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I also tried odesk for a while; while indeed it is simple to find jobs, some of them even paying fairly decent, the problem is plannability (and working 18 hours in the end just to top up on the "real" job is no sustainable solution either, as I have found out, it only quickens the burnout).

If you have to feed a family, with school fees coming in at fixed times, etc, this hand to mouth existence can quickly become a big problem. Me alone, I could live very happily this way, having responsibilities for others is a killer to the 'lone wolf cowboy' existence.

I find also, that after 14 years of hustling and getting nowhere, I am simply tired and a change of surrounding might be for the better (or not). It is a very major decision, and with so many things in life, only in hindsight can it be known if it was the right one.

As others have said, having to resettle your wife or whole family is an experiment with very unsure ending, and that would be under good financial circumstances. I am certainly obsessing for months already about this point alone.

Sorry to hear this extremely sad story; it must be a very upsetting situation.

As have others, I would like to wish you the best of luck for the future.

My only advice would be to try not to get to too settled in the UK.

Try to concentrate on jobs that could potentially be done remotely from Thailand.

It sounds like you only need a little extra regular money to be able to return.

Check sites like odesk, which was mentioned on another thread recently.

I think it would be easy to make an extra 20k baht/month through various odd-jobs.

Apologies if I am grossly underestimating the magnitude of the shortfall.

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Sorry to hear about your predicament. I too was hit by the 2008 recession and its effects on investments and income, but fortunately not the hit to the Euro, so I can sympathize & empathize. Mostly by luck and an essential paranoid nature, I did have a buffer, though it has now been eroded.

On the bright side, you apparently are young enough to be able to return to employment, something not realistically open to everyone. It's also nice that you are looking after your Thai wife and not just doing a runner as described by someone else in a different thread.

Best of luck to you. Since you obviously still want to return to Thailand, I wish you a speedy return. It's nice to hear from someone who enjoys life here rather than the usual litany of complaints from those who really ought to move on.

Edited by Suradit69
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my first thought is living within one's means, the other is what defines quality of life? For me it means riding my bicycle, going to the fresh market, and hanging out with friends. that doesn't cost much at all. To the one that posted living on 120K per month is not enough, I just don't know what to say about that and not get booted off this forum.

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"and assume that the greedy bankers will halve your income within a few months of your arrival." this statement I don't understand, how do bankers bankers have anything to do with your income, does this mean you made some bad investments or lost money in the the shares/stock market? There are no guarantees with investing unless you do a time deposit or what we call a CD in America. Sorry to hear about your misfortune, hope you can find work back home.

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Can you get a job back in the UK as I note you are over 50 years of age and if it is 4 years since you were back !!! get ready for a shock a Big mac and fries with a coke is over £5 (240 bht ) also before you can get any NHS treatment you will have to wait for 6 months as you have been out of the country for a few years, would you not be better trying to do something over here say a bit of gardening, painting amongs farang houses in your area !!! just an idea anyway good luck hope things work out.

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I didn't read all of the posts, but if you are spending 120K a month, you are spending way too much. I have no idea how old you are, but if over 50-years, why not cut expenses and stay in the Kingdom with your family?

I've had three friends return to Farangland and all returned within a year. My wife and I did a two-year stint in the US, but we returned as soon as we could.

Why not take your wife back to the UK with you? We only get one ticket to ride in this life - best to do it as you see fit.

Good luck....

Edited by thaigold
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A sad situation and my heart goes out to you. My instinct is to try offer assistance, so I couldn't help but pitch a few ideas:

* You mentioned bond yields. All bonds can be sold on the secondary market, so there is no need to wait to maturity to get your principal back. After sale, one could hold the cash in the bank account here for visa application and then invest the principal back into in higher yielding bonds for the income once you get the visa; e.g. 10Y yields of Thai bonds are ~4.5%. Investing in THB removes currency risk too... See: http://www.thaibma.or.th/yieldcurve/YieldTTM.aspx Spreading risk across many Asian bonds may be a better ploy, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.

* Life insurance settlements: there are firms that will buy your life insurance for a good lump sum which allows you to benefit from the lump sum without dying. The value you receive will be somewhere between what your insurance company would pay you and what the death benefit is. If you don't have one already, you can still start a policy and sell it. http://www.eeafmg.gg/ are the biggest UK buyer. Here is some info on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_settlement It's a little morbid talking about money and death in the same sentence, but it is a practical use of what is really an investment of your cash.

* Relocation: as a British citizen, is it possible to try your luck in Oz instead? It's closer, so much cheaper to fly back and forth and deal with timezones. Also the economy and currency are relatively stronger...

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Many thanks, good idea.

Yes Plopmeister, I am "Captain Murgatroyd" and post on other Thailand forum boards.

