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PM Yingluck Confident Tourism Income Will Reach Bt2 Trillion Within 5 Years


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It would go a L O N G way to improving tourism if they would actually do something about all the corruption and scams that tourists face EVERY day. The blatant corruption and scams tend to leave a very bitter taste in the mouths of most tourists. And guess what... when those tourists go home they bad mouth Thailand. And now that most everyone has the internet, those scams and corrupt practices do not remain hidden any longer.

If Burma is actually able to rise out of the ashes, then Burma is going to represent a very real threat to the future economic development (manufacturing as well as tourism) of Thailand.

Time to take the blinders off. Reap what you sow Thailand.

Sorry, but have to disagree. Thailand is still one of the most popular and value for money holiday resorts and the key to it lies in the last phrase. Tourism is increasing rapidly here and mainly from non-Europeans who are fighting their financial issues at home. Secondly, if you think Burma is going to be less corrupt than Thailand, you clearly are reading reports, other than are being published. Burmese Government is predominantly military and it will be a hard battle to wrestle the reigns of power from them, who are unbelievably corrupt. You need to listen to some of Aung San Sue's speeches to become more informed. Burma has a long, long way to go, albeit it is all currently very new and exciting. But their emergence from Military Rule needs to be looked at without the rose tinted glasses. I am sure that Burma will go through a very similar development process as Thailand has done, which will take time.

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Nisa, anryparent is correct--lets have the honest please. You googleing on all matters is boring, Yes get out more, forget google, I look up selections of info, and find some interesting, BUT DO NOT HAVE to print them out as gospel. 1% is ridiculouse and 90 % of people here know that is not true to fact. OUT OF WORK, NO RECORDED INCOME, NOT REGISTERED. Why not vary your ideas with field trips, move out of BKK and go and live in rural areas, what your telling me is I have no Idea--but have lived here to tell you of my experience, true to everyday life and people, NOT GOOGLE. (it has it's uses, but I will never use it as a bible the same as you do)

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I am sure that following last year's floods and this year's political rallies in Bangkok, the Bird Flu pandemic in Korat and the effects of eating food in Phi Phi that not only will tourism increase by much more than 3,000%

The Ministry of Information (Statistics) will see to that.

Miracle Thailand. People are simply dying to be here!

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Nisa, anryparent is correct--lets have the honest please. You googleing on all matters is boring, Yes get out more, forget google, I look up selections of info, and find some interesting, BUT DO NOT HAVE to print them out as gospel. 1% is ridiculouse and 90 % of people here know that is not true to fact. OUT OF WORK, NO RECORDED INCOME, NOT REGISTERED. Why not vary your ideas with field trips, move out of BKK and go and live in rural areas, what your telling me is I have no Idea--but have lived here to tell you of my experience, true to everyday life and people, NOT GOOGLE. (it has it's uses, but I will never use it as a bible the same as you do)

I think you will find researching a topic educates while being stubborn of one own views breads ignorance. A research tool such as Google is as good as the person doing the research. It can bring you to facts that are sourced and confirmed as being accepted by people who actually are in the known and responsible for using those facts. However it can also bring you to rants by unhappy people on forums and blogs who only choose to believe what their own minds want to believe even though they have absolutely no experience or first hand knowledge of a topic beyond what they want to see in their own tiny world and who don't even comprehend what a simple thing like like "unemployment figures" mean or how they are derived regardless of being told numerous times and having such information readily available at their finger tips. And these same people when confronted with data, such as tourist figures, that have so many ways to be verified by so many various government groups, international agencies and foreign companies and governments, simply say those figures are all lies because when I look out my window I want to believe that is the entire world and for various other reasons simply just don't want to believe anything good about a topic regardless if it flies in the face of all reasonable logic.

So again, research tools and facts are just not helpful to some people while incredibly helpful to others.

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Nisa, what a load of codswallop to explain your addiction to stats, and as usual too legnthy to be interesting read, full of blarney. All you need to say is you love googling and splashing the stats at near every thread.

I never said that searching for figures was wrong, I search if I want clarification on CERTAIN things, but I do not believe the actual people unemployed in Thailand (say 18-65 year group) approx, that only 1 in 100 are out of work, to me that's 1%.

Because I am not a stats freak doesn't make me ignorant, life is more important than that. I am more neutral than you on my observations here in this lovely country, but I do not go over the top to defend it if something is wrong. Simply accept others are not going to agree always with your Thai defence lawyer stance. When I said get out more I meant it. If you truly believe the Yingluck prediction on this thread is reality, well good for you.

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Nisa, what a load of codswallop to explain your addiction to stats, and as usual too legnthy to be interesting read, full of blarney. All you need to say is you love googling and splashing the stats at near every thread.

