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Cover Up? Australian Kickboxer 'Savagely Bashed In Phuket'

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Secondary issue.......what's this Facebook fund all about? Was this guy in Thailand without travel insurance?????

I'm not judging him as I can't deduce if he was or not, however anyone traveling to Thailand without insurance is a nutter.

Perhaps you didn't read:

Mr Ketley has lived in Phuket with his parents for the past three years and is a full-time muay thai boxer training with the Sumalee Boxing Gym in Thalang.

But he should have had accident insurance. It's very inexpensive from local banks...

Agree totally but surely being a professional muay thai fighter he would have decent health insurance anyway.

"He should have...." and you "agree totally."

You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family? You also quote someone labelling him a "nutter" for not having insurance. Nice one.

This is what's wrong with TV.

Just read. It's really that simple. Mrs Ketley, in post #138 explains the insurance situation in full and it's referred to again in post #149. Someone even questions the insurance right after she addresses it and now you're replying to that person again. It really beggars belief.

In fact, I've just realised you're replying to a post which is below the post in which Mrs Ketley answers the quesiton of insurance in full. That deserves a round of applause.

Incase you're still adamant you're going to employ your selective reading techniques, I've picked out the pertinent quote from Mrs Ketley herself:

"As for those asking whether he had insurance. Yes of course he has insurance. Health and Accident Insurance. We are all insured. But the insurance was used up to reconstruct his face and mouth."

Just stay quiet if you're not going to add anything of value or you run the risk of spreading misinformation and actually hindering any progress in the case, not to mention upsetting the family.

Definitely don't bother to post if you yourself can't be bothered to read any of the posts in the thread.

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But he should have had accident insurance. It's very inexpensive from local banks...

Agree totally but surely being a professional muay thai fighter he would have decent health insurance anyway.

"He should have...." and you "agree totally."

You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family? You also quote someone labelling him a "nutter" for not having insurance. Nice one.

This is what's wrong with TV.

Just read. It's really that simple. Mrs Ketley, in post #138 explains the insurance situation in full and it's referred to again in post #149. Someone even questions the insurance right after she addresses it and now you're replying to that person again. It really beggars belief.

In fact, I've just realised you're replying to a post which is below the post in which Mrs Ketley answers the quesiton of insurance in full. That deserves a round of applause.

http://www.phuketgazette.net/archives/articles/2012/article16170.html, I've picked out the pertinent quote from Mrs Ketley herself:

"As for those asking whether he had insurance. Yes of course he has insurance. Health and Accident Insurance. We are all insured. But the insurance was used up to reconstruct his face and mouth."

Just stay quiet if you're not going to add anything of value or you run the risk of spreading misinformation and actually hindering any progress in the case, not to mention upsetting the family.

Definitely don't bother to post if you yourself can't be bothered to read any of the posts in the thread.

Get off your high horse! I wrote this post long before you or Daniel's mom posted anything! It was post #10. Why don't you try your own advise and read before you post! Or learn to use the quote functions correctly...jerk.gif

You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family?

Ah, so you have met them? Not from what I have read on this thread... And who are you, the self appointed moderator of this thread?


Just read an article of a similar case involving an Australian tourist in Bali. He was found dead recently on the side of a road and initial thoughts were he died in a motorbike accident. However, upon conducting an autopsy they found that he had died from " asphyixiation by a wooden stick or other hard object ".


Get off your high horse! I wrote this post long before you or Daniel's mom posted anything! It was post #10. Why don't you try your own advise and read before you post! Or learn to use the quote functions correctly...jerk.gif

You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family?

Ah, so you have met them? Not from what I have read on this thread... And who are you, the self appointed moderator of this thread?

No. This horse is quite comfortable, thank you. Just a shame it's a Shetland Pony.

I've been talking to Mrs Ketley privately, yes. I am going to visit them, yes.

Daniel speaks Thai, so do I and there's not many people I have a chance to have a chinwag with in Thai who aren't Thai. It'll be nice. I'm looking forward to it. I like Muay Thai, I love the fact there's another person out there, who's close to my age who has immersed himself in the culture like me. His folks are dedicated to him, to they extent they swapped the Gold Coast for Phuket. That's what I know and it's really cool that there's people here in Thailand like that. I'd like to say hello, not to mention try and cheer a young lad up if I can.

Have I met them yet? No. Have I said I'd met them yet? No. Do not put words in my mouth.

I wasn't replying to you anyway. I was replying to moonbarman. It's quite clear in my post. Take some paranoia pills.

The fact that you happened to be quoted in there and I refer to your quote was required. It makes your "take your own advice [sic]" thing quite bizarre really.

Anyway, seeing as you seem to want to bring yourself to everyone's attention again. "But he should have had accident insurance." HE DID. HE DOES. That's the kind of comment I'm getting fed up with on TV. You started it by making a factual statement that had no basis in reality whatsoever, the fact you did it in post #10 doesn't alter the reality that you made it up in your head. You just assumed, as there's a donation page, that he wasn't insured, didn't you? That is not the case. It has been explained with clarity by Mrs Ketley.

As you can now see, it also caused another person in the thread to believe that he wasn't insured when he is insured, even much later on. That's the potential impact of an irresponsible post.

That. Is. My. Point.

Listen, I'm not here for tit-for-tat. I left school some time ago.

I want the facts to be clear and for people to stop unnecessarily spreading misinformation that can upset the family and maybe damage any case to be made. I've said that enough times now. If that makes the more touchy of you accuse me of trying to moderate, then so be it.

