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Phuket Tuk-Tuk Driver Gets Suspended Sentence For Attack On Tourist


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There shouldn't be six people in a Tuk-tuk, let alone ten!

Exactly, a point that's being skirted over and dragged around the houses to use this thread as a vent for some pent up frustrations, possibly bad individual experiences with tuk tuks/ tuk tuk drivers in the past.

What other drivers have done in the past is irrelevant to a court faced with a driver who has no previous convictions and clearly lost his cool with an unreasonable, aggressive customer. Should this guy be held up and pinned to a cross for a very minor assault in the grand scheme of things?

Personally I think not and a fine and suspended 2 year prison sentence is in line with what most Western courts would have given.

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"The roads are already gridlocked with tuk tuks!"

Agree, that was my point - how would that get better if all the tuk tuks took to the road at once as baht buses?

I never said that would be only thing that needs to be done. As I and many people, including the Patong police chief have correctly stated, there also needs to be less of them. Many, possibly most of the tuk tuk drivers aren't even fron Phuket, so they can go back home and do something else.

No, you did't and the quote you picked me up on was in direct reply to someone else. What is your point? That we agree and your just being argumentative for the sake of it/ having nothing better to do? Is Tourism that slow for you? Even though the tuk tuks, or at least the one imaginary driver you are "quoting", are raking it in?

"Most tuk tuks sit idle most of the time"

Agree, see above, see below...

"The rented tuk tuk drivers make no less than 20,000 in the low season and at least 50,000B a month in high season."

So by your own admission the vast majority of tuk tuks sit idle with no fares most of time, by your own admission there are far to many tuk tuks in Patong already; How does this support this fantasy figure that you have come out with? How if they are sitting idle, supply out weighing demand are these tuk tuks bringing in that much profit after paying the majority commission back to the controlling families?

Not a fantasy figure, and not my figure. The firgure was a quote from a driver. It was also echoed in an article where a driver of a private driver was interviewed. He has a lot of negative things to say about the tuk tuk mafia. They obviously make this much because of the high fares. They only need a few fares a day, 3-5 at 400B average, or 1 or 2 a day at a 1000B. You should be able to do that math. A taxi anywhere else in the world, including Bangkok, might have 15-25 fares a shift and still make less.

The tuk tuk drivers I know are struggling to make ends meet, they're not living in "nice, middle class homes", they are living in rented rooms with their entire families, working all hours to provide food and pay the rent. In years past they were doing better, earning commissions from entry to attractions, jewellery purchases etc and fares were less as a result. With the dramatic shift in tourist demographic this has dropped right off as more and more come simply to drink, party and sh@g prostitutes...

Sounds like you are describing Bangkok tuk tuk drivers. I'm talking about Patong/Kata/Karon drivers. It may not be as prifitable in town, as some have reported slightly better fares there, but still, a tuk tuk ride from the Bus station to Kata, 14km, is 500B. Exactly 5 times the price of an air-conditioned Bangkok taxi for that distance. The drinking, partying, shagging tourist describes perfectly the Patong tuk tuk customer demographic.

"Please explain how a baht bus system is going work only work for just the "privileged few" drivers"

Because as we both agree there are far too many tuk tuks in Patong already. Only a small fraction of the existing tuk tuks would be required to operate a baht bus service, that I agree, would be much more efficient and better for tourists. To put this in place 90% of the existing tuk tuks would have to be removed and lose their jobs.

I don't know what you on about. 90%? You just throwing darts now.

So again, you appear to agree given what you've said above, are quite willing to throw your own fantasy figures out there but pick up on the % given. The point being that most would lose their jobs which you have conceded already, apparently you just don't see it as an issue that would need addressing before any change could take place...

"A new tuk tuk is 325k"

Please post details where I can buy a new tuk tuk for 325,000 bt, I know people that would snap them up at that price and are paying considerably more to fix up old ones. This is an honest request for information, I'm not calling you a liar and would really be interested to know where this deal is to be had...

