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How Is This Possible ? Amazing Indian Holy Man


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Have you used your credit card at a tailors recently ?

Yes, I have actually.

I remember once sitting in Lumpini Park when I was approached by a fortune teller. She spent the next 15 minutes telling me how good she. At the end I said, "if you were that good, you'd have known I was going to say no"

Edited by Johnniey
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the indian guy wrote my mothers name exactly, she has a unique name. plus my number and colour. as i say usually i tell them to hop it but since he told me he could name my mums name i thought thats impossible. but he did.

i gave him 400 thb as promised beforehand. i didnt ever believe in magic etc , i allways thought it was tricks of the camera but know i know .

and yes if he knows everything then why is he hanging around hussling tourists but its only 400 baht and i was curious. end of story

i think if you gave us ALL of the details, we can figure out how it was done

my friend got scammed in jomtien, it has somehing to do with the writing

one poster here almost explained it

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I just saw one of the America Got Talent contestant making it to the live show doing basically same thing. I don't know how he did it but it's just a clever trick. Keep your bank book secured just in case.~

This all reminds me of a program I saw years back about drug traffickers / couriers who approach people in the airport check-in queue and ask them to share their weight allowance.

It seems that one approach which works (for the drug courier) is to quickly convince people he's familiar with your neighbourhood and /or your neighbours.

The program showed how a trained drug trafficker / courier can very quickly, just a few comments & small questions, totally convince you he knows your neighbour just around the corner, can quote names which sound close to your neighbours actual name, etc. No magic, just clever rhetoric.

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