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Cover Up? Australian Kickboxer 'Savagely Bashed In Phuket'


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I have read the mother's comments, and the statement

our doctor who was caring for him at home approached me and asked me if I had considered that Daniel's injuries were not due to a motorcycle accident. That in his experience with forensics, he was clearly beaten with a bat or an object of the sort and that the injuries were caused to cause permanent damage or even death.

It validates my earlier comment that a physician with experience would be able to differentiate between a vehcile collision and a beating. However, in the absence of such a qualified opinion, subsequent to a physical exam, and review of the xrays, scans etc. the injuries could have very well been due to vehicle crash. Appreciably this statement attributed to the physician is hearsay, and there is nothing sworn etc. One doesn't even know if the physician is qualified to provide such an opinion. However, I am willing to accept the physician's statement.

this then opens a whole can of worms that the authorities will not want discussed. I don't think it is any big secret that gambling occurs at these fights and a sizeable amount can be wagered. My personal opinion is that many of the fights are fixed. I think one would have to be a clueless naif not to appreciate that. It is not as if there, is a regulatory body that oversees these fights is there? We all know the extent of corruption that occurs in Thailand.

I don't think this was a random beating if it was a beating. Perhaps this fellow didn't want to take a dive or pissed off some people. One look at the kid, and it is evident, he is not some nutter jacked up on steroids. As I said before, there's more to this story. I am not accusing the injured person of anything or dragging him into the mud, but I think we all know what the reality is with these fights and the types of people involved. They don't like seeing their profits diminished. Perhaps it would be best, not to push the issue any more, at least for the sake of the personal safety of the parties involved. This might explain why the police would rather this was treated as a vehile incident.

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Not forgetting that organized illegal fighting goes on behind the scenes,where no gloves or rules apply, it's a challenge to any young fighter to fight in one of these backyard tournaments, just a thought,judging by the injuries, considering i learned a hard lesson many years ago in Patpong.

So what exactly are you saying about this young man? He had a major title fight comming up so why would he get involved in some backyard stuff? He is a proffessional not an amature.

Not saying he was involved,Just opening up possibilities and alternative causes,and many professionals go through that hard school,it's just not thugs and street fighters, secondly,he is a great fighter,so let's not forget what goes on behind the betting scenes and mafia controlling these events,

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This added info makes it pretty clear that he was stopped from fighting by person or persons unknown.

Talent can be a threat to those who's only hope of a better life is to win fights, and if they can't in a fair manner, then there are ways to make their chances better, and be damned to anyone in their way.

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Not forgetting that organized illegal fighting goes on behind the scenes,where no gloves or rules apply, it's a challenge to any young fighter to fight in one of these backyard tournaments, just a thought,judging by the injuries, considering i learned a hard lesson many years ago in Patpong.

So what exactly are you saying about this young man? He had a major title fight comming up so why would he get involved in some backyard stuff? He is a proffessional not an amature.

Not saying he was involved,Just opening up possibilities and alternative causes,and many professionals go through that hard school,it's just not thugs and street fighters

He was clearly well past that level.

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Not forgetting that organized illegal fighting goes on behind the scenes,where no gloves or rules apply, it's a challenge to any young fighter to fight in one of these backyard tournaments, just a thought,judging by the injuries, considering i learned a hard lesson many years ago in Patpong.

So what exactly are you saying about this young man? He had a major title fight comming up so why would he get involved in some backyard stuff? He is a proffessional not an amature.

Not saying he was involved,Just opening up possibilities and alternative causes,and many professionals go through that hard school,it's just not thugs and street fighters

He was clearly well past that level.

You are never passed that level.

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I understand what your saying but surely you would be referring to a western medical prctitioners for example, here they cant even be trusted to do autopsies.

Of course they can - for the right price they can be trusted to give what ever evidence is required. Always and without exception.

Anyway, maybe he crashed his bike, without wearing at helmet, at very slow speed into a group of guys that were holding their fists and weapons outstretched in his direction.

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Unfounded accusation and quoted replies removed, please remember their could be family members reading this topic and they do not need to see stuff like that.

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The dedication needed to reach this level of professionalism is beyond many peoples comprehension, the discipline with ones self is mind boggling, what ever happened is all speculation, this kid is in hospital and his mother is reading all this stuff, what grief, spare a thought for them when writing personal attacks, because we don't know shit in the end!

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@ Deborah1966

Deborah, thanks for your explainations of what happened to your son, I sincerely hope he makes a full recovery and this incident does not affect his career path in the Thai boxing world.

In cases like this where the next of kin/family is reading the thread, I tend not to get involved. But scanning through the postings on this thread (and maybe I have missed this) I can't understand where the doubt and speculation is coming from. It has been stated that there was damage to the rented bike indicating that he was actually in an accident. There must have been an accident report of sorts; I cannot believe, even here in Thailand that there would not be follow-up to injuries this severe. If, as you suggested in your opening post, that the bike could have landed on him, then there should be blood traces on the bike where it caused the injuries. If he was catapulted off the bike and connected with a hard surface (I understand it has been said he hit a post or powerline support?) then again there should be blood traces there.

