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Do You Ask About Your Wife’S/Girlfriend'S Past Relationships And What She Done Before You Met?


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Sorry I don't understand your reply. I will tell you that I'm not German.I just wanted to know if cell phone service go's out because of big rains,in the Issan villages


No is the answer ... Well very very unlikely! If you want to keep tabs on a Thai woman pay for a land line in her house or make her call you from a pay phone or buy her two phones one with DTAC the other !2 Call.... Remove all chances of an excuse.... You clearly dont believe her... And perhaps with good reason...

If you want to follow your Thai wife or girlfriend’s activities it is extremely easy to be your own detective and most of it can be done at home on the computer from the comfort of your own armchair.

I guarantee that she will have either a facebook account, twitter, my space, Google plus, MSN, Utube or have profiles on other social networking sites or on multiple networking websites perhaps even ads on dating sites.

What you need:

Her email addresses

Mobile phone numbers

Any nicknames she uses


Try typing in either her real name, nickname or emailing address into facebook in order to find her facebook account.

Next type any of the information you already have about her into Google and see if she is mentioned in any of the lists that appear. Also do a Google image search. I bet my bottom dollar that this will yield in results. You will be amazed what amazing results this will have just by only typing in an email address or mobile phone number.

There are various free people and social networking search engines also available online.

At one time a close friend asked me to conduct an online search for his Thai girlfriend and within only 5 minutes I knew more about this person than my friend had known since the 2 years he was dating her. It transpired that this girl had a string of farangs on the go, including a couple of Arabs. It was all there in plain view on a social networking site called, HI5.com and on Tagged.com.

Another point is that if you discover her on any Thai websites or her messages are in Thai text, than just do a Google translate. These translations are far from perfect but will give you a general idea of what is being said.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Int'l calls sometimes don't get through that's correct. I don't think because of rain. More likely because of high traffic or some other technical reason. Your Gf probably don't know other reasons so she blames it on the rain.

You get peace of mind now?

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I don't fool around and I expect her not too. It is what it is.I'm on the fence..As far as being apart and doing our thing .this isn't good I don't want to worry about HIV nor do I want to pass it on either.I don't know what to believe . Because she told me she could not call or get through because of big rains it just gives my mind stupid thoughts. I'm tired I'm old and lonely.

and trying way too hard

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Int'l calls sometimes don't get through that's correct. I don't think because of rain. More likely because of high traffic or some other technical reason. Your Gf probably don't know other reasons so she blames it on the rain.

You get peace of mind now?

Thank you Thats the answer I was looking for.She lives in a very small village,but she is exposed to many temptations from men as she works in a gold shop in the city of Sakhon Nakhon.

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Int'l calls sometimes don't get through that's correct. I don't think because of rain. More likely because of high traffic or some other technical reason. Your Gf probably don't know other reasons so she blames it on the rain.

You get peace of mind now?

Thank you Thats the answer I was looking for.She lives in a very small village,but she is exposed to many temptations from men as she works in a gold shop in the city of Sakhon Nakhon.

On the day that you did not receive her phone call, I can imagine you lying in bed with thoughts picturing all sorts of depravities that she may have been up to. And if this is the result of only one missed call, how are you going to feel if you are unable to contact her over a period of a few days or longer? Probably your mind will be spinning around at 100mph and unable to function properly.

Take my good advice and keep an anonymous eye on her online, otherwise if you continue on this way, you will only end up tormenting yourself and from my experience most of these lower class Issan woman are not worth the hassle. Personally I wouldn’t trust any of them and treat all these events as suspect, plus I wouldn`t become involved with these sorts.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Int'l calls sometimes don't get through that's correct. I don't think because of rain. More likely because of high traffic or some other technical reason. Your Gf probably don't know other reasons so she blames it on the rain.

You get peace of mind now?

Thank you Thats the answer I was looking for.She lives in a very small village,but she is exposed to many temptations from men as she works in a gold shop in the city of Sakhon Nakhon.