This is the price of the Dihatsu Hijet, one of the types of tuk tuks they use here. Feel free to prove me wrong. Google is your friend. This price does not include licensing and "membership fees" to the co-op, which in Patong alone are reported to be 6m baht a month.

Thanks for the info, I will check them out, I notice they are sold as 3, 6 or 15 passenger models. Remind me which are the popular tuk tuks in Patong?! So on the road how much do you think we're talking here? 6 Million bt a month, you must be right then, these guys are clearly raking it in!

This thread seems to have gone off topic from a fairly innocuous incident involving a tourist that was blatantly pushing his luck and a tuk tuk driver that lost his temper, to a general rant about tuk tuks in Phuket and how expensive and violent they all are. As far as I am concerned, the sentence was fair, the police and courts have done their jobs and contrary to the weight of opinion I think this is a positive sign of a possible clamp down in Patong. I would be happier still if the dreadful place just slid into the ocean never to be seen again, leaving the real Phuket to come out from it's stench into the limelight.

The warning has gone out previously to the tuk tuks. After a previous beating, a headline read something to the effect of "Governer warns Tuk tuks , violence against foriegners will not be tolerated." The previous governer even stepped in ordered bail to be denied to the tuk tuk driver in a previous case nearly identical to this one. So you can understand why those of us that live here and pay attention read that the sentence was suspended after these guys have been warned, we get frustrated. The price for battering a foriegner is 3000B, aparently.

This is about one guy not what others have done in the past. He has been tried for a minor offence and sentenced accordingly, as he would be in any Western court. His previous convictions are the only relevance, not other peoples.

I'm not going to get involved in debating the ills of Phuket's transport system as personally it suits me fine. I drive myself, enjoy a vibrant 2nd hand car market incurring minimal expense for personal transport and use known taxi drivers if I'm out drinking, again at minimal expense. I have no use for tuk tuks which I consider inherently dangerous and, as I have said, a novelty item for tourists. Thais I know here do exactly as I do, and very rarely have any use for the tuk tuks. Yes perhaps this would change if they were cheaper and better run, but there are far more pressing issues than tuk tuks that need attention in my mind.

And no, I don't own a hotel or work in the tourist industry. I'm not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. My bad. Earlier you said office in Phuket town. I thought you said hotel. The tourist industry in Thailand has absolutely no bearing on my income and personally I prefer low season here, when most of the idiots this place seems to attract are not here!

I appreciate that tuk tuk prices and behaviour affect everyone differently and I am fortunate in that for me, they are a total irrelevance in everyday life. I understand what many are saying but would like all to understand that getting angry with the tuk tuk drivers will do nothing to change the situation, they are pawns in the system and are just doing a job. Shouting at them and arguing over small amounts of money is more likely to get you in trouble than anything and it's simply not worth the effort. Certainly not in this case where a 10 min stroll down the road would have surely been preferable to a punch in the face...

RE Your blue highlighted comments. This is the the common, natural death of the thread. You are indeed lucky that the tuk tuk's and Phukets overall transport problems don't appear to be personally an issue of you. That is always the situtation with posters that express the position you have. The supposition that because they aren't an issue for you, they must not be an issue for anyone else is very centristic and quote honestly very selfish. How nice that you don't rely on tourism. You are in the minority. Most of us foriegners that work here do rely on it. I don't use them either unless I have no other choice.

I don't appreciate the insults based solely on the fact my opinion differs from yours. It's not necessary. Nor is trying to sum up the opinions of everyone that differs to yours as selfish. Perhaps you are the one being selfish here, most foreigners that work here do not rely on Tourism. That's more fantasy talk I'm afraid. You choose, rather short sightedly, to ignore all the teachers, construction professionals, tradesmen, doctors etc Let aone those that don't work but live here, the retirees, those with 2nd homes, most whom this issue does not effect so profoundly as you.