I would like to apologise if this has brought any distress to yourself or your son.

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So why give it a rest Southy?

Why am I getting under your skin on this one?

If your going to direct a comment to me...at least spell correctly Mel...

Your not getting under my skin all..just very sad that you seem to be getting off on a families misfortune thats all, the guys mother has taken the time to comment on TV and all you are doing is having a go...

I'm not getting off on anything. I simply asked logical questions.

It is sensitive, yes.

But if the correct questions are not asked.... where does it go?

I'm not riling.

Is it going to be left as a bike accident? More than likely.

If wounds are left to close..... so be it.

If wounds are not kept in the open, then no eventual truth will abound.

If that's what everybody wants then, again, so be it.


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i think this thread needs to be closed


+2. Its becoming very gross and personal!

That's what happens when people search for the truth.

Can't you face that?

I'd like to see the truth to the end of this case. It was opened not by me, and I simply gave my opinions.

Be those opinions liked or disliked, don't you want to get to the real truth?

Thread closed and you lose along with everybody else, including the family.

That is weak and frail.


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People don't need to read it,including relatives, it was posted on a forum, it is public and public means getting different opinions and so on, even though some go overboard,but the moderators are there to control the real crap....

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People don't need to read it,including relatives, it was posted on a forum, it is public and public means getting different opinions and so on, even though some go overboard,but the moderators are there to control the real crap....


If you don't wish to pursue matters then there are plenty of other threads to visit.

To ask for closure, when there is no abuse or assassination of characters, but pure questioning..... isn't necessary.

All have the option not to read, and leave those interested to discuss and interrogate kindly.


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I endured a low impact hit on a pole, on a bicycle, first point of contact right side of the head, deep 4cm gash, bruising and swelling, received through two folds of thick cloth on my hat; second point of contact as head bounced back was right side neck and shoulder, severe bruising to both. Final impact was my right hand my bicycle jammed it against the pole. There was no further damage as the impact threw me off, turned me around and I landed on my back. I was carrying a small rucksack which cushioned the fall.

Similarly I was hit by a car, went over the bonnet smashed my cycling hemet in the fall as my head hit the ground first, again landed on my back cushioned by my back pack, no further damage

Before I get flamed I realise that a motorcycle moves a little faster than a bicycle

I add my comments to give you some idea of how injuries can appear confusing, no grazing for example, when you hit a post your body takes the impact then you are effectively stopped, I really cannot make any decision as to the cause of the injuries based on what I have read because I am no expert in injuries and type of impact

I hope this young man recovers and gets to lead a quality life

Best wishes


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i think this thread needs to be closed


+2. Its becoming very gross and personal!

What's the difference between the thread being closed and you voluntarily stopping yourself from reading it? Pretend it has been closed right where you would like it to be closed and just don't open it any more. The rest of us can handle it.

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It would be worth knowing how much gas was in the tank at the time. Probably wouldn't stop for gas if it didn't need any.

Ladies and gentleman...dirty harry is in the building...

Thanks, but still wouldn't rule anything out. They step on the road at a slow point and he slows down and gets walloped. Possible

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I endured a low impact hit on a pole, on a bicycle, first point of contact right side of the head, deep 4cm gash, bruising and swelling, received through two folds of thick cloth on my hat; second point of contact as head bounced back was right side neck and shoulder, severe bruising to both. Final impact was my right hand my bicycle jammed it against the pole. There was no further damage as the impact threw me off, turned me around and I landed on my back. I was carrying a small rucksack which cushioned the fall.

Similarly I was hit by a car, went over the bonnet smashed my cycling hemet in the fall as my head hit the ground first, again landed on my back cushioned by my back pack, no further damage

Before I get flamed I realise that a motorcycle moves a little faster than a bicycle

I add my comments to give you some idea of how injuries can appear confusing, no grazing for example, when you hit a post your body takes the impact then you are effectively stopped, I really cannot make any decision as to the cause of the injuries based on what I have read because I am no expert in injuries and type of impact

I hope this young man recovers and gets to lead a quality life

Best wishes


So you are indicating that the injuries you have seen are corresponding to a very similar experience of a motorcycle accident you had.

That also corresponds with an earlier indication I made regarding a single area of impact which is usually zonal, when making initial impact with a barrier of sorts, such as a post. Once the head has absorbed the initial impact load, and it can cope with many Kn of impact, so much that many would disbelieve, a limb is usually the second and final stopper of full decceleration and halting of impact. That would be in a confined space, but on a bike fall and leave the vehicle would be the final halt.

I designed steering wheels and steering columns in my earlier past, and we did what was called 'body block testing'. These tests were usually at very low speeds, beginning at 15mph. The load impact on the chest and head, and the noise of impact at this small speed, is frightening. It is unbelievable. That's why it is, in most NCAP and Federal Testing requirements, a law that the column must absorb impact and breakway and slide car forward, in simple terms, a minimum of 100mm..... that absorbs a huge amount of head or chest load.