I never said that searching for figures was wrong, I search if I want clarification on CERTAIN things, but I do not believe the actual people unemployed in Thailand (say 18-65 year group) approx, that only 1 in 100 are out of work, to me that's 1%.

Because I am not a stats freak doesn't make me ignorant, life is more important than that. I am more neutral than you on my observations here in this lovely country, but I do not go over the top to defend it if something is wrong. Simply accept others are not going to agree always with your Thai defence lawyer stance. When I said get out more I meant it. If you truly believe the Yingluck prediction on this thread is reality, well good for you.

Nobody said the actual number of people unemployed in Thailand is 1%. For the 3rd or 4th time I will recommend you read what unemployment figures represent and why they are provided. Nothing really more to say here accept researching and understanding a topic does help one become informed and prevents arguing over silly things they don't even understand the basics of. But I guess again I will clarify, Thailand has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world and you can argue this all you want but it is not something anybody in the know around the globe will argue.

Can we get back on topic now?

Again, you seem to lack a grasp of comprehension because I never once said I thought her predictions would be right. However, given inflation, increases in tourism and visitors, factoring in domestic tourism .... you are looking at almost doubling current tourist income in the next 5 years. Is this plausible considering this fact, I don't know and have made that clear. So, not really sure why you would even suspect I said differently, is as baffling to me as most of your comments when reality is just a few key strokes away or scroll up the page.

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NISA, "Can we get back on topic" you said, it was you that threw the silly unemployment rate at me was it not???? You again HAVE to defend anything that does not give Thailand a good impression, and have this crazy notion that most posters are not as informed as you, or they are not grasped a situation.

The Yingluck prediction is really far fetched, but naturally you have to believe. I would love to believe all TATs figures, all polls conducted re-Bkk-Swampy-Tourist figures, that portray Thailand as a top destination, in most things it does but I live in a real world. There are real problems here to Iron out and speak about thats why we have the forum, especially now. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have you comment on the wrongs politically. Sorry but you do not come over as being fair minded.

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NISA, "Can we get back on topic" you said, it was you that threw the silly unemployment rate at me was it not????

No Jing it was not. It was a comment directed at (and quoting) somebody else who said they couldn't find English speaking staff for their restaurant that seemed geared towards tourist. You then posted to me about your complete utter misunderstandings of what unemployment figures represent.

Is it impossible for you to even the most basic research of the facts before posting?

But this is really becoming a distraction and not fair to others posting here and as usual I will let you know, I'll not be responding to your claims in this thread anymore.

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NISA, "Can we get back on topic" you said, it was you that threw the silly unemployment rate at me was it not????

No Jing it was not.


Is it impossible for you to even the most basic research of the facts before posting?

>snipperty snip<

Get his name right at least.

Nisa, do you ever leave the house?

On my daily forages in to my local town I see collectives of youths that have never done a days work in their lives and from their actions they are never likely to in the near future, heaven help them when mama and papa pass away and the land that they are unwilling to work on gets divided between them.

I use google for facts, some of which are without substance, for reality I use my eyes.

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To be honest I haven't read a single post on this topic.

My question is " is she aware of the shit going down in the major tourist destinations of toyland "

For example, Hells Kitchen commonly known as Phi Phi Island, which for obvious reasons to those who know why, is now being referred to as, " A remote Andaman Sea Island Paradise, " and that's only one location with endemic problems.

It's over to the spin doctors. Masters of smoke and mirrors misinformation.

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I'm afraid I have bad news for the tourism industry regarding Asean tourists.

Numbers will surely fall heavily in the coming months, except for water sports enthusiasts.

The reason is at a recent Asean meeting Yingluk intended to promote Thailand as a holiday destination, she was supposed to say:

, 'Thailand has a lot of fruit'

Sadly she misread or confused the word and instead said:

' Thailand has a lot of flood'

Please stick to Thai Ms Yingluk and employ interpreters for the nation's sake!

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Nisa #69. I have said it 1 time and I'll repeat it to you again. if I want something a little out of my depth-OR a subject I know sod all about, I will seek internet advice. I do not know half of life and I'm 70 but I am old enough to have a fair knowledge of sound basics, and therefore off the cuff answers are usually not far away from the truth (I hope) and being here 31 years and you trying to tell me via stats that few in Thailand are not working. Sorry do get out more and throw half the stats away-the other half keep. You get so persistant if posters do not believe your thinking. Otherwise enjoy posting. The thread is about if you actually believe Yinglucks forward thinking is really possible or if it is the usual sort of TAT statement.