On the day that you did not receive her phone call, I can imagine you lying in bed with thoughts picturing all sorts of depravities that she may have been up to. And if this is the result of only one missed call, how are you going to feel if you are unable to contact her over a period of a few days or longer? Probably your mind will be spinning around at 100mph and unable to function properly.

Take my good advice and keep an anonymous eye on her online, otherwise if you continue on this way, you will only end up tormenting yourself and from my experience most of these lower class Issan woman are not worth the hassle. Personally I wouldn’t trust any of them and treat all these events as suspect, plus I wouldn`t become involved with these sorts.

Beetlejuice, what proportion of us on TV have Issan wives? I would hate to hazard a guess, but I find your remarks extremely offensive!

Edited by edwinclapham
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Int'l calls sometimes don't get through that's correct. I don't think because of rain. More likely because of high traffic or some other technical reason. Your Gf probably don't know other reasons so she blames it on the rain.

You get peace of mind now?

Thank you Thats the answer I was looking for.She lives in a very small village,but she is exposed to many temptations from men as she works in a gold shop in the city of Sakhon Nakhon.

On the day that you did not receive her phone call, I can imagine you lying in bed with thoughts picturing all sorts of depravities that she may have been up to. And if this is the result of only one missed call, how are you going to feel if you are unable to contact her over a period of a few days or longer? Probably your mind will be spinning around at 100mph and unable to function properly.

Take my good advice and keep an anonymous eye on her online, otherwise if you continue on this way, you will only end up tormenting yourself and from my experience most of these lower class Issan woman are not worth the hassle. Personally I wouldnt trust any of them and treat all these events as suspect, plus I wouldn`t become involved with these sorts.

Beetlejuice, what proportion of us on TV have Issan wives? I would hate to hazard a guess, but I find your remarks extremely offensive!

It's quite obvious Beetjuice thinks he's a cut above some people with those kind off comments about Issan women, tarring most of them with the same brush or maybe he had too much beer with dinner that wifey made him, but non the less I think an apology is in order to people with wives/gf from Issan and for Beetle juice to engage brain before typing finger.!.


And those kind of comments are IMO nothing more than a flame/baiting or even trolling.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

Edited by MB1
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Int'l calls sometimes don't get through that's correct. I don't think because of rain. More likely because of high traffic or some other technical reason. Your Gf probably don't know other reasons so she blames it on the rain.

You get peace of mind now?

Thank you Thats the answer I was looking for.She lives in a very small village,but she is exposed to many temptations from men as she works in a gold shop in the city of Sakhon Nakhon.

On the day that you did not receive her phone call, I can imagine you lying in bed with thoughts picturing all sorts of depravities that she may have been up to. And if this is the result of only one missed call, how are you going to feel if you are unable to contact her over a period of a few days or longer? Probably your mind will be spinning around at 100mph and unable to function properly.

Take my good advice and keep an anonymous eye on her online, otherwise if you continue on this way, you will only end up tormenting yourself and from my experience most of these lower class Issan woman are not worth the hassle. Personally I wouldn’t trust any of them and treat all these events as suspect, plus I wouldn`t become involved with these sorts.

This link below is how far I can take my thoughts on the Thai women ,I have loved. Oh those smiles!!!!

One thing for sure it doesn't matter how much money or notoriety one has we are at the mercy of our thoughts and desires.Bob Marley said it best " truth is We are all going to get hurt by someone we just have to find the one that's worth suffering for". IMO I'm a prisoner of my thoughts.

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Hi,I don't know where to post this but its in Eastern Thailand (Sakhon Nakhon). There's been a lot of rain lately .my GF didn't call the other day because she said she couldn't because of the "big rains". I don't know if I believe her. Is this a common occurrence in Sakhon Nakhon Issan,that the cell phone service go's out? I've been bitten before by Thai girls with there Go Hoak Ghaang Jai .


