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Coups Don't Solve Problems: Thailand


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What I remember from those who wanted to oppose was FEAR.

They were desperately afraid that if they said or did anything, they would end up like some of the people from 1992 - in a container at the bottom of the sea.

Perhaps in hindsight Gen. Sonthi wouldn't have done the same things as some of his predecessors, but who could be sure?

The RTA's actions at Tak Bai were firmly in people's minds as well.

You make it sound like, "What I remember from those who wanted to oppose was FEAR" you were in the military headquarters listening. Is that so? Were you privy to what the brass was saying? Or did you just get to Thailand a few months ago and all of a sudden become an expert</p>

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I'm in favour of another coup, help keep the tourists away.

Good first post. Lets have a show of hands how many people from Western countries are in favor of assassination and military coups when the electorate does not vote the way you think they should?

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What I remember from those who wanted to oppose was FEAR.

They were desperately afraid that if they said or did anything, they would end up like some of the people from 1992 - in a container at the bottom of the sea.

Perhaps in hindsight Gen. Sonthi wouldn't have done the same things as some of his predecessors, but who could be sure?

The RTA's actions at Tak Bai were firmly in people's minds as well.

You make it sound like, "What I remember from those who wanted to oppose was FEAR" you were in the military headquarters listening. Is that so? Were you privy to what the brass was saying? Or did you just get to Thailand a few months ago and all of a sudden become an expert</p>

Spoken like a hard-core member. Sorry Kerry, I have been here a number of years, and my rejoining date last year reflects my official retirement - far too busy before to bother spending much time in forums. However I certainly encourage you to use your skepticism.


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I quite enjoyed the last coup, it was great fun. My wife had some lovely photos taken of her atop a tank, all the friends and family I haven't spoken with for ages contacted me and Thailand just continued as normal.

It kept the highway police off the roads down here. It was great.

Edited by Mosha
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What I remember from those who wanted to oppose was FEAR.

They were desperately afraid that if they said or did anything, they would end up like some of the people from 1992 - in a container at the bottom of the sea.

Perhaps in hindsight Gen. Sonthi wouldn't have done the same things as some of his predecessors, but who could be sure?

The RTA's actions at Tak Bai were firmly in people's minds as well.

You make it sound like, "What I remember from those who wanted to oppose was FEAR" you were in the military headquarters listening. Is that so? Were you privy to what the brass was saying? Or did you just get to Thailand a few months ago and all of a sudden become an expert</p>

Spoken like a hard-core member. Sorry Kerry, I have been here a number of years, and my rejoining date last year reflects my official retirement - far too busy before to bother spending much time in forums. However I certainly encourage you to use your skepticism.


I wouldn't expect you to answer the question. I guess your retirement also included your mind. You have lots of company on Thai Visa especially those who pontificate with no facts or experience to back up their pontifications.

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You wouldn't be nervous about a regime that executes it's opponents?

"An ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination". Voltaire

But George Bernard Shaw said -

"Assassination is the extreme form of censorship"

Personally I'll take his opinion over Voltaire's on that thought.

While assassination is not something I would normally advocate, any student of history with 20/20 hindsight must admit that there are occasions where the death of one man may have prolonged the lives of many, even millions.

I applauded the 2006 coup because it was bloodless. After around 100 people have died to satisfy the aspirations of one man, i view the situation slightly differently. If there was anything to show that the Thais have benefited from the change in government those deaths helped to achieve, I might feel otherwise.

they benefited by having democracy returned in the form of a democratic election

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"An ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination". Voltaire

But George Bernard Shaw said -

"Assassination is the extreme form of censorship"

Personally I'll take his opinion over Voltaire's on that thought.

While assassination is not something I would normally advocate, any student of history with 20/20 hindsight must admit that there are occasions where the death of one man may have prolonged the lives of many, even millions.

