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Scot Left Stranded On Phi Phi Island After Her Canadian Friends ‘Poisoned’


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It says the Scot is a teaching assistant. Is that back home or on Phi Phi as mentions she's a 'promoter'. I have seen this 'promoters' before and do they even give them money, I am sure they just get free drinks and maybe a room, if they're lucky.

Is this the biggest non-story ever on the back of a serious story (Canadians)? She's hardly stranded. She's been doing her thing and wants to move on but can't until she pays. This will be resolved in a matter of days when he Dad sends the money ... problem solved.

I am not getting the stranded aspect of this coming across too strongly here. Just a big deal cause cause she's actually met those Canadians then?

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Can only mirror what other posters have said. The only people with the authority to take your passport are the police and immigration. The whole motorbike scam works on the principle that once they have your passport, the operators know you must pay their 'repair fee' to get it back and you have little other option.

Simple lesson - don't give up your passport to anyone

that's all very well for you to say that but you hand over your passport

everytime you register in a hotel to be photocopied? Maybe the hospital gave her the impression

they were just going to take a photocopy like they do in hotels.

If the poor girl wasn't feeling well there wouldn't have been much she could do

physically if they said they would keep its secure for her?

Totally agree, I don't know how bad she felt, but when I had food poisoning, I wouldn't have been

in the mood to have the hospital staff give me a signed contract, garuanteeing return of my passport.

Not sure, but I don't believe the hospital has the right to keep her passport, my advice to the girl

is to go down to the police station and file a theft complaint.

I actually would be very careful when filing a theft report. This can be construed as fraud if it is not a genuine theft!

No one other than Immigration or a bone fide Police official can remove your passport from your person, other than that photocopies will have to surfice.

You might want to ask someone about practical Thai law, there is a difference between enforced laws here, and not enforced laws.

One you are incorrect, under Thai law you need to have intent to commit fraud, and that was straight out of the mouth of a personal friend who is a judge, and two even if there was a law on the books that gave you grounds for accusing someone of fraud for holding your property, it wouldn't be enforcable laws at the current time.

And you backed up my point in the end anyways, hospital staff are not police or immigration officials, and so they have no

right to hold your passport.

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I haven't read every post but this woman is a key person in this investigation. So she is actually hired to bring tourists to bars. She meets up with the Canadians, takes them to a bar and they all end up sick. Strikes me they all took something illegal. She ends up in hospital and the other two die. I would be keeping her passport for a while longer. Which bar did she take them too? What did they take at the bar? Was this girl selling drugs as part of her job?

This woman should be in custody. She should be tested for drug use immediately. Get her hospital records immediately.

I think you must have been in her company!! you need seriously testing for drugs with the latest conspiracy theory! Hysterical nonsense!

And your reasons would be?? This is glaring. Dehydration hmm let me think -why do all the youngsters walk around with bottles of water at raves- Oh that would be to avoid severe dehydration from drug use. How can something be a conspiracy when the facts are staring you in the face. This woman has a story to tell. Are you a bar owner on Phi Phi?

Where did you get this vast array of knowledge regarding the drug culture. Sorry to say, but you sound like a bitter beer faced grand pa who lulls in the Thai sunshine complaining about the sad state of the world without a very solid understanding of the youth today.

Raves generally involve X (MDMA). Perhaps understanding MDMA is necessary to make such comments. Cold water is more of a sensation issue than anything. Kids also walk drink OJ, grapefruit and etc., to potentiate.

One can drink loads of alcohol while taking MDMA and won't suffer any dehydrations problems. God knows I have been there and done that when a kid. I cannot think of any drugs that cause severe dehydration issues. Having cotton mouth or a hangover is not true dehydration on a cellular level.

Dehydration usually results from fever, throwing up and inability to keep anything down. Haha, you sound like the old commercial, this is your brain and this is your brain on drugs as they put two eggs in a frying pan.

