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Court Postpones Verdict On Teen Driver: Don Muang Tollway Accident


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Take it up with those who rule Thailand, I am not to blame for how it works in Thailand but what I do know is that money talks and if your connected then life is far easier than a poor farm girl from Issan who has no connections but even a poor farm girl from Issan can get let off if her family or freinds can pull strings.

The Thai' s can be great puppeteers and know how to pull strings when needed.

People are taking it up with you because you are the one who has taken it upon himself to defend the one justice for the rich, one justice for the poor, system we are seeing in action.

Nothing to do with rich or poor when I first posted, what I questioned was would you let your own daughter be banged up in a Thai jail if you had other options.

And as i said to you before, that is not the question we should be asking ourselves. Be it victims or be it criminals, neither should have a say or be able to influence the punishment dished out. Of course if the option is there, people will take it. Question is, do you think in a fair and working justice system, the option should exist?

No in an ideal world it should not exist but it does in Thailand and if I could keep my daughter out of jail then I'd take options available to me.

If Thailand EVER has a fair and working justice system then options to get a get out of jail free card [at a cost] would no longer exist.

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No in an ideal world it should not exist but it does in Thailand and if I could keep my daughter out of jail then I'd take options available to me.

If Thailand EVER has a fair and working justice system then options to get a get out of jail free card [at a cost] would no longer exist.

Glad you say you think the option shouldn't exist. All the defensive posts you have made in favour of this girl and the actions of her family have given me, and i think others, a very different impression.

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mobile phone use could have been checked really really easy, no ?

family has enough money to settle out of court? how much is worth a life here ? they just run you over on the crossroads when its green to walk and red for the cars to stop for you

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No in an ideal world it should not exist but it does in Thailand and if I could keep my daughter out of jail then I'd take options available to me.

If Thailand EVER has a fair and working justice system then options to get a get out of jail free card [at a cost] would no longer exist.

Glad you say you think the option shouldn't exist. All the defensive posts you have made in favour of this girl and the actions of her family have given me, and i think others, a very different impression.

I think that I have only defended a scenario of if it was mine or someone else's daughter and would I defend and stand by her by whatever means were available to me. Bloods thicker than water.

I don't recall where I have defended the family or relations actions of the girl in question, what I have done is question would any parent want their child to go to jail if they had another option available that kept them out of jail in Thailand.

Please feel free to quote where I have actually directly defended the actions of her parents or relatives of the girl in question and I'll hang my hat in shame and take a voluntary posting ban of you choice.

Up to you.


And due to the delicate nature of this sensitive topic may I say a big well done to those who have actually debated the topic in a polite.......ish manner. As for keeping on TOPIC at times..........What's got a hazel nut in every bite.?

Answers on the back of a stamp please.:o

Edited by MB1
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As a pragmatist I say money in my pocket does me a lot more good than seeing some spoiled brat sitting in jail (not that it would happen). But I think the penalty should fit the crime. In this case Daddy's little girl stole everything those 9 people had and were ever going to have. If cash is how it works here, and we all know it's true, than lets see some realistic restitution.

The suggestion of 100k a head we saw posted earlier doesn't even cover the van that got destroyed.

I would ask for nothing less that 100 million baht divided evenly and none for the BIB.

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MB1 - you are correct; every person here would do anything they could for their kids including bribing their way out of jail time. However, the point that you are continually missing is that this is why countries have laws and judiciary systems. The State should not allow the parents and very very very very very well connected family to allow her to wiggle her tight little arse out of this. The country should be pressing ahead with charges against her, and if found guilty, she should be punished regardless of who daddy is. Also, due to the nature of the events, she could have been tried as an adult as well bringing in 10yrs for each death, served concurrently of course, but she would be inside for 8 years or so.

Everyone here knows that this is not a real country though; just a bunch of rich boys playing at democracy and none of us seriously believe that anything will happen to her apart from maybe mummy and daddy giving her a Range Rover so that next time there is no chance of harm coming to her and she can get away faster as well. But just because the people with a tad of moral decency and outrage at this voice it on here (one of the few places they can) does not mean that they think they can change anything. So your ranting is just as pointless as ours; except that ours has a modicum of decency behind it,

That's your opinion and fine by me and I'm glad that you acknowledge that your ranting is as pointless as mine.

You also accept that most parents would bribe their way out of jail time for their kids.

We may have laws in the west where the law prevails but we are talking TIT and most know that the law is one rule for one and one for another. Double standards. But I stick by my stance that what one posts on an internet forum and trying to come across as PC is total BS by some but hey ho I can handle it and any amount of animosity towards me for taking the stance and views I have is like water off a ducks back..

