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I used to have the same problem. I try with proff slingshot and steelballs but it did not work so well. I want to shoot them, but its hard to get licence for guns after Thaksin banned all fireguns. Then I started a bussiness who sell crossbows who shoot arrows and 8mm steelballs. Then you have a crossbow and airrifle in one. The Crossbows have buildt in laser sight and optic sight and I can hit the dog up to 60meter, so powerfull than the dog now keep the distance so I can sleep. They so afraid me now so they run away when they see me or hear my motorbike. It is leagally and I already sell more than 120 to people with same problem.

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Just finished and it's been a hoot!!! From the people that wouldn't kill a mossy to kill-kill-kill, it's all been fun. Haven't laughed this much since I read the site about the guys wang being duck food. Some of you have got to lighten up and not have the broom shoved so far up your ---- that you can't see things in a light hearted way. GET A GRIP


I had a problem with cats instead of dogs. I just sprinkled lots of hot chilli powder around where they were laying.

Haven't seen them for over 4 months. It should work for the dogs as well.

Surely illegal to poison animals in Thailand and if not it should be.

Not illegal to have soi dogs sleep all day and bark all night but illegal to poison them?

Don't need to be Buddhist to need a good night's sleep. Shouldn't man have more 'rights than a soi dog?


Just want to know, if you can't kill a mossy then what the heck do you eat? I don't have any chickens,pigs,cows rabbits,sheep,goats or any other animal coming after me to make me a meal and yet you say you can't kill a mosquito. I can't even begin to understand this way of thinking. The dam- things spread disease and kill people, especially in Asia and you can't kill them. OK, so you sleep with your windows open and no mosquito net so you don't starve the BASTAR-S TO DEATH!!!


Try deep fried (natural)sponge, it works on cats so I think it will do the job on dogs aswell.

They just can't resist the smell & the next day be a good Bhuddist and give them drink water as much as they like. :D :D

B.T.W. it will take some time before the stomach burst. :o


Thai dog fights off 'serial' rapist

February 03 2004 at 08:18AM


Bangkok - A Thai man was suffering from multiple cuts and a bruised ego on Tuesday after he got drunk and attempted to rape a dog, which fiercely resisted his advances, news reports said on Tuesday.

Police in Samut Prakan province, on Bangkok's south-eastern fringes, were quoted by the mass-circulation Thai Rath daily newspaper as saying Toryip Rawang, 33, had been drinking heavily with friends before the incident early on Monday.

Toryip was questioned by police after residents of the area notified local authorities when they saw the bloodied man walking along a road.

He told police he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and "acting sexy" and pulled it into some tall grass by the roadside.

'He had previously raped three dogs'

But the dog resisted, biting him on his face, chest and arms before he gave up his attempt and tried to stagger home.

Under further questioning, Toryip admitted he had previously raped three dogs from a nearby Buddhist temple, also under the influence of alcohol.

He said he always became aroused when he drank heavily but did not have enough money to pay a prostitute.

Police said Toryip had been given a rabies shot and was not charged with a crime, but he had fled his home in an apparent effort to avoid the ridicule of his neighbours. - Sapa-DPA


:o:D His weeeeny not corked right and the female dog had sense to say phewwwwwwwwwww its too smelly because she smelled the other putty on it :D:D:D Either that or she got jealous of his playboy image!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky for the guy that she did not do the chop chop on him!!!!!!!!!!


Now tell me if he not have the hots for the doggies!!!!!!! What will happen if he gets so drunk and picks out a male schlopper and finds himself on the other side getting raped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Guest IT Manager

What does any of that mean.

Thai dog fights off 'serial' rapist

February 03 2004 at 08:18AM


Bangkok - A Thai man was suffering from multiple cuts and a bruised ego on Tuesday after he got drunk and attempted to rape a dog, which fiercely resisted his advances, news reports said on Tuesday.

Police in Samut Prakan province, on Bangkok's south-eastern fringes, were quoted by the mass-circulation Thai Rath daily newspaper as saying Toryip Rawang, 33, had been drinking heavily with friends before the incident early on Monday.

Toryip was questioned by police after residents of the area notified local authorities when they saw the bloodied man walking along a road.

He told police he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and "acting sexy" and pulled it into some tall grass by the roadside.

'He had previously raped three dogs'

But the dog resisted, biting him on his face, chest and arms before he gave up his attempt and tried to stagger home.

Under further questioning, Toryip admitted he had previously raped three dogs from a nearby Buddhist temple, also under the influence of alcohol.

He said he always became aroused when he drank heavily but did not have enough money to pay a prostitute.

Police said Toryip had been given a rabies shot and was not charged with a crime, but he had fled his home in an apparent effort to avoid the ridicule of his neighbours. - Sapa-DPA

maybe he should stick to drunk dogs :D


When i first moved into my wife"s house in Chaingmai her dog was the noisest mutt on the soi. It would sit by the gate and bark for hours every night. My wife would say Mai pen rai you wil get used to it like Thai people! After a few weeks i had enough and would get up in the middle of the night and chase the little ######er around the yard spraying her with the water hose which she hated big time! Now all i have to do is open the screen door off the bedroom and she heads for the back of the house. I have lived here for over a year now and have never heard any Thai person even tell any of the dogs to shut up let alone chase them or anything else though last week i had one of the neighbours tell me that i train her very good not to bark at night anymore! I can also see the front gate from my bedroom and i keep a bucket of rocks by the door and when the soi dogs come around at night i let fly with a volley of rocks. They seem to have learned not to come around to where the crazy farang lives! When i come home late i always pick up a handfull of rocks and as soon as they come within range i let fly! Seems to do the trick and i dont have to have any problem now. good luck!

