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Army Rebuttals On Six Deaths At Bangkok's Wat Pathum


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Of course, we all know the fairy godmother blew their brains out with high velocity bullets shot from sniper rifles...

Until the day the RTA stays in their barracks where they belong, Thailand will never be decently called a democracy .

They will stay in their barracks when the police do their job, sadly at Rachaprasong the police stood idly by whilst the red shirts seized the city centre and set up their own state with armed guards.

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Let's get back to basics, Thai Visa has to be the only place on the planet where it is denied that the RTA were using snipers to kill demonstrators, generally unarmed demonstrators, with shots to the head.

The whole country know this, maybe not cares about it, but knows about as does the rest of the world.

The denial here is insane.

As are your rantings

The heady broth of mutual insanity............

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The interesting new news for me was that TANN's online website folded !

How do you know they are offline because they folded?

Is that what happened or did Chalerm's Internet War Room unleash a blietzkrieg on it?


I think you mean "how do you know they folded just because they are off line........."

I know it's difficult.

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The interesting new news for me was that TANN's online website folded !

How do you know they are offline because they folded?

Is that what happened or did Chalerm's Internet War Room unleash a blietzkrieg on it?


I think you mean "how do you know they folded just because they are off line........."

I know it's difficult.

what's difficult is your nonsensical gibberish

either way is perfectly understandable.

tlansford speculates they are offline because the network folded.

i am asking if there is any proof to the speculation or is it just a guess.

the same guess list that would include Chalerm's War Room intervening as to why the network is offline.

what's your speculation or are you just more interested in trolling?


Edited by Buchholz
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The interesting new news for me was that TANN's online website folded !

How do you know they are offline because they folded?

Is that what happened or did Chalerm's Internet War Room unleash a blietzkrieg on it?


I think you mean "how do you know they folded just because they are off line........."

I know it's difficult.

Philw - no sense trying to help those who don't really seek the help they need ;)

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The interesting new news for me was that TANN's online website folded !

How do you know they are offline because they folded?

Is that what happened or did Chalerm's Internet War Room unleash a blietzkrieg on it?


I think you mean "how do you know they folded just because they are off line........."

I know it's difficult.

what's difficult is your nonsensical gibberish

either way is perfectly understandable.

tlansford speculates they are offline because the network folded.

i am asking if there is any proof to the speculation or is it just a guess.

the same guess list that would include Chalerm's War Room intervening as to why the network is offline.

what's your speculation or are you just more interested in trolling?


"How do you know they are offline because they folded?"

Is an example of your gibberish.............

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The interesting new news for me was that TANN's online website folded !

How do you know they are offline because they folded?

Is that what happened or did Chalerm's Internet War Room unleash a blietzkrieg on it?


I think you mean "how do you know they folded just because they are off line........."

I know it's difficult.

Philw - no sense trying to help those who don't really seek the help they need wink.png

Lordy, the babbling trolling twins can't answer a simple direct question.


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How do you know they are offline because they folded?

Is that what happened or did Chalerm's Internet War Room unleash a blietzkrieg on it?


I think you mean "how do you know they folded just because they are off line........."

I know it's difficult.

what's difficult is your nonsensical gibberish

either way is perfectly understandable.

tlansford speculates they are offline because the network folded.

i am asking if there is any proof to the speculation or is it just a guess.

the same guess list that would include Chalerm's War Room intervening as to why the network is offline.

what's your speculation or are you just more interested in trolling?


"How do you know they are offline because they folded?"

Is an example of your gibberish.............

If the explanation that is included in the post you're quoting doesn't explain it clearly enough, then you're just continuing your trolling.

Go elsewhere.

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To which the answer is, I don't know.

Perhaps you should ask Chalerm himself.

How is the twin in Sriracha these days ??

You're still trolling, but at least we now know that you don't know.

Shame it took 8 posts to reach that heady conclusion.


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To which the answer is, I don't know.

Perhaps you should ask Chalerm himself.

How is the twin in Sriracha these days ??

You're still trolling, but at least we now know that you don't know.

