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It Never Ceases To Amaze Me.............

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My ex-wife runs her own cleaning business, the call out ( minimum ) charge is £25.00, on the domestic market it's job and finished, and her second hour rate is £20.00.

She's busy, as she makes sure the job is done exactly to the standards required by the customer. It's not rocket science, but getting people to do a good consistent job can be harder than rocket science.

By the way, she has a waiting list of new clients, she is a micro business, she can only trust herself to do the job correctly. Such is the nature of small business.

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I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

Here...........we have a special thread just for members like you


Go talk to yourself over there coffee1.gif

Why should I, it seems that you are one of the few, if not the only one , who disagree with my point of view in this thread.

Oooops, you are the OP of this , and so many more, silly rose tinted glass threads so that is why you don't like to hear the thruth.

I can't wait to read your threads after you have lived here on a constant base for a few years, which of course may happen never.

Your right, it will never happen, I'll spend half my life in Thailand, and that will do me. I could be there now but I choose not to be, I will live there when it suits me. Don't be allocating yourself some special powers of insight though, some of us guys here have been expats in multiple places, maybe we're a bit more switched on than you'll ever know.

So if you're trying to tell me.........things feel different after you have lived here for years........whoop de whoo, who would have thought coffee1.gif


See you're telling porkies again.You don't spend half your life in Thailand.Maybe, and that is a big maybe, you spend half the year, and even that isn't so, of the past few years in Thailand.

Let me tell you, I consider myself to have special powers of insight because I live here fulltime for almost 2 decades, but I have never been inn Australia.

However, when I see the movie Australia and some more documentary's about the country, I think that it must be heaven overthere.

But I wonder why it is that if I meet Australians here in Thailand, that they tell me a completely different story about heaven in their country


Some do, some don`t.

It would seem that some of those that work for themselves will put some real effort in.

A Thai lady living in a large house near me has an outdoor kitchen, commercial.

She appears to start work early, 6.00 AM preparing food which I guess she later goes out to sell or deliver to other places.

Often still working at midnight cleaning up etc.

I don't understand this post

I can name dozens of countries where people work as hard as in Thailand.

What exactly are you trying to say ?

Is that one of these "let's try to give a positive image to the country" post ?

It really is scary, it sounds like a emulation of a Stalinist speech on work exaltation ermm.gif

What's next Family and Nationalism ?

Sometimes it is nice to think positively about other human beings.

I suggest you give it a try one day...

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules


Our Thai maid in Bangkok works a solid 10 hour shift for 5 pounds per day. In London, we paid 10 pounds per hour!

Seeing some of these low-level workers slave away for a pittance reminds me how lucky I am to have been born in a country with such great opportunities for well-paid employmeInt.

I hope one day the Thai workers will be rewarded for their endeavours with equivalent wages.

Careful Brit, what tell us here and what you've told us elsewhere about the incomes of maids in London isn't adding up.

Outing the trolls.

I know a couple of guys here in Bangkok from Miami. They operate an airline. They're the real deal. They're not on this forum, and they don't talk about their maid's salary.

This little Brit guy is in fantasy land. He's trolling.

Ask the real deal what the URL for their business is, and you'll get the URL.

Ask this Brit guy for his "businesses" URL, and you'll get nada. But he may tell you he's an entrepreneur.

Ever heard of Tony Fernandes. He's the founder and CEO of Air Asia. He went to university in Britain (London). The real deal. You think he's here on TV talking about his maid's salary.

If you think one has to be as wealthy as Tony Fernandes to be taken seriously, I am afraid you will have to ignore my posts as I am a tramp compared to him.

However, I have sent you a PM explaining a little bit about me (including URLs) so you can understand the context in which I post.

No offence intended and I look forward to more positive discussions with you in the future.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules


A lot of visitors come away with the impression that Thais are lazy because they see them sleeping at work etc. The thing is a lot of them wake up before dawn, makes for a long day. I used to live near a produce market, place would be going great-guns at 3am.

I'll also stand up for Mexican workers in the US. In most cases these people are hungry (not meant in the starvation sense) and are there to work. A whole lot of the guys in the US who do contract-construction work are bozos, especially in California, doing stuff like disappearing for a few weeks in the middle of a job. I learned from experience to go with the Latinos.


I don't understand this post

I can name dozens of countries where people work as hard as in Thailand.

What exactly are you trying to say ?

Is that one of these "let's try to give a positive image to the country" post ?

