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Well, after four and a half years of living in Thailand the combined effects of the financial meltdown in 2008, the current euro crisis, declining interest rates and income from investments, and paying for my wife's medical care after she fell ill last year has finally beaten me. I'm making arrangements to return to the UK and find a job and a place to live. I'll be leaving my wife (now fully recovered) with a lump sum to tide her over until I'm earning again and can afford to send her money each month to support her and my stepdaughter.

All I can say is if you're thinking of retiring to sunny Thailand, factor in enough money to pay for expensive medical treatment, and assume that the greedy bankers will halve your income within a few months of your arrival.

Bugger, Bugger Bugger.

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Sorry to hear about your woes. Come back soon!

I'm sure you have been through every angle, but isn't there a way to cut down on costs here so you don't need to go back to the uk?

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Ouch!.......that is not good news.

You have obviously looked at all options and still no good.

So you say that the medical bills were what reduced your finances to make this hurtful decision?

Do you have any further advice, having hindsight in your back pocket, that you could pass on to us who have also made big commitments in retiring here?

Come back soon. Meaning hope things work out well for you in UK.


Edited by Rsquared
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Thanks Rsquared... Yes, my advice would be to shoulder the expense of comprehensive medical insurance for yourself and your family. I didn't and regretted it. Apart from that it's important to remember that if a person intends to live like a westerner in Thailand, drinking a familiar beer, using the air con in the evening and at night and eating western style food your living expenses won't be nearly as low as you think, and even if you don't play around with the girls a night out for a beer or several once a week or so will also add considerably to your living costs. Family and parenting adds greatly to these expenses with school fees, uniforms, school buses, extra lessons and even musical instruments to factor in!

Also don't forget things like dental care, vet's costs if you get a pet, Taxis everywhere if you don't drive and vehicle expenses if you do... finally don't forget the cost of home and contents insurance if you don't want to get home to a ransacked home.

Thanks Murgatroyd.......some very sound advice.

Once again good luck with everything.

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Sorry to hear about your difficulties.

Leaving your family behind is not easy, as I very well know my self.

But a man got to do, what a man got to dosad.png

Don't despair, things have a way of working out for the best

see if you can find a way where you can work for a few months in the UK and make enough to subsidize your Thai living,

That's what I do, but I am in a work situation where I can work on a project that lasts a few months and then come back to Thailand. Perhaps you can find a similar situation.

I know the medical care situation is a difficult nut to crack, It is a big concern of mine also. Not a big concern now but a concern when I get older.

Good luck to you

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I'm very sorry to read of your troubles, Murgatroyd, I really admire what you've done helping your wife through sickness and supporting your step-daughter and wish you all the best. I can relate to your predicament as I have Thai step-kids and it sounds to me like you were endeavoring to afford your wife the best care and your daughter some good education - acts of kindness for which you should feel immense pride. I think all the Brits on this forum will acknowledge your sound advice about how valuable free UK health-care and schooling can seem when they leave it behind. Best of luck and I'm sure you'll be back on top in no time!

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Thanks Rsquared... Yes, my advice would be to shoulder the expense of comprehensive medical insurance for yourself and your family. I didn't and regretted it. Apart from that it's important to remember that if a person intends to live like a westerner in Thailand, drinking a familiar beer, using the air con in the evening and at night and eating western style food your living expenses won't be nearly as low as you think, and even if you don't play around with the girls a night out for a beer or several once a week or so will also add considerably to your living costs. Family and parenting adds greatly to these expenses with school fees, uniforms, school buses, extra lessons and even musical instruments to factor in!

Also don't forget things like dental care, vet's costs if you get a pet, Taxis everywhere if you don't drive and vehicle expenses if you do... finally don't forget the cost of home and contents insurance if you don't want to get home to a ransacked home.

Yes, over the last 3 years I have started taking out comprehensive medical care for myself and my 2 daughters, it aint cheap at around 2.5k USD per year but it gives me a hell of a lot less to worry about. There are a lot of people here are one serious accident/illness away from a world of nightmares, I do NOT want to end up there.

As for general expenses, Thailand is no longer cheap (if you actually want to 'live' and not exist that is) I cannot get by on less than 120k a month.

Best of luck in the UK, you never know you may even end up enjoying it! I woild like to be back now to watch the football properly.

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[As for general expenses, Thailand is no longer cheap (if you actually want to 'live' and not exist that is) I cannot get by on less than 120k a month.

Oh no....here we go again...do you realise what you have done my son ?.....20 hail marys and wash your mouth out with soap right now whistling.gif

Yea I know, the noodle eating and baht bus brigade will be along soon saying they can live well on 30k a month.

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No, I'm afraid it's a matter of my income falling below the figure required to qualify for an extension of permission to stay. I know that there are some ways round this but if I stay in Thailand I would be entirely broke in about five years... better to bite the bullet and do something practical about it now whilst I still have options rather than stick my head in the sand and join the condo diving club in five years time. Thanks anyway.

I love the 'I would be entirely broke in about 5 years' bit...

Do you know how many people would give their right arm to have 5 years money on hand??.....many would love to have even 5 months money in the bank..

You are clearly an extremely sensible man, and I don't mean that as a criticism either...

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Yea I know, the noodle eating and baht bus brigade will be along soon saying they can live well on 30k a month.

That's a bit high, I and my family (five of us) live on 10k a month (plus what the farm grows).

Health care, government, school, government, air-con, not on the farm, insurance, government compulsory.

Still, hope you make a quick financial recovery when back in the home country, good luck.

My 400k stays in the bank, so it can't drop.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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[As for general expenses, Thailand is no longer cheap (if you actually want to 'live' and not exist that is) I cannot get by on less than 120k a month.

Oh no....here we go again...do you realise what you have done my son ?.....20 hail marys and wash your mouth out with soap right now whistling.gif

One has to wonder your requirements for living at 120K. OK only 2 of us, but my wife and I do fine on 30K. Bills/food/drink/truck and her fags.

Rent - 30k

Bills - 10k

School fees - 10k

Wifes debts - 15k

Housekeeping money/Food/ toiletries/clothes/gasoline etc...30k

General stuff - Going out..beers/restaurants etc...30k..

Plus mosy months something obscure will come that needs paying for - Car insurance/Healt insurance...weekend away....something gets broken...etc etc..

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No, I'm afraid it's a matter of my income falling below the figure required to qualify for an extension of permission to stay. I know that there are some ways round this but if I stay in Thailand I would be entirely broke in about five years... better to bite the bullet and do something practical about it now whilst I still have options rather than stick my head in the sand and join the condo diving club in five years time. Thanks anyway.

Good luck, hope all works well

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