Honestly - in Thailand, in this situation, if I had the power to do so, I would get my kid out of trouble. Everyone one. Well 90% would and the religious nutters would either disown her or burn her at the stake. I would prefer it though it society as a whole did not allow that to happen.

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The court has recommended an out of court settlement (you gotta love the hint), that settlement will no doubt be taken into consideration when sentence is passed...genrerous settlement, remorse, underaged, didn't understand, terrible tragedy, lesson learned. If true to form she probably couldn't give a sh*t about the peasants that died, kharmic revenge for being a lo-so waster of oxygen after all.

I would expect an enthusiastic acceptance of a relatively generous settlement (Thais know the score) and then a suspended sentence, after that home to dress and apply whitening ceam and then drive to the local nightclub to pop a few pills and find a root, life does goes on for people that actually matter.

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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

Don't be so immature, and read into what I said. :(


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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

Yup that's about it. Get jiggy with it or get lost in the PC. ............BS.

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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

Don't be so immature, and read into what I said. sad.png


Oh but I did!

May I add that your political views are always from 'the psyche of the first world'. I rarely have ever disagreed with you, so I will just put this down to a bum post, but perhaps you ought to look at what you wrote. It is a little condescending and we don't need it. If we want to bitch and moan on here till our eyes are red then cool, you have a bee in your bonnet about many subjects, all from a first world perspective. Think about it.

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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

Yup that's about it. Get jiggy with it or get lost in the PC. ............BS.

Then just how would you spend your hours MB1?

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Yep girl in the pokey for 10 yrs. Either parent or adult who allowed her access to the vehicle should face similar term plus hefty financial punishment. Too many rich well connected people getting away with murder in LOS. An examply needs to be made.

I'm sure they are looking to set an example.

The only problem is that they can't find an underage Somchai who owns a car.......They are all called Na ( insert name of city )

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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

Yup that's about it. Get jiggy with it or get lost in the PC. ............BS.

Then just how would you spend your hours MB1?

Talking to you via my GT7000 self propelled grenade rocket launcher via tapatalk and TV Visa App.


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We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

Don't be so immature, and read into what I said. sad.png


Oh but I did!

May I add that your political views are always from 'the psyche of the first world'. I rarely have ever disagreed with you, so I will just put this down to a bum post, but perhaps you ought to look at what you wrote. It is a little condescending and we don't need it. If we want to bitch and moan on here till our eyes are red then cool, you have a bee in your bonnet about many subjects, all from a first world perspective. Think about it.

Correct! Not the best time to be posting after an all day party, involving a beer or 276. ;)

My apologies.


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So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

Don't be so immature, and read into what I said. sad.png


Oh but I did!

May I add that your political views are always from 'the psyche of the first world'. I rarely have ever disagreed with you, so I will just put this down to a bum post, but perhaps you ought to look at what you wrote. It is a little condescending and we don't need it. If we want to bitch and moan on here till our eyes are red then cool, you have a bee in your bonnet about many subjects, all from a first world perspective. Think about it.

Correct! Not the best time to be posting after an all day party, involving a beer or 276. wink.png

My apologies.


Peace mate, all cool, enjoy the rest of the evening and turn the alarm off for tomorrow morning ;)

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I'm going to bow out for now gents and ladies if participating but before I go I would just like to reiterate what I have been trying to say and prick peoples consience.

If faced with the prospect of having one of your siblings incarcerated in a Thai prison, if you could afford to pay for them not to go to a Thai prison would you do so.?

I for one hold my hand up and will say I would pay, it's acceptable in Thailand so why would I want to see one I love go to prison if I can afford to pay for her freedom for causing a traffic accident.

The girl in question never meant to kill anybody it was an accident.

Accidents happen - despite all efforts to prevent them. Here we have an underage, unlicensed, illegal driver, committing an offence (using a mobile phone whilst driving) and then causing an accident. Note the expression "causing an accident" - i.e. the fact that she was underage, unlicensed and talking on the phone, whilst driving a car in a dangerous manner "caused the accident". Maybe your concern should be with the innocent victims and their families whose lives have been devastaed by someone who showed a complete lack of regard for the law or the consequences of her actions. 9 innocent people lost their lives because of the illegal activities of 1. This should be subject to the process of criminal justice (the dirver committed a crime resulting in the deaths). Thailand is by no means the only country where wealthy people are allowed to sidestep the legal consequences of their actions.

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I'm going to bow out for now gents and ladies if participating but before I go I would just like to reiterate what I have been trying to say and prick peoples consience.

