couldn't stomach it.

15 to 16 year olds will easily bend to peer pressure, especially since the "teacher" said if one voted against it then he wouldn't show it.

"Everyone raised their [sic] hand, without exception ..." Hopefully he isn't an teacher of English. Of course everyone would raise his/her hand. The choice really was: "raise your hand or be branded as the one who "ruined it" for everyone."

And once the video began, none would have the option of turning it off if they couldn't stomach it.

Unfortunately, unsupervised children can watch many things on the Internet. That certainly doesn't mean a teacher should feel free to show anything to them in a class.

Edited by Suradit69
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Personally, I am sad that he has lost his job. I think a suspension should have been sufficient, but I guess that was a decision made by the school based on all the available evidence.

He most definitely should not have shown this to the students. I remember having teachers who were fresh out of University, who we thought were cool. Most of what we considered 'cool' would result in them being dismissed or punished today.

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I have looked at this video simply because my interest was stimulated by this thread. In the course of my career I have seen many mutilated bodies, many horrific pictures of the damage inflicted by cruel people. Despite having seen the results of depraved peoples' actions I could not watch this video. It is certainly not for emtertainment and should not be shown to students.

It is right that the teacher was sacked. In fact, as this happened in Canada, there is the possibility that he actually broke the law on showing pornography to minors.

Why it has appeared on Thai Visa I don't know. It isn't relevant to Thailand.

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I have looked at this video simply because my interest was stimulated by this thread.

This thread stimulated my interest in what it is that makes some people depraved, and what it is that makes some people wish to view this depravity, but nothing in this thread stimulated me to search for this video and sit down with a cup of tea to watch it.

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Ya any idiot can go track down that kind of shit if they want to see it, that doesn't mean a teacher should offer to show it to children.

By "that kind of shit" you mean a live man being mutilated and cut to death, chopped into parts and sex acts committed on the corpse. And you are saying any idiot can track this down? I'm not disputing i'm just clarifying as i find this truly astonishing.

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Lack of judgement from the teacher but 29 is still pretty young so he probably thought hey what the heck they want to see it and they've all said yes. Important to remember that, depending on the school, grade 10 students quite probably see a lot worse on their own and may be a lot tougher than the rest of us nice middle class softies. Look for a new job / school but this shouldn't be the end of his career.

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