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Back Home In England After 7 Months In Thailand


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After 7 months living in Pattaya (3 months holiday, 4 months working as a teacher) I came back home on June 1st for my daughter's wedding. The wedding went well, despite the gloomy weather, and I've had time to meet up with friends and family.

I've also signed on for the dole while I'm here - after the usual interrogation, "where've you been?", "how have you supported yourself?" etc., I'm able to claim GBP71.00 per week, that works out at approximately 15,000THB a month.

I rent my house out as well so that gives me a monthly income of GBP1,210 / 59,500THB.

Good so far.

But I can't wait to get back to Thailand.

There are lots of things I like about England like the welfare system, free healthcare, reasonable public transport, television, the Euro Championships on at a good time in the evening...but there are other things I can't accept anymore.

For example:

1. The weather - it's cold and wet most of the time even in summer, there's no hiding the fact

2. The pubs - are shit, full stop - can't smoke inside, the toilets nearly always stink, have to pay for music, the girls - well the lack of them, the price of beer (107THB is the cheapest pint of bitter I've found and lager starts at 150THB upwards)

3. Cigarettes - expensive as hell - 360THB for a packet of B&H - and nowhere to smoke them in comfort, except at home and that's frowned upon as well - "what, you smoke INSIDE?", "just stop smoking!" - after 32 years smoking I don't want to stop 'cos I like it

So I'm off to the Thai consulate in Hull on Monday for my visa and plan to be back in Sin City in 2 weeks time, with 30 copies of my nicely printed CV in hand and a list of Pattaya schools...can't wait.

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I've also signed on for the dole while I'm here - after the usual interrogation, "where've you been?", "how have you supported yourself?" etc., I'm able to claim GBP71.00 per week, that works out at approximately 15,000THB a month...................So I'm off to the Thai consulate in Hull on Monday for my visa and plan to be back in Sin City in 2 weeks time

Did you tell the job centre that you are only visiting the UK for two weeks?

If so, I'm surprised that you got anything, even though it is presumably contribution based as your rental income is too high for you to get income based job seekers allowance.

If you didn't then you failed to disclose an important fact. Claimants for job seekers allowance, whether contribution based or income based, must be avaliable for and actively seeking work, not just visiting the UK for a two week holiday. If the DWP find out you could be done for making a fraudulent claim.

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I've also signed on for the dole while I'm here - after the usual interrogation, "where've you been?", "how have you supported yourself?" etc., I'm able to claim GBP71.00 per week, that works out at approximately 15,000THB a month...................So I'm off to the Thai consulate in Hull on Monday for my visa and plan to be back in Sin City in 2 weeks time

Did you tell the job centre that you are only visiting the UK for two weeks?

If so, I'm surprised that you got anything, even though it is presumably contribution based as your rental income is too high for you to get income based job seekers allowance.

If you didn't then you failed to disclose an important fact. Claimants for job seekers allowance, whether contribution based or income based, must be avaliable for and actively seeking work, not just visiting the UK for a two week holiday. If the DWP find out you could be done for making a fraudulent claim.

Exactly mate. Maybe the OP has given too much info out i his post. I'm thinkimg one may need a WP to teach in Thaland too?


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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

No wonder the UK is in such a state. Why would anyone think it's acceptable to bludge off the state when they already have a house/income and are fit and qualified to work.

Get a job !

In fact he wouldn't get the dole money if he declared the income from his house.

OP is committing fraud I believe.

Not judging him...simply stating the facts.

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If claiming contribution job seekers allowance then income from other sources is not taken into account. You've paid the relevant NI contributions so are entitled to the allowance; if you meet the other requirements, that is.

Who is eligible for JSA?

To claim JSA you need to be actively looking for work and:

  • over 18 but below State Pension age
  • unemployed or working fewer than 16 hours per week
  • living in England, Scotland or Wales

(My emphasis)(source)

Living in, not on holiday in.

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If claiming contribution job seekers allowance then income from other sources is not taken into account. You've paid the relevant NI contributions so are entitled to the allowance; if you meet the other requirements, that is.

Who is eligible for JSA?

To claim JSA you need to be actively looking for work and:

  • over 18 but below State Pension age
  • unemployed or working fewer than 16 hours per week
  • living in England, Scotland or Wales

(My emphasis)(source)

Living in, not on holiday in.

Thanks for the clarification....and sorry for my misunderstanding. thumbsup.gif

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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

No wonder the UK is in such a state. Why would anyone think it's acceptable to bludge off the state when they already have a house/income and are fit and qualified to work.

Get a job !