If faced with the prospect of having one of your siblings incarcerated in a Thai prison, if you could afford to pay for them not to go to a Thai prison would you do so.?

I for one hold my hand up and will say I would pay, it's acceptable in Thailand so why would I want to see one I love go to prison if I can afford to pay for her freedom for causing a traffic accident.

The girl in question never meant to kill anybody it was an accident.

Accidents happen - despite all efforts to prevent them. Here we have an underage, unlicensed, illegal driver, committing an offence (using a mobile phone whilst driving) and then causing an accident. Note the expression "causing an accident" - i.e. the fact that she was underage, unlicensed and talking on the phone, whilst driving a car in a dangerous manner "caused the accident". Maybe your concern should be with the innocent victims and their families whose lives have been devastaed by someone who showed a complete lack of regard for the law or the consequences of her actions. 9 innocent people lost their lives because of the illegal activities of 1. This should be subject to the process of criminal justice (the dirver committed a crime resulting in the deaths). Thailand is by no means the only country where wealthy people are allowed to sidestep the legal consequences of their actions.

There are several assumptions in your post; particularly taking account of the fact that there were a number of inconsistencies in the accounts of the accident, an apparently forgotten minibus driver, who seemingly passed the girl at speed and on her nearside just prior to the crash, and some inexplicable incidents, such as a passing motorist taking the time to film the girl on her mobile, yet failing to offer help to the victims.

And it has got as far as a court case.

Edited by JohnAllan
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I think if you look into it, Thailand is a long way from being a 3rd world country. Its not the west, but nor is it 3rd world.

Totally is, but not necessarily a bad thing. GDP per capita is like 90th and lower than Mexico. Industry is largely related on other nations placing mfg here becausr labor so cheap so GDP is largely a function or dependent upon industry based out of other countries.

I know people hate lawyers and laws, but a judicial system structure that holds others accountable for negligence as well as protecting ntellectual property laws fosters economic growth across classes. Those countries with judicial systems that are more protective generally have stronger economies. Like it or not, this foundation is the fabric of more advanced societies. Consistency in laws and protection of rights are fundamental principles in civilized societies.

Edited by ttelise
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A criminal court setting up a "negotiated settlement" in a 9 person vehicular homicide case? Quite preposterous. Makes Thailand look like a failed state.

Maybe a bannana republic is more apt.ohmy.png

I'm wondering what justice for my wife's nephew injured in the pile up on the Rama 9 bridge after the Chelsea champions league victory.

The 17 year old hiso only just gave himself up 2 weeks after running over 4 people helping to rescue her nephew and his friends from their mitsubishi having run into the back of a mercedes whose hiso driver fled the scene angry and drunk refusing to help.

The notion that the hisos can just buy their way out without the court apportioning blame, without punishment and without any deterrent.

They were students I believe in the van of Thammasat university. They represented the future for Thailand.

The spoilt brat girl represents the past. the feudal regime unwilling to change.

Remember the slogan:

"No double standards."

It applies.

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I think if you look into it, Thailand is a long way from being a 3rd world country. Its not the west, but nor is it 3rd world.

Totally is, but not necessarily a bad thing. GDP per capita is like 90th and lower than Mexico. Industry is largely related on other nations placing mfg here becausr labor so cheap so GDP is largely a function or dependent upon industry based out of other countries.

I know people hate lawyers and laws, but a judicial system structure that holds others accountable for negligence as well as protecting ntellectual property laws fosters economic growth across classes. Those countries with judicial systems that are more protective generally have stronger economies. Like it or not, this foundation is the fabric of more advanced societies. Consistency in laws and protection of rights are fundamental principles in civilized societies.

The label 3rd World Country applies but needs to be qualified.

In the 90s Thailand had the fastest growing economy in the world. Foreign investment in manufacturing has given Thailand the current financial status. Notice that there isn't a single car designed and built that can be called Thai. India, Korea, Japan, etc. have such distinction. Not Thailand. Thais assemble and build for other car companies. This also applies to the electronics field. Thailand is far from having its own presence in the electronic world of today. Thais are copiers, followers and assemblers. The reason their mentality has lagged behind the country's manufacturing output. It all has it roots in education. Thais are not taught nor encouraged to be independent thinkers. Thais have, by an large, a rural mentality with the superficial appearance of a modern society. The country's economy of the past 10 years is mostly the result of foreign investment and tourism. It is Thailand's mentality that has remained 3rd. World.

Yeah, part of what I was trying to say. You just said it mch better than I on this point.

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