I know I have no agenda. I think the lad could use a helping hand at this time as he seems like a decent fella and they seem like a really nice family. If people continue to think that he's at fault for not being insured, it will have a negative impact on the benefit ThaiVisa Forum can be to them, through donations. You really don't see that, do you? Wouldn't you want people to rally round if your child was critically ill?

My wife lost her daughter (my adopted daughter) and her son-in-law in motorbike accident last June. We have adopted their children, 3 and 8.

If there's anyone who knows how it can hurt seeing their child in pain, it's me. After this year, I have a lot of experience in dealing with tradegy in this country. I'm not looking for sympathy. Simply explaining why I'd like to visit them and could actually help them. If only just through some emotional support and a donation.

If you have a problem with me trying to help their family, because I'm in a position to do so, then I don't know what to say.

Please yourself, but I'm not going to be cowed.


Get off your high horse! I wrote this post long before you or Daniel's mom posted anything! It was post #10. Why don't you try your own advise and read before you post! Or learn to use the quote functions correctly...jerk.gif

You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family?

Ah, so you have met them? Not from what I have read on this thread... And who are you, the self appointed moderator of this thread?

No. This horse is quite comfortable thank you. Just a shame it's a Shetland Pony.

I've been talking to Mrs Ketley privately, yes. I am going to visit them, yes. Have I met them? No. Have I said I'd met them? No. Do not put words in my mouth.

I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to moonbarman. It's quite clear in my post. Take some paranoia pills.

The fact that you happened to be quoted in there and I refer to your quote was required. It makes your "take your own advice [sic]" thing quite bizarre really.

Anyway, seeing as you seem to want to bring yourself to everyone's attention again. "But he should have had accident insurance." HE DID. That's the kind of comment I'm getting fed up with on TV. You started it by making a factual statement that had no basis in reality whatsoever, the fact you did it in post #10 doesn't alter the reality that you made it up in your head. You just assumed, as there's a donation page, that he wasn't insured, didn't you? That is not the case. It has been explained with clarity by Mrs Ketley.

That. Is. My. Point.

Listen, I'm not here for tit-for-tat. I left school some time ago.

I want the facts to be clear and to stop people unnecessarily spreading misinformation that can upset the family and maybe damage any case to be made. You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family? If that makes the more touchy of you accuse me of trying to moderate, then so be it.

I know I have no agenda. I think the lad could use a helping hand at this time as he seems like a decent fella and they seem like a really nice family. If people continue to think that he's at fault for not being insured, it will have a negative impact on the benefit ThaiVisa Forum can be to them, through donations. You really don't see that, do you?

If you have a problem with me trying to help their family, because I'm in a position to do so, then I don't know what to say.

Please yourself, but I'm not going to be cowed.

A rather hypocritical post IMO. I don't have a problem if you are actually going to help the family, but I do object to your holier than thou attitude... Part of the problem, as usual with any "news" that the Phuket Gazette prints, is it is sensationalistic and incomplete. Good luck to the young man and his family.


Get off your high horse! I wrote this post long before you or Daniel's mom posted anything! It was post #10. Why don't you try your own advise and read before you post! Or learn to use the quote functions correctly...jerk.gif

You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family?

Ah, so you have met them? Not from what I have read on this thread... And who are you, the self appointed moderator of this thread?

No. This horse is quite comfortable thank you. Just a shame it's a Shetland Pony.

I've been talking to Mrs Ketley privately, yes. I am going to visit them, yes. Have I met them? No. Have I said I'd met them? No. Do not put words in my mouth.

I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to moonbarman. It's quite clear in my post. Take some paranoia pills.

The fact that you happened to be quoted in there and I refer to your quote was required. It makes your "take your own advice [sic]" thing quite bizarre really.

Anyway, seeing as you seem to want to bring yourself to everyone's attention again. "But he should have had accident insurance." HE DID. That's the kind of comment I'm getting fed up with on TV. You started it by making a factual statement that had no basis in reality whatsoever, the fact you did it in post #10 doesn't alter the reality that you made it up in your head. You just assumed, as there's a donation page, that he wasn't insured, didn't you? That is not the case. It has been explained with clarity by Mrs Ketley.

That. Is. My. Point.

Listen, I'm not here for tit-for-tat. I left school some time ago.

I want the facts to be clear and to stop people unnecessarily spreading misinformation that can upset the family and maybe damage any case to be made. You agree totally with the baseless speculation and random guessing put forth by some people who've never met the person inolved and their family? If that makes the more touchy of you accuse me of trying to moderate, then so be it.

I know I have no agenda. I think the lad could use a helping hand at this time as he seems like a decent fella and they seem like a really nice family. If people continue to think that he's at fault for not being insured, it will have a negative impact on the benefit ThaiVisa Forum can be to them, through donations. You really don't see that, do you?

If you have a problem with me trying to help their family, because I'm in a position to do so, then I don't know what to say.

Please yourself, but I'm not going to be cowed.

A rather hypocritical post IMO. I don't have a problem if you are actually going to help the family, but I do object to your holier than thou attitude... Part of the problem, as usual with any "news" that the Phuket Gazette prints, is it is sensationalistic and incomplete. Good luck to the young man and his family.

If trying to help them makes me a hypocrite, then fine, I'm a hypocrite.

Holier than thou? Lol! What's with all your name calling? I am doing that to you?

In neither article quoted, The Gazette or the Gold Coast, does it mention insurance once. I've read them and re-read them just now.

The notion he doesn't have insurance was completely made up by TV forum members. Including yourself. Stop looking elsewhere. It casued other people to believe he didn't too.

Look, whatever man, I'm not here to have some degenerate argument with another anonymous person on here. It's very boring.

I want people to know the truth. I stated my case. I think it makes sense. If you don't like that, I can't help it.

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