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Cover Up? Australian Kickboxer 'Savagely Bashed In Phuket'


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why would the hospital say that his injuries are consistent with a motorcycle crash when the ambulance picked him up?

Did someone carry him to another location? you would think that the motorbike would still be there, wouldnt you? then you would be able to say he was picked up at the scene of the accident

Well from reading the OP and the Gold Coast article it would appear they moved him to this private hospital owing to a issue of mistrust.

That's why they've set up a FB donation page to pay for the exorbitant fees.

The original hospital staff or the paramedics on scene seem to think it was an RTA. It's totally plausible the new hospital have said something to the contrary. It'd be really nice to hear what the private hopsital assess as the cause of the injuries.

Surely they'd be able to tell the difference between a sustained attack and hitting a stationary object.

Again from the Gold Coast article

"We have him in a private hospital ... it's not cheap but it is the only one that we trust," he said. (His Dad said.)

I would imagine he was at a state run first and then moved shortly thereafter when the family got a chance to speak to Daniel and found out that he thought something was amiss. It seems they turned their suspicion on the hospital too at that time.

Not trusting a hospital is quite strange. I know corruption is rife, but it's one of the few instiutions that I'd like to believe aren't as bad as all the others.

Having said that, could I imagine a bent doctor in Thailand giving opinions under duress or expectation from the BiB or even corroborating with them? Yes I could. Sadly.

It seems to me the Dad talked to his son and his son is adamant he was attacked.

In that situation I know what I'd do for my boy. I can understand the family's actions here. Very understandable indeed.

Will we ever find out what actually happened? I highly doubt it.

sorry, i probably wasnt clear in my post, what I meant was, if it was a motorcycle accident there would be the bike present right? so if they are saying the wounds are consistent with a motorcycle accident, yep I could understand that, IF there was a bike there, it appears that its only speculation at this point, so they not sure, which indicates to me that there was no bike, if there was a bike which there usually is in bike accidents, i guess then that would take the guess work out of the equation

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By The way, there was a previous thread on this on TV :


It did link to an external sources which has far more details on the events:


Hospital, location, insurance issues, it's all there.....

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The damage is consistent with what you'd do to end a fighters career,

and get him out of a weight catagory for good.

The damage is also consistent with a young lad's developing abilities leading him to think he can win any street fight.

Showing off Muay Thai, and any other martial art is not within the spiritual essence of the art itself.

Who's to say he wasn't intending to 'show off' to girlies, as his bike was pumped up with adrenalin, and he happened to meet a/some street fighting styled Muay Thai boxers?

Pure speculation, but possible.

Medically, if fractures to a skull, brain impression - that's possible head impact from a bike crash - but unlikely same impact spot that would lead to serious eye damage or loss of teeth unless he was flying on the bike, and nobody flies into a gas station!


Edit: I take my words back, after looking at the pics in above second link. They are consistent with a bike crash!

I think he needs to tell daddy he did crash the bike, and change his headline from Thai's nearly left me for dead.... asshol_e! :(

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sorry, i probably wasnt clear in my post, what I meant was, if it was a motorcycle accident there would be the bike present right? so if they are saying the wounds are consistent with a motorcycle accident, yep I could understand that, IF there was a bike there, it appears that its only speculation at this point, so they not sure, which indicates to me that there was no bike, if there was a bike which there usually is in bike accidents, i guess then that would take the guess work out of the equation

Not speculation. Fact. It's already been said in the linked article from the OP (GoldCoast.com.au) that there's a bike that he was driving.

"There is no damage on the bike at all except that the top part of the dashboard is smashed in and two rear view mirrors are smashed off ... it just doesn't make sense." - His Dad Steve. Source.

Again, damage consistent with hitting a stationary object head-on. I've done it a couple of times, avoiding other drivers to prevent a collision with them.

Getting a look at the bike would be nice, but don't hold your breath.

From what another poster said here, it's common for head trauma patients to never recover the memories they had just before their trauma. Only he knows what really happened, whether he'll ever be able to access that information at any point in his life, is another matter.

The original hospital staff or the paramedics on scene seem to THINK it was an RTA

can you see what i mean, they THINK it was. The other thing is, i dont recall there being a mention of who found him or who called it in

Well that's really the artcile writer saying the word think there. Unless you spoke to the staff yourself, it'd be hard to know if they're sure it's an RTA or it could potentially be an RTA.