:o:D His weeeeny not corked right and the female dog had sense to say phewwwwwwwwwww its too smelly because she smelled the other putty on it :D:D:D Either that or she got jealous of his playboy image!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky for the guy that she did not do the chop chop on him!!!!!!!!!!


Now tell me if he not have the hots for the doggies!!!!!!! What will happen if he gets so drunk and picks out a male schlopper and finds himself on the other side getting raped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

IT ole Dave is clearly on something strong. Could he have got some E's from the tatooed Brit ?


I think it is so funny, and I am still laughing so hard here of this poor blokes ordeal!!!!!!! Wanting and desiring sex with female dogs, hehehehehehehehe.

Still cannot stop laughing. Whooooooooooo Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Daveyoti :D:D:o:D:D

Thai dog fights off 'serial' rapist

February 03 2004 at 08:18AM


Bangkok - A Thai man was suffering from multiple cuts and a bruised ego on Tuesday after he got drunk and attempted to rape a dog, which fiercely resisted his advances, news reports said on Tuesday.

Well there you go Ned Kelly (aka Oscar Wilde)................have a few beavies, get the old coozer out and do the bad thing. Problem solved.


I was out fishing with my GF and some of her friends and their BF's. :D

One of the girls decided to bring her little ankel biter dog along. :D There we were out in the middle of the ocean trying to catch fish..... and this stupid f****d up little dog is barking its little head off at the fish we are catching.. :o ok fair enough hes pretty excited at this poor fish hanging on the end of my line..

But then later we stop off at this island and are just swimming around the boat and this dog is still going :D ... barkin his head off at the girls in the water and im thinkin... frig... shut the ###### up dog.. so i just pick him up and throw him in the water with the girls... :D

Now i seen dogs jump into the water all the time and they have had no problems.. I seen one dog get chucked offa a high waterfall in AUS and it was a bit shocked but within a min it was barkin its head off again... but apparently i was so mean to throw this dog off a small boat.... that was the wrong thing to do to this dog and all the girls got the shits with me cause the poor dog got water up his nose... one of the guys says... "atleast hes not barking anymore" and we all crack up laughing.... but we all just got this big dirty look from my girlfriend

. Im not sure why but the thais dont care how loud their dog barks or how nasty they are.... who can explain this mystery!!!

Guest IT Manager

and also not possible to explain


Maybe the rascal understood barking meant water time. Who knows, but I can say this much dogs do learn fast when punished good enough.

As of the girls, maybe the only reason they did that was because they thought the man was mean to the dog, and they apparently became somewhat deaf after hearing the dog so much. Now no bark and it bothers them.

Women are strange indeed as of creatures with that estrogen. Whewwwwwwwww.

Lucky we are guys :D Bravo for Testosterone!!!!!!!!!! :o



This is one of the most entertaining threads I've read in a LOOOOONG time!

I just posted my own thread on the same subject prior to seeing this one.

Maverick, Good to see you're still around. You stopped answering my emails a year or so back (hint--you're from S. Africa & I'm from N. America)

UP2U, I hope you're able to continue on with your work here in LOS--Sandland is the pits!!--I Know!!!!

There's nothing better than a super cool mutt.

They never piss & moan, never ask for money, and are just DYING for me to come out and spend 10-20 minutes tossing the ball around for them.

NO, NOT ALL dogs are like this. That's an exception to the rule. That describes my 2 Golden Retrievers.

Bloody amazing though the enjoyment potential that a cool dog can give you when it's taken care of and has had regular de-worming treatments.

I've had to endure the VERY unpleasant experience of putting my dog down due to merciful reasons before, and to do that with a dog that was a good friend is quite painful.


Wild, idiotic (noisy), vicious, and dangerous dogs fall under the category of rats, so I have no problem with speeding them along their way to meet their maker.

Thai dog fights off 'serial' rapist

February 03 2004 at 08:18AM


Bangkok - A Thai man was suffering from multiple cuts and a bruised ego on Tuesday after he got drunk and attempted to rape a dog, which fiercely resisted his advances, news reports said on Tuesday.

About the dog rape - a couple of years ago the Phuket Gazette had a similar story - about a guy in England who was caught with his trousers down after a drinking session.

Could this be 'deja vue' - or does lightning strike twice?


He provide 10 rais land for those stray dogs and cats a place to live ,rescue soi dogs that need health care or those who got beat up, poison etc. 4 vets visit every week, and all that on his own expense. Thai dog's home right now got 200 dogies. I went to the place myself and they are are in good care.


I was having problems walking down my street because of a mean pack of soi dogs. Then I heard some advice from a guy who raises rottweilers - figure out which of the dogs is the leader, the alpha of the pack and stare him down. Do not act afraid. When they came at me, I held my ground and gave them my best crazy farang stare. It worked. They all slunk off. I went further by rewarding the top dog with a dog biscuit. He knows he's top dog now and keeps the others in line. They are all pretty mellow now when I come around and are no longer a bother. They also keep quiet. :o


I was told by an Ex cop in Pattaya that everynow and then they round some up and throw them to the Crocodiles.....Horrible eh?

One of the nicest things about the Thais is that they are quite kind to those mangy creatures......Buddhism I guess.


Yea but the problem is if any of them bite you, your first biggest worry is RABIES.

If you don't find the dog that bit you, your in for a series of Rabies shots which are indeed very painful and your treatment probably will last 2 weeks.

For me only I probably would keep a military knife handy in around my ankles. One never knows when you will need it to save your own life.


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