If these girls were regurgitating their stomach contents, I doubt they could keep an ibuprofen down and they could perhaps taken the entire bottle of ibuprofen without any real ill effects. It may upset the stomach, but it will move somewhat rapidly through the stomach into the GI tract.

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I haven't read every post but this woman is a key person in this investigation. So she is actually hired to bring tourists to bars. She meets up with the Canadians, takes them to a bar and they all end up sick. Strikes me they all took something illegal. She ends up in hospital and the other two die. I would be keeping her passport for a while longer. Which bar did she take them too? What did they take at the bar? Was this girl selling drugs as part of her job?

This woman should be in custody. She should be tested for drug use immediately. Get her hospital records immediately.

I think you must have been in her company!! you need seriously testing for drugs with the latest conspiracy theory! Hysterical nonsense!

And your reasons would be?? This is glaring. Dehydration hmm let me think -why do all the youngsters walk around with bottles of water at raves- Oh that would be to avoid severe dehydration from drug use. How can something be a conspiracy when the facts are staring you in the face. This woman has a story to tell. Are you a bar owner on Phi Phi?

Where did you get this vast array of knowledge regarding the drug culture. Sorry to say, but you sound like a bitter beer faced grand pa who lulls in the Thai sunshine complaining about the sad state of the world without a very solid understanding of the youth today.

Raves generally involve X (MDMA). Perhaps understanding MDMA is necessary to make such comments. Cold water is more of a sensation issue than anything. Kids also walk drink OJ, grapefruit and etc., to potentiate.

One can drink loads of alcohol while taking MDMA and won't suffer any dehydrations problems. God knows I have been there and done that when a kid. I cannot think of any drugs that cause severe dehydration issues. Having cotton mouth or a hangover is not true dehydration on a cellular level.

Dehydration usually results from fever, throwing up and inability to keep anything down. Haha, you sound like the old commercial, this is your brain and this is your brain on drugs as they put two eggs in a frying pan.

If these girls were regurgitating their stomach contents, I doubt they could keep an ibuprofen down and they could perhaps taken the entire bottle of ibuprofen without any real ill effects. It may upset the stomach, but it will move somewhat rapidly through the stomach into the GI tract.

So dehydration cannot be a result of dancing and drinking buckets all night and popping some pills. Added to that - throwing up due to whatever. So she got herself to hospital for food poisoning - Ok if you say so.

Let's remember, the Canadians had just arrived. This was their first night out and Kay said she was partying with them. Does that not make her significant in this story? She may well have been the last person to see them alive. And on top of that she gets sick as well. OK my imagination.

I remember the Italian guy who jumped off the bridge and severed his head in committing suicide-400 posts in TV of mafia involvement, satanic rituals etc and I said he jumped off the bridge, the rope severed his head and he probably put the plastic bag over his head before he jumped. Guess what.

Anyway we will know in a couple of weeks. And just so you are aware ibuprofen and large quantities of alcohol will cause stomach bleeding and vomiting -that you can read about anywhere.

Oh and just in case anyone is interested, Kay worked for Velvet Dojo. And I was wrong about the marijuana tattoo on her waist it is actually just a flower if you look at a bigger picture. My bad.

Edited by Hellhound66
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confiscated passport???

only immigration or police can do that,except in thailand of coarse.whistling.gif

That was my thoughts exactly.. The hospitals or medical staff have no authority to confiscate passports.

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Well the young girl was obviously not at the front of the queue when they handed the brains out. The length of duration of medical cover would not have been in the 'small print', but I doubt she even read the big print. She has been more than a bit silly admitting to working out here.

You do not have to surrender your passport to ANYBODY! FACT! The passport is not yours to give, it belongs (in this case) to the British Government and must not be given to anyone unless it is an authorised member of the British Government who may request (demand) it's return.

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Therefore, from what I am reading I never would travel to Thailand again and will lobby all countries to post warnings about travel to Thailand. Sorry, but that's what it has come to.

