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Remove The Democrats, Reds Told

Lite Beer

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Using language such as eradicate when talking about your political opponents is not a happy sign. True the Democrats did lose it in parliament but to say that they are destroying democracy is nonsense. PT have a majority and eventually will get there way, but to drag the country in this direction before hand is insane.

Insane? Really? Who would have known? Certainly not the reds. I would love to see the day the reds start taking matters into their own hands. There is a boundary not to be stepped here, and when that happens, all hell will break lose and the wealthy "amarts" will put their own little private armies and mercenaries to use.

In the end the middle-class and the poor, poor, "Prais" will lose out, and the Amarts will resume their lives a little easier having eradicated all the lemmings (and perhaps, their leader in Dubai).

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Democrats haven't won an election in 30 years. Maybe the Thai people's voice should be respected?????

I would point out a small factual error there, but it wouldn't fit the propaganda you are being fed, so probably little point in doing so.

No harm would have been done if you had pointed out the error.It would also have underlined that once the Democrats were a truly popular national party and not the current compromised and ineffective grouping they are now, dependent for success on the whims of military, courts and feudalists - not the judgement of the Thai people.However notwithstanding the error the poster's main point holds good - ie that for many years the Democrats have been unable to command the electoral support of the Thai people.That's not a matter of being fed propaganda, simply the unvarnished truth.

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"Come out and launch a political fight to eradicate the Democrat Party from the Thai political platform."

" Such behaviour is tantamount to destroying democracy and the Constitution,"

Fools. Could these people be any more stupid. There is only one blessing abut Thailand - they don't have nuclear weapons. SE Asia would have been obliterated from the map if they had over some personal grievance of one of these tools.

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Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn yesterday called on fellow red shirts to eradicate the Democrat Party.

When a group with a lengthy history of violence calls for the eradication of its opponents, this sort of provocative rhetoric from one of their leaders is rather chilling... and reminiscent of their early threats of violence and arson.

eradicate or exterminate?



yesterday I read in wikipedia, about the SA and several communist thug groups that were founded to protect democracy or the people. A lot speaches are 1:1 clones. Specially eradicate, exterminate the other party for democracy can be found several times.....

Would like to know where Dr. Weng got his guide book. China, Soviet, East Germany??

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Democrats haven't won an election in 30 years. Maybe the Thai people's voice should be respected?????

I would point out a small factual error there, but it wouldn't fit the propaganda you are being fed, so probably little point in doing so.

No harm would have been done if you had pointed out the error.It would also have underlined that once the Democrats were a truly popular national party and not the current compromised and ineffective grouping they are now, dependent for success on the whims of military, courts and feudalists - not the judgement of the Thai people.However notwithstanding the error the poster's main point holds good - ie that for many years the Democrats have been unable to command the electoral support of the Thai people.That's not a matter of being fed propaganda, simply the unvarnished truth.

The propaganda is this.

Many years - True.

30 years - Lie.

And you are quite right about no harm being done, because some refuse to read anything that may expose a lie being banded about by their lovable leaders.

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A mixture of violence, terror and political indoctrination is being foisted upon a group of people who have no idea of what the consequences of their actions might be.

That's exactly what a number of us was saying early 2006.

Ah. That makes it OK then.

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A mixture of violence, terror and political indoctrination is being foisted upon a group of people who have no idea of what the consequences of their actions might be.

That's exactly what a number of us was saying early 2006.

Ah. That makes it OK then.

Yes, Thaksin was doing just this back then.

PAD may have been the mirror image of clueless,

but at least they were opposing that corruption.

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Bunch of children.


... I suggest a fight after school ... behind a neutral exclusive golf clubhouse ... Thaksin v. Apisit ... no holds barred ... hand to hand ... razor blades, chains, knives, whatever ... a fight to the death ... winner take all ... televised, so all may relish in the real life blood for which Thais seem to hunger.

... the protracted pain these people are causing this nation is killing Thailand ... better to suffer the deeper, though shorter in duration, excruciating pain of an all out final battle to the finish.

... it is all too perverse ... a pathologically sick nation ... be done with it!