Interesting if you happen to be German because I may be able to give you some information on a woman from said Sakhon Nakhon and answer your question at the same time.... A girl who works for me was unashamedly telling me in passing that she has a friend from Sakhon Nakhon who told her German boyfriend that she is at home working in a restaurant when in fact she is in Chaing Mai with one of her many wealthy Thai boyfriend. She rang my friend because her German boyfriend had been calling the day previously and she could not answer or sms him because she can not write English and was with this Thai man. The excuse that was sms'd by my employee who speaks and writes English to her friend and was forwarded to this hapless German was "Sakhon Nakhon have big rain my telephone not work." I tried to point out that conspiring with this woman to etc etc but was to no avail... "She my friend!" Justification enough I guess?

The last part of your story is really what defines the psyche of these people.

Their friends will lie for them and be a party to any sort of deception that is asked of them, without the slightest thought of morals or any concept of right or wrong. It seems anything is fair game as long as its not them on the receiving end.

What REALLY disgusts me the most however is this practice of mothers getting their young kids to talk to multiple farangs and getting them to refer to each boyfriend as PAPA...

Its a sad thing, what chance have the kiddies got of growing up anywhere near normal sad.png

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Hi,I don't know where to post this but its in Eastern Thailand (Sakhon Nakhon). There's been a lot of rain lately .my GF didn't call the other day because she said she couldn't because of the "big rains". I don't know if I believe her. Is this a common occurrence in Sakhon Nakhon Issan,that the cell phone service go's out? I've been bitten before by Thai girls with there Go Hoak Ghaang Jai .


Interesting if you happen to be German because I may be able to give you some information on a woman from said Sakhon Nakhon and answer your question at the same time.... A girl who works for me was unashamedly telling me in passing that she has a friend from Sakhon Nakhon who told her German boyfriend that she is at home working in a restaurant when in fact she is in Chaing Mai with one of her many wealthy Thai boyfriend. She rang my friend because her German boyfriend had been calling the day previously and she could not answer or sms him because she can not write English and was with this Thai man. The excuse that was sms'd by my employee who speaks and writes English to her friend and was forwarded to this hapless German was "Sakhon Nakhon have big rain my telephone not work." I tried to point out that conspiring with this woman to etc etc but was to no avail... "She my friend!" Justification enough I guess?

What REALLY disgusts me the most however is this practice of mothers getting their young kids to talk to multiple farangs and getting them to refer to each boyfriend as PAPA...

where do they do this ?

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I think we are getting a little too derogatory towards Thai women here. Your bad experiences do not speak for an entire culture. There are low class lying people all over the world. Don`t single out Thais as a whole.

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Int'l calls sometimes don't get through that's correct. I don't think because of rain. More likely because of high traffic or some other technical reason. Your Gf probably don't know other reasons so she blames it on the rain.

You get peace of mind now?

Thank you Thats the answer I was looking for.She lives in a very small village,but she is exposed to many temptations from men as she works in a gold shop in the city of Sakhon Nakhon.

On the day that you did not receive her phone call, I can imagine you lying in bed with thoughts picturing all sorts of depravities that she may have been up to. And if this is the result of only one missed call, how are you going to feel if you are unable to contact her over a period of a few days or longer? Probably your mind will be spinning around at 100mph and unable to function properly.

Take my good advice and keep an anonymous eye on her online, otherwise if you continue on this way, you will only end up tormenting yourself and from my experience most of these lower class Issan woman are not worth the hassle. Personally I wouldn’t trust any of them and treat all these events as suspect, plus I wouldn`t become involved with these sorts.

Beetlejuice, what proportion of us on TV have Issan wives? I would hate to hazard a guess, but I find your remarks extremely offensive!

Beetlejuice I find your remarks extremely accurate!

