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Move To Bar Pregnant Migrant Workers From Thailand


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Without a doubt they mean poor Burmese, Lao and Cambodians. With maybe a few indians too.

Basically anyone who will take a job from a Thai and expect services for their newborn children,

which could include all the pinoy band members.

Migrant could be thought of as anyone smuggled in to be a slave on a shrimp boat

or pick veggies on a farm, or work on any job site for a pitance.

Anybody who is picked up for working without the proper authorization is subject to deportation, whether they are pregnant or not. Who it is meant for and who it will affect are two different things. How will this law be written to include Burmese factory workers, but exclude foreign English teachers, for example?

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Without a doubt they mean poor Burmese, Lao and Cambodians. With maybe a few indians too.

Basically anyone who will take a job from a Thai and expect services for their newborn children,

which could include all the pinoy band members.

Migrant could be thought of as anyone smuggled in to be a slave on a shrimp boat

or pick veggies on a farm, or work on any job site for a pitance.

Anybody who is picked up for working without the proper authorization is subject to deportation, whether they are pregnant or not. Who it is meant for and who it will affect are two different things. How will this law be written to include Burmese factory workers, but exclude foreign English teachers, for example?

Exactly.....will an expat lady who works for an MNC quite possibly at a senior level and falls pregnant be required to leave the country as well and return without the child ?

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Thailand has not set this precedent. Singapore employs many foreign workers, mainly males in the construction industry, and females in the domestic roles.

I am sure we would all agree that Singapore is an advanced country, however the link below shows that all may not be all it seems:


100 maids sent home every Year because of pregnancy, and many more undergo (secret) abortions to keep their jobs. There is a debate currently in progress as to whether the maids should be (by law) actually given a day off.

There is racism in many, if not all countries. some its on the surface, and some less visible.

Apologies - first post defaulted to bold print, not intentional.

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Thailand has ALWAYS been a racist country. Just look at property ownership laws.

Maybe they should just ban sex period. Or sterilize all foreigners who come to work here. That will fix the perceived problem.

Where would they find blue eyed blonde luk kreungs then? :rolleyes:

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Without a doubt they mean poor Burmese, Lao and Cambodians. With maybe a few indians too.

Basically anyone who will take a job from a Thai and expect services for their newborn children,

which could include all the pinoy band members.

Migrant could be thought of as anyone smuggled in to be a slave on a shrimp boat

or pick veggies on a farm, or work on any job site for a pitance.

Anybody who is picked up for working without the proper authorization is subject to deportation, whether they are pregnant or not. Who it is meant for and who it will affect are two different things. How will this law be written to include Burmese factory workers, but exclude foreign English teachers, for example?

Burmese, Laos, and Cambodians already seem to be under different regulations than other workers. They are allowed to jobs that other foreigners can not. An American can't get a work permit to work in a fish factory even if they were willing to work for 4000 baht per month.

For illegal workers it might just be a matter of enforcement. A foreign English teacher who works illegally and has a kid would be ignored, while a Burmese factory worker would face deportation.

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I have two questions:

1. How do you write a regulation or law that includes/excludes certain groups or are they going to use selective enforcement? If that is the case, what is to stop an employer from reporting a pregnant teacher, for example?

2. "He said that to protect the image of Thailand, he was seriously considering the plan to require pregnant alien workers to leave." How will this 'protect the image of Thailand'?

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Without a doubt they mean poor Burmese, Lao and Cambodians. With maybe a few indians too.

Basically anyone who will take a job from a Thai and expect services for their newborn children,

which could include all the pinoy band members.

Migrant could be thought of as anyone smuggled in to be a slave on a shrimp boat

or pick veggies on a farm, or work on any job site for a pitance.

Anybody who is picked up for working without the proper authorization is subject to deportation, whether they are pregnant or not. Who it is meant for and who it will affect are two different things. How will this law be written to include Burmese factory workers, but exclude foreign English teachers, for example?

Unless they are angry at a particular english teacher and the law will be stretch to fit.

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I have two questions:

1. How do you write a regulation or law that includes/excludes certain groups or are they going to use selective enforcement? If that is the case, what is to stop an employer from reporting a pregnant teacher, for example?

