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Back Home In England After 7 Months In Thailand


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Funny. I'm talking about the many disabled people in good health but cannot work yet are demanded to stay in the UK. Many of those could if allowed go elsewhere and live a higher standard of life at a lower cost to them and the taxpayer. Not a question of ethics but of personal choice to do the best for the person and society.

Fair point, and not one that any fair minded person would disagree with. The unfortunate complication is that so many people are abusing the system that the trust that should be implicit within it has been destroyed.

At the end of the day, that is the most malicious effect of false benefit claims, it brings suspicion down on the heads of everyone, including the innocent and genuine claimants. Shame.

Precisely. None of the claimants I met in Thailand had anything wrong with them, they even admitted as much.

It was long term unemployment where core industries had collapsed/moved out of particular areas. Great swathes of the UK are bathed in a permanent state of poverty. Can't blame them for not wanting to be imprisoned in some cold, damp council bedsit in the back end of Glasgow to enjoy a long and healthy life, mortality expected around 54 years of age.

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This has certainly been an eye opening thead for me. I'd held a pretty liberal view that governments should shoulder the burden and redistribute incomes from it's wealthier citizens to it's least wealthy. But you Brits seem to be a bunch of scroungers. Imean we've got our typical "welfare mamas" here in the states who work the system, but somehow I imagined you all were above all that. The scales have fallen from my eyes.

Blooming heck, I had to put my reading glasses on to read that post.

How come you lot always turn up late for World Wars?

A poor joke,considering the American troops lost in WW2 was somewhere in the region of 416,000, and all for saving Europe,being a Brit I thought you would have known better,and exactly what we Brits owe to the Americans.

It's no joke. The Americans saved Europe? That's a joke, they were thinking only of themselves and saved their own skin.The Yanks only joined in after the Japs kicked their ass at Pearl Harbour. Before then they were just circling the remnants of the British Empire to see what they could pick off if the Germans and their allies had won the war. Even before they joined in they'd lent Britain a small fortune (lend-lease) at high interest rates to "help" us (the debt was only repaid in the early noughties)...and at the same time trading with Axis countries behind our back.

Well done Emperor Hirohito, hansum man, he changed the course of the 2nd World War.

Edited by Richard99
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Fair point, and not one that any fair minded person would disagree with. The unfortunate complication is that so many people are abusing the system that the trust that should be implicit within it has been destroyed.

At the end of the day, that is the most malicious effect of false benefit claims, it brings suspicion down on the heads of everyone, including the innocent and genuine claimants. Shame.

I agree with you on false claims but there has to be a limit. I know one guy who was in a car crash (UK) and had to have both legs amputated. He lost his wife and little girl in the crash. How is he supposed to find closure when every year he is made to fill in a form saying his legs had not grown back?

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Fair point, and not one that any fair minded person would disagree with. The unfortunate complication is that so many people are abusing the system that the trust that should be implicit within it has been destroyed.

At the end of the day, that is the most malicious effect of false benefit claims, it brings suspicion down on the heads of everyone, including the innocent and genuine claimants. Shame.

I agree with you on false claims but there has to be a limit. I know one guy who was in a car crash (UK) and had to have both legs amputated. He lost his wife and little girl in the crash. How is he supposed to find closure when every year he is made to fill in a form saying his legs had not grown back?


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I suspect you're quite right regards the surge in costs if they all came back. It's pricey here now, especially when it comes to housing and energy costs. Very pricey.

I gave a ballpark figure of GBP1000 (50k Baht) earlier and it quite low on the scale. Given the lack of state housing in the UK I would have to be put up in a B & B which would cost considerably more than 1000 quid alone. The UK should instead encourage disabled people to live overseas at a fixed cost rather than paying through the nose to make them stay.

Add more. Much more.

Yes spot on! I think you're onto a viable plan here. Ship out all the oldies suffering in urine soaked wingbacks in dire freezing cold accommodation and people on long term sickness benefits to Spain . . . where there's terrible youth unemployment (they can be trained as carers), the housing is now very cheap, the weather is fantastic and the food very healthy.

Better mention something on topic now.

What were we talking about again?

Funny. I'm talking about the many disabled people in good health but cannot work yet are demanded to stay in the UK. Many of those could if allowed go elsewhere and live a higher standard of life at a lower cost to them and the taxpayer. Not a question of ethics but of personal choice to do the best for the person and society.

I think if it was possible to gain Government assisted help to leave Britain and to go and live abroad, that the majority of the white population would be gone within a year.

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