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Hi,I don't know where to post this but its in Eastern Thailand (Sakhon Nakhon). There's been a lot of rain lately .my GF didn't call the other day because she said she couldn't because of the "big rains". I don't know if I believe her. Is this a common occurrence in Sakhon Nakhon Issan,that the cell phone service go's out? I've been bitten before by Thai girls with there Go Hoak Ghaang Jai .


Interesting if you happen to be German because I may be able to give you some information on a woman from said Sakhon Nakhon and answer your question at the same time.... A girl who works for me was unashamedly telling me in passing that she has a friend from Sakhon Nakhon who told her German boyfriend that she is at home working in a restaurant when in fact she is in Chaing Mai with one of her many wealthy Thai boyfriend. She rang my friend because her German boyfriend had been calling the day previously and she could not answer or sms him because she can not write English and was with this Thai man. The excuse that was sms'd by my employee who speaks and writes English to her friend and was forwarded to this hapless German was "Sakhon Nakhon have big rain my telephone not work." I tried to point out that conspiring with this woman to etc etc but was to no avail... "She my friend!" Justification enough I guess?

What REALLY disgusts me the most however is this practice of mothers getting their young kids to talk to multiple farangs and getting them to refer to each boyfriend as PAPA...

where do they do this ?

Ok, as Cdnvic has stated, not fair to taint all with the same brush.

Let me just say i was a witness to this whilest staying with people up country. The lady in question had three guys on the go from different countries, sometimes even getting calls from all three on the same night. Each time she would hand the phone to 12y.o old kiddy, directing him what to say to "papa".

The whole family went along with it, not batting an eyelid, no shame in it whatsoever, just as normal as eating somtam.

When i commented about it they laughed and joked about it, telling me "everyone" does it.

Funny, when you can understand a bit of the lingo you have to ask yourself are you acually hearing right rolleyes.gif

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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I don't think anyone here is saying

"All Thai women are lying scammers" or even most.

That some of them are is undoubtedly true, I think on that we can all agree.

The challenge is how can we avoid being taken advantage of? Some here claim that the odds of a given Thai woman being a lying scammer increase with a particular region like Isaan, or a particular socio-economic group, like peasant or at least poorer, less educated women. That may well be true.

Others claim that the odds increase a lot more when the women is a sex worker, or even simply has had exposure to the knowledge experience and thinking patters of that group just by being associated with them through the workplace, home location or friend/family/acquaintance. That may also be true.

Some use signs like speaking English despite a poor background and little effective education, the presence of tattoo's and body piercing, style of dress and makeup, habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, being active on the Internet and so on.

Then you have the group of Thai women that are actively putting themselves in the path of farang, and may or may not exhibit any of the above characteristics, all of these have overlap of course.

And therefore the solution for some is to avoid women from some or all of those groups in order to decrease their odds of being scammed.

Which groups you choose to avoid to improve your odds is a judgment call.

Others here may be more open-minded about having interaction with members of the above groups, and rely on their own behavior, setting rules for themselves as to how far to pay, how much to trust in the various contexts and scenarios we find ourselves.

Making sweeping generalizations about "the Thai women in group X all have Y and Z attributes" is very rarely going to be accurate or useful, and because we all have different personal historical experiences, different preferences for who we like to associate with and different tolerance for risk, we end up wasting time arguing over these over-generalizations.

It would probably be useful for us to try to avoid such sweeping statements and couch our arguments in terms more likely than not to get agreement from most reasonable people discussing these topics here. Also to express these opinions acknowledging them as opinions only and leaving open the possibility that our limited experience and personal biases will occasionally leave us open to being corrected or at least thinking from a different POV.

In addition, our moral attitude toward sex work and other aspects of sexual culture/politics get in the way of rational discussion; again, making those assumptions and biases explicit will help us evaluate each others statements with greater accuracy.

In giving each other feedback on our ideas it would also be great if we could avoid casting aspersions and making derogatory judgements about these different strategies, points of view and generalizations, and try to keep our focus on the ideas being discussed as objectively as possible, rather than our personal opinions wrt the personalities involved.