2. "He said that to protect the image of Thailand, he was seriously considering the plan to require pregnant alien workers to leave." How will this 'protect the image of Thailand'?

Not at all, it will lower the image of Thailand in most EXTERNAL eyes,

but he was clearly raised so racist, that he doesn't realize the rest of

the world doesn't think this low. While some local countries still are

somewhat similar, there are more that are not.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

Since 2008 a child born here to an immigrant worker can claim Thia citizenship. They clearly don't want Thailand full of the offspring of foreigners with the same rights as themselves.

Edited by Chopperboy
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Next step to protect Thailand's reputation:

- All foreigners must report to government prior and after any sexual intercourse which could result in impregnating an alien women (and perhaps also Thai women, if they have sex with aliens, god forbid!)

- Such alien women will promptly report the the Ministry of Culture to ascertain that the sexual intercourse does not violate any Thai tradition and the to the Ministry of Slavery (aka Ministry of Labor) for deportation if found pregnant.

- The Ministry of Human Rights is reported to have no knowledge of such practices but would not object if found true.

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the land of free ... yeah right... so this country is getting as good as other muslim countries by denying rights to women... the only category that can get pregnant...

nice face of image of thailand publicity

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This problem is easily solved the Thai way.

"In order to maintain the purity and integrity of the Thai people, aliens (ASEAN members) working in the Kingdom must dispose of their "illegal" child at certified disposal centers.

Failure to obey this order will result in a 10 year prison term or a fine of B1000"


Alien birth control - Thai style

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Thailand has not set this precedent. Singapore employs many foreign workers, mainly males in the construction industry, and females in the domestic roles.

I am sure we would all agree that Singapore is an advanced country, however the link below shows that all may not be all it seems:


100 maids sent home every Year because of pregnancy, and many more undergo (secret) abortions to keep their jobs. There is a debate currently in progress as to whether the maids should be (by law) actually given a day off.

There is racism in many, if not all countries. some its on the surface, and some less visible.

Apologies - first post defaulted to bold print, not intentional.

But then again, Singapore isn't exactly well know for its respect for Human Rights. Quite the opposite.

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""The migrant workers can return after they deliver their babies," he said."

He should have added "and without their babies" otherwise nothing will be changed in the perception of child labour.

With bright prospects for Burma in the future, I'd say more and more Burmese will return home to work anyway. Problem solved.

No more cheap labour to exploit, so the lazy Thais will have to work build roads, sweep streets and other menial tasks. Let's see how they enjoy their 300 baht a day with their asses hanging out of their pants!

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When I was visiting the baby intensive care unit at one hospital the nurses asked my girlfriend if she was going to leave the baby. She was in shock how could someone do such a thing. Apparently it happens all the time with migrant workers (and some thais) who cannot afford the hospital bills they just up and leave leaving the hospital with the bill and baby.

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A few years ago, they had the Burmese walking round with post card sized tags around thier necks. I'm surprised they don't go the whole hog and tattoo them

Or perhaps resurrect that symbol of Nazi oppression - the yellow star. Now, what to do to restore our image in the eyes of the world. Why, indulge in a little ethnic cleansing, of course. Sorted.
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Thailand has not set this precedent. Singapore employs many foreign workers, mainly males in the construction industry, and females in the domestic roles.

I am sure we would all agree that Singapore is an advanced country, however the link below shows that all may not be all it seems:


100 maids sent home every Year because of pregnancy, and many more undergo (secret) abortions to keep their jobs. There is a debate currently in progress as to whether the maids should be (by law) actually given a day off.

There is racism in many, if not all countries. some its on the surface, and some less visible.

Apologies - first post defaulted to bold print, not intentional.

But then again, Singapore isn't exactly well know for its respect for Human Rights. Quite the opposite.

Yes - i certainly agree. a classic of whats seen on the surface, and what may just be underneath, and seen when a little digging happens.

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I have two questions:

1. How do you write a regulation or law that includes/excludes certain groups or are they going to use selective enforcement? If that is the case, what is to stop an employer from reporting a pregnant teacher, for example?