They'd know and be able to easily spot it given that Thailand has the second highest (allegedley) fatal and non-fatal RTA figures in the world. Alright based on non-official figures, but still. I've known 7 people who've died in the last 3 years on the road.

I'd really like to know what the surgeons that treated him thought at the private. They'd certainly know. Not that we'd be able to find out with the patient-confidentiality thing.

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If you crash your bike and aren't wearing a helmet I doubt any impact damage to your head would cause these type of black eyes, it would either kill you or break your neck. I don't see those big black eyes consistent with crashing a motorbike.

actually a simple broken nose will cause eyes to swell up turn black and possibly even close - thats no trauma to the eyes at all - and if you read the OP you will discover that the injuries to this fellows upper face were quite horrific - so back to the drawing board for you

Actually, I said earlier, his other injuries - brain damage, skull damage, arm and neck damage. These imply if it was a bike crash it would be a serious crash. In a serious crash where as you say black eyes occur I would expect the cheeks nose and forehead and whole face to be bruised and cut up. The guys face looks really unhurt except the eyes and the ridge leading up from one eye. If you are saying he went flying off a bike and landed on his head I would expect the damage to be allover his face and not just his eyes.

He looks like every bloke I'm ever seen after they've come runner-up in a serious fight. In a bike crash I would expect either no injuries to face, or total massive head injuries depending on the type of crash. What he has got is bashed in eyes only, which seems a bit odd. You will also notice his eyes are smashed in, they are not as you say 'blackened from a broken nose' those eyes have taken a lot of damage directly all the way into the socket, and yet the surrounding face is fresh and sprucey.

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If you crash your bike and aren't wearing a helmet I doubt any impact damage to your head would cause these type of black eyes, it would either kill you or break your neck. I don't see those big black eyes consistent with crashing a motorbike.

actually a simple broken nose will cause eyes to swell up turn black and possibly even close - thats no trauma to the eyes at all - and if you read the OP you will discover that the injuries to this fellows upper face were quite horrific - so back to the drawing board for you

Actually, I said earlier, his other injuries - brain damage, skull damage, arm and neck damage. These imply if it was a bike crash it would be a serious crash. In a serious crash where as you say black eyes occur I would expect the cheeks nose and forehead and whole face to be bruised and cut up. The guys face looks really unhurt except the eyes and the ridge leading up from one eye. If you are saying he went flying off a bike and landed on his head I would expect the damage to be allover his face and not just his eyes.

He looks like every bloke I'm ever seen after they've come runner-up in a serious fight. In a bike crash I would expect either no injuries to face, or total massive head injuries depending on the type of crash. What he has got is bashed in eyes only, which seems a bit odd. You will also notice his eyes are smashed in, they are not as you say 'blackened from a broken nose' those eyes have taken a lot of damage directly all the way into the socket, and yet the surrounding face is fresh and sprucey.

Do you have any kind of medical experince at all? Are you trained in that kind of thing? (I'm seriously asking. Not to make fun of you, just you're making a diagnosis here based on some photos on a forum.)

People can have extreme brain, head, neck, eye, upperbody and even arm trauma from literally falling over, off a chair. You can be stationary on a bike and fall over and have severe head trauma. You can be doing 5km/h and the receive the same injuries. It's all completely circumstantial.

We don't know what he hit, how he hit it and what shape it was, we don't know anything at all actually other than the hospital he originally went to (most likely Vachira from the look of the hospital bed) say it's an RTA and he doesn't.

Nor are we qualified (unless you actually are) to say what injuries he should/should not have and what they should look like.

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Do you have any kind of medical experince at all? Are you trained in that kind of thing?

I suppose if you want a medical expert you go to the hospital but if you want to hear just normal people expressing their opinions you go to a public internet forum.

I have hospital experience and being ill experience, but I'm not a doctor. I never actually said I was making a diagnosis, I just said it looks more like a beating victim than a road accident victim to me.

I have primary-progressive multiple sclerosis and am in a wheelchair a lot, I get bone breaks and bruising all the time.

It seems odd that the guy would get those injuries from a bike crash. Other people seem to agree with me. Including his family who unlike the people on TVF, have actually seen him in person since the 'accident'.

