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3 British Nationals Arrested In Transnational Call Centre Scam: Bangkok


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Surely this proves that all Brits are thugs?

This is an utter lie and if you don't retract it I will be forced to shove a broken Chang bottle in your face.

hahahaha, very dry

Us Brits are the only people that use the word 'glass' as a verb hahaha

I am a scouser so i get it even worse, I get it from fellow brits also but just take that as banter and give it back about whichever shit hole they emanate from. However on this forum there are people that genuinely believe all Brits are scum but that shows more about them than it does about us.

Well said - all these Brit bashers are just jealous of our history and culture having none themselves. They also forget that if it wasn't for the Brits who fought in the World wars most of Europe would be speaking German now and East Asia and Australia would be speaking Japanese.

Now now, we all know it was the americans that won the war, well it was if you listen to them and watch their films haha, as Al Murray says though, if you are not in a fight from the start then you are not in the fight.

Yeah sorry I was forgetting John Wayne, Alan Ladd, Audie Murphy and the rest.

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Scam? I read nothing about a scam here. It looks more like the police was not getting it's fair share. Investments from 50,000 Euro and above do not need permission from local European regulators. It is by the always bad business if you are a foreigner and work or want to set up a business in Thailand. There are so many better and more convenient options, even within Europe itself.

If you don't think its a scam- send me 50,000 Euro and ill only take 20% (they guys arrested above were taking a 25% slice).

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Why has everybody got it in for us Brits?

funny enough even when after countless football matches where we were robbed by poor referee decisions nothing was said, now for once we benefit from such a decision was in out favor, Sepp Blatter has said new technology is a "necessity" after England's lucky escape during the 1-0 win over co-hosts Ukraine at Euro 2012, By the way if that goal was allowed we would have drawn with the Ukraine and still have been top of Group 4.

The thing with these 3 scammers, although I say nobody is guilty until proved so in a court of law, they do seem to have been caught with a smoking gun, seems as there was a paper trail so assumes there will be some country wanting to extradite them for prosecuting them.

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Surely this proves that all Brits are thugs?

This is an utter lie and if you don't retract it I will be forced to shove a broken Chang bottle in your face.

hahahaha, very dry

Us Brits are the only people that use the word 'glass' as a verb hahaha

I am a scouser so i get it even worse, I get it from fellow brits also but just take that as banter and give it back about whichever shit hole they emanate from. However on this forum there are people that genuinely believe all Brits are scum but that shows more about them than it does about us.

Well said - all these Brit bashers are just jealous of our history and culture having none themselves. They also forget that if it wasn't for the Brits who fought in the World wars most of Europe would be speaking German now and East Asia and Australia would be speaking Japanese.

Just an addition to prove my point - I was talking to an aussie lass who rudely decided to make fun of my north of England accent and then went on to talk about 'foils on her compudah' (files on her computer) - why was she in Thailand - teaching English!!!! God help the Thais - whoops sorry, Buddha help the Thais

Edited by sysardman
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Scam? I read nothing about a scam here.

You should try actually reading the article. "One fourth of the money was disbursed to persons opening the accounts, another 25 per cent for call centre staff, and the rest for the head of the gang who lives in Malaysia."

@Nomadjoe you beat me to it, if this guy couldn't see the scam he's probably one of those who invested his life savings with these human dung heaps and is still waiting for his big payout!!!!! sorry to say that's it's all been spent down Patpong or the likes.

That or he is one of those running this type of scam.

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It seems there are more scams than legit dealings going on these days.

As long as MONEY is GOD on our planet, nothing will change


to the Brit Bashers

to say, all Brits are thugs is the same as to say all Germans are NaZis, or ALL USAmericans like to play world police,

all Swedes are alcoholics and all Polish steel.....

hope this comes to mind if there is somebody mention a phrase like this, not concerning your own nation next time whistling.gif

What about Australians?

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It seems there are more scams than legit dealings going on these days.