Depends on what your income is from the house, and you do actually have to be fit and qualified to work to sign on to get the dole.

As well as he might have earned the right to sign on from previous NI contributions before he left UK anyway.

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Figures.. An other ********* ugly smoker who thinks hes entitled to a woman, giving cancer to others and being obnoxiously drunk for cheap just because hes alive.

Can't normal people come to this country instead?

Everything you hate in england is simple respect to others, you explicitely stated(without noticing) that you want women slaves, to shove your smelly cigs in adult and kid's faces and to get dirty drunk cheaply.

you're a lovely person.

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I'm entitled to Job Seekers Allowance i.e. the dole, because I've paid taxes and national insurance contributions since 1984, I am living in England, I am over 18 and I'm unemployed.

Now whether I'm actively seeking work at the moment is a moot point, I agree. But with 2.61 million unemployed in the UK, chasing too few jobs, especially in the North-West where I live, even if I put my mind to it it's doubtful I could find work while I'm here. This is only the second time I've been in this position, the first time 9 months ago when I was made redundant after 28 years continuous service.

I went on holiday to Thailand to think things over and it opened my eyes and changed my perspective on life...sea, sand, sun, girls...Pattaya!!! Of course it did.

Now I'm back home I can see the advantages and disadvantages of living in both countries. At this moment in time I prefer to try my luck in Thailand, where I can find work (with a work permit of course), live relatively cheaply, enjoy the weather, smoke in peace outside a bar, listen to free music, watch the world go by and enjoy all the other "fringe benefits" Thailand and Pattaya in particular has to offer (only occasionally, I'm getting on a bit now!)

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Figures.. An other ********* ugly smoker who thinks hes entitled to a woman, giving cancer to others and being obnoxiously drunk for cheap just because hes alive.

Can't normal people come to this country instead?

Everything you hate in england is simple respect to others, you explicitely stated(without noticing) that you want women slaves, to shove your smelly cigs in adult and kid's faces and to get dirty drunk cheaply.

you're a lovely person.

I don't think I'm "entitled" to women and I certainly don't want a "slave" as you put it. I have paid to spend time with women, so what? Consenting adult stuff, I don't force anyone to do anything they don't want to.

In addition I don't smoke knowingly when kids are around and if anyone objected to me smoking near them then I'd put my cigarette out or move on, no problem - I respect the right of others not to smoke and not to inhale my smoke. But if you go to a bar in Pattaya or most open-air bars in Thailand and expect them to be smoke-free zones then you're plain daft.

And I don't get drunk at all - I drink 4 or 5 beers maximum whenever I go out.

Finally, who says I'm ugly?...all the girls in Pattaya say to me "Hawo hansum maan, me luv you looong tiiime"

Edited by Richard99
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Well, the OP gives up the plentiful of good things, as stated in his post, for smoking in pubs and the weather.

The reasons appear to be a bit lopsided as he also believes, the English pubs stink comparing to Thai pubs :-))) This makes me laugh. Come on, I have visited many many pubs all around Thailand and England and have to say this conclusion is wrong.

The comparison is not too sensible. The funny thing is that the beer is not cheap in Thai pubs at all. I live down the south but can't get a bottle for less than 120 in pubs, that equals the Wetherspoons or Goose in England.

But anyway, it is a smart decision to come over to teach if there is no job over there.

By the way, I would add and it is worth to bear in mind that smoking teachers have bad reputation among Thai students.

Edited by garrya
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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

No wonder the UK is in such a state. Why would anyone think it's acceptable to bludge off the state when they already have a house/income and are fit and qualified to work.

Get a job !

He's a teacher in Pattaya.

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Well, the OP gives up the plentiful of good things, as stated in his post, for smoking in pubs and the weather.

The reasons appear to be a bit lopsided as he also believes, the English pubs stink comparing to Thai pubs :-))) This makes me laugh. Come on, I have visited many many pubs all around Thailand and England and have to say this conclusion is wrong.

The comparison is not too sensible. The funny thing is that the beer is not cheap in Thai pubs at all. I live down the south but can't get a bottle for less than 120 in pubs, that equals the Wetherspoons or Goose in England.

But anyway, it is a smart decision to come over to teach if there is no job over there.

By the way, I would add that it is worth to bear in mind that smoking teachers have bad reputation among Thai students.

Regarding pubs in England, the standard of hygiene in the toilets is awful, always has been, but if you think they're fine then ok.

In Pattaya a small beer costs about 50THB and a big beer 70-80THB (Leo, Tiger, Chang etc.) Heineken costs more.