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By The way, there was a previous thread on this on TV :


It did link to an external sources which has far more details on the events:


Hospital, location, insurance issues, it's all there.....

That's a very good link there and a very interesting read. It does really give more details, but I'm sitting here looking at his face thinking - that could as easily be an accident as it could be inflicted intentionally - doing even 20-30km/h, it's very possible.

I find it interesting that the Dad at no point uses the hospital to reinforce his point. He doesn't even say that the hopsital have lead him to think what he thinks. He seems to be going on what his son said and that is 100% understandable. It must be heart rending for a father to see his son in such a mess. In his shoes I'd almost definitely be thinking differently.

I'm conflicted though, this is Phuket we're talking about here. Had this been set in Ao Nang for instance, I'd have said RTA without even questioning it.

Lol, I keep saying this, but we'll never actually know.

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Do you have any kind of medical experince at all? Are you trained in that kind of thing?

I suppose if you want a medical expert you go to the hospital but if you want to hear just normal people expressing their opinions you go to a public internet forum.

I have hospital experience and being ill experience, but I'm not a doctor. I never actually said I was making a diagnosis, I just said it looks more like a beating victim than a road accident victim to me.

I have primary-progressive multiple sclerosis and am in a wheelchair a lot, I get bone breaks and bruising all the time.

It seems odd that the guy would get those injuries from a bike crash. Other people seem to agree with me. Including his family who unlike the people on TVF, have actually seen him in person since the 'accident'.

I'm not trying to attack you. I said so before and I was being genuine. I'm just saying what I think as you are equally free to do.

Apologies if I offended you in any way.

There's people who agree with you and there's people that agree with my viewpoint, not least the medical staff that saw him first. I'm not trying to take sides. I will say that the Vachira hospital seem to be saying that he hit a pole. I really don't know why they'd lie and to start intimating medical staff of obfuscation and hiding something is really stretching reality.

Could it be an RTA? Yes.

Could it be GBH/Attempted Murder? Yes.

Does the fact that this has happened in Phuket in a week with another Australian being murdered cause people to be sensitive about such issues? I'd say definitely.

If the Bangkok Phuket could come out and say yay or nay, it'd be very helpful. It won't happen though.

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Secondary issue.......what's this Facebook fund all about? Was this guy in Thailand without travel insurance?????

I'm not judging him as I can't deduce if he was or not, however anyone traveling to Thailand without insurance is a nutter.

Perhaps you didn't read:

Mr Ketley has lived in Phuket with his parents for the past three years and is a full-time muay thai boxer training with the Sumalee Boxing Gym in Thalang.

But he should have had accident insurance. It's very inexpensive from local banks...

Yes I missed that bit......so what you are saying now is that he was living full time in Thailand without insurance????..............mental.

Well im sorry but i live in Thailand have done for 18 months and i am excluded from obtaining health insurance due to previous illness and injuries,we aren't all lucky enough to have lived a life unscathed and im only 50 and have already suffered a bad car accident that set me back over 600,000 baht.I would love to have insurance,count yourself lucky if you can.

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We don't know what he hit, how he hit it and what shape it was, we don't know anything at all actually other than the hospital he originally went to (most likely Vachira from the look of the hospital bed) say it's an RTA and he doesn't.

Exactly. He is quoted saying I know I can’t have crashed. I know the roads very well", but admits not remember anything except that he was going to stop for gasoline. Unless somebody has already made his mind on what really happened, I don't see any point taking this logic as a truth.

Jumping on the conclusion that he has been attacked is based on the fact that, YES, there is an history of aggression's in the area. But there are also a bunch of deadly motorbike accidents here.

And the injuries he sustained can fit both scenarios.

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We don't know what he hit, how he hit it and what shape it was, we don't know anything at all actually other than the hospital he originally went to (most likely Vachira from the look of the hospital bed) say it's an RTA and he doesn't.

Exactly. He is quoted saying I know I can’t have crashed. I know the roads very well", but admits not remember anything except that he was going to stop for gasoline. Unless somebody has already made his mind on what really happened, I don't see any point taking this logic as a truth.

Jumping on the conclusion that he has been attacked is based on the fact that, YES, there is an history of aggression's in the area. But there are also a bunch of deadly motorbike accidents here.

