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The Continual Noise Of Barking And Howling Dogs - 24/7


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Hope it's OK to expand the discussion as I believe it's relevant to the discussion on this topic.

For a few years I lived in a mid size town in Australia, population 50,000 with 25,000 registered dogs. The Council's local law enforcement office had five full time staff & guess the majority of complaints they had to deal with; barking dogs. Guess the usual response from the dog owners "that's what dogs do". So is a issue not solely in Thailand. The common TV member response if you don't like it leave Thailand is a very tired mantra. Let me assure you from my personal experience in my Moo Ban, many Thai's also do not enjoy the experience of constantly barking dogs.. TV is a platform for sharing both the good and bad experiences and sharing suggestions to address issues. I am fully aware that expats have minimal influence, if any, right now, but surely their has to be a starting point for the opportunity to improve quality of life in Thailand rather than "if you don't like it, leave".

I told you Thailand is not the place for you, did not mean you should leave. But if there was ever a place that was noisy it is Thailand. Ask anyone, so if you can't stand noise your in the wrong country. I go totally crazy every time i enter a big C with all the sounds blasting ect.

So perhaps Thailand "is not the place for you"?

I accept it, does not mean i like it.

So why tell another poster that if he finds something unlikeable, perhaps Thailand is not the place for him??

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So perhaps Thailand "is not the place for you"?

I accept it, does not mean i like it.

So why tell another poster that if he finds something unlikeable, perhaps Thailand is not the place for him??

Because i dont go banana's over some sounds of dogs. If you end up in hospital because of sounds and sleep problems seems the guy is real sensitive to sounds. That is in a bit different then not liking something.

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Hope it's OK to expand the discussion as I believe it's relevant to the discussion on this topic.

For a few years I lived in a mid size town in Australia, population 50,000 with 25,000 registered dogs. The Council's local law enforcement office had five full time staff & guess the majority of complaints they had to deal with; barking dogs. Guess the usual response from the dog owners "that's what dogs do". So is a issue not solely in Thailand. The common TV member response if you don't like it leave Thailand is a very tired mantra. Let me assure you from my personal experience in my Moo Ban, many Thai's also do not enjoy the experience of constantly barking dogs.. TV is a platform for sharing both the good and bad experiences and sharing suggestions to address issues. I am fully aware that expats have minimal influence, if any, right now, but surely their has to be a starting point for the opportunity to improve quality of life in Thailand rather than "if you don't like it, leave".

I told you Thailand is not the place for you, did not mean you should leave. But if there was ever a place that was noisy it is Thailand. Ask anyone, so if you can't stand noise your in the wrong country. I go totally crazy every time i enter a big C with all the sounds blasting ect.

I don't what other inference you could take from "I told you Thailand is not the place for you". However looks like you have completed ignored the thrust of my post. Never mind...

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So perhaps Thailand "is not the place for you"?

I accept it, does not mean i like it.

So why tell another poster that if he finds something unlikeable, perhaps Thailand is not the place for him??

Because i dont go banana's over some sounds of dogs. If you end up in hospital because of sounds and sleep problems seems the guy is real sensitive to sounds. That is in a bit different then not liking something.

Again you don't want to get the message. Having dogs barking at 100db day and night is hardly being "real sensitive to sounds". No point in having any further dialogue.

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Hope it's OK to expand the discussion as I believe it's relevant to the discussion on this topic.

For a few years I lived in a mid size town in Australia, population 50,000 with 25,000 registered dogs. The Council's local law enforcement office had five full time staff & guess the majority of complaints they had to deal with; barking dogs. Guess the usual response from the dog owners "that's what dogs do". So is a issue not solely in Thailand. The common TV member response if you don't like it leave Thailand is a very tired mantra. Let me assure you from my personal experience in my Moo Ban, many Thai's also do not enjoy the experience of constantly barking dogs.. TV is a platform for sharing both the good and bad experiences and sharing suggestions to address issues. I am fully aware that expats have minimal influence, if any, right now, but surely their has to be a starting point for the opportunity to improve quality of life in Thailand rather than "if you don't like it, leave".