Let's just agree to disagree shall we, it's really not worth the effort for me at least, as I said previously but you chose to ignore, I appreciate that others think differently. You it would appear do not.

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"The roads are already gridlocked with tuk tuks!"

Agree, that was my point - how would that get better if all the tuk tuks took to the road at once as baht buses?

I never said that would be only thing that needs to be done. As I and many people, including the Patong police chief have correctly stated, there also needs to be less of them. Many, possibly most of the tuk tuk drivers aren't even fron Phuket, so they can go back home and do something else.

No, you did't and the quote you picked me up on was in direct reply to someone else. What is your point? That we agree and your just being argumentative for the sake of it/ having nothing better to do? Is Tourism that slow for you? Even though the tuk tuks, or at least the one imaginary driver you are "quoting", are raking it in?

"Most tuk tuks sit idle most of the time"

Agree, see above, see below...

"The rented tuk tuk drivers make no less than 20,000 in the low season and at least 50,000B a month in high season."

So by your own admission the vast majority of tuk tuks sit idle with no fares most of time, by your own admission there are far to many tuk tuks in Patong already; How does this support this fantasy figure that you have come out with? How if they are sitting idle, supply out weighing demand are these tuk tuks bringing in that much profit after paying the majority commission back to the controlling families?

Not a fantasy figure, and not my figure. The firgure was a quote from a driver. It was also echoed in an article where a driver of a private driver was interviewed. He has a lot of negative things to say about the tuk tuk mafia. They obviously make this much because of the high fares. They only need a few fares a day, 3-5 at 400B average, or 1 or 2 a day at a 1000B. You should be able to do that math. A taxi anywhere else in the world, including Bangkok, might have 15-25 fares a shift and still make less.

The tuk tuk drivers I know are struggling to make ends meet, they're not living in "nice, middle class homes", they are living in rented rooms with their entire families, working all hours to provide food and pay the rent. In years past they were doing better, earning commissions from entry to attractions, jewellery purchases etc and fares were less as a result. With the dramatic shift in tourist demographic this has dropped right off as more and more come simply to drink, party and sh@g prostitutes...

Sounds like you are describing Bangkok tuk tuk drivers. I'm talking about Patong/Kata/Karon drivers. It may not be as prifitable in town, as some have reported slightly better fares there, but still, a tuk tuk ride from the Bus station to Kata, 14km, is 500B. Exactly 5 times the price of an air-conditioned Bangkok taxi for that distance. The drinking, partying, shagging tourist describes perfectly the Patong tuk tuk customer demographic.

"Please explain how a baht bus system is going work only work for just the "privileged few" drivers"

Because as we both agree there are far too many tuk tuks in Patong already. Only a small fraction of the existing tuk tuks would be required to operate a baht bus service, that I agree, would be much more efficient and better for tourists. To put this in place 90% of the existing tuk tuks would have to be removed and lose their jobs.

I don't know what you on about. 90%? You just throwing darts now.

So again, you appear to agree given what you've said above, are quite willing to throw your own fantasy figures out there but pick up on the % given. The point being that most would lose their jobs which you have conceded already, apparently you just don't see it as an issue that would need addressing before any change could take place...

"A new tuk tuk is 325k"

Please post details where I can buy a new tuk tuk for 325,000 bt, I know people that would snap them up at that price and are paying considerably more to fix up old ones. This is an honest request for information, I'm not calling you a liar and would really be interested to know where this deal is to be had...

This is the price of the Dihatsu Hijet, one of the types of tuk tuks they use here. Feel free to prove me wrong. Google is your friend. This price does not include licensing and "membership fees" to the co-op, which in Patong alone are reported to be 6m baht a month.

Thanks for the info, I will check them out, I notice they are sold as 3, 6 or 15 passenger models. Remind me which are the popular tuk tuks in Patong?! So on the road how much do you think we're talking here? 6 Million bt a month, you must be right then, these guys are clearly raking it in!