And the injuries he sustained can fit both scenarios.

Nail. On. Head.

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Does the fact that this has happened in Phuket in a week with another Australian being murdered cause people to be sensitive about such issues? I'd say definitely.

Fully agreed (again). Events happened on the 8th, and at the time everybody accepted the accident as a motorbike accident. It started to make the headlines we are seeing now only on the 20th, but a few hours BEFORE the stabbing, so no conspiracy theories here, please.

But yes, media exposure has boosted the funds collection effort, and this will help him to recover better, and it's what we all wish to him.

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Perhaps you didn't read:

Mr Ketley has lived in Phuket with his parents for the past three years and is a full-time muay thai boxer training with the Sumalee Boxing Gym in Thalang.

But he should have had accident insurance. It's very inexpensive from local banks...

Yes I missed that bit......so what you are saying now is that he was living full time in Thailand without insurance????..............mental.

Well im sorry but i live in Thailand have done for 18 months and i am excluded from obtaining health insurance due to previous illness and injuries,we aren't all lucky enough to have lived a life unscathed and im only 50 and have already suffered a bad car accident that set me back over 600,000 baht.I would love to have insurance,count yourself lucky if you can.

Well if you live here in Thailand and have a Thai bank account, you can buy PA or Personal Accident Insurance from your bank. I have found Siam Commercial's to be better than Bangkok Bank's by the way. There are no exclusions that I know of, they didn't ask me for anything other than money...

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There's people who agree with you and there's people that agree with my viewpoint, not least the medical staff that saw him first. I'm not trying to take sides. I will say that the Vachira hospital seem to be saying that he hit a pole. I really don't know why they'd lie and to start intimating medical staff of obfuscation and hiding something is really stretching reality.

No need to apologise, your posts are well written and make sense to me. Also its just a forum and really it would be boring if everyone had the same opinions and theories.

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My name is Deborah and I am Daniel's mum. I have read many of the posts regarding this incident and thought it would be fair to clear up some things.

Firstly Daniel was with a friend and they went to Laguna Bar in Rawai. Daniel wanted to go out because he was starting a heavy regime of training as he was preparing for a title fight in Malaysia early July.

Daniel is a high profile fighter and ranks 3rd in the Australian International Kickboxer ratings. Also known as the best foreigner fighter in his weight division in Phuket.

His training is very stringent and his commitment to this title fight was all he talked about.......

My sincere thanks for coming on here and sharing this with us Deborah and let me be the first to say we genuinely hope for a speedy recovery for Daniel.

You've had a really tough time of it and it must be hard to see so many opinionated (including myself) people making bad judgement calls here.

From how you've explained it, it does now seem sadly to be what I hoped it would not be. What's sadder is that is does not suprise me in Phuket.

Sadly you're right. A young, talented Muay Thai fighter is going to be stereotyped in a bad way. Mainly as there's a precedent for it on the island with fighters only seeming to attract trouble to themselves and there's been a few high-profile cases that really show the negative side of people, especially farangs, in that profession. Daniel could be the one who helps turn that opinion around.

Thanks for also explaining what your doctor thinks. I'd have to be frank and say (citing real serious examples of friends of mine who have died here) it'll be nigh on impossible to try and hold people accountable for this. Your time spent here would lead me to believe you already realise this.

Is there no CCTV anywhere that you can access? Silly question which I'm sure you've thought of, but I have to ask.

Amazing that your Daniel breaks all of these stigmas and I'm really very impressed.

Please tell Daniel "Hai Wai Wai Na Khrap"! I hope the publicity here has enhanced the donations for Daniel too. That will be a positive outcome of being on here, if it helps in any way.

I read somewhere that they're hopeful he'll be back in a ring. I really hope this is true.

- Cheers, a new friend and wellwisher in Surat Thani.

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My condolences to the family and friends of this young man. My concern is that

in this instance and that of the poor unfortunate Australian lady someone will always be found guilty, if only to protect the image of Thailand.,

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thank you deborah, all our hearts are with you guys, its truly obvious your son has a fighting spirit and will come back with a vengeance Im sure. Not only his fitness as an athlete, but also the love and support he receives from his family and friends that will help Daniel to a speedy recovery. It makes me ill to the stomach to hear about these tragedies, not just the physical pain caused but also the emotional pain to his loved ones and friends. Best wishes to you all and I certainly will be watching any televised events of daniel.


