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The Sniff Kiss


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A question for the more experienced expats and Thai members ...

Does the sniff kiss still exist .[/b]

I understood a true sign of affection was a noticable intake of air through the nose followed by a kiss specially reserved for true loved ones especially children ...are they very subtle, out of fashion ...or, does nobody love me ??? what is the score ???

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Short answer... yes, but usually given and received in private.

I would modify your description as follows: a noticable intake of air through the nose whilst simultaneously pressing the closed lips to the rescipient's cheek or forehead.

At least... that's how I have experienced it. :o

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Sniff kiss? :o My wife does this to me quite alot and only in private. But I did not know the significance of it until reading this post.

I guess she really likes me :D

Or maybe she's sniffing for another girls scent. :D

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Ya know, it's this exact kind of thread ("dictionary definitions of the sniff-kiss") that Bangkok Phil cites when he wants to make fun of Thaivisa.... :o

Dear I just wannanteach ( joke names are great especially yours )

Perhaps you could teach me where the thread is about dictionary defintions of a sniff kiss . The thread was ....Snff kiss ...does it still exist? and does it mean nobody loves me ???? a humourous side line .

It also served a purpose in that may be educating a few readers ( you may know the meaning of that ???perhaps ) may be not ..... stick with Bangkok Phil

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Ya know, it's this exact kind of thread ("dictionary definitions of the sniff-kiss") that Bangkok Phil cites when he wants to make fun of Thaivisa.... :o

But since we are not all bitter english teachers, not all of us read Bangkok Phil innit!

Has that guy still not figured out how to get on a plane and head back to from whence he came?

That said, a few of his whinging sessions that someone printed out to me to read are pretty amusing... what is his site?

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Ya know, it's this exact kind of thread ("dictionary definitions of the sniff-kiss") that Bangkok Phil cites when he wants to make fun of Thaivisa.... :o

But since we are not all bitter english teachers, not all of us read Bangkok Phil innit!

Has that guy still not figured out how to get on a plane and head back to from whence he came?

That said, a few of his whinging sessions that someone printed out to me to read are pretty amusing... what is his site?

Bangkok Phil - can't get a link to the site anymore.

"For bitter english teachers"

Edited by DJ Pat
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They are wonderous.

Never experienced before my Wife. But always in private and a prelude to ..... erm other things!!!

PS. Never heard of Bangkok Phil, and Ive been around TV a couple of years now.

It all started off with big daddy-Burma Shave-Dont give a Toot- Trink and then came Stick and now we have Bangkok Phil-Bob-Martin-Will-Bill & Ben and I am sure that there must be a Rosie,Sadie and Florence out there sitting in their wee condos with their new lap tops in front of them trying to think up some angle of interest that might appeal to the many interested readers -sufferers (surfers) in LOS.....

The Nightlife,Restaurants,Teaching jobs,bars,whorehouses (xcuse the pun) have all been flogged to death but there will always be summit else that someone else finds facinating.....hence the bangkok......whoevers......but i dont give a ....snoot... :o

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I love the sniff kiss, this is a bit taboo but in my experience most Thai men never kiss like Europeans - as in 'French kissing etc" - but sniffing is a most romantic thing. It is also used for children and called "HOM" nice smell - adults may say to kids.... "Hom gone". Never seen it in another country. Anyone seen it elsewhere?


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Yes the sniff kiss is still around even with the younger generation

I do enjoy them

As for TV it is for sure the best forum for information but there a few more out there that you don’t have to be so politically correct and people are not so quick to flame people one is called OFBboard.com and some good looking pussy on there to

Edited by Rigger
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I love the sniff kiss . . .

but miss western-style all the same.

I had only kissed western-style with me wifey once. She had gone out drinking with some friends (I had to work the next day) and came home mau and frisky. She then shocked me by engaging in some of the best western-style kissing I'd ever experienced.

Such a shame to see such talent go to waste . . . (where's that crying emoticon??)

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Mmmm and there was me thinking a sniff kiss was when i farted my wife sniffed it then she kissed the pillow to avoid the smell :o

My wife has trained me not to fart in bed so now I just go into the bath room and make it as loud as possible just so she can aleast injoy the sound

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Just a quick note on Bangkok phil that i found quite amusing

He said this in an interview

But there are a hel_l of a lot of web-sites about Bangkok ?

Sure there are. And 90% of them are dire. There's nothing to read on them - a few nice pictures and a load of bog-standard stuff that I can get from any guide-book. I can't imagine anything more tedious than compiling a site like that. Also there's nothing worse than seeing that a site hasn't been updated for months and months. If I click on a site like that, I think well you can't be bothered doing it, so I can't be arsed to read it. Bangkokmouth is updated at least once every four days. It's well taken care of.

So he says it is updated every 4 days ehhh He says on the home page:-

UPDATE 4th October 2005 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm busy rewriting and updating all of the site content

Forgive me but i do believe that the 4th Oct to the 11th Jan is slightly more than 4 days :o

Edited by daleyboy
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I don't know about "reject" because love is a blinding and powerful antidote. I think I prefer the word "experiment" and "teach" :D

Not for nothing, though, at least one island guy that I liked was one of the best "french" style kissers of my life! So, there is A LOT of hope, and possibly wasted talent :o

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I agree the sniff kiss is fantastic. Usually, I've got it to the side of my head - the sound and airrush on the neck feels great.

I like to vary it onto my gf by applying to the following areas:

1) the exposed wrist while carassing her hand

2) the exposed armpit ( a woman's pheronome source). Best while ya... you know.

3) pull the hair away from the back of her neck, massage the back of the head softly (more like playing with her hair with slight pressure to the head) and lay it deeply on her.

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guess you are right Kat..... I am reluctant to use the word teach but I understand what you mean. I have met some farang women with Thai men for example who are hel_l bent on teaching them their ways in a kind of love me or leave me format. Bit heavy ya? in my personal relationship we have worked things to an understanding .... as you would in any long term relationship. I am curious to hear from people in a rel with a Thai as to whether kissing is an issue. One farang mate of mine says his Thai gf never kisses.

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