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Using language such as eradicate when talking about your political opponents is not a happy sign. True the Democrats did lose it in parliament but to say that they are destroying democracy is nonsense. PT have a majority and eventually will get there way, but to drag the country in this direction before hand is insane.

Insane? Really? Who would have known? Certainly not the reds. I would love to see the day the reds start taking matters into their own hands. There is a boundary not to be stepped here, and when that happens, all hell will break lose and the wealthy "amarts" will put their own little private armies and mercenaries to use.

In the end the middle-class and the poor, poor, "Prais" will lose out, and the Amarts will resume their lives a little easier having eradicated all the lemmings (and perhaps, their leader in Dubai).

I feel sorry for you.sad.png
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Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn yesterday called on fellow red shirts to eradicate the Democrat Party.

When a group with a lengthy history of violence calls for the eradication of its opponents, this sort of provocative rhetoric from one of their leaders is rather chilling... and reminiscent of their early threats of violence and arson.

eradicate or exterminate?



yesterday I read in wikipedia, about the SA and several communist thug groups that were founded to protect democracy or the people. A lot speaches are 1:1 clones. Specially eradicate, exterminate the other party for democracy can be found several times.....

Would like to know where Dr. Weng got his guide book. China, Soviet, East Germany??

I think from North Korea.bah.gif
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And here we see and hear the rhetoric of the Communist Party of China and also the same rhetoric as used by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, no doubt part of Wengs master plan will be the introduction of, 'Labour Camps,' so as those who do not follow his twisted agenda can be re-educated or exterminated..

There is a slippery slope and if the people of this country are not careful they will slide down that slope into a civil and political war scenario.

Weng peddles hate, nothing more nothing less, the eradication of an opposition movement is his desire and his road to indoctrination will be paved with the carcasses of his opponents, power at any price.

Everyone becomes a class enemy as per the rule book of the Communist Party led by Mao Tse Tung.in China and Pol Pot in Cambodia Family members pitted against each other at Wengs behest,.Indeed the, 'Killing Fields,' will yet again burst into bloom with their evil crop and its legacy if Weng has his way.

A mixture of violence, terror and political indoctrination is being foisted upon a group of people who have no idea of what the consequences of their actions might be. Inded Weng is an evil creature.

Weng fears as do his paymasters and his acolytes the traditional values and opposition by the population at large to their communist arrogance.Indeed the actions signify the resort as a last desperate tactic of frantic persecution of those with different ideals to Weng and his accomplices and their blind hatred and arrogance.

Soon we will see an extension of the reactions as the assorted Red Shirt factions and the P.T.P. start to treat each other as both class and political enemies.Such a reaction would indeed be beneficial as the pack will turn on its self and the feeding frenzy will destroy that pack, whatever remnants as may be left will vanish into obscurity.

The hatred that Weng espouses will come full circle and destroy him we can only but hope that that road to self destruction is a short straight one with no obstacles and twists and turns to extend the possibility of civil unrest.

I, like many others no doubt will await the comments from the puppet master in Dubai who is currently questioning the performance of some of the coalition members of this current maladministration and of course the comments of the P.T.P. regarding their stance on Wengs rhetoric.

Like yourself I have often wondered about the true agenda of Weng and his cohorts and I think it is no accident of identification they have called themselves "The Red Shirts". I also enjoyed your "penmanship" , but did feel it was a little bit over the top; perhaps that is the style of your journalism. I am sure you remember that several years ago, Thailand suppressed a Communist uprising and I think will be more than a little vigilant against a resurrection of the Communist Party, in what ever form they initially manifest themselves. Whilst most are preoccupied with the visible jousting of PTP and the Democrats, I believe there are many more power brokers at play, who are far more subtle and powerful than the two somewhat immature political parties. Exciting times ahead me thinks!

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Using language such as eradicate when talking about your political opponents is not a happy

sign. True the Democrats did lose it in parliament but to say that they are destroying democracy is nonsense. PT have a majority and eventually will get there way, but to drag the country in this direction before hand is insane.

Insane? Really? Who would have known? Certainly not the reds. I would love to see the day the reds start taking matters into their own hands. There is a boundary not to be stepped here, and when that happens, all hell will

break lose and the wealthy "amarts" will put their own little private armies and mercenaries to use.