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There's people who agree with you and there's people that agree with my viewpoint, not least the medical staff that saw him first. I'm not trying to take sides. I will say that the Vachira hospital seem to be saying that he hit a pole. I really don't know why they'd lie and to start intimating medical staff of obfuscation and hiding something is really stretching reality.

No need to apologise, your posts are well written and make sense to me. Also its just a forum and really it would be boring if everyone had the same opinions and theories.

Amazing Thailand.The amazing thing that I find is that most Vachira DRs work at one of the bigger Farang, insurance rip-off hospital as a first job. Cover ups are to be expected. In Thailand money and saving face is more important than saving lives and admitting mistakes.
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My name is Deborah and I am Daniel's mum. I have read many of the posts regarding this incident and thought it would be fair to clear up some things.

Firstly Daniel was with a friend and they went to Laguna Bar in Rawai. Daniel wanted to go out because he was starting a heavy regime of training as he was preparing for a title fight in Malaysia early July.

Daniel is a high profile fighter and ranks 3rd in the Australian International Kickboxer ratings. Also known as the best foreigner fighter in his weight division in Phuket.

His training is very stringent and his commitment to this title fight was all he talked about.......

My sincere thanks for coming on here and sharing this with us Deborah and let me be the first to say we genuinely hope for a speedy recovery for Daniel.

You've had a really tough time of it and it must be hard to see so many opinionated (including myself) people making bad judgement calls here.

From how you've explained it, it does now seem sadly to be what I hoped it would not be. What's sadder is that is does not suprise me in Phuket.

Sadly you're right. A young, talented Muay Thai fighter is going to be stereotyped in a bad way. Mainly as there's a precedent for it on the island with fighters only seeming to attract trouble to themselves and there's been a few high-profile cases that really show the negative side of people, especially farangs, in that profession.

Thanks for also explaining what your doctor thinks. I'd have to be frank and say (citing real serious examples of friends of mine who have died here) it'll be nigh on impossible to try and hold people accountable for this. Your time spent here would lead me to believe you already realise this.

Is there no CCTV anywhere that you can access? Silly question which I'm sure you've thought of, but I have to ask.

Amazing that your Daniel breaks all of these stigmas and I'm really very impressed.

Please tell Daniel "Hai Wai Wai Na Khrap"! I hope the publicity here has enhanced the donations for Daniel too. That will be a positive outcome of being on here, if it helps in any way.

- Cheers, a new friend and wellwisher in Surat Thani.

My name is Deborah and I am Daniel's mum. I have read many of the posts regarding this incident and thought it would be fair to clear up some things.

Firstly Daniel was with a friend and they went to Laguna Bar in Rawai. Daniel wanted to go out because he was starting a heavy regime of training as he was preparing for a title fight in Malaysia early July.

Daniel is a high profile fighter and ranks 3rd in the Australian International Kickboxer ratings. Also known as the best foreigner fighter in his weight division in Phuket.

His training is very stringent and his commitment to this title fight was all he talked about.......

My sincere thanks for coming on here and sharing this with us Deborah and let me be the first to say we genuinely hope for a speedy recovery for Daniel.

You've had a really tough time of it and it must be hard to see so many opinionated (including myself) people making bad judgement calls here.

From how you've explained it, it does now seem sadly to be what I hoped it would not be. What's sadder is that is does not suprise me in Phuket.

Sadly you're right. A young, talented Muay Thai fighter is going to be stereotyped in a bad way. Mainly as there's a precedent for it on the island with fighters only seeming to attract trouble to themselves and there's been a few high-profile cases that really show the negative side of people, especially farangs, in that profession.

Thanks for also explaining what your doctor thinks. I'd have to be frank and say (citing real serious examples of friends of mine who have died here) it'll be nigh on impossible to try and hold people accountable for this. Your time spent here would lead me to believe you already realise this.

Is there no CCTV anywhere that you can access? Silly question which I'm sure you've thought of, but I have to ask.

Amazing that your Daniel breaks all of these stigmas and I'm really very impressed.

Please tell Daniel "Hai Wai Wai Na Khrap"! I hope the publicity here has enhanced the donations for Daniel too. That will be a positive outcome of being on here, if it helps in any way.