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I don't think anyone here is saying

"All Thai women are lying scammers" or even most.

That some of them are is undoubtedly true, I think on that we can all agree.

The challenge is how can we avoid being taken advantage of? Some here claim that the odds of a given Thai woman being a lying scammer increase with a particular region like Isaan, or a particular socio-economic group, like peasant or at least poorer, less educated women. That may well be true.

Others claim that the odds increase a lot more when the women is a sex worker, or even simply has had exposure to the knowledge experience and thinking patters of that group just by being associated with them through the workplace, home location or friend/family/acquaintance. That may also be true.

Some use signs like speaking English despite a poor background and little effective education, the presence of tattoo's and body piercing, style of dress and makeup, habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, being active on the Internet and so on.

Then you have the group of Thai women that are actively putting themselves in the path of farang, and may or may not exhibit any of the above characteristics, all of these have overlap of course.

And therefore the solution for some is to avoid women from some or all of those groups in order to decrease their odds of being scammed.

Which groups you choose to avoid to improve your odds is a judgment call.

Others here may be more open-minded about having interaction with members of the above groups, and rely on their own behavior, setting rules for themselves as to how far to pay, how much to trust in the various contexts and scenarios we find ourselves.

Making sweeping generalizations about "the Thai women in group X all have Y and Z attributes" is very rarely going to be accurate or useful, and because we all have different personal historical experiences, different preferences for who we like to associate with and different tolerance for risk, we end up wasting time arguing over these over-generalizations.

It would probably be useful for us to try to avoid such sweeping statements and couch our arguments in terms more likely than not to get agreement from most reasonable people discussing these topics here. Also to express these opinions acknowledging them as opinions only and leaving open the possibility that our limited experience and personal biases will occasionally leave us open to being corrected or at least thinking from a different POV.

In addition, our moral attitude toward sex work and other aspects of sexual culture/politics get in the way of rational discussion; again, making those assumptions and biases explicit will help us evaluate each others statements with greater accuracy.

In giving each other feedback on our ideas it would also be great if we could avoid casting aspersions and making derogatory judgements about these different strategies, points of view and generalizations, and try to keep our focus on the ideas being discussed as objectively as possible, rather than our personal opinions wrt the personalities involved.

That’s more or less my point, only I couldn’t have explained it so well.

My point is that in the poorer regions of Thailand, such as in the North East or the most Northern provinces the women in those areas are going to be more desperate for money and many will see the gullible and naive farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth and status for themselves and families. Of course not all, probably only a minority, but the reputation is there and all I am saying is choose carefully and treat with caution.

This also applies to the women that work in the sex industries and the general what is considered as the underclasses of Thailand. For me personally, I would never become involved with these sorts because I have witnessed too many of my friends that have been scammed by these women who see farangs as easy prey. Again not all, but you need to be sure and have enough experience to tell the differences between the scammers and the sincere genuine ladies, because the fact is that there are those out there aiming to con you.

On the whole the majority of Thai women and men are honest, decent people, but with the poorer women who’s problems seem can only be solved with money, than I would consider that when they cannot be contacted, acting strange, as suspect.

I`m just telling it the way it is, and whoever gets involved with these women do so at their own discretion and risk. It`s up to you.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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That’s more or less my point, only I couldn’t have explained it so well.

My point is that in the poorer regions of Thailand, such as in the North East or the most Northern provinces the women in those areas are going to be more desperate for money and many will see the gullible and naive farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth and status for themselves and families. Of course not all, probably only a minority, but the reputation is there and all I am saying is choose carefully and treat with caution.

This also applies to the women that work in the sex industries and the general what is considered as the underclasses of Thailand. For me personally, I would never become involved with these sorts because I have witnessed too many of my friends that have been scammed by these women who see farangs as easy prey. Again not all, but you need to be sure and have enough experience to tell the differences between the scammers and the sincere genuine ladies, because the fact is that there are those out there aiming to con you.