The damage done to 'Oscar' - the mannequin - at speeds of 45mph - is unbelieveable also, and I am amazed at what the human body can survive,, when people walk away from impacts of 100mph, often. That is a combination of air-bags, belt pretensioners - that fire at micro-seconds when the vehicle impact sensors detect serious impacts and set of the firing sequences - all highly tuned.

On a motorbike, there are none of these, yet the human body can absorb more than we know.

Slightly off-topic Admin - but of some relevance: This is fascinating


I still also disagree with the headline of 'savagely bashed' - he isn't that badly off! Much exaggeration here. ermm.gif

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So you are indicating that the injuries you have seen are corresponding to a very similar experience of a motorcycle accident you had.

That also corresponds with an earlier indication I made regarding a single area of impact which is usually zonal, when making initial impact with a barrier of sorts, such as a post. Once the head has absorbed the initial impact load, and it can cope with many Kn of impact, so much that many would disbelieve, a limb is usually the second and final stopper of full decceleration and halting of impact. That would be in a confined space, but on a bike fall and leave the vehicle would be the final halt.

There have been a few more personal experiences here in this thread of people indicating his injuries are similar to the ones they sustained from a motorbike accident.

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I have attended numerous vehicle collisions, cars, motor bikes, pedestrians, bicycles and no two were ever the same. I do not know why people are comparing and speculating as to what injuries a person would sustain because you can't. i have seen motor bike riders that have displayed no visible trauma at all but the out come was tragic.

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I have attended numerous vehicle collisions, cars, motor bikes, pedestrians, bicycles and no two were ever the same. I do not know why people are comparing and speculating as to what injuries a person would sustain because you can't. i have seen motor bike riders that have displayed no visible trauma at all but the out come was tragic.

Because we are trying to establish if this was indeed a bike accident, or as purported a 'savage attack' by a gang of Thai's out to deliberately end this young man's fighting career.'

It is possible to establish if this was a bike accident or a severe beating with many comparisons of each, isn't it??


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I have attended numerous vehicle collisions, cars, motor bikes, pedestrians, bicycles and no two were ever the same. I do not know why people are comparing and speculating as to what injuries a person would sustain because you can't. i have seen motor bike riders that have displayed no visible trauma at all but the out come was tragic.

Because we are trying to establish if this was indeed a bike accident, or as purported a 'savage attack' by a gang of Thai's out to deliberately end this young man's fighting career.'

It is possible to establish if this was a bike accident or a severe beating with many comparisons of each, isn't it??


It is pointless, you will never establish either way on here from various posts. Niether you nor I or anyone else on here (apart from the parents) have been to the initial scene or examined the victim. The police say it was a motorbike accident given his injuries (They are hardly qualified in that field) and a duely qualified medical practioner says that the injuries are not consistant with those of a person involved in such an accident. When police conduct an investigation they are guided by experts in a particular field and do not simply draw thier own conclusions. As a police officer if a medical officer was to indicate to me that he believed a particular incident was a serious assault and not a collision then I would have to be guided by his expertise and investigate it then make a determination at the end and not simply write it off on my own presumption.

So to answer your question it is impossible to establish either way on an online forum.

I have not read anywhere that says it was a savage attack by a gang of Thais, another unfounded presumption and this forum again will never establish the ethnic background of other who may or may not have been involved.

Edited by chooka
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I have attended numerous vehicle collisions, cars, motor bikes, pedestrians, bicycles and no two were ever the same. I do not know why people are comparing and speculating as to what injuries a person would sustain because you can't. i have seen motor bike riders that have displayed no visible trauma at all but the out come was tragic.

Because we are trying to establish if this was indeed a bike accident, or as purported a 'savage attack' by a gang of Thai's out to deliberately end this young man's fighting career.'

It is possible to establish if this was a bike accident or a severe beating with many comparisons of each, isn't it??


I have not read anywhere that says it was a savage attack by a gang of Thais, another unfounded presumption and this forum again will never establish the ethnic background of other who may or may not have been involved.

Coast man savagely bashed in Phuket

Mackenzie Ravn

PHUKET: -- A CHAMPION Gold Coast kickboxer has suffered life-threatening injuries on the Thai tourist island of Phuket, the victim of what his family believe was a savage bashing.

Page 1 - opening headline. Another unfounded presumption of mine? Get real!

So you didn't read that it was said it was a savage attack by a gang of Thais in the first headline?

OK for you to knock me - when you haven't read the facts? Hum?

As for Southpeel liking your post, you too Southpeel are on a bender to wish wash anything I currently comment upon, so why don't you give it a rest too, as you suggested I do. You seem to be missing a few posts too. I don't dislike much of what you like, and rec a lot of them, as you know. You did however ask for the thread to be closed, and it was offered that you don't need to read further. So why are you still doing, negatively, I will add!

-mel. whistling.gif

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