It really is scary, it sounds like a emulation of a Stalinist speech on work exaltation ermm.gif

What's next Family and Nationalism ?

Good idea. Its always great to have someone who can come up with innovative and progressive ideas

Would you like to be Public Information and Motivation Prefect for the TV Cricket Team?


TV Cricket

We have the knees to make news

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I have pretty much the oppisite opinion , when I see hard working Thai people they stand out as unusual not the norm , for example go to patpong and watch the guys set up or take down the shopping area around the bars and those guys actually do work hard and it's noteworthy because it's unusual , I see guys packing bags of rice at a hard working clip and it stands out because it's unusual not because everyone is doing it. Have you been inside many factorys ? The pace is pretty slow , a fish factory in Alaska runs nearly 3 times as fast. The labor required to make a Toyota in Thailand is FAR more than the same setup in Japan. A Thai watriess would have a VERY difficult time adjusting to working a busy shift at Dennys in America because they just don't move that fast. Have you seen a bartender in a busy nighclub in Vegas slinging out the drinks so fast you can barely believe it ? I have sure never seen that in Thailand !

Those millions of small biz owners would be better off with some Denny's waitress's , Vegas bartenders , Japaneese auto workers , and Mexican construction workers in my opinion.

My friend who is Thai and educated in Calif owns Hotels in Thailand and he told me once it takes 4 Thai people to do the work of 1 American at his Thai Hotels. Probabbly a bit of an exaguration but you get the point.

I hope one day they are rewared for the endeavors with equivalent wages IF they reward the company with equivalent productivity....... as of now they do not

And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

Here...........we have a special thread just for members like you


Go talk to yourself over there coffee1.gif

as i recall you did most of the talking on that thread. Where exactly are you now?


Please pass that along to the last contractors I had , who did an excellent job however had a shift of 6 with 2-3 laying down sobering up in shifts at any given time ! I get your point but I think it's a bit of an exaguration. Thai people don't come to the city to work as a sacrafice they come because they think it's better not a sacrafice. I have never seen Thai or Burmeese people work anywhere close to as hard or get a house up nearly as fast as Mexicans in America , and their general work ethic is no where near the Japaneese.

The unfortunate reality is if in fact they did work really hard and were in fact productive while doing it, they would get paid more than they do. Their low pay is a function of their lack of productivity not because the owners are ripping them off so bad and keeping a staggeringly unfair percentage of the company profits.

And in another thread started by yourself "paying the help", you are saying exactly the oppositewhistling.gif

@ the blether. Sitting in Glasgow and feeling humbled by the hardworking ordinary Thais. Give us a break!thumbsup.gif

It is no doubt posters like the two mentioned above, are keeping the forum alive, not always by quality but for sure by quantity.


I don't understand this post

I can name dozens of countries where people work as hard as in Thailand.

What exactly are you trying to say ?

Is that one of these "let's try to give a positive image to the country" post ?

It really is scary, it sounds like a emulation of a Stalinist speech on work exaltation ermm.gif

What's next Family and Nationalism ?

Hi aneliane ... I was a bit worried about both you and nocturn because I haven’t seen either of you posting recently.

It is a bit of a big family here and you get a bit concerned when someone goes missing for a while.

Everything OK?


Oh here we go.........it's have a go at theblether day. Again. saai.gif

Yes Aneliane, I admit it was an attempt at portraying Thailand in a good light, if you had read some of the posts on this forum yesterday you would have been sickened, some people here really have a quite unnerving view of Thailand. I note in past topics, you too. If you would like me to post said topic I would be happy to do so. It doesn't reflect well on you, in fact, it's infamous. You had members replying to you in good faith, members were amazed and appalled at what you were telling us, we couldn't believe it.

You subsequently made a post that may have thrown some light as to how you were being so rudely and harshly treated, however I can't tell when your being truthful, or when you are trolling........so I don't know what to believe.

As for the rest of you who are having a go at me about the fact I live in Glasgow, get over it. coffee1.gif


And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

I believe his wish was actually that one day the market price of labor would support a higher standard of living for those at the bottom.


Oh here we go.........it's have a go at theblether day. Again. saai.gif

Yes Aneliane, I admit it was an attempt at portraying Thailand in a good light, if you had read some of the posts on this forum yesterday you would have been sickened, some people here really have a quite unnerving view of Thailand. I note in past topics, you too. If you would like me to post said topic I would be happy to do so. It doesn't reflect well on you, in fact, it's infamous. You had members replying to you in good faith, members were amazed and appalled at what you were telling us, we couldn't believe it.