On the whole the majority of Thai women and men are honest, decent people, but with the poorer women who’s problems seem can only be solved with money, than I would consider that when they cannot be contacted, acting strange, as suspect.

I`m just telling it the way it is, and whoever gets involved with these women do so at their own discretion and risk. It`s up to you.

Excellent post, and thanks for the kind words.

For myself, I prefer girls from the poor rural underclasses, my avoidance of sex workers is a matter of preference and practicality rather than issues of "morality", and I totally filter out any prospects with any signs of experience with farang or any hints of "bad habits" in order to improve my odds.

However in the end what I really rely on is an insistence on ruthless honesty and adherence to my own rules wrt boundaries and what how much I'm willing to shell out and on what basis, in order to protect myself, so it's actually impossible for me to get significantly scammed by anyone, regardless of their background or intentions.

But that requires an approach that many consider heartless and abusive, even though I for myself I have a clear conscience. Some think my methods shut myself out from the possibility of true love and real relationships, but that's not the case from my experience, but then I do have my own non-mainstream definitions on these.

It would be so much more pleasant and constructive if these discussions could continue on these bases, but I guess some prefer to be entertained by conflict and confusion rather than learning via clear communication.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Sorry I don't understand your reply. I will tell you that I'm not German.I just wanted to know if cell phone service go's out because of big rains,in the Issan villages


Once a year it might be off for an hour, down for half a day . . . . Never!

But if she had no credit, big rain can make the unmade roads impassable for days.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Hi,I don't know where to post this but its in Eastern Thailand (Sakhon Nakhon). There's been a lot of rain lately .my GF didn't call the other day because she said she couldn't because of the "big rains". I don't know if I believe her. Is this a common occurrence in Sakhon Nakhon Issan,that the cell phone service go's out? I've been bitten before by Thai girls with there Go Hoak Ghaang Jai .


Interesting if you happen to be German because I may be able to give you some information on a woman from said Sakhon Nakhon and answer your question at the same time.... A girl who works for me was unashamedly telling me in passing that she has a friend from Sakhon Nakhon who told her German boyfriend that she is at home working in a restaurant when in fact she is in Chaing Mai with one of her many wealthy Thai boyfriend. She rang my friend because her German boyfriend had been calling the day previously and she could not answer or sms him because she can not write English and was with this Thai man. The excuse that was sms'd by my employee who speaks and writes English to her friend and was forwarded to this hapless German was "Sakhon Nakhon have big rain my telephone not work." I tried to point out that conspiring with this woman to etc etc but was to no avail... "She my friend!" Justification enough I guess?

The last part of your story is really what defines the psyche of these people.

Their friends will lie for them and be a party to any sort of deception that is asked of them, without the slightest thought of morals or any concept of right or wrong. It seems anything is fair game as long as its not them on the receiving end.

oh behave - men have been providing alibis for their mates for eons. What defines the psyche of those people? Don't snitch and protect your own is ingrained in us as Westerners and is seen as honourable and noble. I don't see this as any different. If you fall for her lies and then believe corroborating testimony from a friend of theirs (not yours) into the bargain that just makes you twice the fool.

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That’s more or less my point, only I couldn’t have explained it so well.

My point is that in the poorer regions of Thailand, such as in the North East or the most Northern provinces the women in those areas are going to be more desperate for money and many will see the gullible and naive farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth and status for themselves and families. Of course not all, probably only a minority, but the reputation is there and all I am saying is choose carefully and treat with caution.

This also applies to the women that work in the sex industries and the general what is considered as the underclasses of Thailand. For me personally, I would never become involved with these sorts because I have witnessed too many of my friends that have been scammed by these women who see farangs as easy prey. Again not all, but you need to be sure and have enough experience to tell the differences between the scammers and the sincere genuine ladies, because the fact is that there are those out there aiming to con you.