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Nisa with respect the Thai unemployment rate is standing at less than 1 % Ho Ho--he he. You can search for what figures you like, if you dug this out of some google-or similar-fine but it gives you what was imputted. if the imput figures were missguided you get a ridiculous find. Look at the picture, eastern tourist figures are up--but western down, all the employees that served western customers are back on the farm --NOT signing on the register for unemployed, all the school leavers not found work are not registered they are at home--the uni lads and lasses-big percentage have got diploma's but at home, mothers that are at home, not signed on--fathers that do not sign on unemployment, in between rice harvests, does this make sense -or have I got it all wrong. To add eastern arrivals tend to be in groups, and large chain hotels, the lower hotel/ guest houses and eating places are where the young are getting there marching orders. only 1 in a hundred out of work --OH please.

As usual, more ranting to do with a figure(s) accepted globally and your disbelief of them and all stats and figures along with Google searches that don't fit what you want to believe. But the bottom line is unemployment is one of the lowest in the world and Tourism is up and has been trending up for a very long time. And by the way, unemployment numbers are not derived from any benefits anyone gets be it here or most countries (try using Google, it can be your friend) .... benefits folks receive is a different stat all together.

Whether or not the PM's predictions are accurate of near doubling tourism (domestic & international) revenue in the next 5-years ... that too is a different thing. But consider just International arrivals were up 20% last year. But why mention this since you believe some conspiracy exists with the airlines, TAT, border agents, immigration, airports and foreign governments to inflate these figures that are accepted globally by those who rely on these figures.

I think you will find that all such unemployment figures for Thailand come FROM Thailand - even the CIA factbook and wikipedia rely of Thai government figures. Thus there is a HUGE margin for between reality and Thai fiction.

Also, you will see that there is small print in such external regurgitation of the Thai data that uses the word 'underemployment'. Here is a great article about such in ASEAN (at the end).

Following this, REAL unemployment could be around 20-50% or higher in Thailand. as various factors are NOT considered when the 1% figure is given e.g. youth unmeployment as well as those who "help family for 1 hour a week" (who are classified as employed in Thailand but would not be in the real world), housewives, people older than the lower retirement age outside Thailand, etc.

Here are 2 academic articles that should be readable by all who have not had their brains sucked out by either being educated here or by being nationalistic.



**Off topic rant removed**

Anyway, back to the topic ... feel free to doubt the tourist numbers, arrivals, revenue and percent of GDP of tourism.

Nisa there are so many factors which could contribute to a sudden drop off in tourism numbers in Thailand. We have an ever-increasing risk of war in the Middle East, and ever-increasing risk of a total collapse of the euro, a bumpy economic ride in USA to say the least plus a very aggressive push by Thailand's neighbours to win a greater share of the tourism pie which now includes a very interesting and intriguing Myanmar. In Thailand we have a spate of mysterious deaths including those in Chiang Mai and the more recent ones in Phi Phi plus the most recent stabbing of an Australian tourist in Phuket.

The tourism game in Thailand has changed permanently -but let's face it they had a good run

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It would go a L O N G way to improving tourism if they would actually do something about all the corruption and scams that tourists face EVERY day. The blatant corruption and scams tend to leave a very bitter taste in the mouths of most tourists. And guess what... when those tourists go home they bad mouth Thailand. And now that most everyone has the internet, those scams and corrupt practices do not remain hidden any longer.

If Burma is actually able to rise out of the ashes, then Burma is going to represent a very real threat to the future economic development (manufacturing as well as tourism) of Thailand.

Time to take the blinders off. Reap what you sow Thailand.

Well atleast Yingluck is FOCUSING on ECO TOURISM! THat is one positive move that needs to be appreciated with a cheeeeeeeer!

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I for one will be spending my tourist dollars elsewhere in the future. My last trip was to Vietnam and that showed me how expensive Thailand really is compared to its neighbouring countries.

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It would go a L O N G way to improving tourism if they would actually do something about all the corruption and scams that tourists face EVERY day. The blatant corruption and scams tend to leave a very bitter taste in the mouths of most tourists. And guess what... when those tourists go home they bad mouth Thailand. And now that most everyone has the internet, those scams and corrupt practices do not remain hidden any longer.

If Burma is actually able to rise out of the ashes, then Burma is going to represent a very real threat to the future economic development (manufacturing as well as tourism) of Thailand.

Time to take the blinders off. Reap what you sow Thailand.

Well atleast Yingluck is FOCUSING on ECO TOURISM! THat is one positive move that needs to be appreciated with a cheeeeeeeer!

Actually, that's eco for ecological, not just economic.... It assumes some areas have been conserved that would attract this type of traveler. It does not mean converting what natural areas remain into more polluted, overcrowded, overdeveloped, despoiled tourist traps.

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I for one will be spending my tourist dollars elsewhere in the future. My last trip was to Vietnam and that showed me how expensive Thailand really is compared to its neighbouring countries.

that sounds interesting waza. it's been a couple of years since I was last in Vietnam.

how does the cost of accommodation there these days compare to Thailand?

and another thing that's nice about neighbouring countries is they don't alienate you

anywhere near the amount that the Thai's do in terms of " farang " this and

" farang " that bah.gif in places like Cambodia and Vietnam they make you feel really welcome

and don't constantly remind you that you are a foreigner.