Sorry, but do you honestly believe that your own personal boycott will make the slightest bit of difference?

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Therefore, from what I am reading I never would travel to Thailand again and will lobby all countries to post warnings about travel to Thailand. Sorry, but that's what it has come to.

Sorry, but do you honestly believe that your own personal boycott will make the slightest bit of difference?

Well I boycotted buying French a long time ago (that long ago, I can't even remember why :D ) and it made a huge difference! I discovered new world wines!

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I think you must have been in her company!! you need seriously testing for drugs with the latest conspiracy theory! Hysterical nonsense!

And your reasons would be?? This is glaring. Dehydration hmm let me think -why do all the youngsters walk around with bottles of water at raves- Oh that would be to avoid severe dehydration from drug use. How can something be a conspiracy when the facts are staring you in the face. This woman has a story to tell. Are you a bar owner on Phi Phi?

Where did you get this vast array of knowledge regarding the drug culture. Sorry to say, but you sound like a bitter beer faced grand pa who lulls in the Thai sunshine complaining about the sad state of the world without a very solid understanding of the youth today.

Raves generally involve X (MDMA). Perhaps understanding MDMA is necessary to make such comments. Cold water is more of a sensation issue than anything. Kids also walk drink OJ, grapefruit and etc., to potentiate.

One can drink loads of alcohol while taking MDMA and won't suffer any dehydrations problems. God knows I have been there and done that when a kid. I cannot think of any drugs that cause severe dehydration issues. Having cotton mouth or a hangover is not true dehydration on a cellular level.

Dehydration usually results from fever, throwing up and inability to keep anything down. Haha, you sound like the old commercial, this is your brain and this is your brain on drugs as they put two eggs in a frying pan.

If these girls were regurgitating their stomach contents, I doubt they could keep an ibuprofen down and they could perhaps taken the entire bottle of ibuprofen without any real ill effects. It may upset the stomach, but it will move somewhat rapidly through the stomach into the GI tract.

So dehydration cannot be a result of dancing and drinking buckets all night and popping some pills. Added to that - throwing up due to whatever. So she got herself to hospital for food poisoning - Ok if you say so.

Let's remember, the Canadians had just arrived. This was their first night out and Kay said she was partying with them. Does that not make her significant in this story? She may well have been the last person to see them alive. And on top of that she gets sick as well. OK my imagination.

I remember the Italian guy who jumped off the bridge and severed his head in committing suicide-400 posts in TV of mafia involvement, satanic rituals etc and I said he jumped off the bridge, the rope severed his head and he probably put the plastic bag over his head before he jumped. Guess what.

Anyway we will know in a couple of weeks. And just so you are aware ibuprofen and large quantities of alcohol will cause stomach bleeding and vomiting -that you can read about anywhere.

Oh and just in case anyone is interested, Kay worked for Velvet Dojo. And I was wrong about the marijuana tattoo on her waist it is actually just a flower if you look at a bigger picture. My bad.

Nope, not sufficient to die. If so, there would be lots of dead kids all over the US daily. LOTS. The major problem with dehydration is renal compromise. BUN and creatinine ratios will not drop that quickly in normal healthy young adults merely from partying. Geriatrics may be prone for reasons beyond the purview of this discussion.

MDMA even has thermogenic properties which can dehydrate at the cellular level, but trust me . . . If drinking alcholoc on top of MDMA would kill, myself and many, many of my friends would have been dead long ago many times over.

There are also many diet pills and amphetime analogues which cause thermogenic effects at the cellular level and these can pose dangers by elevating body temperature and dehydrating at the cellular level. This typically occurs, however, at extremely high doses or large doses over a period of time in conjunction with purging and fasting. These females still typical survive and the body adpats, but long term damage can definitely arise.

Food poisoning, severe viral infections, poisons such as arsenic, poisonous shrooms, poisonuous fish and chemicals could all be factors in their death. Dehydration would be secondary to these problems.