I told you Thailand is not the place for you, did not mean you should leave. But if there was ever a place that was noisy it is Thailand. Ask anyone, so if you can't stand noise your in the wrong country. I go totally crazy every time i enter a big C with all the sounds blasting ect.

I don't what other inference you could take from "I told you Thailand is not the place for you". However looks like you have completed ignored the thrust of my post. Never mind...

Nobody enjoys the sound of dogs barking 24/7. Most people have no problems with dogs barking at times. You seem to have a bone to pick with dogs and bring up a town in OZ with no relevance to Thailand. I don't know if you have noticed it but Thailand is full of stray dogs (not a good thing IMHO) but the locals don't seem to care about it. Totally different mentality from your mid size town in OZ.

If i say that Thailand is not the place for you given your history and problems with dogs and sounds and even ending up in a hospital because of sleep problems then that is not a strange statement. Unless you expect Thailand to change overnight.

You also admitted in your own post that as a foreigner you can't do much about it. So what is your point. You hate the sounds, you cant change it (by your own admission). Then i tell you its not the place for you. Just a conclusion on the things you yourself say.

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Because i dont go banana's over some sounds of dogs. If you end up in hospital because of sounds and sleep problems seems the guy is real sensitive to sounds. That is in a bit different then not liking something.

Again you don't want to get the message. Having dogs barking at 100db day and night is hardly being "real sensitive to sounds". No point in having any further dialogue.

Maybe you did not read that i don't condone dogs barking 24/7 it was one of the first things i said to simon. That is even out of character for Thailand and can be stopped. I was talking about normal barking.

But ending up in hospital because of sound is not a normal thing.

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Give up the personal argument guys!

At the end of the day, dogs only bark 24/7 if a bitch is on heat or they are bored rigid...

Soi dogs are not bored rigid as they can move wherever they want.

The OP has a problem that most posters are not addressing.

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Give up the personal argument guys!

At the end of the day, dogs only bark 24/7 if a bitch is on heat or they are bored rigid...

Soi dogs are not bored rigid as they can move wherever they want.

The OP has a problem that most posters are not addressing.

Then just get rid of the bitch .. if he can find it. Maybe catch and release.

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I feel for the OP.

He is trying to run a business in Thailand and keep his guests happy.

Dogs being noisy almost 24/7 hinders that..

A similar situation in the soi I live on, management at the apartment building where I live seem aware but also powerless.

Dogs, both soi and domestic out at night, all night and noisy.

Even worse they attack passers by.

Easy solution for me, I`m moving, not so easy for the OP.

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Years ago we signed a 1 year lease on a townhouse. The unit next door was empty at the time, then a few weeks later a Thai family moved in with no less than 10 poodles. They barked non-stop, around the clock, and the sound came right through the walls. We lost our deposit and had to move within a month. We could not sleep or have a moment of silence. It was either that or my GF was going to poison the dogs.

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Google "Ultasonic Dog Deterrents" which are machines which ommit sounds that are inaudible to humans but irritating to dogs.

They can be portable or fixed,

I bought a fixed one a few years back (in the UK) because my neighbours dog was a pest. I had it close to my fence, on an extension lead, pointing into my neighbour,s garden 24/7. My neighbour was puzzleds as to why his beloved pet had become reluctant to go outside.

Amazon sell them.

Edited by Beechboy
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Fill up your bike, get a bitch in season and put her on the bike. Pass this flock of dogs slowly, so they get the scent. When you've got their attension, drive in a moderate pace far away (5-6 clicks), let go of the bitch and return home.

As if the pack won't be able to trace back their own track back to their territory once they're done with the girl whistling.gif

This is what dogs do : follow track

especially a pack there is surely several dogs able to do that, the others will just follow

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The suggestion by GusG to install high pressure water jets at the hotel boundaries is not a bad idea. It could also be used at Songran and against any teenagers on noisy motorbikes.

@Harry - these dogs were cunning. When I performed due diligence on the location they all hid in the rubber tree plantations and stuffed their paws in their mouths - not a sound ...

Seriously - I think the problem is a bitch - so the solution is to eliminate the f***ing bitch....


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Google "Ultasonic Dog Deterrents" which are machines which ommit sounds that are inaudible to humans but irritating to dogs.