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For comparision we stayed in a 5 star resort in Jontiem Noi, it had a private beach too dirty to swim at but our jungle cottage had a private pool. It cost 8000baht per night and beers were 150baht from the minibar.

We then moved to Nha Trang where we stayed in another 5 star resort that had a pristine private beach in a spaious room with ocean view with the sunrise to wake us each morning, It cost 6000 baht per night but included a buffet for all meals, free transport, free entry into the waterpark, amusement park dophin show, aquarium, cinema ect ect. Best of all the beers were 45baht from the minibar and they had a 24 hour child minding room.

We also stayed in a 5 star beach front hotel in Vietnam for 1000baht per night for a suite

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Myanmar /Burma has one of the worlds longest, unspoiled coastlines ideal for tourist development. It has the potential of several hundred Phukets.

Thailands eastern seabord is a largely polluted mess, dependent on sex tourism and associated entertainment or weekend escapes from Bangkok. Ko Chang is too far from Bangkok to be a viable short break from Bangkok and it's murky shallow seas are hardly the stuff of dreams, except to mostly low rent backpacker types.

Thailand can carve it's niche as the worlds brothel and entertainment circus for busloads of Chinese. Indeed one establishment in Pattaya now offers coach parties industrial scale sex show entertainment. It's a future that Burma can easily avoid by sheer dint of it's pristine beaches and relatively intact culture.

The history and mistakes of Thai mass tourism is a lesson they will no doubt be studying with great interest.

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In the 6 months left of 2012 there may be a rise in tourist numbers due to the Chinese and Russians. However, with dead tourist all over the western press. Political protests and floods just around the corner. Contagion spreading like a cancer throughout the European finacial system. While the US further dilutes its currency with quantative easing 3. And the Thai government is fractured, leaderless and incompetent, it will be a big ask.

Although one could argue that income from tourism may already exceeds 2 trillion baht if you included all black money generated and certainly does if you include the income generated through the ex-pat community.

However, I believe Thai tourism has peaked and will enter a slow decay unless the Thai government radically overhall the whole industry and cleans it up through regulation and policing.

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maybe if they stop ripping off and murdering tourists...

A bit harsh... These are not Thailand only characteristics.

Characteristics of very very very few Thais.

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  • 3 weeks later...

TAT unveils 2013 tourism plan

BANGKOK, 16 July 2012 (NNT) – Tourism Authority of Thailand(TAT) has unveiled its country’s tourism plan for 2013 by promoting “Amazing Thailand : Always Amazes You” campaign.

TAT Governer Surapol Svetasreni, along with his officials, has unveiled the agency's tourism plan for 2013. It will be focused on the Thai style and Thai tradition to make travelling outstanding and unique compared to its competitors' through 2 campaigns:

“Amazing Thailand : Always Amazes You” and “Travel with Heart for Thailand’s prosperity”, and at the same time enhance all qualities regarding tourism industry to attract more foreign visitors.

In terms of marketing plan, the TAT has been doing its best trying to increase tourism revenues to 2 trillion baht by the year 2015.

At present Thailand has gained 966 billion baht from foreign tourism market and 453 billion from local tourists, which has increased by 13 percent and 6 percent respectively.

In addition to the TAT’s plan, 4 strategies have been taken into account:

1.) add uniqueness toThai brands

2.) expand tourism market in terms of quality

3.) attract more group visitors

4.) support online marketing


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TAT unveils 2013 tourism plan

BANGKOK, 16 July 2012 (NNT) Tourism Authority of Thailand(TAT) has unveiled its countrys tourism plan for 2013 by promoting Amazing Thailand : Always Amazes You campaign.

TAT Governer Surapol Svetasreni, along with his officials, has unveiled the agency's tourism plan for 2013. It will be focused on the Thai style and Thai tradition to make travelling outstanding and unique compared to its competitors' through 2 campaigns:

Amazing Thailand : Always Amazes You and Travel with Heart for Thailands prosperity, and at the same time enhance all qualities regarding tourism industry to attract more foreign visitors.

In terms of marketing plan, the TAT has been doing its best trying to increase tourism revenues to 2 trillion baht by the year 2015.

At present Thailand has gained 966 billion baht from foreign tourism market and 453 billion from local tourists, which has increased by 13 percent and 6 percent respectively.

In addition to the TATs plan, 4 strategies have been taken into account:

1.) add uniqueness toThai brands

2.) expand tourism market in terms of quality

3.) attract more group visitors

4.) support online marketing


Is that what you call canonisation?

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