Dehydration certainly potentially played a role, but two healthy 20 something year old women are not going to drop dead from dehydration merely because they drank too much alcohol and took some ibuprofen. Just no way going to happen to two at the same time, much less on that is healthy and not renally compromised. They definitely had something very toxic in their system other than ethel alcohol and ibuprofen.

At least educate yourself and be armed with facts before accusing someone of taking drugs or drinking themselves to death, especially dead girls who were perhaps victims of something.

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Well the young girl was obviously not at the front of the queue when they handed the brains out. The length of duration of medical cover would not have been in the 'small print', but I doubt she even read the big print. She has been more than a bit silly admitting to working out here.

You do not have to surrender your passport to ANYBODY! FACT! The passport is not yours to give, it belongs (in this case) to the British Government and must not be given to anyone unless it is an authorised member of the British Government who may request (demand) it's return.

I don't disagree, but she is young and dumb. Most kids are and it takes experience that comes with age and doing things to develop the walking around sense us old guys have.

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Debts are handled much differently in Thailand than in the West. In the West, when a person realizes they are going bankrupt, it is the norm to attempt to accumulate as much credit as possible beforehand. They know there is no jail time and that they can just get on the government tit. It is encouraged these days. They even changed the name of the food assistance program in the US because the previous name had negative connotations to it and the government does not want people to feel ashamed of getting stuff for free. I wonder how these governments ended up bankrupt!

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Debts are handled much differently in Thailand than in the West. In the West, when a person realizes they are going bankrupt, it is the norm to attempt to accumulate as much credit as possible beforehand. They know there is no jail time and that they can just get on the government tit. It is encouraged these days. They even changed the name of the food assistance program in the US because the previous name had negative connotations to it and the government does not want people to feel ashamed of getting stuff for free. I wonder how these governments ended up bankrupt!

Not really, any transaction incurred within 90 days of seeking bankruptcy protection are ging to be heavily scrutinized. The trustee will dismiss the bankruptcy (opposite of discharge) if the trustee believes the debtor has committed acts constituting fraudulent transactions. Running out and buying lots of stuff and filing for bankruptcy is bad idea because then you cannot discharge debt and you have potentially committed a crime.

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Young, inexperienced, people seem to believe whatever they are told by self appointed authorities as they travel. A copy of passport is all any private business concern is due. Seems some hospitals, hotels, etc operate and have the same immunity from the Thai authorities as the jet ski scammers.

Glad to see the young lady has recovered, best she return home as by her own admission, she could be in trouble with immigration, if she was working.

Young, inexperienced, people seem to believe whatever they are told by self appointed authorities as they travel. A copy of passport is all any private business concern is due. Seems some hospitals, hotels, etc operate and have the same immunity from the Thai authorities as the jet ski scammers.

Glad to see the young lady has recovered, best she return home as by her own admission, she could be in trouble with immigration, if she was working.

Young, inexperienced, people seem to believe whatever they are told by self appointed authorities as they travel. A copy of passport is all any private business concern is due. Seems some hospitals, hotels, etc operate and have the same immunity from the Thai authorities as the jet ski scammers.

Glad to see the young lady has recovered, best she return home as by her own admission, she could be in trouble with immigration, if she was working.

Ms Kay said she met the Canadian sisters, from Quebec, when she was promoting restaurants and bars on the island.

​A work permit to promote bars and restaurants...... w00t.gif

I seem to have missed it, but where did she say that she had no work permit ?

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They could have had there drink spiked on phi phi not a nice island what so ever i have been once and never again in my life would i set my foot on there again also the locals are not even nice people the island needs a major clean up also in the morning you have people passed out on the side off the walk path ..

If the drinks have been spiked we are looking at murder investigation but this is Thailand it will be put down as a food poisoning incident ..