Shame it took 8 posts to reach that heady conclusion.


Always a good idea to let the Johns have the last word...........

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Thai Rak was the newspaper that confronted Suthep with a leaked photocopy of the order which he had to admit was real. The command had been signed by Suthep on the 10th April. The government had always insisted that it wasn't signed until the 13th April. This was reported by the Tan Asean Network here http://www.tannetwor...?DataID=1046658.

Unfortunately the TAN network site has now closed (30th May) just leaving its' online tv site so the link doesn't work. I have waded through my posts and come up with this partial quote from that same site

"Finally, former deputy prime minister for security and one-time head of the Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) Suthep Thaugsuban has admitted that a leaked document showing that the center had ordered security officers to use live rounds during last year's protests is in fact authentic............the three pages of the CRES order clearly are dated April 10 and 13........"


And do not dismiss this just because it's amsterdam but he refers to the same tan network site

Consistent with information contained in Amsterdam & Peroff’s initial Application,Human Rights Watch describes the use of live fire made by the Royal Thai Army against unarmed protesters during the daytime clashes that preceded the bloodier night time assault on the Red Shirt rally at the Phan Fa Bridge on April 10, 2010.

While the government has always denied that this had been the case, in August 2011 the Thai-language newspaper Khao Sod published an internal command issued by CRES on April 10, 2010, in which troops were ordered to load their weapons with live ammunition in preparation for the crackdown, and expressly authorized the use of such weapons not only in self-defense or to save civilian lives, but to safeguard property as well. Former Deputy Prime Minister and CRES Director Suthep Thaugsubhan, who signed the command, at first denied the authenticity of the documents, claiming that they had been “distorted,” but was later forced to admit their veracity.


You could also look at this

Suthep and the use of live rounds against red shirts

Aug 26, 2011

Suthep and friends PPT missed this story at Thai-ASEAN Network when it came out. A link in a Bangkok Pundit post brought it to our attention, and it is worth citing in full for the light it throws on Suthep Thaugsuban as a politicians, the nature of the “security operation” against red shirts on 10 April 2010, and the lies that have been told: The Tell-Tale Heart Tuesday, August 09, 2011 12:00 AM Finally, former deputy prime minister for security and one-time head of the Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) Suthep Thaugsuban has admitted that a leaked document showing that the center had ordered security officers to use live rounds during last year’s protests is in fact authentic. This is important as it may be the first time the usually tenacious politician has conceded to such a controversial revelation.

See the original post here:

http://Suthep and th...inst red shirts

Unfortunately this site is still blocked by the ICT

rather odd that Mr A. needed to ask for something that has been referenced repeatedly on TVF, but he certainly made you work for that post - good job !

The interesting new news for me was that TANN's online website folded ! Amazing. ;)

But I noticed this juicy little morsel from the existing "site".

"Despite the same broadcasting entity, TAN Network is absolutely independent from ASTV."


So most of your links are non-existent... Very consistent.

The only referencing now is Amsterdam's filing to the ICJ, which we know has gone nowhere.

Sorry, if it is only paid propagandist Amsterdams report as your evidence then you 'report' is not passing muster.

The master of spin is not a valid paper of reference, his whole body of work is designed to get his paymaster his desired outcome. Nothing more, nothing less. The truth is optional, unless it's profitable.

As to the alleged TVF denial.

It was obvious the army had snipers in place.

If I had men sniped at, as happened to the army in the weeks before, multiple times,

as a commander I would be negligent by NOT having Counter-Snipers and spotters in place to suppress the 'known to be there opposition force snipers'. And making them obvious and photographable some of the time, would let the black snipers know they don't any long have carte blanche to shoot at will.

Of course that means propaganda can also say the army counter-snipers were the ones killing innocents...

But that fits the game plan to usurp power. So nothing new.

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To which the answer is, I don't know.

Perhaps you should ask Chalerm himself.

How is the twin in Sriracha these days ??

You're still trolling, but at least we now know that you don't know.

Shame it took 8 posts to reach that heady conclusion.