After wasting the bulk of my working life in retail I moved into security work about seven years before I moved to Thailand. I worked on all sorts of sites in and around London, mostly working 12 hour night shifts. However I also have a background in doing welfare work on festival sites in the 70's and 80's and I'll be getting in touch with Showsec to see if they have any work for me. I held a SIA licence and a full first aid certificate, both of which I would have to requalify for, but that would only take a couple of days on courses.

Shame you have no carpentry/shopfitting skills, could have offered you a job starting in July on a New Primark store in Karlsruhe Germany

Good luck to you and i hope things work out for you in the future

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I didn't read all of the posts, but if you are spending 120K a month, you are spending way too much. I have no idea how old you are, but if over 50-years, why not cut expenses and stay in the Kingdom with your family?

I've had three friends return to Farangland and all returned within a year. My wife and I did a two-year stint in the US, but we returned as soon as we could.

Why not take your wife back to the UK with you? We only get one ticket to ride in this life - best to do it as you see fit.

Good luck....

I think the reasons were explained quite well.

Maybe indeed reading the posts would have prevented you from writing what you did. ermm.gif

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120k a month is quite a lot. That's 2400 quid....I don't think I ever spent that in the UK or US a month ever even after including pensions, mortgage, nights out, strip clubs, gambling, drugs etc etc.....that's a sizeable amount to have to spend every month esp in a country like Thailand.

But it's the number one question I ask foreigners like myself that live here....how much do you need to live comfortably like a westerner and not like a Thai family from a village. 50k thb per month seems to be the norm and that's for a family with 2 kids and car, give or take 10k either way.

Maybe thaivisa should do a poll so we have a genuine number to aim for!

The cost of living has been discussed many times. Basic conclusion is that for most Westerners it is slightly cheaper to live an equivalent lifestyle as they were living back home.

Although all Westerners have a different standard of living back home, so it is impossible to put a figure on the cost of a Western style lifestyle on Thailand.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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I didn't read all of the posts but here's my comment.

1) Ever think about marriage ?

2) Can't you do something to make money here ?

I've been here going on 3 decades.

It is possible if you start with some seed money and use your noggin'.

I do how ever understand and sympathize with your situation and am not being condescending in the least.

I'm sure that you have thought this out and your decision is a mature and educated one.

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If your wife is Thai she can get excellent free or very cheap medical attention. It is still very cheap to live here if you eat local food. And apart from Phuket and Pattaya. The Thais are nice and friendly and its very safe.

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I didn't read all of the posts but here's my comment.

1) Ever think about marriage ?

2) Can't you do something to make money here ?

I've been here going on 3 decades.

It is possible if you start with some seed money and use your noggin'.

I do how ever understand and sympathize with your situation and am not being condescending in the least.

I'm sure that you have thought this out and your decision is a mature and educated one.

I've been looking to invest into something here in Thailand to make enough money to stay here!

Any thoughts?

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I didn't read all of the posts but here's my comment.

1) Ever think about marriage ?

2) Can't you do something to make money here ?

I've been here going on 3 decades.

It is possible if you start with some seed money and use your noggin'.

I do how ever understand and sympathize with your situation and am not being condescending in the least.

I'm sure that you have thought this out and your decision is a mature and educated one.

I've been looking to invest into something here in Thailand to make enough money to stay here!

Any thoughts?

How about a small guesthouse?
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Yea I know, the noodle eating and baht bus brigade will be along soon saying they can live well on 30k a month.

That's a bit high, I and my family (five of us) live on 10k a month (plus what the farm grows).

Health care, government, school, government, air-con, not on the farm, insurance, government compulsory.

Still, hope you make a quick financial recovery when back in the home country, good luck.

My 400k stays in the bank, so it can't drop.

10k? You're LUCKY! Myself, t'wife, sixteen bairn, t'wife's ปู่ and ยาย, six brothers, two sisters and eighty-three cousins all live on t'state pension of £5/14s/6d a month.

AND live well, I might add!

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Maybe thaivisa should do a poll so we have a genuine number to aim for!

Apologies in advance...

If you'd believe a TV survey, I have some excellent investment opportunities I'd like you to consider...

Always open to investment opportunities!

My latest investment opp hasn't paid off....about 800gbp down on the Euro's. Only another 6 games to make up the deficit :-(

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I didn't read all of the posts but here's my comment.

1) Ever think about marriage ?

2) Can't you do something to make money here ?

I've been here going on 3 decades.

It is possible if you start with some seed money and use your noggin'.

I do how ever understand and sympathize with your situation and am not being condescending in the least.

I'm sure that you have thought this out and your decision is a mature and educated one.

I've been looking to invest into something here in Thailand to make enough money to stay here!

Any thoughts?

Many but not to post here.

If you really want my input we can do it privately.....

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I didn't read all of the posts but here's my comment.

1) Ever think about marriage ?

2) Can't you do something to make money here ?

I've been here going on 3 decades.

It is possible if you start with some seed money and use your noggin'.

I do how ever understand and sympathize with your situation and am not being condescending in the least.