You subsequently made a post that may have thrown some light as to how you were being so rudely and harshly treated, however I can't tell when your being truthful, or when you are trolling........so I don't know what to believe.

As for the rest of you who are having a go at me about the fact I live in Glasgow, get over it. coffee1.gif

YOU have a McD's AND a Burger King. Swine. whistling.gifthumbsup.gif

And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

I believe his wish was actually that one day the market price of labor would support a higher standard of living for those at the bottom.

But.............the market price of labor already is higher than what he pays e.g. 5 pounds a day.

Oh here we go.........it's have a go at theblether day. Again. saai.gif

As for the rest of you who are having a go at me about the fact I live in Glasgow, get over it. coffee1.gif

What do you expect when starting threads like this.

As I said earlier, I have never ever been in Australia and from the Movies and documentaries on television it seems to be heaven on earth,however I know from people who live there that it's not all rose smell and moonshine.

What would you think if I entered an Australian forum and started posting threads on a daily base about how beautiful people the Aboriginals are or how lovely it is to do business in Perth.


I have to agree with pipo ...... It's one thing to talk about how great things are when it's true , it's another to expect everyone to agree with you when it is a debateable issue. But I know how you feel about being wacked over the head with a 2 X 4 when a kick in the ass might be more appropriate. It's the internet which I think banned diplomacy and tact in the first 5 min of operation.


Oh here we go.........it's have a go at theblether day. Again. saai.gif

As for the rest of you who are having a go at me about the fact I live in Glasgow, get over it. coffee1.gif

What do you expect when starting threads like this.

As I said earlier, I have never ever been in Australia and from the Movies and documentaries on television it seems to be heaven on earth,however I know from people who live there that it's not all rose smell and moonshine.

What would you think if I entered an Australian forum and started posting threads on a daily base about how beautiful people the Aboriginals are or how lovely it is to do business in Perth.

Och away with yer nonsense...........I've spent plenty of time in Thailand and I will spend plenty more there too. I'm wise enough to avoid commenting on things I have no knowledge about, which trust me, is plenty, and stupid enough to start threads like this.

It'll be a cold day in hell when I justify myself to a virtual reality clown coffee1.gif


I have to agree with pipo ...... It's one thing to talk about how great things are when it's true , it's another to expect everyone to agree with you when it is a debateable issue. But I know how you feel about being wacked over the head with a 2 X 4 when a kick in the ass might be more appropriate. It's the internet which I think banned diplomacy and tact in the first 5 min of operation.

I'm not looking for agreement, I'm looking for an argument. What do you think the General Forum is for?

sheeeeez, some people coffee1.gif


I don't see many Thais working hard, but then, I'm in a village.

We farm ........ hard work for 3 months of the year ....... very sleepy, slow and lazy the rest of the time.

Working hard is a very western, Victorian idea.

Make live very pointless, I think the rest of the world should learn from the Thais and have a bit more fun and relaxation in their lives. Making money and buying stuff just isn't the high point of everyone's lives.


I don't see many Thais working hard, but then, I'm in a village.

We farm ........ hard work for 3 months of the year ....... very sleepy, slow and lazy the rest of the time.

Working hard is a very western, Victorian idea.

Make live very pointless, I think the rest of the world should learn from the Thais and have a bit more fun and relaxation in their lives. Making money and buying stuff just isn't the high point of everyone's lives.

BUT, LOS WILL go the same as the west. Remember in farang land we all had a slower life, THEN that 'orrible word Productivity and Bonus appeared and everything changed. sad.png

Now that was funny cheesy.gif

Thanks very much.......now can we go back to normal service and take opposite views??? annoyed.gifph34r.png

Sure ...... I had no idea what the general forum is for untl you told me ....... If Thai people really worked hard they would smell bad and they don't ...... case closed

Now that was funny cheesy.gif

Thanks very much.......now can we go back to normal service and take opposite views??? annoyed.gifph34r.png

Sure ...... I had no idea what the general forum is for untl you told me ....... If Thai people really worked hard they would smell bad and they don't ...... case closed

Have you not seen the real Thaivisa site map????


The hardest working 'Thais' are the Burmese construction workers. These are really miserable, in the heat, the dust and dirt and the ridiculous payment. They won't ever be able to afford even 1sqm of what they build.

It's not like they're forced to do it.

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