I applauded the 2006 coup because it was bloodless. After around 100 people have died to satisfy the aspirations of one man, i view the situation slightly differently. If there was anything to show that the Thais have benefited from the change in government those deaths helped to achieve, I might feel otherwise.

they benefited by having democracy returned in the form of a democratic election

which was needed since the govt at the time was not elected.

Will Thailand stay on this course again for another 15 years, or maybe longer? There are quite a few of people who don't like democracy. But as the OP states, coups don't solve problems. That is clear from 2006 - the country is still dealing with the Thaksin / military question 6 years on...

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

Can you list one reputable source for this assertion? There are 1,530,000 references to him being removed by illegal coup on the net.

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

What is truly illegal in a real democracy , are the countless military coups that have occured in this country over the last 40 years .

Educate yourself and read a constitution before you spew out such legal nonsense .

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

What is truly illegal in a real democracy , are the countless military coups that have occured in this country over the last 40 years .

Educate yourself and read a constitution before you spew out such legal nonsense .

The 2010 spring riots were a failed coup attempt. 2006 was merely removing a PM that refused to vacate his position.

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

Can you list one reputable source for this assertion? There are 1,530,000 references to him being removed by illegal coup on the net.

Thousands are out there. Seek and ye shall find.

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

What is truly illegal in a real democracy , are the countless military coups that have occured in this country over the last 40 years .

Educate yourself and read a constitution before you spew out such legal nonsense .

Were the coups that occurred in the 40 years before that, legal?

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

What is truly illegal in a real democracy , are the countless military coups that have occured in this country over the last 40 years .

Educate yourself and read a constitution before you spew out such legal nonsense .

Were the coups that occurred in the 40 years before that, legal?

The first one that I know of was in 1932.

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

What is truly illegal in a real democracy , are the countless military coups that have occured in this country over the last 40 years .

Educate yourself and read a constitution before you spew out such legal nonsense .

Were the coups that occurred in the 40 years before that, legal?

The first one that I know of was in 1932.

Tell "TheCure" that. I'm not sure if he forgot about the coups between 1932 and 1972 or whether he thinks that they were legal and the ones in the last 40 years weren't.

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Removing somebody(TS) illegally occupying the PM office is not a coup.

Can you list one reputable source for this assertion? There are 1,530,000 references to him being removed by illegal coup on the net.

Thousands are out there. Seek and ye shall find.

True, but ...

domain always seems to be



Try searching for Thaksin's resignation

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Try searching for Thaksin's resignation

The 2006 Thai coup d'état took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'état against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Above via Wiki is what the world thinks. Wiki is open to change. Why don't you tell them they are wrong? Of course every major newspaper in the world is also wrong. Maybe you should tell them too.Who is it now that thinks there was no coup? You and Gand? Who else? Step up and be counted boys.</p>
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Try searching for Thaksin's resignation

The 2006 Thai coup d'鴡t took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'鴡t against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Above via Wiki is what the world thinks. Wiki is open to change. Why don't you tell them they are wrong? Of course every major newspaper in the world is also wrong. Maybe you should tell them too.Who is it now that thinks there was no coup? You and Gand? Who else? Step up and be counted boys.</p>

The elections were null and void because of Thaksin's illegal antics.

How can someone be "elected" as caretaker pm?

Be sensible!!

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Try searching for Thaksin's resignation

The 2006 Thai coup d'鴡t took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'鴡t against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Above via Wiki is what the world thinks. Wiki is open to change. Why don't you tell them they are wrong? Of course every major newspaper in the world is also wrong. Maybe you should tell them too.Who is it now that thinks there was no coup? You and Gand? Who else? Step up and be counted boys.</p>

The elections were null and void because of Thaksin's illegal antics.

How can someone be "elected" as caretaker pm?

Be sensible!!

Not me I of course believe you and Gand. It is Wiki, The London Times and every other legitimate media source in the world. Rush out and correct them. I believe you. You can do it.