I'm sure that you have thought this out and your decision is a mature and educated one.

I've been looking to invest into something here in Thailand to make enough money to stay here!

Any thoughts?

How about a small guesthouse?

Yea, if you like working with falang and don't mind counting on tourism.........

Seen many many many go belly up.

Not to mention if you do well the jealousy factor.

Sometimes they even burn down mysteriously.........

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I believe all of this has been endlessly hashed out over and over, and quite recently.

Most people understand that living on a given amount of money is usually cheaper in Thailand, but some people's preferences, and spending patterns (based on family or not etc) prevent that.

I think everyone would agree that it's very difficult to earn that given amount of money here compared to back home.

And that prices have been rising quite quickly here, perhaps more so than back home. I know that's certainly true for basic food costs, and most likely also at the high end due to currency exchange trends.

And it is definitely the case that those with significant financial investments are receiving much lower returns, and often greatly reduced asset values over the past few years compared to pre-2008.

Depending on your exposure to the above factors. . .

I really feel for you having to go back to the UK and to leave your wife and stepdaughter here in Thailand and I would like to say that I think that you are a very brave man for posting what you have done and opening up your heart on the forum. I wish you all the very best in your return to the UK.

With regard to everyone's comments about the dreadful drop in investment percentages which I totally agree with, I can offer a solution; one which is based on 15 years of my own personal investment with a UK company. they are not allowed to advertise, but I am more than happy to introduce people to them. I do not know if I am allowed to quote the figures but I will and the moderators can deal with this as they see fit. They will pay you 6% tax free paid monthly on a one year term. P.M. me if you want the details.

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[As for general expenses, Thailand is no longer cheap (if you actually want to 'live' and not exist that is) I cannot get by on less than 120k a month.

Oh no....here we go again...do you realise what you have done my son ?.....20 hail marys and wash your mouth out with soap right now whistling.gif

One has to wonder your requirements for living at 120K. OK only 2 of us, but my wife and I do fine on 30K. Bills/food/drink/truck and her fags.

Rent - 30k

Bills - 10k

School fees - 10k

Wifes debts - 15k

Housekeeping money/Food/ toiletries/clothes/gasoline etc...30k

General stuff - Going out..beers/restaurants etc...30k..

Plus mosy months something obscure will come that needs paying for - Car insurance/Healt insurance...weekend away....something gets broken...etc etc..

Sounds about right ,to be honest not being able to do what u want within reason is no life so 120k is appropriate as far as I'm concerned.

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120k a month is quite a lot. That's 2400 quid....I don't think I ever spent that in the UK or US a month ever even after including pensions, mortgage, nights out, strip clubs, gambling, drugs etc etc.....that's a sizeable amount to have to spend every month esp in a country like Thailand.

But it's the number one question I ask foreigners like myself that live here....how much do you need to live comfortably like a westerner and not like a Thai family from a village. 50k thb per month seems to be the norm and that's for a family with 2 kids and car, give or take 10k either way.

Maybe thaivisa should do a poll so we have a genuine number to aim for!

The cost of living has been discussed many times. Basic conclusion is that for most Westerners it is slightly cheaper to live an equivalent lifestyle as they were living back home.

Although all Westerners have a different standard of living back home, so it is impossible to put a figure on the cost of a Western style lifestyle on Thailand.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Why should you want to live as a westerner in the first place? The attaction for me is the Thai people thier food and thier way of life.

Why not if ya can

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Hey Murgatroyd.

Bad luck mate but yoour advice is taken in. I don't live in Thailand yet but I plan to retire there as soon as I can and knowing some of the pitfalls helps a lot.

The visa minefield is the one that's giving me a headache, do you think I should use an agent?

All the best back in pommie land and get back to Thailand soon.

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It is amazing that this topic is almost like the most heart felt out of so many we read of deaths, murders and mysteries etc.

There is a simple bottom line.

We all imagine a kind of Nirvana, we all realise the illusion we suspected.

I'm out of here too, after a year and a half of thinking maybe I can live here, with my 40k job. I can and you can if you are a Thai for sure, but not a farang.


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I feel for fella.

My first visit to Thailand was 4-5 years ago, I met a guy from the UK who lived full time in LOS. He said to me back then, if you want to lead a good life, live in a nice apartment & run a car, you need an income of around £1500 a month. I thought he was talking complete <deleted>.

Now My wife works for a TV company, earns around £550 a month, has no car, lives in a one room apartment, does not use the air con & only eats street food. I know she helps her family out, that goes without saying, but she is broke each & every month.

I am looking at retiring to LOS in maybe 10 year, but working things out in today's figures, I think you would need to be bang on between My wife's salary & ya mans pension, I think any less then £1000 a month & your living a poor existence. Now once My mortgage is payed off, i could live a basic life in the Uk for £1000 a month.

As for the UK being ok, I am in the building trade & have seen My net figures full by over 50%

Good luck to ya fella, i wish you & ya family well !

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