On the whole the majority of Thai women and men are honest, decent people, but with the poorer women who’s problems seem can only be solved with money, than I would consider that when they cannot be contacted, acting strange, as suspect.

I`m just telling it the way it is, and whoever gets involved with these women do so at their own discretion and risk. It`s up to you.

Excellent post, and thanks for the kind words.

For myself, I prefer girls from the poor rural underclasses, my avoidance of sex workers is a matter of preference and practicality rather than issues of "morality", and I totally filter out any prospects with any signs of experience with farang or any hints of "bad habits" in order to improve my odds.

However in the end what I really rely on is an insistence on ruthless honesty and adherence to my own rules wrt boundaries and what how much I'm willing to shell out and on what basis, in order to protect myself, so it's actually impossible for me to get significantly scammed by anyone, regardless of their background or intentions.

But that requires an approach that many consider heartless and abusive, even though I for myself I have a clear conscience. Some think my methods shut myself out from the possibility of true love and real relationships, but that's not the case from my experience, but then I do have my own non-mainstream definitions on these.

It would be so much more pleasant and constructive if these discussions could continue on these bases, but I guess some prefer to be entertained by conflict and confusion rather than learning via clear communication.

jesus you come off quite the psychopath sometimes.

must be nice to believe your own hype

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The phones do go down for extended periods in certain areas.....usually a bit more out of the way spots.

My wife often loses contact with her mum on the phone in such areas and during storms. I have not been able to contact her at similar times when she is back home etc.

Perhaps she is just out mud wrestling with her brother.

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The phones do go down for extended periods in certain areas.....usually a bit more out of the way spots.

My wife often loses contact with her mum on the phone in such areas and during storms. I have not been able to contact her at similar times when she is back home etc.

Perhaps she is just out mud wrestling with her brother.

We loose connections due to storms etc in Nong Khai for hours on end.

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Hi,I don't know where to post this but its in Eastern Thailand (Sakhon Nakhon). There's been a lot of rain lately .my GF didn't call the other day because she said she couldn't because of the "big rains". I don't know if I believe her. Is this a common occurrence in Sakhon Nakhon Issan,that the cell phone service go's out? I've been bitten before by Thai girls with there Go Hoak Ghaang Jai .


Interesting if you happen to be German because I may be able to give you some information on a woman from said Sakhon Nakhon and answer your question at the same time.... A girl who works for me was unashamedly telling me in passing that she has a friend from Sakhon Nakhon who told her German boyfriend that she is at home working in a restaurant when in fact she is in Chaing Mai with one of her many wealthy Thai boyfriend. She rang my friend because her German boyfriend had been calling the day previously and she could not answer or sms him because she can not write English and was with this Thai man. The excuse that was sms'd by my employee who speaks and writes English to her friend and was forwarded to this hapless German was "Sakhon Nakhon have big rain my telephone not work." I tried to point out that conspiring with this woman to etc etc but was to no avail... "She my friend!" Justification enough I guess?

The last part of your story is really what defines the psyche of these people.

Their friends will lie for them and be a party to any sort of deception that is asked of them, without the slightest thought of morals or any concept of right or wrong. It seems anything is fair game as long as its not them on the receiving end.

What REALLY disgusts me the most however is this practice of mothers getting their young kids to talk to multiple farangs and getting them to refer to each boyfriend as PAPA...

Its a sad thing, what chance have the kiddies got of growing up anywhere near normal sad.png

These people.Run Somchai RunThese people. That is the preface to all the bad and silly and stereotypical remarks. It comes right before we get all the wonders of Western culture and morals. Right before we hear about the Yellow menace. Normally it is written by the 2AM Aussie wannabeinThailand brigade.

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The phones do go down for extended periods in certain areas.....usually a bit more out of the way spots.