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Try searching for Thaksin's resignation

The 2006 Thai coup d'鴡t took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'鴡t against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Above via Wiki is what the world thinks. Wiki is open to change. Why don't you tell them they are wrong? Of course every major newspaper in the world is also wrong. Maybe you should tell them too.Who is it now that thinks there was no coup? You and Gand? Who else? Step up and be counted boys.</p>

The elections were null and void because of Thaksin's illegal antics.

How can someone be "elected" as caretaker pm?

Be sensible!!

Not me I of course believe you and Gand. It is Wiki, The London Times and every other legitimate media source in the world. Rush out and correct them. I believe you. You can do it.

How was Thaksin appointed at that time?

The King had accepted his resignation

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Try searching for Thaksin's resignation

The 2006 Thai coup d'état took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'état against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Above via Wiki is what the world thinks. Wiki is open to change. Why don't you tell them they are wrong? Of course every major newspaper in the world is also wrong. Maybe you should tell them too.Who is it now that thinks there was no coup? You and Gand? Who else? Step up and be counted boys.</p>

How do you get an "elected caretaker government"?

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Try searching for Thaksin's resignation

The 2006 Thai coup d'état took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'état against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Above via Wiki is what the world thinks. Wiki is open to change. Why don't you tell them they are wrong? Of course every major newspaper in the world is also wrong. Maybe you should tell them too.Who is it now that thinks there was no coup? You and Gand? Who else? Step up and be counted boys.</p>

How do you get an "elected caretaker government"?

Wiki is your friend.

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How do you get an "elected caretaker government"?

Wiki is your friend.

It doesn't seem to be your friend. All it talks about is how a "caretaker government" is appointed or set up, or is a provisional government when the government is dissolved (ie when an election is called) or collapses.

There is nothing about a "caretaker government" being "elected".

If you are talking about the wiki's reference to Thailand's "elected caretaker government" prior to the coup, that is simply incorrect. The Thaksin caretaker government came about when Thaksin dissolved parliament prior to the 2006 election.

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How do you get an "elected caretaker government"?

Wiki is your friend.

It doesn't seem to be your friend. All it talks about is how a "caretaker government" is appointed or set up, or is a provisional government when the government is dissolved (ie when an election is called) or collapses.

There is nothing about a "caretaker government" being "elected".

If you are talking about the wiki's reference to Thailand's "elected caretaker government" prior to the coup, that is simply incorrect. The Thaksin caretaker government came about when Thaksin dissolved parliament prior to the 2006 election.

The point is that Wikipedia ('The Free Encyclopedia) being open sourced can be edited by anyone with a computer. If they are wrong then you have recourse to change it - easy !!

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How do you get an "elected caretaker government"?

Wiki is your friend.

It doesn't seem to be your friend. All it talks about is how a "caretaker government" is appointed or set up, or is a provisional government when the government is dissolved (ie when an election is called) or collapses.

There is nothing about a "caretaker government" being "elected".

If you are talking about the wiki's reference to Thailand's "elected caretaker government" prior to the coup, that is simply incorrect. The Thaksin caretaker government came about when Thaksin dissolved parliament prior to the 2006 election.

The point is that Wikipedia ('The Free Encyclopedia) being open sourced can be edited by anyone with a computer. If they are wrong then you have recourse to change it - easy !!

Thank you for saying that. I know better then to attempt to explain something to a person who holds a 1% minority position from the rest of the world. Of course I am not saying he is wrong. If he is right change Wiki no big problem.

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The point is that Wikipedia ('The Free Encyclopedia) being open sourced can be edited by anyone with a computer. If they are wrong then you have recourse to change it - easy !!

Thank you for saying that. I know better then to attempt to explain something to a person who holds a 1% minority position from the rest of the world. Of course I am not saying he is wrong. If he is right change Wiki no big problem.

Do you guys believe everything just because it's in wikipedia? That explains a lot.

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I am afraid that with all the nepotism and corruption 'coups' do actually solve part of the problem.

A true peoples revolution, based on a dogma of faith rather than greed would indeed be able to eradicate the moral diseases of society!

And be assured, this will happen one day as history seems to repeat itself.

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