- Cheers, a new friend and wellwisher in Surat Thani.

Dear new friend,

Thank you for your response. Yes we asked about the cameras but police said there aren't any in that location. However, I must say that right now my energy is better spent on getting our son back to full recovery.

People will always have their opinions and rightly so. I'm not here to justify or protect, I told it as it is. I think it's fair to clarify things to others so they may have a more genuine picture.

What is important is that for those who don't know Daniel, that they may stop making unsubstantial claims of a wonderful young man, with a passion and talent. He is in no way arrogant

or even aggressive. In fact most people don't believe he's a Muay Thai fighter. The reason he has so much support and people wanting to help in any way they can, is a direct result

of his attitude towards people. He respects and is respected.

I gave Daniel your message.

Take care

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Dear new friend,

Thank you for your response. Yes we asked about the cameras but police said there aren't any in that location. However, I must say that right now my energy is better spent on getting our son back to full recovery.

People will always have their opinions and rightly so. I'm not here to justify or protect, I told it as it is. I think it's fair to clarify things to others so they may have a more genuine picture.

What is important is that for those who don't know Daniel, that they may stop making unsubstantial claims of a wonderful young man, with a passion and talent. He is in no way arrogant

or even aggressive. In fact most people don't believe he's a Muay Thai fighter. The reason he has so much support and people wanting to help in any way they can, is a direct result

of his attitude towards people. He respects and is respected.

I gave Daniel your message.

Take care

Ah, shame about the cameras. Sorry to ask such a patronizing question, it just struck me that that'd be definitive it showed anything up. Sod's law there's none on that route!

When he's back in the ring, I'll take a trip down with the missus and older kids to come and see him fight and say hello.

I'm sure you kindly providing us with real facts will stop the doubters. It seems the internet is awash will "trolls" these days making grossly unsubstantiated claims.

We'll keep them in check! Don't you worry about that.

I did some reading from another article on Daniel and you seem really really proud of him and even supported him to the extent you were willing to swap Aus for Phuket to encourage his career as a fighter. I can't ever think of hearing that before and that really shows how dedicated he must be to what he does. Knowing he's tried to assimilate into the country and culture and learning the language is really admirable. It's way more than the vast majority here on this forum would ever bother to do.

We'll be keeping tabs on Daniel's progress and be urging anyone in a position to help, even with a small donation, to do so.

I hope you manage to get some well-deserved rest!

- I'm a Daniel too! A Brit, but still a Daniel! Best name in the world. smile.png

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Secondary issue.......what's this Facebook fund all about? Was this guy in Thailand without travel insurance?????

I'm not judging him as I can't deduce if he was or not, however anyone traveling to Thailand without insurance is a nutter.

houlI've been here for 7 months & I've yet to see any travel insurance that would insure you for any more than 90 days so what sort of crap are you talking....

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Secondary issue.......what's this Facebook fund all about? Was this guy in Thailand without travel insurance?????

I'm not judging him as I can't deduce if he was or not, however anyone traveling to Thailand without insurance is a nutter.

houlI've been here for 7 months & I've yet to see any travel insurance that would insure you for any more than 90 days so what sort of crap are you talking....

Mate, the guy's Mum came on the thread an explained his insurance situation in clear detail.

No judging needed. Just reading needed.

"As for those asking whether he had insurance. Yes of course he has insurance. Health and Accident Insurance. We are all insured. But the insurance was used up to reconstruct his face and mouth."

That would mean they'd have none left for the massive cost of the ongoing care I would imagine Daniel will need now and for some time to come.

It also went a very long way to clear any doubts about what happened that evening and put things in a much clearer light than nearly all other threads here. A very rare thing indeed.

I know posts can be long and time-consuming to read, but it is important you hear what people have to say first.

I'd think that a small whatever donation in this case would be money very well spent knowing the facts now. What's a night's worth of Chang/Leo/Singha to anyone here, eh?

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A wise Irishman once told me that many a mans tongue broke his nose. I imagine this is the case.

How about you don't just read a title of a thread, ignore every other post in the thread and try and become the comedy genius? Can you do that?

I'll refer you to all the posts in communication with the boy's family (Mum) on this very page.

What's wrong with people here? I remember why I took a hiatus now.

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