Always a good idea to let the Johns have the last word...........

Chapter 3, Page 4, Prostitutes Handbook, 2011 revised edition? ;)

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So most of your links are non-existent... Very consistent.

The only referencing now is Amsterdam's filing to the ICJ, which we know has gone nowhere.

Sorry, if it is only paid propagandist Amsterdams report as your evidence then you 'report' is not passing muster.

The master of spin is not a valid paper of reference, his whole body of work is designed to get his paymaster his desired outcome. Nothing more, nothing less. The truth is optional, unless it's profitable.

As to the alleged TVF denial.

It was obvious the army had snipers in place.

If I had men sniped at, as happened to the army in the weeks before, multiple times,

as a commander I would be negligent by NOT having Counter-Snipers and spotters in place to suppress the 'known to be there opposition force snipers'. And making them obvious and photographable some of the time, would let the black snipers know they don't any long have carte blanche to shoot at will.

Of course that means propaganda can also say the army counter-snipers were the ones killing innocents...

But that fits the game plan to usurp power. So nothing new.

Animatic, I really don't care if you wish to believe me or not but one thing is for sure I do not consistently put in links that do not work. I had one poster complain a while ago that the links I provided didn't work but didn't hear anymore about it after I proved that they did.

Whatever you think of amsterdam doesn't matter - it just means his was the fullest account of the same report that I linked - if you read the link you will see he references the same link so it's got nothing to do with his 'spin"

Do you really think that I would put links here that didn't work without explaining why? I went to a lot of work providing other links that prove that the original report was real and existing because I knew you would just ignore them otherwise. Now you ignore them because I provided an answer to your challenge and it proves you wrong.

And what brought on the b/s about snipers - "And making them obvious and photographable some of the time, would let the black snipers know they don't any long have carte blanche to shoot at will." ????????????

"If I had men sniped at, as happened to the army in the weeks before, multiple times," What? If these Yunla fantasy caucasian pale skinned sniper mercenaries were so good, just how many soldiers did they kill in these "multiple times"? - if I'd employed them I'd be asking for my money back.

You and Buchholz are the same in one respect, never ever admit you're wrong. You'd both get more, well a smidgeon of respect from me if you did.

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The army knows they screwed up with temple shootings but there's no way they would throw one of their own under the bus, they have no choice but to close the ranks, especially in this political climate.

It's all nice to ask them to come out and admit their mistake like men but then it should be men judging them, too, not circus clowns.

Amsterdam will drag the entire country through the mud, for example, no one wants to feed that leech.

Who really wants to punish that unfortunate guy who who pulled the trigger anyway? The whole campaign is just an excuse to nail Abhisit and Suthep and reds are not even pretending otherwise. I don't know who is this "righteous indignation" meant for.

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Lordy, the babbling trolling twins can't answer a simple direct question.


Buchholz mate it's kind of hard throwing the troll shitstick about when a certain member had a post deleted for quoting another member and editing their name into something "wittier" wouldn't you say?

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Lordy, the babbling trolling twins can't answer a simple direct question.


Buchholz mate it's kind of hard throwing the troll shitstick about when a certain member had a post deleted for quoting another member and editing their name into something "wittier" wouldn't you say?

True, but you hardly need to go that far back, just this episode of jumping in to a comment between other posters attempting to score some kind of posting points, and then calling the other posters trolls seems to fit the bill just fine.

edit : and at some point when the whole mess gets deleted, he'll hit "like" on the mod's post. Excellent... just excellent.

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Lordy, the babbling trolling twins can't answer a simple direct question.


Buchholz mate it's kind of hard throwing the troll shitstick about when a certain member had a post deleted for quoting another member and editing their name into something "wittier" wouldn't you say?

Not really. It's not same. In this instance it took 8 posts to come to the conclusion that the responder "didn't know"

The other was simply to highlight the unbelievability of a poster's alleged claims. Perhaps a smidgen over the top to do in that manner, but it didn't waste the readers' time on that thread like this nonsense did here.

And still no answer to the question to tlansford

Oh well.

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