This thread seems to have gone off topic from a fairly innocuous incident involving a tourist that was blatantly pushing his luck and a tuk tuk driver that lost his temper, to a general rant about tuk tuks in Phuket and how expensive and violent they all are. As far as I am concerned, the sentence was fair, the police and courts have done their jobs and contrary to the weight of opinion I think this is a positive sign of a possible clamp down in Patong. I would be happier still if the dreadful place just slid into the ocean never to be seen again, leaving the real Phuket to come out from it's stench into the limelight.

The warning has gone out previously to the tuk tuks. After a previous beating, a headline read something to the effect of "Governer warns Tuk tuks , violence against foriegners will not be tolerated." The previous governer even stepped in ordered bail to be denied to the tuk tuk driver in a previous case nearly identical to this one. So you can understand why those of us that live here and pay attention read that the sentence was suspended after these guys have been warned, we get frustrated. The price for battering a foriegner is 3000B, aparently.

This is about one guy not what others have done in the past. He has been tried for a minor offence and sentenced accordingly, as he would be in any Western court. His previous convictions are the only relevance, not other peoples.

I'm not going to get involved in debating the ills of Phuket's transport system as personally it suits me fine. I drive myself, enjoy a vibrant 2nd hand car market incurring minimal expense for personal transport and use known taxi drivers if I'm out drinking, again at minimal expense. I have no use for tuk tuks which I consider inherently dangerous and, as I have said, a novelty item for tourists. Thais I know here do exactly as I do, and very rarely have any use for the tuk tuks. Yes perhaps this would change if they were cheaper and better run, but there are far more pressing issues than tuk tuks that need attention in my mind.

And no, I don't own a hotel or work in the tourist industry. I'm not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. My bad. Earlier you said office in Phuket town. I thought you said hotel. The tourist industry in Thailand has absolutely no bearing on my income and personally I prefer low season here, when most of the idiots this place seems to attract are not here!

I appreciate that tuk tuk prices and behaviour affect everyone differently and I am fortunate in that for me, they are a total irrelevance in everyday life. I understand what many are saying but would like all to understand that getting angry with the tuk tuk drivers will do nothing to change the situation, they are pawns in the system and are just doing a job. Shouting at them and arguing over small amounts of money is more likely to get you in trouble than anything and it's simply not worth the effort. Certainly not in this case where a 10 min stroll down the road would have surely been preferable to a punch in the face...

RE Your blue highlighted comments. This is the the common, natural death of the thread. You are indeed lucky that the tuk tuk's and Phukets overall transport problems don't appear to be personally an issue of you. That is always the situtation with posters that express the position you have. The supposition that because they aren't an issue for you, they must not be an issue for anyone else is very centristic and quote honestly very selfish. How nice that you don't rely on tourism. You are in the minority. Most of us foriegners that work here do rely on it. I don't use them either unless I have no other choice.

I don't appreciate the insults based solely on the fact my opinion differs from yours. It's not necessary. Nor is trying to sum up the opinions of everyone that differs to yours as selfish. Perhaps you are the one being selfish here, most foreigners that work here do not rely on Tourism. That's more fantasy talk I'm afraid. You choose, rather short sightedly, to ignore all the teachers, construction professionals, tradesmen, doctors etc Let aone those that don't work but live here, the retirees, those with 2nd homes, most whom this issue does not effect so profoundly as you.

Let's just agree to disagree shall we, it's really not worth the effort for me at least, as I said previously but you chose to ignore, I appreciate that others think differently. You it would appear do not.

Your opinion is based on a multitude of inaccuracies, misconceptions and ignorance which I have happily corrected for you point by point. It has nothing to do with "not appreciating that others think differently". Thinking differently is great. Thinking differently is what we need to solve the problems with the transport system. Having an opinion which is in stark contrast to reality, an opinion which you have made clear was formed due to the fact that in your singular, narrow experience, you believe the tuk tuk/transport problems haven't effected you personally, well that is the definition of self-centered and selfish. You can no longer play it off as ignorance as I have provided you with the facts. As I have established, and as the media has correctly reported repeatedly, the woeful transport system clearly effects everyone on the island in a multitude of ways, even if you don't realize it (are ignorant of it), or refuse to acknowledge it (self-centered).