2. "He said that to protect the image of Thailand, he was seriously considering the plan to require pregnant alien workers to leave." How will this 'protect the image of Thailand'?

Don't forget pregnant global moderators in Thailand. We wouldn't want people to think you're better than Burmese refugees or English teachers.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

Not entirely true. According to the Thai Nationality Act (2535 B.E.), a person born in Thailand of a Thai national and an alien is a Thai national. A person born in Thailand of two legal aliens is a Thai national.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

Not entirely true. According to the Thai Nationality Act (2535 B.E.), a person born in Thailand of a Thai national and an alien is a Thai national. A person born in Thailand of two legally residing aliens is a Thai national.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

Not entirely true. According to the Thai Nationality Act (2535 B.E.), a person born in Thailand of a Thai national and an alien is a Thai national. A person born in Thailand of two legally residing aliens is a Thai national.

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

Since 2008 a child born here to an immigrant worker can claim Thia citizenship. They clearly don't want Thailand full of the offspring of foreigners with the same rights as themselves.

what is the definition of immigrant? Seems like once again a Thai parliamentary law written so anyone can drive a bus through it. Why should they automatically grant citizenship? If so who the hell wrote such a ridiculous law?

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

Not entirely true. According to the Thai Nationality Act (2535 B.E.), a person born in Thailand of a Thai national and an alien is a Thai national. A person born in Thailand of two legally residing aliens is a Thai national.

Ridiculous law, and who on earth wrote it without realizing the very serious consequences? I am amazed that this is the case if true

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hapter 1. Acquisition of Thai Nationality

Section 7. The following persons acquire Thai nationality by birth: (1) A person born of a father or a mother of Thai nationality, whether within or outside the Thai Kingdom; (2) A person born within the Thai Kingdom except the person under Section 7 bis paragraph one.

Section 7. bis. A person born within the Thai Kingdom of alien parents does not acquire Thai nationality if at the time of his birth, his lawful father or his father who did not marry his mother, or his mother was: (1) the person having been given leniency for temporary residence in Kingdom as a special case; (2) the person having been permitted to stay temporarily in the Kingdom; (3) the person having entered and resided in the Thai Kingdom without permission under the law on immigration. In case the Minister deems it appropriate, he may consider and give an order for each particular case granting Thai nationality to any person under paragraph one, in conformity with the rules prescribed by the Cabinet. The person who is born within the Thai Kingdom and has not acquired Thai nationality under paragraph one shall be deemed to have entered and resided in the Thai Kingdom without permission under the law on immigration unless an order is given otherwise according to the law on that particular mat

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It's a sham policy. It's racist. It's designed to prevent immigrant workers brought in as cheap labor by Thais to cut corners from having a baby entitled to Thai citizenship by birth in Thailand. As one poster pointed out, this is similar in concept to a "purification" of the race policy. The UN should look in to this.

I may be wrong but foreigners born here to non Thais, are not entitled to Thai nationality. I believe that law was changed long ago,

Not entirely true. According to the Thai Nationality Act (2535 B.E.), a person born in Thailand of a Thai national and an alien is a Thai national. A person born in Thailand of two legally residing aliens is a Thai national.

Ridiculous law, and who on earth wrote it without realizing the very serious consequences? I am amazed that this is the case if true

You misinterpret. 'Legal residents' means PR for the purposes of the Thai nationality act. So two foreign parents who BOTH have PR. Not just on your regular non-immigrant visas.

There seem to be a few misconceptions out there - Migrant Labourers from Laos, Burma and Cambodia who work under the migrant labour scheme are entitled to access many of the same social services Thai's are. Children born to them - in Thailand - are able to access social services and have a legal status of sorts allowing them to stay in Thailnd.

Our maid is Burmese and we employ her under the migrant labour scheme. Her daughter is born in Thailand, is allowed to go to Thai school etc. Fine and good for now, she's essentially Thai, but that difference in legal status will grow more pronoucned as she grows up. Hopefully with Burma moving towards some settlement, she'll be able to go back, as it will be tougher for her when she grows up and needs a university education in Thailand etc.

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