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More Foreign Tourists Become Interested In Thai Massage: TAT


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GT, fair comment, But although it is nice to give oportunities to visitors, re Thai culture-traditions, this piece news from them would look more good IF TAT did more on pressuring other bodies re scams, rip offs. It's the same old argument disscussed so many times but these outrageous happenings to Thai,and foreigner tourists is there for all to see. No one can ever stop the behind the scene rip offs they do occur in other countries, but TAT puts tourism here on the map but cannot seem to stop the blatent open for all to see rip offs.

I for one would not bash if the openness of corruption was nipped in the bud.

Just a comment on the intention of TAT to cater for families and higher end customers, but before this they have to get a cleaner and less violent immage accross to the would be traveller. Fairer governance for all is also important.

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My experience of massage in hotel spas suggests their three month training program consisted of learning to fold towels and arrange orchids in a bowl of water, learning to switch on the machine to play that god awful pling plunge music, arranging towels over me whilst maintaining the minimum of 3 mm distance from my tackle, learning useful phrases like "it the plessure ok for you", manipulating my groin area to elicit pleasant surprise at the results and offering to "take care him" for tip, errr that's it.

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Baerboxer, if you read into this more, it's a kick back to the people that do not want the usual people here, suggesting to clean up the place to make room for the higher end tourist, I was pointing out how it would affect all walks of life, if TAT want the clean and tidy Hi So tourist. It was not meant to slant the Issan boys and girls, A regular poster has the notion that all ex pats or most fit this dirty old brigade, a dig at him. hope you can see my meaning now.

I understand that you are yourself in your 70's so I find it a little surprising that you are making ageist remarks. Please leave the dirty old men bit to the <deleted> youngsters. I do not see any correlation in being advanced in years and cleanliness in thought , word or deed.

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