I am glad you took the time to post your opinion, as I am certain you represent a small number of readers that are blissfully unaware of the seriousness of the situation. A lot of people don't bother to follow news and some have luckily avoided direct negative experiences. My numerous negative experiences with tuk tuks and the transport system in general living and working here for 11 years has echoed what I read in the news and what I hear from friends, and it's all bad. Start actually following the news and you will realize this.

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Your opinion is based on a multitude of inaccuracies, misconceptions and ignorance which I have happily corrected for you point by point. It has nothing to do with "not appreciating that others think differently". Thinking differently is great. Thinking differently is what we need to solve the problems with the transport system. Having an opinion which is in stark contrast to reality, an opinion which you have made clear was formed due to the fact that in your singular, narrow experience, you believe the tuk tuk/transport problems haven't effected you personally, well that is the definition of self-centered and selfish. You can no longer play it off as ignorance as I have provided you with the facts. As I have established, and as the media has correctly reported repeatedly, the woeful transport system clearly effects everyone on the island in a multitude of ways, even if you don't realize it (are ignorant of it), or refuse to acknowledge it (self-centered).

I am glad you took the time to post your opinion, as I am certain you represent a small number of readers that are blissfully unaware of the seriousness of the situation. A lot of people don't bother to follow news and some have luckily avoided direct negative experiences. My numerous negative experiences with tuk tuks and the transport system in general living and working here for 11 years has echoed what I read in the news and what I hear from friends, and it's all bad. Start actually following the news and you will realize this.

I notice that you've failed to respond to any of the points raised in reply to yours and simply resorted back to slurs and insults.

As you're clearly not capable, I'll just agree to disagree and leave you to lose sleep over the terrible wave of tuk tuk violence and over pricing that's obviously making your life an absolute misery, you can simply label me ignorant and selfish because I don't agree with your blatant lies and over-dramatisation of the situation, whatever makes you happy... wai.gif

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I notice that you've failed to respond to any of the points raised in reply to yours and simply resorted back to slurs and insults.

As you're clearly not capable, I'll just agree to disagree and leave you to lose sleep over the terrible wave of tuk tuk violence and over pricing that's obviously making your life an absolute misery, you can simply label me ignorant and selfish because I don't agree with your blatant lies and over-dramatisation of the situation, whatever makes you happy... wai.gif

lol.. Ok

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Nobody here have the faintest idea of what did told this Egyptian to the Tuc TUc driver, was it rude? (for him losing his temper) did he kind of threatened him, did he touch him physically pushed him? Why this question?

According to the police report, when officers arrived they found 35-year-old Egyptian Ahmed Taha Taha sitting on the busy road, obstructing traffic . Is that a behavior for a well-educated man? Sitting on the road obstructing traffic obviously to draw attention .in my humble opinion cool.png this Egyptian "could" have been a shit stirrer...

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1 km with a tuk tuk ?

Try walking , its healthy and 1k is only 15 minutes away.

400 baht could have been spent on a nice dinner for 4 persons instead of wasting it on a stupid tuktuk driver.

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1 km with a tuk tuk ?

Try walking , its healthy and 1k is only 15 minutes away.

400 baht could have been spent on a nice dinner for 4 persons instead of wasting it on a stupid tuktuk driver.

If it was pleasant to walk I would. A lot of streets don't cater for pedestrians either having no footpath forcing you to walk in the road with the added dangers that brings or the pavement is cluttered with vendors and touts making walking a hastle and whilst being propositioned by pretty girls should be a pleasure even that gets tired quickly.

As for walking after dark, well this has been discussed at length already

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