They can be portable or fixed,

I bought a fixed one a few years back (in the UK) because my neighbours dog was a pest. I had it close to my fence, on an extension lead, pointing into my neighbour,s garden 24/7. My neighbour was puzzleds as to why his beloved pet had become reluctant to go outside.

Amazon sell them.

I hear they don't always work. If they do good solution.

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The suggestion by GusG to install high pressure water jets at the hotel boundaries is not a bad idea. It could also be used at Songran and against any teenagers on noisy motorbikes.

@Harry - these dogs were cunning. When I performed due diligence on the location they all hid in the rubber tree plantations and stuffed their paws in their mouths - not a sound ...

Seriously - I think the problem is a bitch - so the solution is to eliminate the f***ing bitch....


Eliminating B****** 0f all kinds is a huge problem.

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There were studies done at a major university of the most disturbing, stress inducing noises in modern society. Airplanes, thunder, loud music, mufferless motor vehicles, and dog barks, among many others.

Dog barking won by leaps and bounds. If chronic, it is physically and emotionally debilitating and illness producing.

Whatever choice of appropriate action you chose, do it soon.

Correct irregular sleep can induce physical systems. Without sounding dramatic it's a well known form of torture. Medium size dogs bark at around 100db. For me I ended up in hospital for a type of herpes outbreak on my back that was very painful. I went to a tier 1 hospital & they couldn't identify the root cause until they asked about my sleep patterns. Had to relocate on the doctor's recommendation.

i feel for you, it must be difficult explaining to people you got herpes from the neighbors dog

What a brilliant attempt at humour

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Years ago we signed a 1 year lease on a townhouse. The unit next door was empty at the time, then a few weeks later a Thai family moved in with no less than 10 poodles. They barked non-stop, around the clock, and the sound came right through the walls. We lost our deposit and had to move within a month. We could not sleep or have a moment of silence. It was either that or my GF was going to poison the dogs.

Happy you didn't buy the property aren't you?

Correct irregular sleep can induce physical systems. Without sounding dramatic it's a well known form of torture. Medium size dogs bark at around 100db. For me I ended up in hospital for a type of herpes outbreak on my back that was very painful. I went to a tier 1 hospital & they couldn't identify the root cause until they asked about my sleep patterns. Had to relocate on the doctor's recommendation.

Actually it is funny.

For future reference you might want to refer to it as "shingles", most people do associate the vernacular term "herpes" with the STD varieties. . .

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There were studies done at a major university of the most disturbing, stress inducing noises in modern society. Airplanes, thunder, loud music, mufferless motor vehicles, and dog barks, among many others.

Dog barking won by leaps and bounds. If chronic, it is physically and emotionally debilitating and illness producing.

Whatever choice of appropriate action you chose, do it soon.

Correct irregular sleep can induce physical systems. Without sounding dramatic it's a well known form of torture. Medium size dogs bark at around 100db. For me I ended up in hospital for a type of herpes outbreak on my back that was very painful. I went to a tier 1 hospital & they couldn't identify the root cause until they asked about my sleep patterns. Had to relocate on the doctor's recommendation.

I think Thailand is a too though country for you. If you suffer that much from dogs barking, than I must warn you, there are much more dangerouse things here.

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There were studies done at a major university of the most disturbing, stress inducing noises in modern society. Airplanes, thunder, loud music, mufferless motor vehicles, and dog barks, among many others.

Dog barking won by leaps and bounds. If chronic, it is physically and emotionally debilitating and illness producing.

Whatever choice of appropriate action you chose, do it soon.

Correct irregular sleep can induce physical systems. Without sounding dramatic it's a well known form of torture. Medium size dogs bark at around 100db. For me I ended up in hospital for a type of herpes outbreak on my back that was very painful. I went to a tier 1 hospital & they couldn't identify the root cause until they asked about my sleep patterns. Had to relocate on the doctor's recommendation.

I think Thailand is a too though country for you. If you suffer that much from dogs barking, than I must warn you, there are much more dangerouse things here.

Yep Thailand can be a dangerous place to live. been coming here for 20+ years and lived in Thailand for two years, so far no security problems for me and my family; no intention to relocate

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