In the end the middle-class and the poor, poor, "Prais" will lose out, and the Amarts will resume their lives a little easier having eradicated all the lemmings (and perhaps, their leader in Dubai).

Yep, that just about covers my definition of insane.

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Anyone, whether Thai or foreigner, who supports anything to do with Thaksin and his party/thugs/goons/henchmen/mercenaries, has the mentality of a watermelon and a heart of stone. This country will never prosper as long as "someone" is bankrolling these uneducated terrorists who do only what suits them, (and makes the lazy turds money) nothing for the good of the country.

And is there an alternative? No.

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Anyone, whether Thai or foreigner, who supports anything to do with Thaksin and his party/thugs/goons/henchmen/mercenaries, has the mentality of a watermelon and a heart of stone. This country will never prosper as long as "someone" is bankrolling these uneducated terrorists who do only what suits them, (and makes the lazy turds money) nothing for the good of the country.

And is there an alternative? No.

Offcourse there is an alternative. A proper functioning government doing things in the countries interest rather than family interest (shinwatra)

that government could be a democrat government if unhindered with the likes of Barnharn and Newin. ( also suthep and kasit are fools as well)

never going to happen because the main Thai electorit expect things to happen over night.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn yesterday called on fellow red shirts to eradicate the Democrat Party.

When a group with a lengthy history of violence calls for the eradication of its opponents, this sort of provocative rhetoric from one of their leaders is rather chilling... and reminiscent of their early threats of violence and arson.

eradicate or exterminate?



yesterday I read in wikipedia, about the SA and several communist thug groups that were founded to protect democracy or the people. A lot speaches are 1:1 clones. Specially eradicate, exterminate the other party for democracy can be found several times.....

Would like to know where Dr. Weng got his guide book. China, Soviet, East Germany??

I think from North Korea.bah.gif

North Korea has a oppositon party. It isn't a one party system.

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Bunch of children.


... I suggest a fight after school ... behind a neutral exclusive golf clubhouse ... Thaksin v. Apisit ... no holds barred ... hand to hand ... razor blades, chains, knives, whatever ... a fight to the death ... winner take all ... televised, so all may relish in the real life blood for which Thais seem to hunger.

... the protracted pain these people are causing this nation is killing Thailand ... better to suffer the deeper, though shorter in duration, excruciating pain of an all out final battle to the finish.

... it is all too perverse ... a pathologically sick nation ... be done with it!

Wouldn't it actually be more enjoyable to see a one on one discussion between Abhisit Vejjajiva and Thaksin Shinawatra in a studio or hotel environment.


a "Hard Talk" kind of discussion with both of them present with a strong moderator who is unafraid to ask difficult questions.

I for one would pay money to see that because frankly I think Abhisit would take on Thaksin, chew him to pieces and spit him out.bah.gif

IMHO of course.

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A mixture of violence, terror and political indoctrination is being foisted upon a group of people who have no idea of what the consequences of their actions might be.

That's exactly what a number of us was saying early 2006.

But today is 2012, and unless you own a Time-Machine you aren't going to see 2006 again anytime soon.

Why not look at events today instead, the PTP government in power today, their bills to overturn supreme-court rulings, their refusal to engage in debate on all their policymaking, their refusal to discuss matters without scripting, telling opposition MPs to go hang themselves, and the PTP handing out home-addresses of dissidents to angry mobs. These are the events of 2012, and this is the despotic government we are all living under today.


Despotic ? And how you call a junta that forces a new constitution upon the voters as a pre condition for a return to democracy ?

Sorry, again not off topic, just a bit of background for the present events.

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A mixture of violence, terror and political indoctrination is being foisted upon a group of people who have no idea of what the consequences of their actions might be.

That's exactly what a number of us was saying early 2006.

But today is 2012, and unless you own a Time-Machine you aren't going to see 2006 again anytime soon.

Why not look at events today instead, the PTP government in power today, their bills to overturn supreme-court rulings, their refusal to engage in debate on all their policymaking, their refusal to discuss matters without scripting, telling opposition MPs to go hang themselves, and the PTP handing out home-addresses of dissidents to angry mobs. These are the events of 2012, and this is the despotic government we are all living under today.