You're right to point out that teachers who smoke are frowned upon in Thailand. It's ok for me, I don't smoke during the day, never have done. I have my first gasper with a mug of tea in the morning and my next one with a cold beer in the evening.

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Well, the OP gives up the plentiful of good things, as stated in his post, for smoking in pubs and the weather.

The reasons appear to be a bit lopsided as he also believes, the English pubs stink comparing to Thai pubs :-))) This makes me laugh. Come on, I have visited many many pubs all around Thailand and England and have to say this conclusion is wrong.

The comparison is not too sensible. The funny thing is that the beer is not cheap in Thai pubs at all. I live down the south but can't get a bottle for less than 120 in pubs, that equals the Wetherspoons or Goose in England.

But anyway, it is a smart decision to come over to teach if there is no job over there.

By the way, I would add that it is worth to bear in mind that smoking teachers have bad reputation among Thai students.

Regarding pubs in England, the standard of hygiene in the toilets is awful, always has been, but if you think they're fine then ok.

In Pattaya a small beer costs about 50THB and a big beer 70-80THB (Leo, Tiger, Chang etc.) Heineken costs more.

You're right to point out that teachers who smoke are frowned upon in Thailand. It's ok for me, I don't smoke during the day, never have done. I have my first gasper with a mug of tea in the morning and my next one with a cold beer in the evening.

I have never drunk in Pattaya so I am not familiar with the price but you seem to be lucky that the booze in pubs are cheap over there.
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I've also signed on for the dole while I'm here - after the usual interrogation, "where've you been?", "how have you supported yourself?" etc., I'm able to claim GBP71.00 per week, that works out at approximately 15,000THB a month...................So I'm off to the Thai consulate in Hull on Monday for my visa and plan to be back in Sin City in 2 weeks time

Did you tell the job centre that you are only visiting the UK for two weeks?

If so, I'm surprised that you got anything, even though it is presumably contribution based as your rental income is too high for you to get income based job seekers allowance.

If you didn't then you failed to disclose an important fact. Claimants for job seekers allowance, whether contribution based or income based, must be avaliable for and actively seeking work, not just visiting the UK for a two week holiday. If the DWP find out you could be done for making a fraudulent claim.

DWP are a law until themselves and will happily prosecute you even when they know the true facts as I found out to my cost.......They will use every bit of fine print they can find to hang you high.....

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The pubs - are shit, full stop - can't smoke inside,

You do realise that it's illegal to smoke in Thai pubs too, don't you?

No, I didn't know. In future I'll avoid the pubs that enforce the law

You won't have much trouble with that ... unfortunately.

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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

No wonder the UK is in such a state. Why would anyone think it's acceptable to bludge off the state when they already have a house/income and are fit and qualified to work.

Get a job !

Depends on what your income is from the house, and you do actually have to be fit and qualified to work to sign on to get the dole.

As well as he might have earned the right to sign on from previous NI contributions before he left UK anyway.

That is true but the rules also state that you can only spend a maximum of 28 days outside the EU and 6 months within the EU but outside the UK.

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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

He's a teacher in Pattaya.

Then perhaps he should be flogged in the UK and here.

Sounds interesting, do I get to choose my "flogger"? (Note: Dear Moderator, feel free to move this conversation to the S&M thread as I realise it's no longer on track. I'll also take 6 more lashings for being irreverent ;-))

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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

No wonder the UK is in such a state. Why would anyone think it's acceptable to bludge off the state when they already have a house/income and are fit and qualified to work.

Get a job !

Depends on what your income is from the house, and you do actually have to be fit and qualified to work to sign on to get the dole.

As well as he might have earned the right to sign on from previous NI contributions before he left UK anyway.

That is true but the rules also state that you can only spend a maximum of 28 days outside the EU and 6 months within the EU but outside the UK.

The rules? Get real! Who exactly in the UK monitors the comings and goings of millions of people each year...or more to the point, who logs the details in the DWP's "Scrounger Watch" database?

It's like the recent warm pastie tax debacle - who exactly was going to enforce the collection of taxes and measure the ambient temperatures of pasties and pies? No-one. That's why the government backtracked.

I'm entitled to JSA. Full-stop.

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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

He's a teacher in Pattaya.

Then perhaps he should be flogged in the UK and here.

Sounds interesting, do I get to choose my "flogger"? (Note: Dear Moderator, feel free to move this conversation to the S&M thread as I realise it's no longer on track. I'll also take 6 more lashings for being irreverent ;-))

Top guy.At least your a Leeds fan and a Fan of Pook bar soi Bukhao.:P

Edited by MB1
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