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tears for your loved one who cannot be replaced,you couldnt have given her anymore love than what we are given ours,priceless she was more than happy she is now in the place reserved for angels. rip loved one till we meet again.


there were a couple of dogs for whom I was not the principal human but we were good friends..one was put down as she was in great pain (and very old) and I grieved tremendously...and I then resolved to never have a relationship with an animal again unless I could have control and look after it properly...but except for a cat that I had that was run over there never was another opportunity...and when the cat was killed it was like a death in the family and I never forgave myself...I was with a woman who I never even cared about and my precious Delphi was neglected...

please accept my condolences for your loss...


Yes worse feeling in the world,and I have helped putting to sleep thousands of mutts,broke my heart each and every one.

I know a vet in Pattaya that would have shown you some sympathy


RIP a true and brave friend.

I too don't understand this aversion to euthanasia by most Thai vets - I cannot believe that the Lord Budha would insist on any creature suffering and dying in agony. I say most, because there are a growing number who will do the deed, just keep asking around (this forum would be a good place to start) until you find one.


RIP a true and brave friend.

I too don't understand this aversion to euthanasia by most Thai vets - I cannot believe that the Lord Budha would insist on any creature suffering and dying in agony. I say most, because there are a growing number who will do the deed, just keep asking around (this forum would be a good place to start) until you find one.

yes this is one thing i must do i will talk to my vet and post his reply.

It has been said that you shouldn't own a pet if you can't put them down when they need it! { I have 10 dogs...all good friends} If I had to, perhaps I could, I think it would haunt me forever! sad.pngwai.gif


sounds like the book: the art of racing in the rain..

read it once u get over a bit of your grief for your pup.... its exactly about that doggedness and us....




What a beautiful post, OP! So much love in there. :)

Condolences to you, and RIP sweet dog.


Thanks, everyone, and Neinke, she stayed, as did her son and daughter, with you in November of 2010, and you took great care of them for the week I was out of the country. If I were still in CM, I'd have come to you.

I sure do miss her.


RIP a true and brave friend.

I too don't understand this aversion to euthanasia by most Thai vets - I cannot believe that the Lord Budha would insist on any creature suffering and dying in agony. I say most, because there are a growing number who will do the deed, just keep asking around (this forum would be a good place to start) until you find one.

Many Thais believe that dogs and elephants are the only animals that a human spirit can inhabit on re-incarnation, hence their reluctance as for them "putting down" a dog would equate to putting down a person, which is still illegal in most countries.

If you can't do it for people, who can ask to be euthanised, why should you be able to do it for dogs who can't ask?

(not defending or attacking euthanisia for anyone or any animal, just asking!)


RIP a true and brave friend.

I too don't understand this aversion to euthanasia by most Thai vets - I cannot believe that the Lord Budha would insist on any creature suffering and dying in agony. I say most, because there are a growing number who will do the deed, just keep asking around (this forum would be a good place to start) until you find one.

Many Thais believe that dogs and elephants are the only animals that a human spirit can inhabit on re-incarnation, hence their reluctance as for them "putting down" a dog would equate to putting down a person, which is still illegal in most countries.

If you can't do it for people, who can ask to be euthanised, why should you be able to do it for dogs who can't ask?

(not defending or attacking euthanisia for anyone or any animal, just asking!)

I accept your point, however I hope my decisions for my pets will be based on what is best for them, not some nonsensical pseudo-religious mumbo jumbo. I'm lucky to have a vet who shares my beliefs.

By the way, I'm also a firm believer in the right of any human to choose to end his/her pain and sufering.


By the way, I'm also a firm believer in the right of any human to choose to end his/her pain and sufering.

I too - and I support mercy killing as well as assisted suicide, living wills, etc, but at the same time very few countries permit it and I don't think doctors (or vets) should be obliged to carry it out if it is against their personal or religious beliefs, whatever you may think of them. Remember that Thailand has only recognised living wills and allowed hospitals to withdraw life support since 2550 (unless you stopped paying the bills, of course!).


It has been said that you shouldn't own a pet if you can't put them down when they need it! { I have 10 dogs...all good friends} If I had to, perhaps I could, I think it would haunt me forever! sad.pngwai.gif

Whoever said that was talking nonsense - by the same reasoning you shouldn't eat meat unless you had slaughtered the animal, call the fire brigade to an inferno unless you were prepared to go in yourself, support a criminal going to prison unless you were prepared to be a prison guard, etc. If it had been said that you shouldn't own a pet if you can't take care of them that would have been valid advice.

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