Or if at Pattaya.........Suicide ! whistling.gif

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confiscated passport???

only immigration or police can do that,except in thailand of coarse.whistling.gif

That was my thoughts exactly.. The hospitals or medical staff have no authority to confiscate passports.

Maybe she had to chose between gettting medical attention or keeping her passport ?

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They could have had there drink spiked on phi phi not a nice island what so ever i have been once and never again in my life would i set my foot on there again also the locals are not even nice people the island needs a major clean up also in the morning you have people passed out on the side off the walk path ..

If the drinks have been spiked we are looking at murder investigation but this is Thailand it will be put down as a food poisoning incident ..

Or if at Pattaya.........Suicide ! whistling.gif

So freaking true about that oldsailor35 ..

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Yeah, these folk are a different breed, and £400 seems a bit much for a medical bill of this nature? All about money hey

400 quid isnt really too much for hospitalisation , antib's, hydration fluids etc etc. In this particular case I dont understand why the Thais are being hammered.

If she had been admitted into the states, then she would have something to beef about.

She took out insurance for 90 days which has expired.. and now is travelling onto Australia.. well Immigration is quite within their rights to prohibit entry.. insufficient funds!biggrin.png

The Brit govt., has a reciprical arrangement with Aust. So she would get free medical assistance in Australia

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Is it only me that doesn't have a problem with a business requesting and holding the one thing that will ensure you pay your bill???

Would she have preferred that they didn't start treating her until she called daddy dearest and cleared the 400pound...

Now - the investigation or lack there of, with respect to the deaths is a different story all together... striking similarity to the Downtown Inn in Chiang Mai that was originally put down to food poisoning, and would have stayed that way if one of the victims Aussie fathers didn't pull out all stops to ensure a proper investigation...

Is it only me that doesn't have a problem with a business requesting and holding the one thing that will ensure you pay your bill???

As far as I know, a passport is a document owned by the country of issue. The person travilling on this document is only the "holder". How would you like the idea if every shop owner would keep your passport by assuming he was underpaid?

It is true that you are the holder but I'm not sure about ownership remianing with the country of issue, and I don'ty think it is relevant...

I don't have a problem leaving my passport when I rent a bike, because I know that is how a small business ensures that, if I stack their bike, I don't just fly home leaving them 300,000 baht in the hole... that they keep it somewhere secure while I am not there concerns me, but the intent I think is OK...

And I don't think that anyone can walk into 90% of the hospitals in The US without any proof of ability to pay, and expect to be treated... In Australia if you turn up in an ambulance, in an emergency, you would probably be OK... but if you don't have a medicare card, or are from a county with a reciprical care agreement, you are in deep poo... a public hospital will probably treat you, bill you, and hope for payment... but an private hospital wouldn't...

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Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

Thank you Dr Kildare

I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

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Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

Thank you Dr Kildare

I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

What don't you understand about your speculative comment being not in the least "edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous"

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Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

Thank you Dr Kildare

I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

So let me guess from your forum name you just choose to waste your life drinking beer instead. From your rate of posting you have about 10 years to work on getting them edifying or interesting ;)

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Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

Thank you Dr Kildare

I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

So let me guess from your forum name you just choose to waste your life drinking beer instead. From your rate of posting you have about 10 years to work on getting them edifying or interesting wink.png

What a nice way to waste ones life, drinking beer.

I can think of worse and he has got a point.

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Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

Thank you Dr Kildare

I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

Actually the vast majority of the 8000 posts were made while at work ergo....I am getting paid...so hardly a waste of my life..so

there is actually something constructive that comes out it....a rather large pay cheque at the end of the month..thumbsup.gif and I have been amused and entertained to boot...

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Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

Thank you Dr Kildare

I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

What don't you understand about your speculative comment being not in the least "edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous"

I did not speculate when I performed autopsies, I always stated fact, as I did in the above post.

As for drinking beer, perhaps two per week, but I can see where you did indeed chose a fitting name for yourself.

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