As long as MONEY is GOD on our planet, nothing will change


to the Brit Bashers

to say, all Brits are thugs is the same as to say all Germans are NaZis, or ALL USAmericans like to play world police,

all Swedes are alcoholics and all Polish steel.....

hope this comes to mind if there is somebody mention a phrase like this, not concerning your own nation next time whistling.gif

What about Australians?

They are all criminals anyway...thats how they ended up being Australians if I remember my history correctly....tongue.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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This is discusting..The majority of us are looking to lead productive lives here in Thailand..What make this worse is i am British (Liverpool) With 3 Royal Thai Policemen Brothers in law..

These people riping of Europeans and hiding in Asia..I can say this "If it had of been me or my loved ones scammed i would of personally tracked these people down"..

They had overstayed there visa's KICK em out i say..With no option to return..We do not want them and i am pretty sure the Thai nationals do not want them..

3 Royal police brother in laws? How much did that cost you? There is so much automatic police bashing on this forum thought i'd chime in.

Joking aside you say that if it was you, you would have tracked them down and then do what? It wasn't you that was scammed so why post nonsense? By the way Pink Floyd is my all time favorite band!

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I only blame the Immigration authorities and also the government........Thailands immigration lawas here are so so lax compared to the US and also Europe. They should implement more measures and also background checks to ensure that there is less trash entereing into thailand be it for holidays, or to stay here.

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I only blame the Immigration authorities and also the government........Thailands immigration lawas here are so so lax compared to the US and also Europe. They should implement more measures and also background checks to ensure that there is less trash entereing into thailand be it for holidays, or to stay here.

Trash can holiday anywhere in the world. It's the business ventures of foreigners that should be scrutinized. sad.png
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I only blame the Immigration authorities and also the government........Thailands immigration lawas here are so so lax compared to the US and also Europe. They should implement more measures and also background checks to ensure that there is less trash entereing into thailand be it for holidays, or to stay here.

As said before this is nothing to do with immigration - these people are not immigrants. Also who's to decide the rules, what if they say that you can't come in. These lads look like they have decent backgrounds but decided to go for the get rich quick instead of working for a living. Many of these scam artists have good clean backgrounds which would pass most checks for holiday visas which it sounds like these lads were on.

As for Europe immigration rules being strict - well last I saw the UK was awash with gangs from all over Europe running phone scams, pickpocket gangs, shoplifting gangs, insurance fraud gangs, benefit fraud gangs etc, etc, etc, etc.

Edited by sysardman
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I only blame the Immigration authorities and also the government........Thailands immigration lawas here are so so lax compared to the US and also Europe. They should implement more measures and also background checks to ensure that there is less trash entereing into thailand be it for holidays, or to stay here.

10% of Thailand's economy depends on tourism. I don't think they can afford to be even more xenophobic than they currently are. Considering the increased danger of scams and violence towards tourists, the increasingly unpredictable weather and the strength of the baht, an easy visa system is one of the few things left in its favour. More paranoia isn't going to help.

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This is discusting..The majority of us are looking to lead productive lives here in Thailand..What make this worse is i am British (Liverpool) With 3 Royal Thai Policemen Brothers in law..

These people riping of Europeans and hiding in Asia..I can say this "If it had of been me or my loved ones scammed i would of personally tracked these people down"..

They had overstayed there visa's KICK em out i say..With no option to return..We do not want them and i am pretty sure the Thai nationals do not want them..

WOW! 3 BiB brother in laws. I would be too embarrassed to tell anybody that as that lot are not much better ! sad.png

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Happy Days!!!

The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

Hmm, touched a raw nerve did we ? ok, how about Scumbags , Scumbags, robbing from little old Ladies Scumbags !

You`re right.

Tonight I have been on the booze and while in the bar I took a dislike to the barman’s face.

My English half wanted to smash up the joint, but luckily my American half has more common sense, so I just paid my bill and walked out of there.

Surely this proves that all Brits are thugs?

And that Yanks are an easy touch ! clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Happy Days!!!

The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

Hmm, touched a raw nerve did we ? ok, how about Scumbags , Scumbags, robbing from little old Ladies Scumbags !

old ladies???