Despotic ? And how you call a junta that forces a new constitution upon the voters as a pre condition for a return to democracy ?

Sorry, again not off topic, just a bit of background for the present events.

Please inform us the changes to the previous constitution that you find objectionable. IMHO there are none except the coup amnesty clause, and the only objection is to the proposers rather than the document itself.

Which makes the argument that the proposers were bad because of the document circular, invalid and weaker than fizzy drink.

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Bunch of children.


... I suggest a fight after school ... behind a neutral exclusive golf clubhouse ... Thaksin v. Apisit ... no holds barred ... hand to hand ... razor blades, chains, knives, whatever ... a fight to the death ... winner take all ... televised, so all may relish in the real life blood for which Thais seem to hunger.

... the protracted pain these people are causing this nation is killing Thailand ... better to suffer the deeper, though shorter in duration, excruciating pain of an all out final battle to the finish.

... it is all too perverse ... a pathologically sick nation ... be done with it!

Wouldn't it actually be more enjoyable to see a one on one discussion between Abhisit Vejjajiva and Thaksin Shinawatra in a studio or hotel environment.


a "Hard Talk" kind of discussion with both of them present with a strong moderator who is unafraid to ask difficult questions.

I for one would pay money to see that because frankly I think Abhisit would take on Thaksin, chew him to pieces and spit him out.bah.gif

IMHO of course.

To make it more fun lets throw in the PM as well.cheesy.gif
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North Korea has a oppositon party. It isn't a one party system.

"North Korea is a single-party state under a united front led by the Korean Workers' Party (KWP)" -wiki

Sorry mate you and wiki are wrong "The two minor parties in the coalition are the Chondoist Chongu Party and the Korean Social Democratic Party; they also have a few elected officials."


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A mixture of violence, terror and political indoctrination is being foisted upon a group of people who have no idea of what the consequences of their actions might be.

That's exactly what a number of us was saying early 2006.

But today is 2012, and unless you own a Time-Machine you aren't going to see 2006 again anytime soon.

Why not look at events today instead, the PTP government in power today, their bills to overturn supreme-court rulings, their refusal to engage in debate on all their policymaking, their refusal to discuss matters without scripting, telling opposition MPs to go hang themselves, and the PTP handing out home-addresses of dissidents to angry mobs. These are the events of 2012, and this is the despotic government we are all living under today.


Despotic ? And how you call a junta that forces a new constitution upon the voters as a pre condition for a return to democracy ?

Sorry, again not off topic, just a bit of background for the present events.

It's all relative Jurgen.

In this case it was preceded by something much worse.

The Allied Forces overcame Hitler and installed a government to return Germany to normal.

Same kind of thing really

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North Korea has a oppositon party. It isn't a one party system.

North Korea is a single party Country run by the Kim family for 3 generations.

A total nightmare if Thailand is to be run by the Shinawatra family for 3 generations. sad.png

It is neither a single party country, nor has it a constitution that tells so.....

Still one family runs it....must be Thaksins dream.

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Bunch of children.


... I suggest a fight after school ... behind a neutral exclusive golf clubhouse ... Thaksin v. Apisit ... no holds barred ... hand to hand ... razor blades, chains, knives, whatever ... a fight to the death ... winner take all ... televised, so all may relish in the real life blood for which Thais seem to hunger.

... the protracted pain these people are causing this nation is killing Thailand ... better to suffer the deeper, though shorter in duration, excruciating pain of an all out final battle to the finish.

... it is all too perverse ... a pathologically sick nation ... be done with it!

Wouldn't it actually be more enjoyable to see a one on one discussion between Abhisit Vejjajiva and Thaksin Shinawatra in a studio or hotel environment.


a "Hard Talk" kind of discussion with both of them present with a strong moderator who is unafraid to ask difficult questions.

I for one would pay money to see that because frankly I think Abhisit would take on Thaksin, chew him to pieces and spit him out.bah.gif

IMHO of course.

To make it more fun lets throw in the PM as well.cheesy.gif

And do it in English

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