My wife often loses contact with her mum on the phone in such areas and during storms. I have not been able to contact her at similar times when she is back home etc.

Perhaps she is just out mud wrestling with her brother.

Thanks for your comments . I just had to hear a few comments on weather cell service go's down or not . its terrible the way my mind follows through to the truth or mai jing jing. I feel much better.Obviously if phone service go's down again I'll have a better handle on things.


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The phones do go down for extended periods in certain areas.....usually a bit more out of the way spots.

My wife often loses contact with her mum on the phone in such areas and during storms. I have not been able to contact her at similar times when she is back home etc.

Perhaps she is just out mud wrestling with her brother.

We loose connections due to storms etc in Nong Khai for hours on end.

Thank you for your comments. I felt frustrated and suspicious .And now I feel more informed that cell coverage does go down in the rice patties during storms . So I can call her and apologize for not speaking to her because I was doubting her credibility . Blame it on Ghaang Jai.

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Hi,I don't know where to post this but its in Eastern Thailand (Sakhon Nakhon). There's been a lot of rain lately .my GF didn't call the other day because she said she couldn't because of the "big rains". I don't know if I believe her. Is this a common occurrence in Sakhon Nakhon Issan,that the cell phone service go's out? I've been bitten before by Thai girls with there Go Hoak Ghaang Jai .


Interesting if you happen to be German because I may be able to give you some information on a woman from said Sakhon Nakhon and answer your question at the same time.... A girl who works for me was unashamedly telling me in passing that she has a friend from Sakhon Nakhon who told her German boyfriend that she is at home working in a restaurant when in fact she is in Chaing Mai with one of her many wealthy Thai boyfriend. She rang my friend because her German boyfriend had been calling the day previously and she could not answer or sms him because she can not write English and was with this Thai man. The excuse that was sms'd by my employee who speaks and writes English to her friend and was forwarded to this hapless German was "Sakhon Nakhon have big rain my telephone not work." I tried to point out that conspiring with this woman to etc etc but was to no avail... "She my friend!" Justification enough I guess?

The last part of your story is really what defines the psyche of these people.

Their friends will lie for them and be a party to any sort of deception that is asked of them, without the slightest thought of morals or any concept of right or wrong. It seems anything is fair game as long as its not them on the receiving end.

What REALLY disgusts me the most however is this practice of mothers getting their young kids to talk to multiple farangs and getting them to refer to each boyfriend as PAPA...

Its a sad thing, what chance have the kiddies got of growing up anywhere near normal sad.png

These people.Run Somchai RunThese people. That is the preface to all the bad and silly and stereotypical remarks. It comes right before we get all the wonders of Western culture and morals. Right before we hear about the Yellow menace. Normally it is written by the 2AM Aussie wannabeinThailand brigade.

biggrin.png wannabe eh? that is rich coming from you.

BTW: I am in Thailand now, but don't worry, i only have a tourist visa, so you can go on thinking you are very clever and special with your superior "thainess"

ABTW I think my drunken ramblings at 2AM made more sense than your offerring laugh.png

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These people.Run Somchai RunThese people. That is the preface to all the bad and silly and stereotypical remarks. It comes right before we get all the wonders of Western culture and morals. Right before we hear about the Yellow menace. Normally it is written by the 2AM Aussie wannabeinThailand brigade.

biggrin.png wannabe eh? that is rich coming from you.

BTW: I am in Thailand now, but don't worry, i only have a tourist visa, so you can go on thinking you are very clever and special with your superior "thainess"

ABTW I think my drunken ramblings at 2AM made more sense than your offerring laugh.png

And you don't need to live some sort of shack to afford retirement either.

Edited by damo
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jesus you come off quite the psychopath sometimes. must be nice to believe your own hype

I appreciate your clear and cogent analysis sir. You have led me to question the fundamental basis of my entire personality, and I will be sure to try to maintain vigilant mindfulness of such tendencies in the future.

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