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Who gives 50k Euros to somebody who calls you on the phone? I know the response from tv posters will be that these call center guys prey on the elderly, but c'mon folks, wise up

Typically greedy people get caught up in stuff like this....old saying if its too good to be true....you know the rest

You got it in one mate. In cases like this greed outweighs stupidity every time.
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Eventually because of the largest proportion of those who commit illegal acts happens to be English i could not than just criticize it.what happens; the word education, moral values ​​are probably unknown to the wider European English region; Imagine how stupid they are when they believe that by such means could survive in a country like Thailand clap2.gif . pity but also funny when it is supposed that English are ''civilized'' or the most civilized. Actually are the dregs of Thailand.imagine how oppressed and complete suppression would be in England.well still i hang out with brits but not for beerdrunk.gif . Next time try this if you ran out of moneyviolin.gifviolin.gifcheesy.gif .

Edited by rainforest29
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Eventually because of the largest proportion of those who commit illegal acts happens to be English i could not than just criticize it.what happens; the word education, moral values ​​are probably unknown to the wider European English region; Imagine how stupid they are when they believe that by such means could survive in a country like Thailand clap2.gif . pity but also funny when it is supposed that English are ''civilized'' or the most civilized. Actually are the dregs of Thailand.imagine how oppressed and complete suppression would be in England.well still i hang out with brits but not for beerdrunk.gif . Next time try this if you ran out of moneyviolin.gifviolin.gifcheesy.gif .

Which newspapers are you reading, obviously not the same as me because I can assure you that the Brits make up a very small pecentage of crimes committed here. Every day I see either an Aussie, a Yank, a German, a Swede, a Romanian, a Russian or any other nationality you care to mention being arrested for some crime or other. You are obviously not a Brit because of your pigeon English writing so come on tell us your nationality and tell us how 'virtuous' your countrymen are and I'll find you a host of reports to disprove you.

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These call centre things are low. Always open up in places where people would like to live, Bangkok, Bali, etc and attract people that want to stay in those countries. Every single 'traveler' that wouldn't mind lingering about and making a buck or teacher jumps all over it and eventually they get caught and chucked out.

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Talking with some people that have been involved in these types of operations and watching interviews with ex-scammers. The number one thing they all say is . . . OLD PEOPLE or ELDERLY RARELY FALL FOR THIS SCAM! Old people are far too cautious, ask too many questions, and are generally distrusting of anything by the phone because of all the media attention this has gotten over the years. The younger generation, 25-40 fall victim to it all the time. They all want that easy money and big returns. Not to condone any of it, but the reality is people like that easy money and will risk it all to get it. Look at all the people that lost money in the real estate collapse. . A lot of them were people that had no business in the real estate business but thought it was easy money to buy and flip houses. Oh did that Gold hand of the market slap them straight. .

TV posters always complain about the elderly getting taken and pensioners falling victim but the reality is you are WRONG!

On what do you base this?

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Talking with some people that have been involved in these types of operations and watching interviews with ex-scammers. The number one thing they all say is . . . OLD PEOPLE or ELDERLY RARELY FALL FOR THIS SCAM! Old people are far too cautious, ask too many questions, and are generally distrusting of anything by the phone because of all the media attention this has gotten over the years. The younger generation, 25-40 fall victim to it all the time. They all want that easy money and big returns. Not to condone any of it, but the reality is people like that easy money and will risk it all to get it. Look at all the people that lost money in the real estate collapse. . A lot of them were people that had no business in the real estate business but thought it was easy money to buy and flip houses. Oh did that Gold hand of the market slap them straight. .

TV posters always complain about the elderly getting taken and pensioners falling victim but the reality is you are WRONG!

On what do you base this?

I would like to know too, as scammers are targeting the old all the time in UK. Young might be taken through greed but the old are being robbed. sad.png
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amazing, here is a young guy that has died in police custody, and yet it does not have its own thread and nobody has commented on the link above for a few hours.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of what the guy did for a living, well wrongs, there are no rights really, I would have thought more people could have been concerned about dying in custody three days after arrest and it being covered up until now.

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